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That Mindwitch is genuinely creepy, I think it is the combination of the neck angle, the crossed arms and that it is 'floating'. There's some super greenstuff detail in there - I especially like the lens in the skulll at the waist.

Weekly update 2022-09-25

I wasn't satisfied at all with my first attempt at the iconarch, so I made a whole new one.

Codename : the hag


I went for a dark mechanicus plague doctor. So far I'm happy with it and I hope she'LL fitt with the rest of the dark commune.

The progress of my new iconarch isn't very good because I tried to work on the old one first. It doesn't turn out aweful but I don't like it very much. I might recycle it ase a cultist champion or something.


I side stepped a little of my process and started a blessed blade too. It is still a very early WIP.


I want to make some sort of flesh golems/haemonculi with grafted flaming swords for them. Some very disposable and crude dark mech creations.

Let me know what you guys think or if you have any ideas.


Have a great week


  On 9/18/2022 at 7:52 AM, Rusted Boltgun said:

That Mindwitch is genuinely creepy, I think it is the combination of the neck angle, the crossed arms and that it is 'floating'. There's some super greenstuff detail in there - I especially like the lens in the skulll at the waist.


Thanks a lot ^^ The skull with the lens is there to tie him to my dark mechanicus. Just as I finished it I had another idea that made me go ":cuss: didn't I did that". But I'm keeping the said idea and will use a variation of it for my futur Master of possession.

  On 9/25/2022 at 11:55 AM, Valkia the Bloody said:

I just love all the creepiness you come up with.


Thanks ^^

  On 9/27/2022 at 6:49 AM, Pearson73 said:

Loving how dynamic the blade slave is, will look great with flames too, particularly when painted. The Iconarch and Hag are coming on strongly too.


Hmmm the Hag is the Iconarch... The other WIP ribcage guy will become a cultist. But thanks anyway :P

Update 2022-10-02

Here is the finished result forthe iconarch




I wanted the icon to be some sort of tech thingy, not a religious one. It might emit a wave that would mess up with the cultists and reduce their sense of fear/seft preservation.

Blessed blade so far


I might not have the time to work on the hobby the next week, so I'm sorry if there isn't an update.

Take care,

Have a great week

Ah! My mistake, but what a cool looking cultist it'll be! I like the idea of a tech-based banner, I've done similar with my Iron Tenth, just makes more sense to me!

  • 1 month later...

I'm not dead yet


Just started to work again on the hobby last week tho.


The first blessed blade is complete





I also started the second one



And here is the next project





His chainglaive arm will probably be changed for a servitor torso holding a chainglaive ^^


Let me know what you guys think.


Stay saafe and have a great week 






Very nice indeed! I've finally got round to ordering some tubes and rods, so I'll be looking over this thread a lot in the near future as I work out how to make some nice looking bionics. 

  On 11/14/2022 at 7:45 AM, Pearson73 said:

Very nice indeed! I've finally got round to ordering some tubes and rods, so I'll be looking over this thread a lot in the near future as I work out how to make some nice looking bionics. 



Can't wait to see those bionics. Iron hand always been my favorite loyalist chapter.


  On 11/14/2022 at 8:54 AM, Sherrypie said:

Loving the brains showing out of the marine's head, suitably gribbly. 



Thanks a lot ^^ It'll have other weird and nasty details soon.


Here is the product of this week.

The second blessed blade is finished, Just in time to praise Vashtorr.








I might add some more (greenstuff) flesh on the right arm, idk...


Still, I'm pretty happy with how the coven models turned out.


As always, have a great week fraters!

Welcome V-L1ch the lord Discordant, inspired by a certain AOS/Fantasy character...


image.jpeg.9b63d03bc5571bca909a3946316627af.jpegimage.jpeg image.jpeg.03c8002d524669c46edfc03bc1ee206b.jpeg

I'm quite happy with the lamprey-ish mouthed face.


The conjointed servitor is just started, so I'm not too sure about it yet.


Let me know what you guys think or if you have any suggestion.


Have a great week Fraters!


