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Phobos Captain and Bolts of Judgment


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I think DA may have a winner here:


-Phobos Captain

-Chapter Master (can give himself rerolls to hit)

-Bolts of Judgment relic

-Marksman's Honour WL Trait (rulings on past FAQs have allowed this WL Trait to interact with the various "Relic Bolts," like Corvadii Bolts, even though it says no Relics, since they are both modifying the "base" gun profile).



This gives you a sniper that hits on 2+ (rerollable), always wounds on a 2+ (against Infantry and Bikes), has AP-3 in the Tactical Doctrine, and does 4 Dmg for any unsaved wounds.


So, against standard "minor characters" with 4W, a 3+ save, and no Invul (Apothecaries, Warlocks, Fireblades, JP Librarians, SoB Imagifiers, etc.), there is only a roll to Wound of 1 and a 6+ armor save between them and being "one shotted" every Shooting Phase.


If you park him next to a squad of Eliminators, then between the two units they have a very solid chance of killing tougher characters (i.e. 5/6W, 4++ Invul) each turn.

Edited by L30n1d4s
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While it's an effective combo, I think the problem is it takes away from too many other things that would just be bigger benefits. So while totally viable in more friendly games, I don't think it will do as well in a more competitive setting Edited by ShadowCore67
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