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State of the Union (Heresy)

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Dreadclaws are no longer assault vehicles but the Kharybdis is.

Between the Vigilator having Master Sniper (Always on Rending 2+ and Shell Shocked (2)), a Nemesis Bolter having Pinning and Sniper Baseline, while hes only firing off 1 shot its near-guaranteed Ap2 Auto-wound that forces a pinning test at -2 that you can just allocate to whatever model in a unit you want.

.... from up to 72" away.


I'm probably going to be including one as much as I can to snipe out squad sergeants/apothecaries/etc.

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It seems the missing units not included in the leaks may be in other supplements as "Expanded units"...


The implications are good, but im not sure what the purpose of this is? I mean all it means is "there is a wide range of miniatures" i guess its just a warning to newbies that they may not be accessible? 

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Atomantic Deflector is a 5++ (the leviathan doesnt have a 4++ anymore it seems) and is what turns instant death wounds into d3 wounds instead.


Breacher Charge (which all breachers and phalanx warders have by default?) makes it so, if theyre engaged with a building or fortification, they can make an automatic S10 Ap2 hit at init 1 vs the building or fort.


Krak Grenades are allow an automatic S6 Ap3 hit at init 1 vs Buildings, Forts, Dreads, Vehicles or Automata


Shroud Bombs make it so units targeting a unit with these have to increase the range theyre considered to be at by 6" (night vision and primarch ignores this). Also makes it so that if targeted by barrage they always count as outside of LoS (so full scatter) even if theres units with stuff like Nuncio-Voxes nearby.


Helical Targeting Array

  • turns on just like normal (cannot move, run or make any reactions other than interceptor or overwatch)
  • now lets you choose to have Skyfire on or not
  • effectively grants Ignores Cover (since it does not permit Damage Mitig Rolls from shrouded)
  • does not cost a reaction allotment point to perform Interceptor Reaction - meaning you can exceed 3 reactions in a phase but it doesnt permit the dread to make more than 1 reaction per phase.
  • Allows you a unit with the vehicle type to fire ALL its weapons as part of Interceptor instead of just defensive ones.

A legion standard sets units within 6" with the same LA rule to a blanket LD10 (dont underestimate this) when resolving Morale or Pinning checks. Also, units with a model that has a Legion Standard have the Line Sub-type AKA Command Squads are scoring as long as the banner is alive.


Vexilla now adds +1 to combat resolution, fall back only 1d6 instead of 2d6 or 3d6 (cavalry) and if forced off the board edge can instead stop 1" away from it.


Nuncio-Voxes additionally allow units to ignore the -1LD penalty of Night Fighting

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It seems the missing units not included in the leaks may be in other supplements as "Expanded units"...

The implications are good, but im not sure what the purpose of this is? I mean all it means is "there is a wide range of miniatures" i guess its just a warning to newbies that they may not be accessible? 



I've read it as 'we can only guarantee you models for Core units...but also for longer term players don't worry, we're not scrapping everything that isn't in this book'


The whole 'future publications may shift categories' bit is odd but its probably just some generic future proofing on GWs part. Can't be too specific about your future release plan in a hard copy rule book that may be around for years and years.

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...I wonder if it means box dreads will be in the pdf :wink:

Still don't explain the lack of Medusa, it still sells on the FW store.


For all we know, some units were not included in the playtesting either because of scope, time, or any myriad of other reasons. Unless they tell us directly, we can only assume.

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I'm really confused on how the Sabre can move 36" off the flat out, but speeders got screwed on their movement. It's not like ruins block movement for vehicles like in 9th; sabres can just blast through.


Speeders certainly payed for the sins of the javelin...


Yeah that is cracked, I'm hoping it gets fixed because all you need to do is cut down the Sabre's movement so it is easy enough.

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Speeders move like infantry i think, so thats their top speed at full effectiveness, but vehicles cant fire weapons when they move their full amount like 7th. Thats the big surprise for me, Land speeders are treated exactly like bikes/jetbikes.

Interestingly the Khans Jetbike is custom and has double heavy bolters, and right at the start of their colour section there is a big, blacked out jetbike silhouette...

Having gone over a bunch now, old datasheets are such a pain compared to the 40k ones, having to flick around to find the special rules and weapon stats elsewhere is not something i missed, especially as the loyalist book has its own different selection of USRs and weapon stats. We need to combine the two styles and get points and rules all together! 

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Speeders move like infantry i think, so thats their top speed at full effectiveness, but vehicles cant fire weapons when they move their full amount like 7th. Thats the big surprise for me, Land speeders are treated exactly like bikes/jetbikes.

It's more like dissonance of calling something a speeder when it's top speed is 20" while the Sabre can book it 36". Like I guess flying really isn't faster than driving lol.


And javelins are stuck at 14.


Oh and they never get cover. Guess they get all the downsides of flying without the real upsides.


Let's also pour one out for no ruin rules. 7th shares the dubious achievement with 8th for having no real terrain rules, and it allows ridiculous situations like land Raiders parking on top floors, and sabres boosting 36" through a city block. I'm really disappointed in the state of the ruin rules, as it single handedly balanced the high ap blast weapons in 5th+6th.


Edit again. Looks like the changed wound allocation. Instead of closest to furthest, it's just choose whoever in range and los. I gotta admit, I never saw that coming. They threw out the wound allocation minutae that made positioning important for both shooting and combat in favour of 8ths brain dead system.


I'm really not happy at the inclusion of stratagems, dumbing down vehicle weapon arcs, and stripping out the wound allocation just to broaden the net and not be too off-putting to the 40k masses. Let's not forget that 40k heel-turned in 8th to have the lowest bar of entry at the expense of depth and integrity.

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I prefer the USRs all in the main book. I don’t like the modern 40k way that they are all slightly different.

I REALLY like the Necromunda model where the stats and special rules for everything in each book is printed in that book.

I mean, you can easily have both. You can absolutely have consistent USRs without printing them centrally too. Well, i mean, they obviously keep a central record, but thats what they do in AoS and you dont have the inconsistency problem.

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I suppose that’s the difference: 40k’s are all just slightly different in a way that I find maddening. I don’t really mind the central thing because I usually don’t have the unit’s full sheets in front of me when I play anything anyway. Mostly I’ll just have the statline if anything.
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