Knight Brother Arthur Posted March 19, 2021 Share Posted March 19, 2021 (edited) Revenant Children: Warcry – From the dark, we arise! Founded - Circa 34th millennium Successors of – Blood Angels Primarch – Sanguinius Home World – Cosimar Specialties – Close Combat, Quick Assaults with Bikes and Jump-Packs, Outflanking, Overwhelming Force, Psychological Warfare Home World: A feudal world located deep within Segmentum Obscurus, Cosimar is a world of short days and long nights, with its twin suns being eclipsed by a titanic moon and the Warp Rift known as “The Bloodstorm”. Many consider the planet to be a doomed world, for the planet’s proximity to a Warp Rift make it a prime target for being invaded by the daemonic forces of Chaos. But the planet is tightly secured not only by the Astartes Chapter that closely watches it, but also by the Knightly Orders that watch over the planet and its people. Combat Doctrine and Tactics: Like all Sons of Sanguinius, the Revenant Children favor fast assaults and close combat, closing the gap between them and their foes with the roaring thunder of Jump-Packs and Biker Squads, delivering swift and merciless death upon the enemies of mankind. Unlike their brothers however, the Children favor a more subdued and subtle approach to warfare; much like their cousins from the Raven Guard, the Revenant Children prefer to hide in the shadows, striking hard and fast before the enemy has a chance to react before fading back into the night, with quick raids at enemy supply lines and encampments being a preferred tactic among these descendants of the Angel’s bloodline. The Revenant Children are also experts in the art of psychological warfare, believing that a terrified foe is much easier to subdue, and thus resulting in less risks and casualties when confronting a mentally unbalanced enemy. For this reason, the Children leave behind the hanged bodies of those who fell by their blades wherever they passed by, a simple yet effective means of causing perturbation and disturbance within the hearts of their enemies. Thanks to their favored method of warfare, comparisons have been drawn between the Revenant Children and the traitor 8th Legion, the Night Lords, a fact that greatly disturbs and infuriates the Chapter, for the Children are not the sadists of the 8th Legion, seeing their use of fear as measured and controlled, a means to an end and not an end in and of itself. Culture and Beliefs: Cosimar is a world of rich in culture and tradition. Cosimarans are a superstitious folk, believing in the might and divinity of the God Emperor, in fact, it is their pious and religious culture that first drew the ire of the Imperial Fists Legion during their initial conquest of the planet, yet it is this piety that kept them safe from the depredations of the Warp for millennia; the faith and belief of Cosimarans make them strong and dauntless, making them perfect recruits for the Revenant Children. The superstitions of Cosimar have been passed onto the Chapter, despite the several layers of hypno-indoctrination that are involved in the making of a Space Marine. The Revenant Children fully believe in the divinity of the God Emperor, trusting in him as a merciful deity of forgiveness and repentance, and having faith in their conviction that the Emperor forgives and redeems all, be they loyal subject, treacherous scum or even xeno scum or daemon. The people of Cosimar believe that the soul of a being resides in the bloodstream, and that, by dying a bloodless death, the soul of a being can achieve the forgiveness of the Emperor in the afterlife, no matter how heinous and awful their sins were in life. To this end the Revenant Children seek to cause quick and bloodless deaths upon their foes, seeing it not only as a way of honoring their foes in death but also as a way of redeeming themselves in life. The Revenant Children believe themselves to be cursed in nature, viewing the twin curses of Sanguinius’ gene-seed as a damnation brought upon them by the God Emperor, a divine punishment for the Primarch’s failure in defeating the Arch-Traitor during the Siege of Terra. The Children believe that, by helping their foes find redemption in death, they too can be redeemed from the curse of the Red Thirst and Black Rage. Chapter Organization: The Revenant Children are divided into 10 Companies, each divided into ten Squads comprised of ten Space Marines plus vehicle and dreadnought auxiliaries; at least that is what they claim, for the Chapter is rarely ever at full strength. The first Company of the Revenant Children is formed entirely out of specialist warriors known as the "Vânători Roșii", the third through seventh companies are each formed of 5 Tactical Squads, 2 Assault Squads, 2 Devastator Squads and one specialist Biker Squad known as "The Scarlet Outriders". The eight, ninth and tenth Companies are formed entirely out of Devastator, Assault and Scout Squads respectively. The First Company: The first Company of the Revenant Children are referred to as "Vânători Roșii" - translated from Cosimaran into "Red Hunters" - named after the Chapter of the same name, whom alongside the Inquisition's Ordo Hereticus saved the Revenant Children from complete obliteration during the events known as "The War on Tsathoggua". The Vânători Roșii are experienced warriors in their own right, having honed their skills for centuries of service to the Imperium. Specializing in wielding electrified whips known as "Cosimaran Power Scourges" and flamer