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Always been a fan of this Chapter. Was going to share a picture of a squad I did a while back but can't do it from my phone.

I went from Ultras in 2nd, to Blood Angels in 3rd. I started the Malevolents in 5th and never looked back. I've always enjoyed your plog. It's nice seeing so many different chapters represented.

This is currently what I'm heading towards. I have the bits in the mail for making my Bladeguard vets. They'll be a little different than all the bling of the vanilla kit. I'm going for Palanite Shields and shock mauls. They are going to be the First Company "Watchdogs" I've referenced a few times.


I'll probably beef it out with some transports and dedicated anti tank but I'm enjoying the army make up so far. Heading slowly but surely to my armored cavalry project vision.



Battle Group: Ogre

Adeptus Astartes - Incursion - Eternal War ( 5CP - 1000PT - 0PT )



Adeptus Astartes Battalion Detachment ( 3CP - 1000PT )




Lieutenant in Phobos Armour (80)


WARLORD: Primaris Captain (140) Heavy bolt pistol, Power fist


TRAITS: Merciless Logic

RELICS: Purgatorus


Primaris Lieutenant (75)



Infiltrator Squad (120)

1x Infiltrator Sergeant

4x Infiltrator


Intercessor Squad (105)

1x Intercessor Sergeant: Auto bolt rifle, Power sword

4x Intercessor: Auto bolt rifle


Intercessor Squad (105)

1x Intercessor Sergeant: Auto bolt rifle, Power sword

4x Intercessor: Auto bolt rifle



Bladeguard Veteran Squad (105)

1x Bladeguard Veteran Sergeant

2x Bladeguard Veteran

RELICS: The Honour Vehement

STRATAGEMS: Scion of the Forge


Redemptor Dreadnought (180) Icarus rocket pod, Macro plasma incinerator



Eliminator Squad (90)

1x Eliminator Sergeant

2x Eliminator



Scion of the Forge (1CP)


Total Command Points: 4/9

Reinforcement Points: 0

Total Points: 1000/1000

@BadgersinHills thanks! There is a small update on the Leuitenant below.

++Marinus Status Malus++

Cyro-stasis is a routine practice among the Status Malus fraterhood. Not just for their Armored Tactical Enforcers, but for all personnel within the Chapter. It is not uncommon for frater to skip entire decades or even centuries whilst in stasis. Several of the most acclaimed Marines within the Chapter can date their service back to M.32 and the Chapters founding.

This does not make them the oldest living Marines for that is a falsehood. For a Chapter that survives entirely on frugality between resupply, which are sparse, they approach the passage of time with the same shrewd thinking.

Frater will do rotations in cryo-sleep to reduce the bleed on resources. It has proven incredibly effective and allows strike squads to be "thawed" for engagements suited to individual and group skill sets. Often a combat squad will thaw in orbit of an abandoned station or active warzone with armament and orders waiting for them. They will remain on active duty until debriefing can occur and then if they are not part of a protracted campaign they will re-enter cryo-stasis.

Despite somewhat strained political relations with Mars, the Status Malus do have several close allies with splinter factions within the Mechanicum and can rely on these elements to keep their process functioning. The arrangement is nothing if not beneficial for both parties; the radical Mechanicus have Astartes on loan for wet-work and in return they get to maintain incredibly ancient technology and assist with technical support only the most sycophantic of priests on Mars are allowed to study.

This symbiotic relationship allows a unique culture to flourish in the ready-chambers aboard Status Malus strike cruisers and battle barges. Often within Militarum regiments and some Astartes Chapters the tradition of trophy taking and display is common. For the Status Malus the trophies they display are not merely from different battlefields, they are from different centuries.


Finished build work on ATE Callan. Just some areas to smooth out with some greenstuff before priming. The additional Marine on the base is Specialist Reiner and acts as the Icarus launcher. I have left the IL mount ontop of the Dreadnought for LoS purposes but feel this look fits my style better. The TDC "Mantle of Malice" is also sporting a rack of mag-locked Bolt Carbines for the Marines he supports in battle just incase they need a secondary weapon.





Also a rework of Deveraz's carbine to bring it more in line with the feel of a Special Operative.



Edited by NomadPainting

i must confess, i initially thought that the bolt carbines on the posterior of the Dread were there because that's where they were being stashed after having been 'acquired' from other chapters :P




I mean either works! ;)


Dig the extended rocket launcher.

