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Romer begins with the Dark Angels


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After playing 40k back in third/fourth edition, I drifted to being a distant observer with varying degrees of activity. Occasionally I dipped in and bought a few models here and there but I never had the time or space for it really. Having got back into board games over the last couple of years and also the X-Wing game, miniatures began to pull at me again. Eventually I caved and bought myself the 'A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures Game' Stark/Lannister starter set and quickly found I was enjoying trying to learn how to paint. 


It didn't take much of a nudge to fall onto the 40k bandwagon again, although picking an army was as hard as I remember it. Well the new Dark Angel combat patrol dropped and that was it for me. Lazarus is on the way to reinforce, although I will probably build my own Captain, but the below is what I picked up to get going. 


I look forward to showing my developing strike force here and seeking advice on both painting and building a force to make the Lion proud. 


Dark Angels

A Start


I fully built the Chaplain because a) I got over excited and :cool.: his pose seemed open enough to do so. So far with the Intercessors (although it's not shown here), I've attacked everything but arms and heads to allow me to paint them a little more easily. We'll see if that works for me or not. 


In addition to Lazarus, the standard Marine codex was finally available again so I grabbed than and a Ravenwing upgrade sprue for the Storm Speeder. 

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Lazarus honestly isn't bad in small games, hes even okay as a secondary HQ in bigger games or a trinary. His survivability aura is good on lots of different units, hes reasonably killy against more conventional targets and what psykers you do see at 500 -1250 pts. And hes reasonably beefy being a primaris deathwing captain in cawl pattern mark x.


I think that between him and the bolt carbine and power fist its a tough call, I think that Lazarus stock is better in most scenarios that aren't tank punching or monster hunting

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