weaponry, the warriors of the first Company pride themselves in delivering a bloodless death upon their foes, a sign of high respect and honor among the folk of Cosimar, the Vânători believe that no foe is beyond redemption, and seek to claim their quarry in a clean kill as to ensure that they can find redemption in death for the sins committed whilst alive. The Vânători eschew the use of Terminator Armor, deeming it too bulky and sluggish for their favored method of fighting, instead preferring to equip themselves with Jump-Packs and camo-cloaks known as "Rochie Sanguină" to get the drop on the enemy, striking hard and fast before fading back into the shadows. The Scarlet Outriders: These specialist Biker Squads can be found in singular squads across the second to seventh companies of the Revenant Children. Unlike their battle brothers who engage the foe at the forefront of an assault, the Outriders engage the enemy from the flanks, outmaneuvering their foes and attacking at lightning speeds, making use of the extra speeds granted to them by their bikes to close the distance quickly and deliver the full might and wrath of the sons of Sanguinius where the enemy least expects it. Tbe Varcolacs: Also known as "The Blood Drunk", these warriors were once considered outcasts within their own Chapter, Astartes who could not control the cravings of the Red Thirst and thusly greedily indulged in it at every opportunity that they could find, sowing terror wherever they went. Though once hated and reprimanded these Blood Drunk were officially sanctioned by Vlach Drakul once he rose to the position of Chapter Master, his pragmatic and unscrupulous nature seeing the value in these warriors as a weapon of fear, thus christening them as "The Varcolacs", named after the legendary monsters that are said to plague the northern continents of Cosimar. The Varcolacs are an antithesis to their own Chapter, instead of opting for the mobility and speed offered by Jump-Packs and Bikes these warriors prefer the bulk and protection of Terminator war-plate, and in stark contradiction to the Vânători Roșii, who honor and redeem their foes in death with a bloodless kill, the Varcolacs seek to humiliate their foes with as messy and bloody a kill as possible, opting for Lightning Claws as their weapon of choice to disembowel their prey. The Sanguinary Guard: ... The Death Company: ... Chapter Gene-Seed & Recruitment: Chapter Fleet: Notable Revenant Children: Edited April 4, 2021 by Knight Brother Arthur Bjorn Firewalker and KBA 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight Brother Arthur Posted March 19, 2021 Author Share Posted March 19, 2021 History of Cosimar: Cosimar was discovered by the Imperial Fists Legion. The Fists made it their duty to extinguish the Striga from the planet, an action that made the planetary rulers uncomfortable, for they feared that, without the Striga, the knightly orders would lose their purpose, and thus losing any and all power that they had over the planet’s people. The knights of Cosimar attempted to fight against the Imperial Fists, betraying them on the battlefield and launching a surprise attack that would see many Astartes fall. But the Legion was simply too strong and numerous, and their counter-attack was more than successful in tearing through the ranks of mortal knights. In the end it is said that Rogal Dorn himself came to the planet and landed the killing blow upon the high voivode of the planet, though such rumors are unconfirmed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight Brother Arthur Posted March 19, 2021 Author Share Posted March 19, 2021 Timeline: Cosimar is discovered by the Seventh Legion. Imperial Fists descend upon the world and decide to aid its people by getting rid of the Striga The voivodes of the world fear that, should the Striga be eliminated, the knights will lose what little power they have over the people, and so they plot their treachery. Fists are caught off guard by the knights, who turn on the Legionnaires. The firsts launch a counter-attack, their sheer numbers and skill far outweighs the knights, and so the voivodes are killed and dethroned, Cosimar is taken by the fists. In their war against the knights, the fists have forgone eliminating the last bastion of the Striga, which went into hiding, seemingly disappearing until they revealed themselves once again millenia later. Horus Heresy happens, a war breaks out in Cosimar, nearly resulting in the planet’s destruction, Horus takes Cosimar for himself then. Scouring: Blood Angels drive off Sons of Horus/Black Legion members away from Cosimar, take the planet for themselves, much to the chagrin of the sons of Dorn. Revenant Children are founded. Striga return with a vengeance! In response to their return, the knightly orders are re-instituted on the planet. The Revenant Children now use the Striga for recruitment tests/practice. Planet essentially goes back to the way it was before the Fists found it, only now it is being supervised by the Revenant Children. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted March 19, 2021 Share Posted March 19, 2021 You have good ideas. Days are short and nights are long in Cosimar, and it is at night when they come, the feared Striga, bloodsucking monsters who relish in the terror that they inflict on the populace of the world.Are the Striga sentient? If so, are they mutated humans, or xenos? If the Striga are sentient, their very existence is a challenge to human ownership of Cosimar- one I doubt any Marine will tolerate. Best claim the Striga are animals. Radu, the Beautiful (Considered the most skilled combatant within the Chapter)You used a title the historical Vlad Dracula bore, and named the Chapter Master after his father. Naming a character after Dracula's brother, will invite comparisons to the historical Radu the Handsome, e.g., "Is he [an insulting stereotype]?" "Will he betray Chapter Master Drakul for the sake of love?