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Ravenwing Outrider Detachment


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I am really struggling to field a pure ravenwing army as the outrider detachment is very limited in spaces and its not as if you can dip into troops or heavy support. Hell even elites is very limited in what you can take. At 1st i thought it was 9 fast attack slots, but at 6 its paintful.

It kind of feels like you need 2 outrider detachments for a pure ravenwing army at 2k, which unless you want to have just 2 WLT (you are always taking an apothecary with selfless healer) and 1 relic, you are so limited on CP.


Is anyone coming up with pure ravenwing armies at 2k?

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Remember the 1 x apothecary, 1 x ancient and 1 x champion don't take up a slot of you take a Black Knight squad and also auxillary detachments are a thing for 2CP of you need that last unit squeezing in, without the none RW patrol tax.
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I don't know about good lists but I do with ease. Big black knight squad (or 2 small), chief apothecary, chapter ancient, talonmaster, chaplain on bike, couple of outrider squads, couple of bike squads with attack bike, couple of storm speeders. You do end up light on CP but for thematic reasons I'd say worth it.
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Another option you have is to max out some Ravenwing Bike Squads, and then combat squad them on deployment. Whilst Outriders are good units, their maximum squad size of 2 is a quite inefficient use of a Fast Attack slot.


Our flyers are a good way to spend points, and i think you should also be able to take a second Talonmaster for free, as they count as a lieutenant.

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Another option you have is to max out some Ravenwing Bike Squads, and then combat squad them on deployment. Whilst Outriders are good units, their maximum squad size of 2 is a quite inefficient use of a Fast Attack slot.


Our flyers are a good way to spend points, and i think you should also be able to take a second Talonmaster for free, as they count as a lieutenant.


Yea i have a 9 man black knight unit, and apothecary. I dont really rate the ancient as I dont really get what he does.


As for HQ, you are never not taking a captain in a plasma heavy army (although tbf only the black knights have it), and a chaplain is far more useful than re-roll 1s to wound.

But even then i am fine with the limited HQ slots.


Its fast attack that is so limited

I have 3 bike squads, 2 outrider squads and still have 360 points left. I was thinking of 3 land speeder vengence but you cant take then in units of 1-3.

The other land speeders kind of suck, so do the flyers.

The only thing i can think of is another unit of black knights, which gets kind of boring

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This my latest... Might help give some ideas



++ Outrider Detachment -3CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Dark Angels) [82 PL, 10CP, 1,755pts] ++




Ravenwing Apothecary [6 PL, -1CP, 115pts]: Chapter Command: Chief Apothecary, Selfless Healer, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter

. Black Knight Bike: Plasma Talon


+ HQ +


Lieutenant(s) [16 PL, -1CP, 320pts]

. Ravenwing Talonmaster: Brilliant Strategist, Warlord

. Ravenwing Talonmaster: 1. Impeccable Mobility, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter


Sammael [8 PL, 150pts]


+ Elites +


Ravenwing Black Knights [18 PL, 360pts]: Ravenwing Black Knight x8 Ravenwing Huntmaster


+ Fast Attack +


Attack Bike Squad [6 PL, 165pts]

. Attack Bike: Multi-melta x3


Bike Squad [5 PL, 120pts]

. Biker Sergeant: Combi-plasma

. Space Marine Biker w/Special Weapon: Plasma gun

. Space Marine Biker w/Special Weapon: Plasma gun


Bike Squad [5 PL, 120pts]

. Biker Sergeant: Combi-plasma

. Space Marine Biker w/Special Weapon: Plasma gun

. Space Marine Biker w/Special Weapon: Plasma gun


Bike Squad [5 PL, 120pts]

. Biker Sergeant: Combi-melta

. Space Marine Biker w/Special Weapon: Meltagun

. Space Marine Biker w/Special Weapon: Meltagun


Outrider Squad [6 PL, 150pts]: Outrider Sgt

. 2x Outrider: 2x Astartes Chainsword, 2x Frag & Krak grenades, 2x Heavy Bolt Pistol, 2x Twin Bolt rifle


Ravenwing Darkshroud [7 PL, 135pts]: Assault cannon


++ Patrol Detachment -2CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Dark Angels) [11 PL, -2CP, 230pts] ++


Detachment Command Cost [-2CP]


+ HQ +


Librarian in Phobos Armour [5 PL, 100pts]: 1) Shrouding, 3) Mind Raid


+ Troops +


Infiltrator Squad [6 PL, 130pts]: Helix gauntlet

. 4x Infiltrator: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Marksman bolt carbine

. Infiltrator Sergeant


++ Total: [93 PL, 8CP, 1,985pts] ++


The Infiltrators ought to make our new Stubborn Secondary a breeze...


You could swap the Phobos Libby for Ezikiel, ditch the patrol and add a couple of dark talons (get some mortal wounds output) or a DSV etc


I've gone with Sammael over Chap on a bike for rerolls on the BK squad but that's a fair swap!


Primaris Outriders only make the list so I can Swift Strike (2cp) and move them another 12"!

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I'm thinking for the cost of 2 CP, one can field a Patrol and pick up Ezekial plus a small Troops choice you can use to sit on a home objective, though this kind of defeats the purpose of fielding an all-Ravenwing Outrider in the first place. If you really want to exploit the advantages of the Ravenwing Outrider, you have to do without Psychic Powers, which is really too bad because being able to turn off Obsec and have Ravenwing Bike Squads scoop objectives would be amazing.

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