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Lupercal's Loyalist Legion of Luna Lads

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Greetings all!  It's been a very long time since I updated my original Dream Army "Krieg" thread.  There's lots to add to that since then that I'm sure I'll be less lazy about getting to, some day...

For here and now though, a couple friends who love the 30k setting as much as myself (and hopefully many of you) who also frequent B&C said that as the army grows I should document it here.  Eye-candy for folks, inspiration for others, whatever anybody can take away from it I hope they can!

It's been a toss-up between Luna Wolves and Iron Warriors for years now, but with some pricing incentives in bulk buying of goods Luna Wolves won out.

(Chief reason was a slew of MKIV marines that don't fit the 4th Legion, they're MK3 lads, through and through; also made sense for the Luna Wolves to have as they had 'dibs' on new stuff from the Mechanicum. Final note: the idea of so much hazard striping still makes me wake up in a cold sweat sometimes)


I'll do said "documenting" below. There's a good chunk done already, with SO much more currently in the works.  Being slowed down by Covid shipping nightmares with FW often being 20+ day arrival times here in North America.

Hopefully if you're here, you can get some good out of my ramblings. Cheers!:thumbsup:

Army Construction Rules:


  • Being a force of loyalists, aiming for decent time period of pre-Ullanor, Cthonian influence must be kept low-none.
    • No Sons of Horus iconography, that ego-trip hasn't happened with the big H yet!
      • The Eye of Horus will be limited to just Horus' model of himself, that's just his personal heraldry at this point.
    • No Cthonian-influenced design like spikes, angled helms on the contemptor, etc...
      • Reavers as a unit allowed, but not their "spikey" armor.


  • Primarily aiming for Luna-Wolves style of Warfare units.
    • Hit fast, hit hard, the spear-thrust/decapitation strike!
      • What tanks there will be, will be to facilitate getting in close (transports, damocles), or highly mobile warfare (sicaran)
        • Some "specialized" exceptions like a laser destroyer vindicator or such will likely come up eventually, but in limited "necessity of that theater" numbers, IE, 1.
      • Infantry-level firepower the same
        • Suspensor web weapons where applicable
        • Very limited number of support weapons (Rapiers, heavy weapon squads, destroyers, etc....)
      • Drop pods of the aggressive variety, not rank and file "steehl rain" type
        • Anvillus, Dreadnought, the big "K" heaven forbid I ever want to drop that dosh on it.


  • Usability across 30k and 40k (Without being obnoxious)
    • Things like reavers having swords instead of axes on the models, breachers built to be used as themselves or sternguard, etc...


For now I'll put finished units as a post. Once the army is done, I'll edit this original post to have one big list so folks don't have to scroll the whole thread in the future.

Edited by Dark Legionnare
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Fitting to start it off on the foot that is 'core' units. The lads on the ground securing victory for Lupercal; Veteran Tactical Squads Primus & Secundus

Mayhaps I'll get to a few others tonight, but dinner's calling my name, and it's a very convincing sirens' call.

Veteran Tactical Squad Primus & Rhino:

  • Standard for veteran tactical squads. Picking from Heavy Bolter, ML, Melta, Plasma, flamer, or volkite is magnetized and possible. CC weapons, always CC weapons for good looks and stabbing xenos! (And later on, traitors)
    • Rhino with casemate multi-melta for style points. (An amazing idea not originated by me. All credit and patents -> Adam)



Veteran Tactical Squad Secundus & Rhino:

  • Standard for veteran tactical squads. Picking from Heavy Bolter, ML, Melta, Plasma, flamer, or volkite is magnetized and possible. CC weapons, always CC weapons for good looks and stabbing xenos! (And later on, traitors)
    • Rhino with casemate multi-melta for style points. (An amazing idea not originated by me. All credit and patents -> Adam)



Veteran Tactical Squads' Rhino Close Ups:

  • Rhino with casemate multi-melta for style points. (An amazing idea not originated by me. All credit and patents -> Adam)



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Awesome work! How did you paint their white/off-white armour?

I can't paint white or yellow to save my life; nightmares about overly-visible brush strokes and all the usual pitfalls of both that I've never been able to overcome.


With that huge hurdle in mind, partnered with a bud to get this project (and all the goodies in it) based and done up in that nice pristine, flat white.  I'll ask him for specifics about which brand he's spraying. :happy.:

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We started off with the soldiers of the line securing victory for Lupercal, let's move on to the so-far-finished facets of the army that help support them! (Damocles to come in the future)

Mayhaps I'll get to a few others tonight, but it's already late, and just like last time, I'm pretty crap at time management.

Tactical Support Squad

  • Standard for support squad, options exist to deck out the whole squad w/: Melta, Plasma, flamer, or volkite is magnetized and possible. CC weapons, always CC weapons for good looks and stabbing xenos! (And later on, traitors)
    • They also double up as special weapons lads for another body in the veteran squads to have their two special/heavy per squad, etc... or for 40k tactical or sternguard squads which have the "one heavy, one special" or "two of any" rule respectively.


Missile Launcher Marines:

  • What it says on the tin, some suspensor missile launcher lads for veteran tactical squads
    • Can also double as 40k devastators or tactical/stern heavy weapon lads.


Rapier Quad Mortar Team Primus:

  • Sometimes you just need some squad-portable artillery. When you've got an entrenched enemy, why not soften them up with some phosphex or mortar shells before dealing death up close?
    • Or, why not crack open that tank the enemy thought would impede the wolves with a barrage of shatter shells!