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight Brother Arthur Posted March 19, 2021 Author Share Posted March 19, 2021 You have good ideas. Days are short and nights are long in Cosimar, and it is at night when they come, the feared Striga, bloodsucking monsters who relish in the terror that they inflict on the populace of the world.Are the Striga sentient? If so, are they mutated humans, or xenos? If the Striga are sentient, their very existence is a challenge to human ownership of Cosimar- one I doubt any Marine will tolerate. Best claim the Striga are animals. Hello Bjorn. Yes, the Striga are feral, not sentient. Though they do possess a small degree of intelligence, hunt in packs and have a sadistic nature they do not possess the capacity to band together and cause serious damage to Cosimar and its people, which is why the Revenant Children chose to let them be. I'm still undecided on whether they are native xenos or if they're some sort of experiment gone wrong, but i'm more inclined towards the former. You have good ideas. Radu, the Beautiful (Considered the most skilled combatant within the Chapter).You used a title the historical Vlad Dracula bore, and named the Chapter Master after his father. Naming a character after Dracula's brother, will invite comparisons to the historical Radu the Handsome, e.g., "Is he [an insulting stereotype]?" "Will he betray Chapter Master Drakul for the sake of love?" All of the Revenant Children are strongly gripped by the Red Thirst and Black Rage, so Radu is indeed a "V word". I wish to base the Revenant Children on actual Romanian culture and folklore, so there will definitely be some comparisons between Radu the Beautiful and Radu the Handsome. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight Brother Arthur Posted March 20, 2021 Author Share Posted March 20, 2021 (edited) Chapter Combat Doctrine and Tactics: Like all sons of Sanguinius, the Revenant Children specialize in fast attacks and close combat. Unlike other Blood Angels successors however, the Revenant Children prefer a more subtle approach to combat, much like their cousins in the Raven Guard they prefer to attack when the opponent least expects it, preferably during night time, and launch quick hit and run assaults with both Jump-Packs and Biker Squads, encircling the enemy and striking fast before fading once again in the shadows. The Revenant Children are also experts in the art of psychological warfare, they never go for a direct approach to the front of enemy lines, instead preferring to target the opponent's supply lines and encampments, leaving the hanged bodies of their slain foes displayed for all to see. Though their methods have earned them a great deal of criticism from other Chapters, mainly their own brothers among Blood Angels successors, the Revenant Children have excused their methods as a means of attempting to win a fight with as minimal bloodshed as possible, believing that the violent bloodlust that plagues their ranks will be provoked if they go for a direct approach to combat and that forcing the enemy to flee from sheer terror makes them easier to pick apart. Their methods have often been compared to those of the Night Lords Traitor Legion, but one who values their own skin should never bring up such comparisons to a Revenant Child, for they are not the sadists of the fallen Eighth, they believe that the fear that they bring comes with a purpose, a means to weaken the foes morale and thus make it easier to defeat them while minimizing casualties. Edit: made changes according to Bjorn's suggestions bellow. Edited March 20, 2021 by Knight Brother Arthur Bjorn Firewalker 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted March 20, 2021 Share Posted March 20, 2021 You have good and original ideas for the Chapter's doctrine. The Revenant Children are also experts in the art of psychological warfare, they never go for a direct approach to the front of enemy lines, instead preferring to target the opponent's supply lines and encampments, leaving the impaled bodies of their slain foes displayed for all to see. Though their methods have earned them a great deal of criticism from other Chapters, mainly their own brothers among Blood Angels successors, the Revenant Children have excused their methods as a means of attempting to win a fight with as minimal bloodshed as possible, believing that the violent bloodlust that plagues their ranks will be provoked if they go for a direct approach to combat and that forcing the enemy to flee from sheer terror makes them easier to pick apart.As impalement will result in mass bloodshed, do the Marines try to minimize this by setting their impaled victims on fire? That their preferred style is to impale the enemy horizontally (from back to front) instead of vertically (from anus to mouth), leaving the victims' throats clear so the latter may scream in pain as they're burned alive, further demoralizing the enemy? Nitpicks, with my emphases: Their methods have often been compared to those of the Night