Thank you sarge, I wanted a more believable launcher tube that the stubby Astartes one, I just felt it never looked right.

Double post goodness.

++Marinus Status Malus++

The carci-stick flared in the dark. A tiny speck of light in the distance. It glistened a vibrant star burst orange in the rangefinder of S.O.G IV's designated kill-shot. Leuitenant Krell was hunkered down in the burnt out remains of an ore hauler, his enhanced optics struggling against the dark of the terrain, he could not see what S.O.G IV could see and it was unsettling. He tapped his armoured finger tip against the trigger guard of his assault-bolter. He had deployed with these reapers countless times and he had never felt comfortable around these fraters.

Karkan, the designated kill-shot of Special Operations Group IV, lifted his ceramite gloved hand and adjusted the dial along the side of his Eliminator rifle. He could feel his second-scope, Sobel, off to his left curled up beneath a rubble tarp that poured a steady stream of the acid rain that blanketed the ruins that sprawled around them. His sergeant, Ghorghan, was somewhere out there in the field of razor wire, auto guns, and rubble. His chameleon cloak was working as intended. A green skull sigil blinked into existence on his heads up display and he flicked his tongue against the back of his teeth.

++ Krell. See what happens when hyper-frag hits a man at seven hundred seventy seven meters per second? ++

The Leuitenant responded by shaking his helmet from side to side. Karkan tossed his rangefinder at the officer and shouldered his rifle. He took a deep breath in and slaved his ocular visor to his weapon.

++Range is set, look at commissariat dreg++

He let Krell slave to the range finder, exhaled, and squeezed the trigger.


S.O.G IV on deployment. Weapons drilled and ready for basing proper.


Operator Sergeant Ghorgan


Operator Sobel


Operator Karkan


As I like to tie in little themes throughout the army, here's what I like to think a Mortis round would do to an Astartes.




That bolter storage might be something I steal for an Invictor suit attached to my Incursors/Infiltrators, I love it.

Thanks Lord_Ikka! Steal away! I like to do it with my vehicles, have an extra stash of weapons or equipment just within reach. Gives them a pinch of story on the table top.

Showing the aftermath of snipers/marksman on a base is something I never knew how much I wanted. That cored helmet is amazing, and the splayed ceramite plating around the exit wound is just... *Chef's Kiss*.

Thanks 40k Destiny! I definitely wanted it to look that way so I'm glad it translated well, the front of the helmet is curled in ever so slightly on the edges of the entry wound and I peeled out the helmet on the exit wound.

++Marinus Status Malus++

Brakka strode the length of the Sokar pattern dropship, gripping the over head rails and glaring his skull plated helm around at his fraters. The orange glow of the interior lights swirling along the deck gave the Chaplain-Aspirant a spectral quality.

++ It is duty to lay down your lives for truth of Him on Earth. ++

His utility belt clattered and jingled as the turbulence of the upper atmosphere shook his war plate. Bones, skulls, oath papers, and a copy of the Imperial Truth shuddered against eachother. His glimmering red auto lenses cycled across each member of the combat patrol before him.

++ Ten thousand souls daily. Let's add a few more. ++

A crackle of laughter crept through the Astartes as they readied for a hot landing. The Special Operations Recon Unit designated Ghost Eye checked weapons; running diagnostics on slave links, whispering rites of priming whilst applying last minute ointment to gun components.

The hold flashed with color as the deck lights switched from orange to green. The rumble of the engines began to rise steadily onto the roar of a thousand carnodon. The world inside the dropship was one of violent vibration.

Leuitenant Deveraz looked from the hulking battle brothers opposite him, resplendent with their mighty chained blades and monstrous pistols. His eyes traveled over their battle scarred war plate and studied the camouflage clad infiltrators. The recon unit he would be leading had a difficult job ahead of them. He relished the challenge. It's not every day you get to hunt renegades. He tapped his vox bead and grunted to the assembled Marines. The command that was about to leave his lips would rile his warriors up. Today was certainly not like every other day; not only were they hunting renegades but they also had their ammunition-ration lifted for this operation.

++Bolters free. Command wants results. Get some scalps. ++

The dropship broke through the flak storm that blasted across the sky, the hungry war cries of the Status Malus within heralding a vicious killing joke upon those who would turn their face from Him.


S.O.R.U Ghost Eye.


Deveraz update for a more tacticool look.


