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YannTheMad's chaos Stuff - DIY Vashtorr progress (claw's done! claw... claws?)

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So, it's been a long long time since I posted anything here. 


With the confinement, I started a new projet that was on my mind: Warp Ghost.


I tried to imitate the classic 5th edition color scheme to the best I could. I added some green ectoplasm/fire to make the weird ''green glow'' they're suppose to have


The allied forces we'll be some Sarum dark mechanicum to stay canon. Those wip are still too early to be post thought... But a warpsmith, a hellwright, a venomcrawler, a decimator (I know, it's supposed to be crafted by the Silent Forge, not Sarum, but I love the model) and a brass scorpion are comming up soon I hope. 


HQ, lord of executions/chaos lord. The axe of dismemberment can be taken away and I'll make a black mace to switch with it





First CSM squad 





Some undivided warp entities (Bloodletters). Warp Ghosts aren't supposed to worship any gods so making them look like normal khorne daemons seemed silly




Comments and suggestions are more than welcome.


Thanks all, stay safe  

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@StratoKhan: Well Im not too sure yet... But probably a dark color to contrast. Any suggestions?


@Bjorn Firewalker : No I did not. Its a 1/2 bleache bone + 1/2 nurgling green. But I like the effect. As StratoKhan said, it does look as if they should glow. I did look for glow-in-the-dark paint, but all the comments were bad so...

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I really like the bright ghoulish scheme on the marines! Really stand out and have a strong theme.



If you will permit me I have some suggestions for your daemons...


I know you A. Already have the bloodletter models and B. Want to show them in-game as bloodletters so it helps opponent


BUT you are missing the opportunity to run literal nighthaunt ghosts as your daemons!

If you are in UK they are fairly cheap, being from starter and in mortal realms, (and second hand groups from there on) and could be proxied as daemons from each god (so long as your opponent knows what they are beforehand and they don't represent different unit types in the same game)


If you are sticking with the bloodletters I would personally alter the base model a bit more to be less obvious (bot of course still understandable as Bloodletters) like smoothing the arm/leg bumps, maybe a loincloth, or some different swords.

I'd do long rusty machetes made from plasticard or something, but getting a new blade onto the hilt/handhold can be a problem at that thickness without fine pinning.

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This is all very nice indeed!  I think the colour scheme will give a really strong cohesive force.  The converted daemons are great.  I'd like to know where the heads come from?  I know how thin those blades are so I would personally leave them as they are, maybe change the Khorne symbols somehow?  I think you are right to go with dark bases.  I paint my bases Stormvermin Fur then dry brush with Steel Legion Drab and then Karak Stone (Ding!).

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The cream color is very interesting- the more you look at it the more green seems to seep out despite there being no blatant green on the armor. Very nice!

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@Doughouse : Thanks, the guardsman was really fun to build/convert


@Syrakul : Unfortunaly I don't live in the UK and our currency is :cussty at the moment... Also, I really wanted them to be ethereal warp entities, not ''ghosts ghosts''. I thought about changing the swords, but I just love the hellblades too much, best part of the bloodletters models i you ask me.   I might be doing rusty blades if I do plaguebearers conversions. 


@Givemead : The heads are just greenstuff ''hoods'' with miniature barbed wire wrap around it. I was already following your stuff ;-) so I looked back at you base and it might work. I just want to find something homemade to make a earthy/mudding texture first.


@Lord_Ikka : Thanks mate

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Yes those swords are a nice proper width and good canvas for effects which you've done a bangup job painting but they do feature Khornate icons on the hilts.

What about cutting a flat edge along the top like the doomslayer sword or the uruk-hai machetes

(Just putting up ideas in case anything fits)


I like the work on the wailing ghosts on their backs, and finally understand the guardsman reference! That looks brutal

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Here's a new year prieview,


A really early WIP of a Sarum Warpsmith (notice the lamprey-ish maw ;-) )





An almost ready to paint venomcrawler. I find the face of the original just horrid (not in a good way...). So lamprey-ish head for it too




The decimatore is a preview of the color scheme. Note that the loancloth will be crimson to be more truthfull to the Sarum lore.





