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3 hours ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

Hopefully you'll find something you enjoy painting and get your hobby mojo back :smile: 

cheers. Already enjoying these lovely sternguard sculpts. Shame they won’t have a drop pod to ride in - I can’t face painting the damn thing. 

4 hours ago, ZeroWolf said:

Wise words, I do that myself from time to time. Oddly only ever happens when doing power armour for too long a time.

I do find I have a bit of Stockholm syndrome with power armour. 

I had a look through my pile of shame for the sons of orar army. Still looks reasonably sized despite all the stuff I’ve done for it over the past 4 years!!! I already had one round of culling where I removed 10 intercessors, 20 veteran intercessors, some inceptors, a redemptor and a few characters and piled them into a box for other projects. Then the marines forgot their last wave which added more to the pile. As you can see I tend to batch assemble / base spray and base the models well in advance so I can pick up and crack on when I want to paint them. This round of culling I’ve removed 5 each of incursors, melee reivers and ranged reivers as they will be better kept as small squads I think. Again, donated to future projects. 

The pile that remains is what is left for the sons of orar and my target is to get all this done before the edition switch presumably in 18 months. Also known as working through the pile of shame just in time for a new release wave and starter set lands.  Much of it is making up existing squads to full strength. In addition I would like to add some of the rumoured wave release models and a brutalis to this army. Its then decision time as to whether I draw a hard line under this army and call things to a close with 10th edition or whether I continue to expand it with future marine releases 11th edition and beyond. 




8 hours ago, ZeroWolf said:

Great work there :smile: love the freehanding as well

Thanks folks. Decals only on these chaps rather than freehand. Contemplating what to paint next. Thinking chaplains 

Squad done. Need a varnish to take the edge off. Included the gravis captain in the shot as he is also fairly new. Going to hopefully work on their ride (drop pod) and a bike / terminator chaplain next. 




45 minutes ago, ZeroWolf said:

He's coming on fine. Love the way you've put the red in his 'ribs'

thanks. I almost went blue instead of red to match the army but then red makes him look angrier and ties in with the rest of the armour in the army. 

I do not comment much, but your Sons of Orar are really beautiful. Every mini seems to be painted to the highest standard, and I'm amazed at how you manage to get a crisp and clean white when you have to apply it next to red.


I'm sure you have to be extra careful when painting !

13 hours ago, Heraclite said:

I do not comment much, but your Sons of Orar are really beautiful. Every mini seems to be painted to the highest standard, and I'm amazed at how you manage to get a crisp and clean white when you have to apply it next to red.


I'm sure you have to be extra careful when painting !

Thank you. I’m a bit of a fraud as often I just leave the shoulder pads off and spray them (not an option now coral white spray has gone) but otherwise it’s just steady hand and several thin layers. I always paint the red first and the new Baal red contrast has been great for any touch ups. 

need to sort the decals / base / weathering now (plus paint his right hand options) but otherwise done. 



All done, phew! Took longer than I would have liked but pretty happy to have got him done in less than a week. Any suggestions on what next from the pile of shame gladly accepted. 




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