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YannTheMad's chaos Stuff - DIY Vashtorr progress (claw's done! claw... claws?)

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I only JUST noticed that some of the shoulder joints are Space Marine backpack vents, that's fantastic. The red of the cloth is a nice touch, too.


Absolutely adored following your project this year, and excited to see more in 2024!

Edited by Wormwoods
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@MithrilForge Thanks a lot! Who knows, maybe Sid was a magos biologis in his infancy XD I don't think I'm anywhere near to Blanche's grimdark quality in style, But I'm striving to ;-)


@Wormwoods Yeah, I got a lot of unused backpack in my bitsbox. They're just perfect as shoulder/hip joint. There's not a lot of spherical parts to do this job. As for the red cloth, it's for tying my Dark Mech to the actual priesthood of Mars.


@Firedrake Cordova That would be so cool, but I don't think I have the skill level, or the visibility for it to ever occur. Let's be honest, as long as I have ideas, this project will never be finished XD

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Here's this week progress


The arccursed cultists are done. I'm really not that good with skin color/tone. Wich style have a good effect of having some variations in the skin tones between the models.


Full squad


I'm really happy with the result and I'm likely to make some more soon.


Next step: Regular cultists. Here's the tech acolyte (cultist champion) so far.



As always, let me know what you guys think.


Have a great week!


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To get different skin tones I've taken to simply alternating among 3-4 different starting points across a unit - mostly I alternate fyreslayer, darkoath and wyldwood contrasts,and sometimes cadian and/or pallid wych + flesh wash if I want to get a full range of like 5 skin tones from 'dark' to 'pale'.


Then I'll usually make them look 'similarly weird and sick' by using consistent washes, shades and obviously reds on the bloody/scarred parts... Or through underpainting with off-whites/greys or even blues/greens/purples/reds depending on how demonic we're going...


That said, these look great as-is! The one you've got on the top image second from left looks really good to my eye! ...


For me, a lazy person, painting flesh all depends on finding some good flesh wash that's not 'just brown', but gives some good red/blue variation. I use a really old P3 flesh wash mostly, and I always found it activates in interesting ways with following shades.


More recent GW shades I find ironically too consistent in hue to make the skin look natural across entire units unless you accept that your army is selected from a... very small gene pool, like eldar or something lol.




The Good Doctor.

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@Wormwoods Thanks, I wanted them to look unhealty and weird, but not dead. Weird shambling combat servitors closing on the enemy.

@Firedrake Cordova @Pearson73 @Freakshow668 Thanks guys!

@Dr. Clock Thank you for the tips Dr. I'm to lazy to alternate base color, so I'll might just different wash and ink tones


Here's this week progress.


The tech-thralls  (cultists) mod is halfway done. To be honest two of them, the second and fourth ones, was already painted from a while back (years in fact). I'm happy with the overall look so far.




First hazard stripe EVER on the heavy gunner. Looking back at it, I should have sculpted a chestplate to make him match better with the rest of the squad


Really like the feel and dynamism of this one. fit great with the other 2 "regular" tech-thralls.


I'm happy with the general look of the tech-acolyte (champion). I really wanted him to feel like a low ranking tech-priest eager to prove himseft and to rise in status. So, no lamprey maw for him...yet.

However, I sculpted him a while andwish I would have made the "port" and shoulder and bolt pistol better.


I'll finish painting this squad and the dark commune and will take a photo of my dark mechanicum so far to really show the scale difference between the models.


Let me know what you guys think.


Have a great week!

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Firedrake Cordova Thanks ^^ I'm quite happy with the result of the base/mud. I think it's real WWI battlefield like.

@Wormwoods No, they're no XD It looks good, the I really don't like doing it... I'm not a freehand guy I think XD


The tech-thralls squad is done!image.thumb.jpeg.6f706bb08d84117a4b4a478d30ec457d.jpeg



I really wanted to use my forgeworld parts (I had them for a really long time). I'm mostly happy with the reasult.


Here's the rest of this week progress. 


I just have to finish my dark commune and my "mortals" model will be all done.


Honestly, I'm a bit of a lousy painter and I've never painted so much models back to back. So I might take a pause of the brush and start converting again... I got some ideas for:


- 2nd squad of cultists/tech-thralls with firearms instead of close combat weapons

- New/2nd warpsmith, with the right size of base, plasma pistol and hammer 

- Homemade Vashtorr standin/2nd daemon prince ?

- Maulerfiend


So,  lots of ideas, but I don't know yet if they'll all get done.


Anyway, let me know what you guys think.


Have a great week !

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They look fantastic all together. The painting looks just fine to me, it matches the aesthetic of the conversions, and makes great use of one of my favourite colour combos: deep reds and bright green spot colours!


Are you planning (assuming it's that far along) to make your Vashtor-like a demon with a lot of machine parts like the real thing, or go all the way into making it fully mechanical? 

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@Firedrake Cordova Well considering that the cultists were originaly started in 2021, they've been kind of overdue. But then again most of my models are XD


@Wormwoods I'd guess I'm more "lazy" than "louzy" when it comes to paint. I think I'm neither bad nor great at it.


For the "Vashtorr", I have most of it figured out in "concept" I'd say. I would prefer to go 100% mechanical, both so far the chest is looking like it's gonna be a fusion of thechpriest/servitors, like a bigger and nastier torment. So far, the wings should be made wholly/mostly of servo-skulls... 50 in total or so.  Somebody might have already done it, but I never saw it anywhere.


I might start with a smaller model though, to re-familiarize myself with converting/sculpting.

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@Wormwoods @Firedrake Cordova @Pearson73 Yeah I'm getting pretty excited to start "Vashtorr" now XD


This was not a very effective week... Honestly I'm not so much in the mood to paint, I just wanna make conversions XD



The psycker is done. It's not "wow" but it's satisfying.


And the progress is about that. It is hard to stay motivated, I've never painted that many models back to back so far.




The standard bearer is well started,but still a long way from being done.

After that, just the two blessed blades and the mortals are finally over with.


Anyway, let me know what you guys think.


Have a great week!

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