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 So I shared my finished Harlequin part of my Ynnari army, and I did mention that there is a Dark Eldar part of it as well. After debating on either to start a post or not, I came to a conclusion that I do want to start it :whistling:
 Here is my first HQ for the Dark Eldar part, The Whisperer. Planning to use her as Yvraine, but she can be an Archon, Troupe master or Jain Zar if needed. For the conversion I used Jain Zar, Judicators, Khinerai Lifetakers and Bloodwrack Shrine. Needs some green stuffing here and there before I start painting her.
Also, really happy with how the kitbash came out, was worried while cutting out Jain Zars mask, as there was no way back :teehee: The only thing I would want to try and change is the spear, as initially I planned to use Morathis one from AoS, so I might revisit it once I can catch it on bits and kits :rolleyes:



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What a fantastic kitbash/conversion! :ohmy.:

 Thank you )


Amazing work with the conversion! Happy painting! :smile.:

 I hope I can get back to painting soon! Cheers )


That's a pretty awesome conversion there!

 Glad you like it ) Thank you )


This is a beautiful army, and that newest conversion is amazing. Love the upstretched hands on your bases as the passage of the Ynarri literally wakes the dead. Amazing work.

 Thanks ) As soon as I figure out how to cover all the gaps on my Wraithknight, I can start working on is base, and it will be ace if everything goes as planned )


Dam good Army!!! really liking the colour scheme!! Keep up the good work

 Thanks man!


That is really nice stuff, the army looks great and I really like the conversions a lot.

 Thank you )

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 So now I can start working on my Talos. When indomitus came out, I knew that I have to buy these Necrons walker things, but I dident want to start a whole new army just because of them. So I came up with this idea, which will not be for everyone's taste.

 The model is very WIP, there are much more to add to it. The lower part of the dude will have more cables and tubes coming out, there will be syringes and knives coming out from the bottom part of the walker, and of course dark eldar guns added.


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As has been said above The Whisperer is a lovely conversion, HQs is where the Dark Eldar in particular have always looked a bit boring to me. The Archon model itself is much too static for my liking. But you've made an excellent warrior woman to lead your host. A lot of movement in the pose, the mask certainly adds an air of mystique to it all. As for the Talos conversation, I am a fan. The biological component at the top is what sells it for me. I look forward to seeing more.

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As has been said above The Whisperer is a lovely conversion, HQs is where the Dark Eldar in particular have always looked a bit boring to me. The Archon model itself is much too static for my liking. But you've made an excellent warrior woman to lead your host. A lot of movement in the pose, the mask certainly adds an air of mystique to it all. As for the Talos conversation, I am a fan. The biological component at the top is what sells it for me. I look forward to seeing more.

 Cheers man ) Glad you like them )


 I also made a hobby update video on whats to come for this army. Talked in detail what bits I used for these two new units and a bit of fluff )


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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...
My stand in for Yvraine, Warbringer Maleveth is ready to be painted. Really loved building this model, it was tons of fun. The best part about this build was that I took it very slow, dident rush it, and thus really enjoyed it.








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Really creative conversion!

I'd say that the lady is sitting a little bit too far towards the back of the beast, but still it's a stunning mini.

 Not really, as it would make it to busy and the lady would be lost on the model. 


thats an amazing conversion

 Cheers )


That's a horrifying gribbly. I love it. I've always felt there's a unsung aspect of horror to 40k and you've got it sorted on that conversion. Very good work. Keep at it.

 Thank you ) 

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  • 2 weeks later...
 So, I had Yvraine model glued and sitting on my shelf for a while now. I was angry at my self for gluing it together, as I could use it for parts. Yesterday was supposed to be a painting day, I opened my shelf, was about to take out models to be primed, and then I saw her.... Yvraine... So I put my models back on the shelves, grabbed a knife, bits box and Yvraine.







 Still cant decide on two shoulder pads, or one?
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