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Interrogator-Chaplain Stealth Buff


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I never noticed this, or perhaps it is new with this codex, but unlike all other Astartes Chaplains, Interrogator-Chaplains can take a weapon from the melee weapon list.



So, who cares? Lots of Marine characters can take options from the melee weapons list. Well, unlike other Marine characters, Chaplains can buff themselves with +1A, +1S, and +1 Dmg.... in fact, they are the only character that can do this (except for White Scars in their Super Doctrine, of course). So, again, who cares?


Well, since Interrogator-Chaplains can take melee weapon upgrades, that means they can do the following:



Option 1 - Take a chainsword, upgrade it to the "Teeth of Terra" relic -- With the Litany on, Imperium's Sword, and the new Dark Angel WL Trait that allows the Warlord to always wound on a 2+ against Infantry/Bikes (Knight of Caliban), that gives him 10 x S7 AP-2 Dmg3 attacks that always wound on a 2+ against Infantry/Bikes



Option 2 - Take a power sword, upgrade it to the "Burning Blade" relic -- with the Litany on and the Imperium's Sword WL Trait, the Interrogator-Chaplain has 7 x S9 AP-5 Dmg3 attacks



Option 3 - Take a Thunder Hammer, upgrade it with the Master-Crafted relic -- with the Litany on and the Imperium's Sword WL Trait, the Interrogator-Chaplain has 7 x S10 AP-2 Dmg5 attacks, with -1 to the Hit rolls



Option 4 - Take a Lightning Claw, upgrade it with the Master-Crafted relic -- with the Litany on, the 2+ to Wound Infantry/Bikes WL Trait, and the Imperium's Sword WL Trait, the Interrogator-Chaplain has 8 x S6 AP-2 Dmg3 attacks, all of which always wound on a 2+ against Infantry/Bikes and re-roll all failed wounds



Option 5 - Take the DA Relic Crozius -- with the Litany and Imperium's Sword WL Trait, he has 7 x S9 AP-3 Dmg3 attacks



Option 6 - Take the "Benediction of Fury" relic -- with the Litany and Imperium's Sword WL Trait, he has 7 x S8 AP-3 Dmg4 attacks



Finally, this model can take a Jump Pack, so good mobility options, and comes with a 4++ Invul and Inner Circle (so, permanent Transhuman Physiology) "built in" for free.

Edited by L30n1d4s
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