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Expanding from Indomitus


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Having kept the Indomitus marines (got two copies, one the first time round and another the second), Duncan Rhodes observed that they are perfect for DA and the latest reveals made me bite. 


Before you assume that its another player looking for fair weather, I'd like to point out that I've long resolved that having no prior marine army and enjoying the new models for hobby reasons, I am going to steer clear of the juicer stuff and go for primaris only. I like the aesthetic and lore and don't care much about getting 120% out of the codex.


So with that in mind, I've found myself in a bit of a pickle on what to get next. I got:




Indomitus HQs, a Captain in Gravis, Zak and Lazarus



10 Assault Intercessors (probably will use some in Kill Team)


6 Bladeguard, 1 Bladeguard Ancient, one standard Ancient



6 Outriders



6 Eradicators (but don't intend to field more than 3 in friendly games!)



I'm split on what to get next in terms of Combat Patrol Boxes because they essentially dictate your next elites.


BA one gives a libby, 3 Aggressors and a Repulsor for the bladeguard

DA one gives Inceptors and a Redemptor

DW one gives a full Intercessor squad, Agressors, an Apothecary and a Lt. 


I'd also like to get a bike chaplain to lead the primaris Ravenwing detachment, for which I'm split between the broken ATVs and the new Speeders (not much contest I know but I don't necessarily go for the optimal solution as I've said above). Worried that a single repulsor with the BGV will be shot off the board on T1 without any other armor.



So what do you think would be good purchases to expand from this base? Remember I'd like no firstborn. 



Thanks if you read this far!

Edited by Arbiter7
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If you haven't assembled any of it yet, I think two ravenwing upgrade sprues for the bikes will be a good first purchase, when they come back in stock.


They come with all sorts of bits that can go on vehicles like repulsors, impulsors, etc.


I prefer getting a dreadnought, and it will come with a transfer sheet, so I would get the DA box if you're after one of those. If you're going Primaris-only, you'll need to do some work sourcing transfers.


Chaplain on bike is a good choice, might look at a librarian as well.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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If you haven't assembled any of it yet, I think two ravenwing upgrade sprues for the bikes will be a good first purchase, when they come back in stock.


They come with all sorts of bits that can go on vehicles like repulsors, impulsors, etc.


I prefer getting a dreadnought, and it will come with a transfer sheet, so I would get the DA box if you're after one of those. If you're going Primaris-only, you'll need to do some work sourcing transfers.


Chaplain on bike is a good choice, might look at a librarian as well.


Thank you! I've got two copies of transfers from Indomitus and ordered two more off Ebay for a fiver so I'm good! And two Ravenwing upgrade sprues which I forgot to mention.


I really want to use the BGV - do they stand a chance while footslogging? Just one transport will go poof in seconds. Any ideas on how to plan the rest of the army around a unit of them?


(the whole point is that I like having all three elements in a list - green, black and bone. Perhaps a RW outrider detachment supported by greenwing troops and a unit of BGV? But again are they OK on foot? will one transport work?).



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I have an Ultima Founding Primaris chapter as well, which I have been theory crafting lists for in my head.  Feels like Brigade+Ravenwing may be the way to roll with Dark Angels Ultima Founding.  I'd like to see more on the Rites of Initiation rules for Captains and if we can take the upgrades without being in a Vanguard detachment.  Deathwing Vanguard Detachment feels weaker since Terminators are ObjSec there, otherwise what else does it do for Primaris only.


I see the Redemptor Dreadnaught and Chaplain on a Bike has been suggested. 


Maybe also the Invader ATV?  Storm Speeder is a bit pricey for now, but I have one coming. *shrug*

Edited by RiftSentinels
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An Impulsor for the Bladeguard is definitely a good buy. Give it the Shield Dome upgrade for a 5++ and deploy it out of LOS. Units can disembark from an Impulsor after it moves so it really only needs to survive for 1 turn.


Dreadnoughts of all flavours are very good this edition. I noticed your proposed list had a couple of Redemptors and I think that is a solid pick. Macro Plasma Cannon, Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Icarus Pod and storm bolters are probably the optimal loadout.


Chaplain on a Bike is a great pick. Apothecary on a bike is also great although you will need to get the Ravenwing squad for him.

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I would go DA combat patrol because the Chaplain looks great in that hood, bolt rifle intercessors seem more classic Dark Angel than assault intercessors, and the dreadnought will look sweet in green or bone. (I’d probably sell the flying dudes). In fact, I’m tempting myself just thinking about it...
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Inceptors are really strong, the redemptor dreadnaught is just flat out a solid unit regardless of composition


Buying into the ravenwing apothecary is just automatic, the ravenwing apothecary is the single best unit in our entire roster, hes pure undistilled value. Hes tough to kill, hes not bad supporting fire for other units, he can revive fallen units, and he is mobile enough to be anywhere and everywhere. He couldn't be anymore awesome unless he came with a free roll of 40 Benjamin's and blasted biggies greatest hits.


This would give you two extra black knight bikes, while u could make black knights who are insanely consistent im going to catch some flakk but I'm going to recommend the ancient and the champion instead, the champion is surprisingly killy and is an excellent sacrificial lamb if you ever need to just throw a model to the wolves to buy you time im not sure you could ask for a better one, he can take the hits so others don't have too.


The ancient I think is good enough to warrant consideration since u have the 1x6 outriders, thats enough outside to give him some useful last breath targets. To help extract added value from them., and hes fast enough to run back to the eradicators or the bladeguard to do the same thing with them.


A librarian of some kind is looking fairly strong, be it Ezekiel or another option that attracts your fancy. Really u can't go wrong with any of them, more a matter of application.


The chaplain on a bike isn't a bad hq either, not as good utility as the librarian but beefier and more melee damage.


A fun choice for low point games is the whirlwind or a stalker, whirlwind are excellent field artillery pieces, and the stalker is basically an amazing field gun, you dont point it skyward, u point it at the ground, try not to move it much, set up a nice sight line and punish anyone who walks into its realm of influence. The stalker does comparable damage to 3 barebones predator destructors.. let that sink in, its basically 3 predators shooting at ground targets when its stationary. Really really good on the right table, with good early game positioning. And serves actual as an excellent counter to units like enemy jump infantry and flying units like tyranid gargoyles and ork deffkoptas

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