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Big blob of terminators


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So what is everyone’s opinions on a big blob of terminators? I was thinking 10 with 2 CMLs and SB/PB, 2 LCs, 2 SS/TH and the rest stock SB/PB. You could keep them as a whole and have a good huge blob or split so both CMLs in the same group and have 1 melee group group to DS or move up the board. Thoughts?
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I think DS is kinda done with the loss of 6 inch drops. Small boards make 9 inches easy to screen out. 


Big blob of terminators or BGVs with right support moving across the board are gonna be annoying (read- possibly broken) to shift

Edited by Hantheman
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I think DS is kinda done with the loss of 6 inch drops. Small boards make 9 inches easy to screen out. 


Big blob of terminators or BGVs with right support moving across the board are gonna be annoying (read- possibly broken) to shift


I think it's changed from a strike delivery system to an objective grabbing tool.  I'm contemplating how useful 2-man DW Command Squads would be as isolated objective takers against certain lists.

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So what is everyone’s opinions on a big blob of terminators? I was thinking 10 with 2 CMLs and SB/PB, 2 LCs, 2 SS/TH and the rest stock SB/PB. You could keep them as a whole and have a good huge blob or split so both CMLs in the same group and have 1 melee group group to DS or move up the board. Thoughts?


I agree with others that the biggest issue might be the delivery system.  The few batrep's Ive been able to see, the DW tend to be stuck to their own half of the board.  Not idea for those units that you want to really get stuck in.  

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I think that you want to use that 10-man unit to claim a centre of the board objective and give you 4 rounds of Oath of Moment and pivot the rest of your force around them whilst using their Dakka or counter punch to suppress anything that comes near?


Should be racking up plenty of Primary and secondary (oath!) For most of the game with the Apothecary patching the squad up throughout the game

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It'll be a huge point sink but:

- Azrael for the 4++ bubble

- 10 Terminators; 2 with PF/SB/CML, 7 with PF/SB and Sgt with TH/SS. Ridiculous amounts of SB shots and punch in combat.

- Deathwing Chief Apothecary.

- Deathwing Ancient with Pennant.


I don't fancy anything being able to shift that off an objective.


You could swap out/add the Ancient for a Chaplain with Litany of Faith and another buffing one for a bit of utility, as well as the ability to give him the Mace of Redemption for some more killy goodness? 

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One good thing about a big squad of terminators is the ability to combat squad into 2 squads of terminators when it's warranted. One big anvil unit is super good in our army though!

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So assault cannons: yay or nah? I’m tempted to try one but the cyclone just seems so much better. I have a big squad of 10: 2 CML, 2 SS/TH, 2LCs (debating on these guys. Not painted so I can take the arms off and put something else on) 3 PF/SB then Sarg with a sword. Then another squad for the dark vengeance box so 2 PF/SB, 1 chainfist, 1 assault cannon and a Sarg with sword. Has anyone had luck with the assault cannon?
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So assault cannons: yay or nah? I’m tempted to try one but the cyclone just seems so much better. I have a big squad of 10: 2 CML, 2 SS/TH, 2LCs (debating on these guys. Not painted so I can take the arms off and put something else on) 3 PF/SB then Sarg with a sword. Then another squad for the dark vengeance box so 2 PF/SB, 1 chainfist, 1 assault cannon and a Sarg with sword. Has anyone had luck with the assault cannon?

Getting high strength ranged weapons into a pure Deathwing list is tricky. So, I'd go with the CML.


If its on a combined arms? Then sure, Assault Cannons are cheaper and very effective.

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Assault Cannons are definitely good here, but I'm a huge fan of cyclones too. Cyclone is giving you at least as many shots because you keep your Storm Bolters. But that's why it costs more!


I also think Cyclone's are better than AC because of the flexibility - Want some Anti-Tank? Fire a double Krak Missile. Want something to mess up a horde? Fire a double Frag Missile.

Plus, as you mentioned - You get to keep the SB and Fist.

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So assault cannons: yay or nah? I’m tempted to try one but the cyclone just seems so much better. I have a big squad of 10: 2 CML, 2 SS/TH, 2LCs (debating on these guys. Not painted so I can take the arms off and put something else on) 3 PF/SB then Sarg with a sword. Then another squad for the dark vengeance box so 2 PF/SB, 1 chainfist, 1 assault cannon and a Sarg with sword. Has anyone had luck with the assault cannon?

Getting high strength ranged weapons into a pure Deathwing list is tricky. So, I'd go with the CML.


If its on a combined arms? Then sure, Assault Cannons are cheaper and very effective.



I think that, now you can take a Multi-Melta Contemptor or a Twin-Lascannon Venerable in a Deathwing/Vanguard list, it may not be too hard.

Obviously, the Dreads can only really be used to do something that the Terminators themselves cannot, and vice-versa.


My ideal plan, going forward would be:


- Azrael

- Ezekial

- Deathwing Command with TH/SS to tank for HQ's

- Apothecary with Selfless Healer

- Ancient with Pennant

- 10 Terminators (all PF/SB, plus 2 with CML, and TH/SS on Sgt) to camp an objective

- 10 DW Knights (to teleport)

- 2 Contemptors with MM

- Venerable with Fist/Flamer & Las to screen behind Terminator blob and snipe at Tanks


Lion only knows how many points that would be, though!

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Maybe of interest:



Included strong list recommendation:


- Captain in Terminator Amour

- Chaplain in Terminator Armour


- DW Terminators with LCs & 2CMLs x10

- DW Terminators with LCs & 2CMLs x10 

- DW Terminators with LCs & CML x5


- DW Knights x10


- DW Command Squad x2

- DW Command Squad x2

- DW Command Squad x2


- DW Ancient


- DW Apothecary


Leftover points for possibly a Libby in Terminator Armour.

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Maybe of interest:


Included strong list recommendation:


- Captain in Terminator Amour

- Chaplain in Terminator Armour


- DW Terminators with LCs & 2CMLs x10

- DW Terminators with LCs & 2CMLs x10 

- DW Terminators with LCs & CML x5


- DW Knights x10


- DW Command Squad x2

- DW Command Squad x2

- DW Command Squad x2


- DW Ancient


- DW Apothecary


Leftover points for possibly a Libby in Terminator Armour.


Very interesting, I may have to play a version of this list when gaming resumes.

Edited by G8Keeper
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I'm hoping we get back the +1 attack bubbles from the DW ancient and Asmodai. Prior to the Covid lockdown, I'd been running a list with a couple squads of Terminators riding in Land Raiders with the Ancient, Asmodai, a Terminator Captain with twin l-claws, and Ezekial. There was nothing quite like throwing a DWK squad with +2 attacks each and Righteous Repugnance at something. Just to be extra annoying, I gave the Captain Fury of the Lion too, so everything near him would get +1 Strength on the charge. Plus I gave his l-claws Master Crafted, so they did 2 damage a pop. Good times!

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Very interesting video and list. 

Has anyone used the forgeworld 30k models for the terminators? I think they look cooler overall and might be something I consider. what would I need to model out of them?


Gathering the paints up but GW and another store or 2 I looked into seem to be sold out of terminators?

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Very interesting video and list. 

Has anyone used the forgeworld 30k models for the terminators? I think they look cooler overall and might be something I consider. what would I need to model out of them?


Gathering the paints up but GW and another store or 2 I looked into seem to be sold out of terminators?

I'd honestly use the Knights Cenobium as sergeants for Terminator squads (both normal and Relic). Can counts-as their plasma weapon as a Plasma Blaster/Combi-Plasma

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