Lords [Traitor] Legion, but one who values their own skin should never bring up such comparisons to a Revenant Child, for they are not the sadists of the fallen [E]ight[h],Replaced "renegade" with "Traitor" (capitalized)- a Renegade Chapter is one with questionable loyalty, but there is no question the Night Lords are traitors- added an "h" to "eight" and then capitalized the number. Knight Brother Arthur 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight Brother Arthur Posted March 20, 2021 Author Share Posted March 20, 2021 (edited) You have good and original ideas for the Chapter's doctrine. The Revenant Children are also experts in the art of psychological warfare, they never go for a direct approach to the front of enemy lines, instead preferring to target the opponent's supply lines and encampments, leaving the impaled bodies of their slain foes displayed for all to see. Though their methods have earned them a great deal of criticism from other Chapters, mainly their own brothers among Blood Angels successors, the Revenant Children have excused their methods as a means of attempting to win a fight with as minimal bloodshed as possible, believing that the violent bloodlust that plagues their ranks will be provoked if they go for a direct approach to combat and that forcing the enemy to flee from sheer terror makes them easier to pick apart.As impalement will result in mass bloodshed, do the Marines try to minimize this by setting their impaled victims on fire? That their preferred style is to impale the enemy horizontally (from back to front) instead of vertically (from anus to mouth), leaving the victims' throats clear so the latter may scream in pain as they're burned alive, further demoralizing the enemy? Vertical impalement would fit better with the whole Dracula theming of the Chapter, but now that you said it I think that horizontal would probably fit a bit better with the whole "disdain for mass bloodshed" thing. I'm a bit on the fence about the whole setting people on fire whilst they are still alive idea, my idea was that they only impaled their victims after killing them. I don't want my Chapter to be a bunch of sadists, their use of fear is controlled and calculated, a means to an end, not an end in an of itself like the Night Lords. Edited March 20, 2021 by Knight Brother Arthur Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted March 20, 2021 Share Posted March 20, 2021 (edited) The Mongolians considered a bloodless death an honor, as they believed one's soul would spill out with one's blood. Enemy commanders would be "honored" with death via suffocation, starvation, getting rolled into a carpet and having horses trample the carpet... Instead of a "forest of the impaled," perhaps the Marines should plant a "forest of gallows." Dracula claimed he was a descendant of Attila the Hun, in Bram Stoker's novel; by the 40th millennium, the Imperium might consider Attila and Genghis Khan one and the same, giving your Marines an excuse to justify bloodless deaths. Edited March 20, 2021 by Bjorn Firewalker Knight Brother Arthur 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight Brother Arthur Posted March 20, 2021 Author Share Posted March 20, 2021 (edited) The Mongolians considered a bloodless death an honor, as they believed one's soul would spill out with one's blood. Enemy commanders would be "honored" with death via suffocation, starvation, getting rolled into a carpet and having horses trample the carpet... Instead of a "forest of the impaled," perhaps the Marines should plant a "forest of gallows." Dracula claimed he was a descendant of Attila the Hun, in Bram Stoker's novel; by the 40th millennium, the Imperium might consider Attila and Genghis Khan one and the same, giving your Marines an excuse to justify bloodless deaths. I like this idea, instead of impaling bodies they just hang them. I also like the idea that they consider a bloodless death as an honor and would attempt to inflict such deaths upon their foes when possible, no matter how perverse and wicked they were in life, sorta as a way to "redeem" them in death. Edited March 20, 2021 by Knight Brother Arthur Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted March 20, 2021 Share Posted March 20, 2021 Found an article on bloodless deaths: So anyway, for some reason the Mongol religion prohibited the spilling of royal blood. It was an offence to the earth spirit Eje to have royal blood spilled on her, and an offensive for royal blood to be seen by the sky god Tengri. It kind of sounds to me like some long forgotten Mongolian ruler had attempted to curb risks to his families’ continuing rule by dramatically declaring that Tengri and Eje had spoken to him and passed on these rules. That’s just rampant speculation, but if the intention of these rules was to curb violence against royalty they definitely underestimated human inventiveness when it comes to interpreting religious rules... Mongols have executed a man by throwing him off a cliff which would have been in accordance with the blood spilling rule... When the Mongol’s captured... a member of the royal family, they were found a method of execution that they felt fit his crimes against them without breaking their blood-spilling rules. They poured molten silver into his eyes and ears to reward him for his greed and to mock his obsession with wealth... This time the bloodless death took the form of the Mongols constructing an enormous wooden platform. The [captured] Princes were lain