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3 minutes ago, Dr_Ruminahui said:

He turned out great - I particularly like how you did his shield.

thanks. The shield was an afterthought tbh. I wanted it black but then figured a marbled look would be a bit less bland seeing as the armour is all black. Never painted marble before so I just looked at some images and used as manage shades of grey as I had to try and mimic it. I think it looks ok for a first attempt but would like to try it out again sometime. 

7 minutes ago, Rusted Boltgun said:

That shield does look smart. I'm particularly enamoured of his ribs - I'll borrow that idea and put a slight twist on it for my version of the model, if I may!

 Be my guest. I just filled them in white, put the red contrast (blood angels or Baal red I think) in the recesses then tidied up the black after. 

He came out very nicely, and the magnetising works great by the looks of it. :smile: 


As for the pile of shame ... put it in the hands of the Emperor and randomise it with dice?

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all. Not much assembly of late instead I’ve actually got a game lined up (!) my first in a fair while. I’ve grabbed my second codex of the edition in the form of aeldari, probably my favourite 40K army. I have an old alaitoc army which is complete but has a few things outstanding I want to finish for it. I’ve taken about half those things and built them into a list to incentivise me to paint them before the game in about 10 days time. 

I need to finish my viper and war walker as well as some weapon options for various vehicles, then touch up some characters and paint some aspect / shroud runner squads. I’ve already upgraded my shining spear (exodite proxy) exarch with a shuriken cannon and upgraded 2 windriders to join the third in mounting one. 

Great fun to get these guys out again and really looking forward to a game with them. 




8 hours ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

Alaitoc are probably my favourite craftworld, colourscheme-wise ... the jet bikes look good :thumbsup:

Mine too. I’ll try to get a decent set of photos when they’re done. Here’s one from a while back with many of the units in the army. 



On track to get things done for next weeks game. Chipping away an hour a night is paying off. These chaps just need some varnish now. Update. Small group shot sans things still on the painting desk and vehicles 




Edited by jimbo1701

Painting right up to the 11th hour had a great game today and won 70:48. Have tried to take some reasonable photos of the 2k army, some close ups of some of the new units added and the whole army in its boxes. Determined to get it finished before the end of the edition! 












19 minutes ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

They look great, although the shots of them in their box need to be marked as NSFW - all I can think of is chipping :blush: 

Indeed, I am seeking a much better storage solution now the collection has grown, maybe magnetic. 

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all. Still here. Took a brief hiatus from painting but have been putting a few Krieg bits together. Put these guys on the painting desk for now. Emperors children test models, the accursed drop pod (trying to get painted for a game in 2 weeks) and alaitoc / exodites bright stallion knight. Need to work out how to magnetise the arms, thinking square magnets might be an option to keep the arms in place. 





6 minutes ago, jimbo1701 said:

Need to work out how to magnetise the arms, thinking square magnets might be an option to keep the arms in place. 

I recommend grabbing some brass rod and adding a pin above the magnet. The magnet will provide the hold and the pin will prevent rotation. First fit your magnets, and then once they're set, drill the hole for the pin against the magnet, this will make the alignment a snap.

4 minutes ago, Grotsmasha said:

I recommend grabbing some brass rod and adding a pin above the magnet. The magnet will provide the hold and the pin will prevent rotation. First fit your magnets, and then once they're set, drill the hole for the pin against the magnet, this will make the alignment a snap.

I did try this his years ago on a different project but didn’t do a very good job of it. Maybe I will give it another go thanks. 


  • 2 weeks later...

Almost there! Just need to highlight around the chipping now and I think she’s ready to spray. Do t know if I’ve done a decent job with the weathering but went a bit more than I normally would as these things have dropped from orbit so shouldn’t look factory fresh. Annoyingly much of the detail won’t even be seen in game as it’s on the outer doors. 



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