Edited by YannTheMad

That, good sir, is crazy and disturbing in ALL the right ways!


For the conjoined servitor torso - I don’t think I’d have it holding the chain-glaive, I think the Lord Discordant would be doing that himself, but have it holding either a mass of extending mechatendrils, a bolted in version of the auto-cannon or baleflamer, or holding the control mechanism/method for the mount.


Whichever way you go, it’s going to look great!

Edited by Bryan Blaire

@Bryan Blaire

OOOOh It would have been cool :-O


But I already have overcommited. The conjointed servitor have to hold the glaive. My initial idea was that the lord discordant would be more interested in surveying and coordinatting his daemon engines creations. So it wold let the servitor do the close combat work, as it is a fairly low cognitive task :-S

Edited by YannTheMad

Weekly update


@Bryan Blaire 

I don't know if it's great, but here's some pics ^^


@Crom's Will

Thanks a lot. For the lenses I use a small ball tip tool to make a shallow hole in a greenstuff socket and place an even smaller ball of greenstuff in it. Then I flatten it a little.

It's a little tedious XD But I like the result


V-L1ch progress so far



image.jpeg.17a574de6a1a92893c5ab9a8f05d3808.jpeg image.jpeg.47eb3771c4bf23983ae3ace37ada8852.jpeg


I'll make some lense eyes and a ragged mechanicus hood for the servitor animal skull.

I think I'll also make some kind of spine connecting the hole in the back of the servitor to a fleshy hump in the back of the lord discordant.

The fleshy hump will be in the same style as the warpsmith's one.


As always, let me know what you guys think or if you have any suggestions.


Have a great week Fraters!



  On 12/8/2022 at 12:16 AM, Sherrypie said:

I like the ventriloquist-like image of this guy, almost if holding the poor abused servitor up like a puppet as it lashes out in agony.


That is dark ^^ Suitable for the dark mechanicus. And what is a  servitor, if not a puppet of flesh and servo ?


Weekly update on V-L1tch.


I didn't work as much as I would have liked this week. Christmas, presents and stuff...

But here is the progress nonetheless.


image.jpeg.49c4a5fb56a588087ffadf2615a2027e.jpeg     image.jpeg.5ada86585523a7489462f1205ec26c71.jpeg 

The servitor now as a glaive and an arm. The other arm will be bionic.

The hood isnt finished yet.

Not sure about the spine. I wanted to make a flesh hump similar to the one of my warpsmith, but I don't think I'm good enough to sculpt the metal spine. I might try to find a necron destroyer part as I used for the smith.


Have a great week ^^ Christmas soon

@DaBoiKyknos Thanks a lot


So I wasn't happy with the "spine" I sculpted and I've decided to order a necron destroyer one.

At the moment I'm stuck waiting for the bits. Turns out the UK Royal mail service was on strike, so it will take a will to arrive here in Canada :-(

But, I did finish pretty much the rest of the model up to this part and the fleshy back hump.


image.jpeg.f06057287e2d8fc813247099a53b5e81.jpeg   image.jpeg.6493c771bbb04ad93dc4f0b8afbc844d.jpeg


I know the back of the hood is weird but the greenstuff transition is fine and it sould be almost seemless once painted,

I'm also really happy with the servitor spine, but it might get partly hidden by the hump.


I hope you guys will like it.


As always, feel free to give ideas or suggestions.


Have a great week


That servitor spine work is fantastic!

I had thought you'd be able to create the other one too, what you had looked like it needed scaling down and shaping slightly but I can see why you would order a part.

The bits for the lord discordant aren't here yet, so I started something else.


I always love the traitor guards, but I didn't knew what kind of style I wanted to go for.

That is until I saw the moebian sixth "Scabs" from darktide.

I know it isn't really original, but than again the only conversion-ish I seem to find is a 3D printed model, wich in my mind doesn't count.



I really like the scab gunner aesthetic, so I went for it with my champion. The reste of the squad mostly just have the moebian sixth color scheme.



I wish you guys happy holidays and happy new year ^^


Enjoy yourselfs and stay safe.


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