underneath the structure while the generals danced and ate an enormous feast on top as the Princes were crushed to death... And when the Mongols took Baghdad in 1258 they had Caliph Al-Musta’sim executed by stuffing him in a rug and riding their horses over him. This was religiously acceptable as he was out of sight of the gods and his blood was spilled, but only in the rug. Marco Polo claimed that they had locked the Caliph in a room surrounded by his wealth to starve to death. These methods will also deny Khorne his followers' blood. Burn the bodies- before or after you kill the owners, it matters not- and you can deny Nurgle opportunities to spread disease via pathogens that thrive on rotting corpses. Knight Brother Arthur 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight Brother Arthur Posted March 21, 2021 Author Share Posted March 21, 2021 (edited) Chapter Organization: The Revenant Children are divided into 10 Companies, each divided into ten Squads comprised of ten Space Marines plus vehicle and dreadnought auxiliaries; at least that is what they claim, for the Chapter is rarely ever at full strength. The first Company of the Revenant Children are referred to as The Red Hunters, each Marine belonging to the Hunters is a mighty warrior in their own right, having hone their skills for centuries in service to the Imperium. The favored weapon of the Hunters is an electrified power whip designated as a "Cosimaran Power Scourges", a badge of office that represents the Hunter's skills in delivering a quick and bloodless death upon their foes. The First Company of the Revenant Children eschews the use of Terminator Armor, deeming it too bulky and massive for their preferred method of fighting, instead the Red Hunters equip themselves with Jump-Packs and wear specialized stealth cloaks called "The Rochie Sanguină" to hide their presence from their foes before striking fast from the shadows. Each Company from the 2nd to the 7th are comprised of 5 Tactical Squads 2 Assault and 2 Devastators support squads and a specialized biker squad known as "The Scarlet Outriders", whose main purpose is to encircle and outflank their foes. The 8th, 9th and 10th Companies are comprised solely of Devastator, Assault and Scouts squads respectively. The Children also possess a secret, 11th Company amongst their ranks known as "The Blood Drunk", so cursed are they by the Black Rage that they can field an entire Company of 100+ Astartes in their chapter's equivalent to the Death Company of other Blood Angels successors. These Blood Drunk warriors are kept in stasis and are only unleashed upon the Chapter's foes when the situation is deemed too dire. Edited March 22, 2021 by Knight Brother Arthur Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted March 21, 2021 Share Posted March 21, 2021 (edited) The first Company of the Revenant Children are referred to as The Red Hunters,The Red Hunters are a canon Chapter, closely aligned with the Inquisition. Was the Company named in honor of the Chapter? The favored weapon of the Hunters is an electrified power whip designated as a "Cosimaran Power Scourges", a badge of office that represents the Hunter's skills in delivering a quick and bloodless death upon their foes. The First Company of the Revenant Children eschews the use of Terminator Armor, deeming it too bulky and massive for their preferred method of fighting, instead the Red Hunters equip themselves with Jump-Packs and wear specialized stealth cloaks called "The Rochie Sanguină" to hide their presence from their foes before striking fast from the shadows. Each Company from the 2nd to the 7th are comprised of 5 Tactical Squads 2 Assault and 2 Devastators support squads and a specialized biker squad known as "The Scarlet Outriders", whose main purpose is to encircle and outflank their foes. Good ideas.The Children also possess a secret, 11th Company amongst their ranks known as "The Blood Drunk", so cursed are they by the Black Rage that they can field an entire Company of 100+ Astartes in their chapter's equivalent to the Death Company of other Blood Angels successors. These Blood Drunk warriors are kept in stasis and are only unleashed upon the Chapter's foes when the situation is deemed too dire.How are the Blood Drunk any different from the Death Company? Does the Chapter retain hope the Blood Drunk may somehow, someday, be cured of the Black Rage? Do Blood Drunk warriors deploy with suicide bombs fitted to their breastplates (an idea I used for my Blood Angels successor's Death Company), so they may kill the enemy, even as death erases their shame of succumbing to the Black Rage? Edited March 21, 2021 by Bjorn Firewalker Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight Brother Arthur Posted March 21, 2021 Author Share Posted March 21, 2021 (edited) More feedback is always appreciated, thanks. The first Company of the Revenant Children are referred to as The Red Hunters,The Red Hunters are a canon Chapter, closely aligned with the Inquisition. Was the Company named in honor of the Chapter? I was not aware that there was a Chapter with such a name, maybe I ought to change the name of the First Company so as to not cause confusion? Any suggestions? The Children also possess a secret, 11th Company amongst their ranks known as "The Blood Drunk", so cursed are they by the Black Rage that they can field an entire Company of 100+ Astartes in their chapter's equivalent to the Death Company of other Blood Angels successors. These Blood