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On 1/31/2023 at 10:12 PM, Valkia the Bloody said:

You really put some effort into this!

Love the research- I learned something new today.

Could imagine you listening to "the Hu" during painting....

Anyways- that shaman looks stunning. Great conversion and lots of thought put into him.

Thanks! Indeed I am a huge fan of The Hu, seen them live twice and the name/theme "Black Thunder" is ofcourse a homage to one of their top songs. 

The song of inspiration for the shamathecary is "Mother Nature", 10/10 recommend. 



On 2/1/2023 at 11:53 AM, StratoKhan said:

Nice clean white, really neat markings, the Shaman is a really characterful addition. Loving everything I've seen so far.

Maybe I would have added a mustache to the shaman? apart from that, nothing else to add. 


Bladeguard concept sounds very promising btw.

Thank you! I've had a go at GSing mustasches but end up wasting braincells, sleep and "cool" SM heads, sadly. 


Bladeguards are next in line!


On 2/2/2023 at 9:14 AM, Pearson73 said:

Very cool work, I love the attention to detail. The drum skin and fallen marine's wounds are really nicely painted.

Thanks! Glad you're noticing the drum. I am an Uppsala resident too by the way. 


On 2/2/2023 at 2:07 AM, Mumeishi said:

Awesome Work !! , Happy to see you come back with something, been missing seeing work from you :tongue:

I love the drum idea :thumbsup:


-  That marine casualty looks like someone went at him with a Heavy Bolter... point blank :ohmy:


Cheers, M. 

Thank you so much! It's not very often I update but I guarantee it's a passion project of mine. 

Indeed, maybe pointblank HB or maybe he was just blown in half..



On 2/4/2023 at 3:36 PM, Grotsmasha said:

That Shamathecary out a genuine smile on my face, exceptionally well done :thumbsup:

Thank you! It was a work of passion, for sure!



On 2/5/2023 at 2:30 AM, Doghouse said:

Very creative stuff, I really like how much thought you are putting into these when it comes to the conversions.

Mr. Doghouse, a comment from you means alot to me. I've been on this forum on and off since 2006 and your multiple projects on here over the years have always been a source of inspiration for my own hobby work. So - thank you. 



On 2/5/2023 at 7:39 AM, One-eye said:

I love your scars, pretty neat white you have.

And your shaman is amazing, you're inspiring me to continue my own Scars !

Thanks! Looking forward to see them!


On 2/5/2023 at 5:09 PM, Kassill said:

Stunning all round! :thumbsup:



Now for another update. My Khan is finished!






I'm noticing the camera is eating a bit too much of the white, but just imagine it's Ulthuan Grey with pure white highlights. Hope you like him! Like the shaman he also took some time to plan, identifying which bitz I wanted (particularly deciding on a bird!!) etc. But I am happy with the result. The only thing I am not happy with is my photograph - sorry for the bad pictures. 


One thing you might note about him, and the other bare-headed marines, is the white eyes. The idea behind this is to strengthen the theme of the 5th brotherhood - 'the storm lives in their eyes' is what I imagine other brotherhoods to say about them. Similar to how the Salamanders have black skin, this is a feature from their mountainous region of birth on Chogoris. Also note that they are pretty angry. They are a brotherhood set out for damned vengeance.



Next update might take longer, but as mentioned some Bladeguard are next in line. REALLY excited to get started painting those.  







Edited by Bjornas

Very nice work on the Khan's axe, I love the detail of the white eyes, that's a really cool way to represent the lore!


Cool to find another person from Uppsala on the board! 

  • 5 months later...

Time for an update!


I posted this draft of my Bladeguard some time ago:




Now I am happy to share my first three finished BGs in this style:









As you might be able to tell there's been tons of work involved in finding and ordering the parts, as well doing the conversions (for example right hand wrists and left hands are cut off from resin arms of 30k space wolves). But I am very happy to see this idea from early 2021 take form in real models. They represent how I perceive White Scars Bladeguard - less glitter, more business, with a very individualistic feel.


Currently painting 3 Inceptors, which are pretty much straight out of the box. Next up will probably be another 3 Bladeguard which are already basecoated.

Then there's a squad of infiltrators which will have some cool conversions. Then probably the jump intercessors and a captain (Kor'sarro looks like he's gonna be demoted to Judiciar or Company Champion this edition).






Edited by Bjornas

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