Rapier Quad Mortar Secundus:

  • Sometimes you just need some squad-portable artillery. When you've got an entrenched enemy, why not soften them up with some phosphex or mortar shells before dealing death up close?
    • Or, why not crack open that tank the enemy thought would impede the wolves with a barrage of shatter shells!


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Nice work again, I particularly like the support squad sergeant's pose and also the choice of colour for the plasma, it complements the white armour well.

Yeah, I thought the same thing!  Usually, I tend to "frown ever so slightly" on the airbrush plasma effects on anything bigger than guardsman scale models, but the results of the purple on the white for this army has made me a permanent convert of the "spray for plasma, headlights, etc..." on marine scale. It came out super fantastic.

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With soldiers of the line, and their support forces on here, going to move on to the fast movers that help the wolves execute their patented spear thrusts, hit hard, hit fast.

Reaver Squad & Rhino:

  • Reavers, 7 w/ Bolter and CCW (chain-axes in 30k across the borde, but modeled with swords for 40k compatability, also to save cost), 2 w/ Bolter and power sword, sarge with fist.
    • Also have a few lads magnetized to take special weapons instead of bolters.
    • Rhino with casemate multi-melta for style points. (An amazing idea not originated by me. All credit and patents -> Adam)


Javelin Land Speeder:

  • What it says on the tin.
    • Sponsons magnetized for missile or lascannons




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I'm back from my stint of laziness and forgetfulness! With soldiers of the line, support forces, and the fast hitters up now, let's move on to everyone's' favorite big, lumbering human tanks, the elite of the elite, terminators.

Justaerin Terminator Squad:

    • Seems like a decent varied loadout to me for having the lads deal with any comers. Get challenged? Pick the best of the five to deal with the upstart challenger!
    • Justaerin are one of those units that just don't really translate between 30k and 40k, sadly. Wolf guard terminators is the best you can get (making the multi-melta be a "heavy flamer"), because they can be WYSIWYG, but I don't intend to play the Luna lads as Space Wolves in 40k. (Maybe someday, JUST for the sake of using the Justaerin for a game)



Legion Terminator Squad:

  • What it says on the tin. Also WYSIWYG
    • You know, you love 'em, they're good in 30k and 40k as is!



Edited by Dark Legionnare
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I think this is potentially one of the best Luna Wolves projects I’ve ever seen. Genuinely this is next level Age of Darkness (well actually Crusade era!) coolness!



That's mighty high praise, I'm honored!  Especially since it's one of the dream armies I've had knocking around my noggin since starting the HH books way back in 2006. Thanks a bunch, really, means a heck of a lot!

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I'm back from another bought of being nowhere-on-top-of-doing-this-daily-like-originally-intended. With so much of the "what's done so far" already here, we've only got two categories left. I'll aim for the big boxes that gets the lads where they need to go, and I mean "big."

Storm Eagle Assault Gunship:

    • Got the loadout I think looks the best, and performs just fine with it!
    • For when you REALLY need 10 terminators on the other side of the board, without Horus or teleportariums.
    • Sibling Fireraptor in the works




Spartan Assault Tank:

  • What it says on the tin!
    • We all know 'em, we all love 'em, the big bad death-star caddies. No 30k force would be complete without one of the big hogs.




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Ace weathering on those vehicles, I'm looking forward to seeing the Fire Raptor. The heat stains are cool too.

....that's some great weathering! Love it.



This is a great project and I absolutely adore it.

Great paint scheme and execution


The purple works really well as a spot colour without going out of control

Thanks to all of you, really. 


Vespasian especially: Yeah, that purple turned out so good as a "contrast, but doesn't take away" lighting effect in all regards that I've basically become an airbrush convert even on marine-scale power, weapons plasma, etc.... going forward. I used to hate it on anything bigger than guardsman scale models, but with how good the purple looks, my mind has changed.


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Final update for a while, as short of the dreadnought drop-pod (Which I totally forgot to take pictures of before packing up my photo setup, I'll get to it someday, probably when ready to put up the next batch of lads) everything else for the force is still in the works. Vindicator laser destroyer and damocles rhino just got delivered today.

That'll be the final order from FW for a good while, at least until the damn Sicaran finally comes back in stock. Been waiting since August, ugg.

Figured we'd finish up for now, with some characters. The next portion of the army has a bunch more in the pipe: MoS, Techmarine, MK IV command squad, Horus himself, etc... (Maybe a praevian some day, for a "not following army rules thinly-veiled-excuse to get some domitor robots")

Legion Consul/Garviel Loken:

  • Since Garviel's only official model is covered in SoH iconography (Same reason Abaddon will need a conversion job like this some day) this is a conversion
  • A jack-of-trades consul stand in, or Garviel when need be he's to be fielded, with the primary goal to have it be Garviel.




Legion Praetor Tribune:

  • What it says on the tin!
    • Probably the most common praetor in the world, despite it being a "limited" kit. The blisters still go pretty cheap on eBay surprisingly, not even recasts.
    • Probably still my favorite "Paragon blade" they've ever made, but I have a huge soft spot for Scars and Wolves conversions with talwars and big axes respectively.





Legion Apothecarion Detachment:

  • Probably should've put these guys under the "support forces" post, but eh.... They're characters, even if they're not as important as the two blokes preceding them.





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