Drunk warriors are kept in stasis and are only unleashed upon the Chapter's foes when the situation is deemed too dire.How are the Blood Drunk any different from the Death Company? Does the Chapter retain hope the Blood Drunk may somehow, someday, be cured of the Black Rage? Do Blood Drunk warriors deploy with suicide bombs fitted to their breastplates (an idea I used for my Blood Angels successor's Death Company), so they may kill the enemy, even as death erases their shame of succumbing to the Black Rage? I don't really know how I'll make the Blood Drunk different from regular Death Company Marines, maybe the Blood Drunk are those marines lost to the Thirst instead of the Rage? And are thusly completely separate from the Death Company altogether? Edited March 21, 2021 by Knight Brother Arthur Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted March 21, 2021 Share Posted March 21, 2021 (edited) The first Company of the Revenant Children are referred to as The Red Hunters,The Red Hunters are a canon Chapter, closely aligned with the Inquisition. Was the Company named in honor of the Chapter?I was not aware that there was a Chapter with such a name, maybe I ought to change the name of the First Company so as to not cause confusion? Any suggestions?"Orloks", after the antagonist of Nosferatu? Or maybe use a derivative name like "Ruber Venatori" ("Red Hunters" in Latin), to give the Chapter a history? Say its First Company (then known by a different name) was almost wiped out when the Chaos cultists it was sent to purge, turned out to be far more powerful than anticipated- with full support from Chaos Space Marine warbands- but the Marines were saved when the Red Hunters- deployed in support of an Inquisitor's efforts against the same cult- intervened. Afterwards, the First Company renamed itself to honor its saviors. I don't really know how I'll make the Blood Drunk different from regular Death Company Marines, maybe the Blood Drunk are those marines lost to the Thirst instead of the Rage? And are thusly completely separate from the Death Company altogether?Death Company Marines are also put in stasis between battles- Lemartes himself is subjected to this, according to the 5th Edition Codex. You have two options. One: Just say your Chapter refers to its Death Company as the "Blood Drunk" for some reason, e.g., the Chapter's officers think the Red Thirst is more disgraceful than the Black Rage, to the point the term "blood drunk" is an insult worth fighting an honor duel to avenge. Two: Identify the Blood Drunk as Elites with special dispensation to indulge in the Red Thirst, so they may be fiercer in battle. Differentiate them from the Sanguinary Guards by writing Special Rules stating the Blood Drunk inflict penalties to enemy rolls (for Initiative? To Hit, as their terrifying visage makes the enemy shut his eyes in fear? something else?), for no sane person wants to face them in battle. Edited March 21, 2021 by Bjorn Firewalker Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight Brother Arthur Posted March 22, 2021 Author Share Posted March 22, 2021 "Orloks", after the antagonist of Nosferatu? Or maybe use a derivative name like "Ruber Venatori" ("Red Hunters" in Latin), to give the Chapter a history? Say its First Company (then known by a different name) was almost wiped out when the Chaos cultists it was sent to purge, turned out to be far more powerful than anticipated- with full support from Chaos Space Marine warbands- but the Marines were saved when the Red Hunters- deployed in support of an Inquisitor's efforts against the same cult- intervened. Afterwards, the First Company renamed itself to honor its saviors. I've got an idea: Vânători Roșii as their name in Cosimaran language, with "Orloks" being used as a derogatory name by those who dislike the Chapter. I think I'll use the backstory of the Chapter being saved by the Red Hunters during the War on Tsathoggua, where the Children fought against a war band of the Black Legion and suffered heavy casualties, including the loss of their then Chapter Master Dimitri Vasilescu (which would then be succeeded by Vlach Drakul). I don't really know how I'll make the Blood Drunk different from regular Death Company Marines, maybe the Blood Drunk are those marines lost to the Thirst instead of the Rage? And are thusly completely separate from the Death Company altogether?Death Company Marines are also put in stasis between battles- Lemartes himself is subjected to this, according to the 5th Edition Codex. You have two options. One: Just say your Chapter refers to its Death Company as the "Blood Drunk" for some reason, e.g., the Chapter's officers think the Red Thirst is more disgraceful than the Black Rage, to the point the term "blood drunk" is an insult worth fighting an honor duel to avenge. Two: Identify the Blood Drunk as Elites with special dispensation to indulge in the Red Thirst, so they may be fiercer in battle. Differentiate them from the Sanguinary Guards by writing Special Rules stating the Blood Drunk inflict penalties to enemy rolls (for Initiative? To Hit, as their terrifying visage makes the enemy shut his eyes in fear? something else?), for no sane person wants to face them in battle. I like the idea of the Blood Drunk being a specialist cadre of warriors who indulge in the Red Thirst. The Revenant Children are supposed to inflict terror in the hearts of their foes, so the Blood Drunk could be a specialist formation that attempts to cause as bloody and