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YannTheMad's chaos Stuff - DIY Vashtorr progress (claw's done! claw... claws?)

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Thanks @Naryn, it means a lot


Here is this week progress.

I know I'm an undisciplined painter, but I tend to finish painting some parts of the model while not even have begun other part.

And once again, that's what I did so I'm not very efficient...




The chirurgeon-servitor face mask was a ***** to paint. Not having enough space to acces the face with the brush. But I'm happy it's done and I shouldn't have to touch it ever again... Except to add the fluo glow to the lenses at the very end. 

The rest went about ok, I'm just slow...


I've been lazy about the shoulder pad icon while converting the model and told to myseft "Well, I'll just paint it black and white and it should be mechanicish enough".

So I painted it and BOOM! ... Sons of malice...

I'm quite mad with that decision after the fact but I'll keep it as is.


That's all for now


Have a great week !

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@ZeroWolfThanks a lot

@Valkia the Bloody Thanks ^^ I think that in that case, sick is good ^^


Some more paint progress



Grafted arms are done, servo-arms too. The "I.V. tanks" are even more tedious to paint then the servitor head, so they're taking a loooong time the do.

But with a little luck and hard work the paintjob should be done by the end of next week.... I think...

Can't wait to make the glow/fluo effects.


In all cases, have a great week !

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+++ First of; How do I add a signature/link to my post in the bottom of my comments XD ( I know, I'm that bad...couldn't find it) +++




The magos biologist is finished! Paint, base and everything.



image.jpeg.ecbab7a611b5045f53375ef8b189ef9b.jpeg image.jpeg.261f6915fd505c51462e070c7f54d24a.jpeg image.jpeg.f2d9682091e542232f06d7ef409560af.jpeg image.jpeg.e0fb3bae153a98cfe470b00b2ab8367c.jpeg


Mostly happy with the result.The only things that make me cringe a little are :

1- The mechanicus symbol that turned out sons of malice-y because I'm lazy

2- Turns out the vallejo "fluo blue" isn't fluo at all,but quite dark. So the servitor lenses turned out a little dull and boring...



Anyway, the logical follow up is his assitant. I tried to "pre-highlight" by drybrushing some grey and white as I saw in some tutorial (done by airbrush usualy, but I done have one).

I'm not too sure of the result so far, games workshop paint might not be transparent enough to work...




Anyway. let me know what you guys think !


Have a great week




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On 5/27/2023 at 2:35 AM, YannTheMad said:


I'm not too sure of the result so far, games workshop paint might not be transparent enough to work...

Yeah, the pre-highlighting techniques (zenithal, et al) work better with inks, Contrast paints and similar. Regular paints, unless super thinned, have too much pigment and just overwrite the primer a lot of the time.

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The concept of Sarum's Tech-Priests with their lamprey mouths has always seemed so weird and off-kilter to me, but you have really done a fantastic job turning that bit of background lore into a creepy, very chaotic and yet strangely regal model! I also love how you have managed to make most of the model decidedly un-like the stock Fabius Bile -- only the Chirurgeon backpack, but that will always end up looking like...the Chirurgeon backpack. Fantastic work all around!


If I have one suggestion, it would be to maybe add some smaller runes and alchemic symbols to the red robe, as an additional sign of how far the Magos Biologis has fallen during their pursuit of forbidden knowledge. Both the standard CSM and new World Eaters decal sheets have quite a few of runes and symbols that would work really well, I think!

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@Firedrake Cordova @Pearson73 @ZeroWolf @Kythnos Thanks a lot guys ^^


@Kaiju Soze You most be right. Than again I tried on the space marine corpse with a thinned out 10 years old ultramarine blue and it turned out pretty good. I might try again with some thinned out gore red.


@KrautScientist Thanks, it means a lot. I initially chose Sarum because of their ties with the Warp Ghosts, who had first inspired me to come back to the hobby. Also, I wasn't a fan of the metal lamprey maw at first, but the idea slowly crawled into my brain and I just had to try it.