And a smaller sneak-peak





Happy year 2021

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Smallest of updates,


I did a little greenstuff work on my Sarum Warpsmith. I have a 11 month old daughter so I don't have a lot of time to work on the hobby XD


Add some base stuff for vents on the chest. I'm still waiting on plasticard to finish those and the prosthetic/mechanical legs, and to start the servo-arms / mecha-tendrils... Didn't decide wich yet.

Obviously add a face on the chestplate too, quite happy about how it look. It's still not good enough to sculpt my own miniature faces though. I might add cables comming out of the temples. 




Sorry for the poor quality of that one, but I wanted to show the trim I added around the mouth and the pulled back adeptus hood (I'm going to paint it crimson with a white cog like edge...)




Let me know what you guys think

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That Warpsmith is very cool.


How much trouble are the Brass Scorpions legs giving you? I could not get mine to stay in the sockets for love or money.




Thanks. Lets just say that the limbs of a brass scorpion where total ****. They would stay togheter so I had to glue them all except for the forelimbs/claws. But to be honest, I bought it on ebay and Im pretty sure it a recast... Many details/cables look weird. It wasn't announced as such and when I wanted to write to the seller his account didn't seem to exist anymore. So screw me...


But I'll make the best of it

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Oh man, those look awesome. 

I really like the head on the lord, was that a model or hand sculpt? 


Thanks a lot


The head of the lord is a little bit of both. Its four older/bigger games workshop skulls (the ones on the chains in chaos vehicules kit to be exact), eachh one facing a different direction. I added some misc tiny spikes and some greenstuff too. It's a little inspired by hindu divinities with multiple faces and by old gravure of the devil.

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What's your glowing eye recipe? :smile.:



1- zandri dust base

2- 50/50 mix  of zandri dust and any white acrilyc (white scar for exemple). Would paint about the half of the eye with it

3- just a dot of white in the middle of the eye, or where the model is supposed to be looking

4- Let it really dry. Than put a vallejo neon orange coat

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+++Tought of the day: Don't skip leg day+++


So another tiny update


the legs of the Warpsmith are almost done. First time I ever use plasticard. It's not perfect but I'm quite happy with it.




Thanks mates, stay safe

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Impressive work. Is the face on the Warp Smith's breastplate a trophy, taken from a defeated enemy, and pinned to the breastplate to celebrate the victory? The result of the Chaos Gods' blessing- maybe the Warpsmith's original, human face, displaced there due to the mutation that put a leech's head atop his shoulders? That of a soul the Warpsmith took, like the many faces adorning the armor of Lucius the Eternal?
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Impressive work. Is the face on the Warp Smith's breastplate a trophy, taken from a defeated enemy, and pinned to the breastplate to celebrate the victory? The result of the Chaos Gods' blessing- maybe the Warpsmith's original, human face, displaced there due to the mutation that put a leech's head atop his shoulders? That of a soul the Warpsmith took, like the many faces adorning the armor of Lucius the Eternal?


Well... I dunno... To be honest I didn't think of a lore to go with the face. But one thing for sure, it is part of the breastplate. So it's not a trophy. It's not his face either. Is armor might be corrupted and deformed by a ''gift'' from the chaos gods, but being from the dark mechanicum I somewhat doudt it. So the most likely is A- The Warpsmith chose to adorne is armor in such a way or B- The armor is corrupted by the warp where the Sarum planetoid is most of the time, and changed by itseft ;-)


Warp smith is looking pretty sweet! Great job


Thanks a lot mate



***Open question 1: Should the backpack of the warpsmith be a normal space marine backpack with mechatendrils OR should I make a weird, fleshy growth a little like the one on Urien Rakarth back OR Some kind of metal ''hump'' like on the back of a loyalist tech-priest/Belisarius Cawl ?


****Open question 2: Mechatendrils or articulated servo-arms ?

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