gory a death as possible upon their foes, a complete contradiction with the rest of the Chapter who prefer to honor their enemies and themselves with a clean, bloodless death. The Blood Drunk would then be seen as outcasts among their brothers, barely kept in check by the Chapter's Chaplains. Bjorn Firewalker 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted March 22, 2021 Share Posted March 22, 2021 (edited) I've got an idea: Vânători Roșii as their name in Cosimaran language, with "Orloks" being used as a derogatory name by those who dislike the Chapter.I think "Nosferatu" works better as an insult, as it's derived from the Greek word "nosophoros" (diseased). Using "Orloks" as an insult, may insult House Orlock members in turn, which may be dangerous in Necromundan.I like the idea of the Blood Drunk being a specialist cadre of warriors who indulge in the Red Thirst.Thank you. Naturally, the Blood Drunk need their own formal name. Maybe the aforementioned "Orlok" (IIRC, derived from "Orcus", the Roman god of the underworld)? Maybe Drakula, "(Chapter Master) Drakul's Son"? Varcolac ("werewolf"), with the hunting and killing of wolves as a rite of entry to the ranks? Edited March 22, 2021 by Bjorn Firewalker Knight Brother Arthur 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight Brother Arthur Posted March 22, 2021 Author Share Posted March 22, 2021 (edited) I've got an idea: Vânători Roșii as their name in Cosimaran language, with "Orloks" being used as a derogatory name by those who dislike the Chapter.I think "Nosferatu" works better as an insult, as it's derived from the Greek word "nosophoros" (diseased). Using "Orloks" as an insult, may insult House Orlock members in turn, which may be dangerous in Necromundan. Thanks for the feedback Bjorn, always appreciated. Nosferatu works well as an insult to the Chapter's finest, I can see the likes of the Black Templars, who are not buddies with the Revenant Children, using the word as an insult, drawing comparisons to a bloodsucking, diseased creature in order to provoke a violent reaction from these otherwise level headed warriors. I like the idea of the Blood Drunk being a specialist cadre of warriors who indulge in the Red Thirst.Thank you. Naturally, the Blood Drunk need their own formal name. Maybe the aforementioned "Orlok" (IIRC, derived from "Orcus", the Roman god of the underworld)? Maybe Drakula, "(Chapter Master) Drakul's Son"? Varcolac ("werewolf"), with the hunting and killing of wolves as a rite of entry to the ranks? Funny of you to said that, because "Varcolac" were originally meant to be the name of the Chapter's Terminator Squads, but I dropped the idea because I couldn't find a way to make them unique from regular Terminators. Now you've just gone and given me a reason to implement the Varcolac back into my Chapter! Since the RC have a general dislike towards Terminator Armor due to its bulkiness and lack of mobility, I could see the Blood Drunk/Varcolacs, who are considered mavericks among the chapter, taking a liking towards the use of Terminator Armor, sorta as a way to make their deviations from the Chapter's norms more pronounced. Something that also spontanerously came to me while writting this: maybe the Varcolacs weren't a 100% officially sanctioned company during Vasilescu's reign as Chapter Master, but after Drakul's eventual ascencion to the rank he decided to modify the Chapter's tactics into being more aggressive by making their penchant for terror more striking, and one of the ways he did so would be to make the Varcolacs an official Company within the Chapter, thus giving them access to Terminator Armor. The following action could also have an impact in leading Radu to rebel against his own Chapter, he could see such deviations from norms and traditions as a "fall from grace" for his Chapter, thus leading to him falling from grace himself! Edited March 22, 2021 by Knight Brother Arthur Bjorn Firewalker 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted March 22, 2021 Share Posted March 22, 2021 (edited) Since the RC have a general dislike towards Terminator Armor due to its bulkiness and lack of mobility, I could see the Blood Drunk/Varcolacs, who are considered mavericks among the chapter, taking a liking towards the use of Terminator Armor, sorta as a way to make their deviations from the Chapter's norms more pronounced.Good ideas! As Terminator armor is often used in confined environments, e.g., space hulks and starship interiors (where it's foolish to sacrifice armor for mobility, as the confines mean one may be unable to move out of the way of incoming attacks), that means they can deny potential witnesses any chance to escape and then spread word of the Marines drinking blood. Something that also spontanerously came to me while writting this: maybe the Varcolacs weren't a 100% officially sanctioned company during Vasilescu's reign as Chapter Master, but after Drakul's eventual ascencion to the rank he decided to modify the Chapter's tactics into being more aggressive by making their penchant for terror more striking, and one of the ways he did so would be to make the Varcolacs an official Company within the Chapter, thus giving them access to Terminator Armor. The following action could also have an impact in leading Radu to rebel against his own Chapter, he could see such deviations from norms and traditions as a "fall from grace" for his Chapter, thus leading to him falling from grace himself! Again, good ideas! Will Radu