I thought about adding some freehand runes (I'm bad with the decals lol), but I wanted my dark mechanicus to look really close the loyalist mechanicum, just more eery and ominous. So much so that a normal member of the imperial guards and citizens wouldn't be able to tell at first glance that they are servants of chaos and not just some weirder mechanicum members. And then they'd see the daemon engines and other monstrosities...


As for the Chirurgeon... I already the parts... And the parts are kinda badass... So I absolutly wanted to use them XD

I changed the "core" of the backpack if you will into a medicae servitor but the servo arms was a most in my mind.

Edited by YannTheMad
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@BadgersinHills @Eberious Thanks ^^


So the surgeon acolyte is done. I'm quite happy with the result as he easily could be mistaken for an apothecary assistant. He might even think he is in some delusional way.

The glass vials turned out great.

Also, I'm impressed with the blue. I had a ultramarine blue pot older than 10 years and I've never really used it beside some details here and there.

If I ever go loyalist, it might be vanilla boys ultramarines.





ALso, I have almost finished a second cultist, I've posted the first one a big while back.

He's nothing fancy but they'll do the job while looking mechanicus-ish.




That's all for now.


Let me know what you guys think.


Have a great week fraters !







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@Boc You're right. The vials were quite easy to do:

1- Paint it black

2- Gradually paint an highlight where the liquid would be

3- Wash the whole thing with some really transparent paint (vallejo fluo green for me)

4- Two coats of glossy varnish. That's all !


@Pearson73 Ooooh... I might have messed up XD the head and torso is from the old forgeworld chaos militia... so it's soom kind of hood / homemade gasmask. BUT, some kind of raw flesh / skinned head is the great idea... I might use it on somthing else. Maybe some kind of skitari (rad poisoned renegade guardsmen?)


@Firedrake Cordova Thanks mate ^^ But in my mind, those one might be the least disturbing mini i've done in some time XD


@ZeroWolf Thank youkindly ^^

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Excellent work on the acolyte and cultist! You could carefully sponge some silver onto the edges on the fallen Ultramarine's armour to make his armour look even more damaged.


As for the cultist's red head, I like that it actually seems ambiguous whether that is some kind of hood or his actual skin, due to your paintjob :wink: As for the inclusion of a flayed face, you probably already know this, but the Warcry Unmade box has bitz for a character lifting their skull mask, only to expose a flayed face underneath.

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@Pearson73 Will do ! Just need to work out some concept arts, but I have some ideas


@KrautScientist Yeah, this particular head is amiguous, the others from the kit are realy more "fabric" like tough... The final result is also less glossy.

To be honest, I purchassed a agrax earthshade gloss by error and now i'm stock with it XD. For the flayed face, I'm do know of the unmade one, but I've already crafted one with a skull and some greenstuff and it was a fairly easy build. I'll might try to go a lttle more meatier and on a more chemical/radiation burn side... IDK yet



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So I'm still painting mortals.


The cultist is done. It's simple but I'm happy enough with him. His head still looking a little meaty...

image.thumb.jpeg.ca45f5dc1d2848c1aef8c70ba57515c8.jpeg image.jpeg.161a3f0560aba380294d4d300b312d81.jpeg


And here is the Preacher (demagogue). It's about 80% done.


image.thumb.jpeg.c8bee553c6467103a51ea00d4d954b05.jpeg image.thumb.jpeg.1bb7b505d1ac01692aa92d85c7d2bacf.jpeg


I like how it's turning out, except the legs. I would do the prothetic a little differently given the chance. Might do a second incarnation of this guy someday.


Anway. I got a good (but maybe a little unoriginal) idea for some accursed cultists conversions... So I might stop painting for a while after that one and do more conversions (more models for the grey/green mountain of unpainted shame, again XD).


Let me know what you guys think.


Have a great week !


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