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How good are the new primaris speeders for Ravenwing


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As much as I like them (I bought 3 ) I think there hideous overcosted. The thunder strike is the most interesting for a ravenwing army as it brings a las talon to the table which is a weapon ravenwing don't get a lot of access to and hits on a 2 which is nice. The land speeder vengeance is a solid choice and I don't think you can go wrong with having one in your army. Hopefully gw adjust the point for a lot of these new marine tanks and such because a lot of them are overcosted
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Largely I think the Ravenwing-specific versions are superior. Not degrading is a big benefit.


The Hammerstrike does not bring the kind of firepower that you cannot get elsewhere. The Hailstrike has high ROF but you already have Talon Masters, and Assault Cannon Speeders.


I agree the Thunderstrike does fill a bit of a niche with BS2+ and anti-aircraft fire. If you want a Stormspeeder, that is probably the most useful one but I certainly wouldn't consider it a "must have" unit.

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For me it's an "add to the collection" kind of thing.  I'll probably field it a few times as I don't play competitive.  Like others have said, the Thunderstrike is the most appealing and is how I've assembled my first.


I'm with G8Keeper, I got 2 for my Collection.


I have enough speeders that I can make an army with just them.  Same goes for bikes squads.  So it isn't like I'm still trying to build a 2000 point list and weighing the options of what to purchase first.


Now I'm looking to build out a primaris only Outrider detachment.  With the 2 Stormspeeders, 3 Invader ATVs and a Primaris Chaplain on bike, I now only need to pick up 3 Outrider units and I should be set.  Until they release more Primaris Ravenwing units.


I haven't started assembling them yet, but for the moment I'm leaning toward the Thunderstrike for the first one, and likely the Hammerstrike for the second.  Although depending upon how easy it is, I might build them to swap weapons like the Invader ATVs can. 


My older RW collection struggles against is Hoards, so I might only be reinforcing that weakness with my Primaris detachment if I ignore the Hailstrike.


But IMO the last thing you should ever worry about is if there is something better out there.  Just collect and play the units that you like the way they look.  And with time you will discover the combination of the units you like that is highly effective for you.

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