succumb to Slaanesh's embrace? Edited March 22, 2021 by Bjorn Firewalker Knight Brother Arthur 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight Brother Arthur Posted March 22, 2021 Author Share Posted March 22, 2021 (edited) Again, good ideas! Will Radu succumb to Slaanesh's embrace? I was thinking either Slaanesh or Tzeentch, either way Radu will betray his Chapter out of genuine love and concern for the Chapter's well-being, disapproving of many of Drakul's decisions, as well as some measure of jealousy for not being chosen as Vasilescu's successor. I also had the idea of Vlach Drakul and Radu being friendly rivals, both under the tutelage of Vasilescu before the War on Tsathoggua, later, after the Chapter Master is slain by a Black Legion Champion, Vlach is chosen as his successor by the Chapter, leaving Radu embittered by the choice, thus sparking his descent into the claws of Chaos. Edited March 22, 2021 by Knight Brother Arthur Bjorn Firewalker 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight Brother Arthur Posted March 22, 2021 Author Share Posted March 22, 2021 Anyone, help. Can somebody give me a good name for a Black Legion Champion that'll slay Dimitri Vasilescu during the events at Tsathoggua? I was thinking of naming him something like "Zachariel Ares", but i don't know of that name sounds Black Legion-y enough. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight Brother Arthur Posted March 22, 2021 Author Share Posted March 22, 2021 Chapter Gene-Seed: Like all sons of Sanguinius, the Revenant Children suffer from the twin curses that plague the Primarch's lineage. The Chapter believes that the Red Thirst and Black Rage were given to the Sons of Sanguinius by the Emperor himself, as punishment for the Primarch's failure in ending the treachery of Horus when the two demi-gods dueled aboard the Vengeful Spirit. Unlike other Sons of Sanguinius who would hide their monstrous nature behind a façade of angelic beauty and grace, the Revenant Children prefer to embrace their nature as monsters, seeing little benefit in putting up a mask of falsehood in order to control their sanguine urges and blackened wrath. Instead, the Chapter views their curses as something to be overcome through deeds, not petty falsehoods, they'll slay the enemies of the Imperium until they are given forgiveness by the Emperor himself, thus believing that, through relentless and restless service, they'll be rewarded with freedom from their curses. Bjorn Firewalker 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted March 22, 2021 Share Posted March 22, 2021 (edited) Anyone, help. Can somebody give me a good name for a Black Legion Champion that'll slay Dimitri Vasilescu during the events at Tsathoggua?How about naming the Black Legion Champion "Cocytus" (Greek for "lamentation"), after the Circle of Hell where Satan is imprisoned, in Dante's Inferno? If you need to give him a first name, well, according to the Wikipedia article: Cocytus is divided into four descending "rounds", or sections: Caina, after the Biblical Cain; traitors to blood relatives. Antenora, after Antenor from the Iliad; traitors to country. Ptolomea, after Ptolemy, governor of Jericho, who murdered his guests (1 Maccabees); traitors to guests. Here it is said that sometimes the soul of a traitor falls to Hell before Atropos cuts the thread, and their body is taken over by a fiend. Judecca, after Judas Iscariot; traitors to masters and benefactors. Edited March 22, 2021 by Bjorn Firewalker Knight Brother Arthur 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted March 26, 2021 Share Posted March 26, 2021 Giving the "Blood Drunk" dispensation to indulge in blood drinking, and denying those they kill the honor of a bloodless death, will be a sign of Chapter Master Drakul's ruthlessness. I presume he's quicker to advocate Exterminatus than his predecessor. Maybe Radu turned traitor because Drakul killed those the former thought should be spared, and/or destroyed worlds Radu thought should be saved? Knight Brother Arthur 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight Brother Arthur Posted March 26, 2021 Author Share Posted March 26, 2021 (edited) Giving the "Blood Drunk" dispensation to indulge in blood drinking, and denying those they kill the honor of a bloodless death, will be a sign of Chapter Master Drakul's ruthlessness. I presume he's quicker to advocate Exterminatus than his predecessor. Maybe Radu turned traitor because Drakul killed those the former thought should be spared, and/or destroyed worlds Radu thought should be saved? Drakul and Radu are meant to be polar opposites; while Drakul is ruthless and without scruples, Radu is full of doubt borne out of good intentions. Drakul is the pessimist and pragmatist, while Radu is idealist and honorable beyond reason. Radu is also the most combat capable of the Revenant Children, managing to take down a Great Unclean One by himself during the events of the War on Tsathoggua, while Drakul is the better general and tactician. Both were in equal position to take Vasilescu's place as Chapter Master of the Revenant Children, but Drakul was chosen for his tactical brilliance and remorseless nature over Radu's martial skill and charisma, a choice that deeply wounded his pride and would act as his "star of darkness". Edited March 26, 2021 by Knight Brother Arthur Gamiel and Bjorn Firewalker 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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