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YannTheMad's chaos Stuff - DIY Vashtorr progress (claw's done! claw... claws?)

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This is just going to be a small update.


So this is the only two other (lowkey) conversions of the moebian sixth squad. Just some Moebian styled rebreather tube thingy.



I also started the ogryn. I might never field him cause he's too pricy to be a really effective choice,  but I do like the model. The tusks always made me think of the old forgeworld khornate "packmaster" ogryn so I added a skull nose hole. I will also sculpt some lenses in the futur. I think it'll look more grimdark and ominous like that. I'll give them a green glow that should tie the ogryn pretty well with the rest of the traitor guardmen.

Note that I absolutely hate the traitor enforcer/commissar. It, in my opinion, looks like a really old scuplt with bad details and a weird pose. also, his scale is weird. I will eventualy make a full conversion for this one,  while using none of his parts.




I also received my bits, so I should resume the lord discordant pretty soon.




That's all for now.


Have a great week.


Happy new year


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This week progress


The lord discordant is finally finished. I may yet make one or two changes, but I can't think of any right now. Feel free to share if you have any idea of futher improvements.


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Here is the ogryn so far. I've decided to make the club/maul more crude and , in my mind, more treatening.

I'm still not sure about the lobster claw... Might change it later. This time again, any good ideas ?




Ever since the legionaries KillTeam was out, I was a little upset that I didn't had all the new bits. I also had the new chosens that I bougth on a whim.

So here's to new weapon specialists for my warp ghosts. Made from chosens parts, havocs heavy bilters and backpacks, reaper chaincannon part from an obliterator shoulder, a random assault cannon and som kataphron lenses (always loved those huge lense moduls).


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I must admit I really like the super agressive look of the left one.

I'll make a balefire and a butcher later.


Let me know what you guys think.


Have a great week! 

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Week progress


I started (and nearly finished) my Balefire acolyte.

So far I'm quite pleased with the results.

I made a multi-faces skull in the same style that my lord of executions and my chaos lord.

I also made a horn bladed dagger in the style of the master of possession, I always liked that detail.


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The arm isn't finished yet, but almost. It will be painted black / dark grey with the runes/scars glowing the same green as the ectoplasmic flames on my other Warp Ghosts.




The skull thopy has been hollowed out to collect some ichor or blood oozing from the balefire tome, wich in turn will funnelled it into the mouth/respirator of the acolyte... Because grimdark...


I'll also add some kind of fireball in his left hand.


As I said, I'm pretty proud of the result of that one.


I hope you guys will enjoy.


Have a great week !

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@Valkia the Bloody@Khornestar Thanks a lot guys ^^


@ElDuderinoThanks ^^ To be honest GS skills are like 5/10 patience, 4/10 frustration  and 1/10 actual skills... You guys don't get to see all the bad weird goofy looking sculpting I sometime do and start over, and over, and over...


@Pearson73Thanks I'm really exited to (someday) paint the acolyte to see the maximum effect of the sculpt, but I'm a lazy painter so it might take a while.


@shmvoThanks, I do like making weird, grim faces. Welcome to bolter and chainsword by the way ^^



This wasn't a very productive week.


Obviously, the balefire acolyte is complete. Nothing much, just a thickiest arm and some kind of fireball as planned



I do still love how he look tho.


I also started a butcher legionnary


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This one is more of a kitbash than a big conversion.

I'm also quite happy about how he turned out.

I found my favorite helmet of the old CSM kit so I just had to use it. 

I'll add some details to the heavy chainaxe and he should be done.


What should I do next a DIY exalted champion? a DIY sorcerer? or a DIY dark mechanicus master of possession ?

(I just have ideas for those 3 so far...)


Thank you guys for taking the time for looking at my stuff and giving feedback.


As always, Have a great week


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Hi guys,


First and foremost, here's the finished legionary butcher.

I didn't had to add much, just a little details on the chainaxe and some ectoplasmic flames on the shoulder pad.



As @Valkia the Bloody proposed, I started my exalted champion.

The one progressed very quickly because I caught the covid (again...) and I'm not allowed to work. So beside feeling like crap, more time for the hobby...


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I wanted to make him look more agressive than the chaos Lord, still eager to prove himself to the Gods.

The axe and knife (cleaver in this case) weapons are a nod to the original exalted champion.

I  used a primaris body and legs to tie him to the other HQ I already made (the master of executions and the chaos lord) and make it look bigger than the normal CSM he's leading.

The multi-faced helmet and the belt buckle/plate were made in the same spirit.


If I'm lucky, I might finish him next week.


Let me know what you think,


Have a great week ^^

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Work both on the butcher as well as the champion is top notch!

I love your green stuff work, I wish I could sculpt like that (sadly, two left hands....).

All the different decorative bits of the champion come together nicely, and yes, he comes across as more aggressive than the standard model. Well done!


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@Valkia the Bloody @Pearson73 Thanks guys ^^

As I think I might have already said, greenstuff is just pratice and patience.

Stuff I did 10 years ago looked like crap, but I'm still sculpting greenstuff.

Better each time I hope 


Here's this week progress


The exalted champion is now finished.

I didn't had to add a lot tbh, just some spike, a backpack, an homemade combi-melta and some ectoplasmic flames to make him fit as a warp ghost.

As for the balefire acolyte, I'm very happy with this one. I'm quite proud with the result of the shoulder-strap gun, instead of being strapped on the backpack and quite out of reach.


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I did quite a few models since my last dark mech one, so the next model will be a master of possession with a dark mechanicus twist.

At the moment, it is just barely started and is more of a concept on the drawing board, so I didn't take any picture.


I should have some pics of it to show next week.


Let me know what you guys think.


As always, have a great week! 


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@Firedrake Cordova@One-eye Thanks a lot

@sockwithaticket Thanks mate ^^ an evil look is a good look for a CSM


This week was frustrating. I made very little progress...

So little in fact that my model doesn't show anything of my concept yet.

Nothing have been easy this time.

The only part I'm happy with in the moment is my lamprey-ish maw.

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Let's hope next week will go more smootly.


Anyway, have a great week all the same!


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