And last but certainly not least; Chaplain-Aspirant Brakka, sergeant of assault squad Sabre.





Edited by NomadPainting

Looking brutal.



Thanks, Sarge! If you liked him then you'll love my Watchdogs! I should have all the bits I need in the next week or so here.



Well done. I especially like Chaplain-aspirant Brakka. What’d you use for the torso?

Thanks Shovellovin! The torso is from a plastic cataphractii sergeant. It requires a little filing in of the waist area but thats nothing some greenstuff can't fix!

  • 2 weeks later...

++Marinus Status Malus++

"The burden of faith is upon the individual. Perish and ye shall be judged before the Golden Throne. To be found lacking is to be condemned. To be found pure is to be in paradise under his gaze. Suffer not remorse for lives lost in the pursuit of His direction. Only one found lacking shall dwell upon such things. The Emperor, Man Above All, knows his own"

Brakka's sermon was a direct rendition of the inscription upon the entry archway to sub deck seven-seven-gamma aboard the Status Malus Strike Cruiser Purgatorum. His words were unclipped and he spoke in full sentences, something he struggled momentarily with at the start. It had been years.

The assembled Status Malus lined the deck stretching away from the yawning void at the far end of the hanger, waiting to receive the incoming boarding craft. Toareg had snarled them to parade which was something he hadn't done for close to a decade. The fact the Captain had taken not one but two communication packets in the privacy of the ships Reclusiam was enough to send a buzz through his Marines. They knew something gargantuan was coming, someone was coming. Toareg didn't do secrets.

The Stormbird hissed as it settled onto the creaking turbo-lift. The atmosphere battered hull groaned and released a cloud of steam. The transport rose into view of the Task Force, the vehicle was equal in size to their own, which meant there was the high possibility it held just as many other Status Malus frater. A prospect that none assembled felt reassuring. There was bad blood between some of the Task Forces and having two of them cramped into a strike cruiser could be explosive.

The ramp slammed down and a giant disembarked, his foot falls ringing like the striking of an anvil. Ghor'Hatan, veteran of a thousand battles and Status Malus subjugator-prime strode between the smaller astartes on either side of him, his war plate intimidating the cruisers serfs into retreating further into the shadows behind their astartes masters. The behemoth came to a stop before the assembled command element of the task force, his craggy brow barely visible over the reinforced respirator clamped to his jaw. The deadly gravity cannon mounted upon his shoulder twitched as a sub routine spat power through its cycling chamber. A not too subtle threat as gravity weapons were reserved almost solely for engaging traitor Astartes. It was a declaration of intent and the leuitenant's came to a different conclusion than their captain.

"Toareg, Purgatorum will recieve jump-ord. Aff for redeploy, no review needed. Task force disband, battle group formation. Inspection of logs, veteran sergeant Toareg"

The brute gestured with one monstrous power glove to the gantry. The realization hit Toareg hard and he snapped his head to pierce Deveraz with a look full of intent.

As the force commander followed the demoted frater, two more figures strolled out of the transport. Their helmets bore the black and red of the Chapters veteran company. The power mauls at their hips caught the eye of every Marine at parade. The two figures joined the third Watchdog who had been with the cruiser for five years. Now there were three of them. Krell furrowed his brow beneath his helmet and wrestled with the thoughts racing through his mind.

Where the feth are we going?


Update for today, reposed and rearmed Brakka, the Chaplain-Aspirant. The Assault Intercessors I'm building needed a little extra punch as they'll be following the Bladeguards into melee. What better way than a Thunder Hammer?


Leuitenant Krell got the honor of carrying the Chapters Bellicose Bolter into combat.


And Captain Toareg got a wargear change and demoted to Bladeguard Sergeant...for something wicked this way comes.


Force Commander Ghor'Hatan

gallery_41766_16996_95983.jpg Edited by NomadPainting

++Marinus Status Malus++

"Suspicion of ones frater should come naturally. Expect each member of your unit to strive to excellence, often at your expense. The reason for this is simple. We will achieve victory at any cost. If one of your subordinates can secure your objective and you are unable to, or have not ordered them to, then they are deserving of your position and you are no longer fit to function in a command role. It is not personal. It is strategy."

-- Excerpt from the Officer Training Codex, a primer edited from the main body of the Codex Astartes, issued to every officer within the Chapter.


Work in progress update for the first of the Bladeguard Veteran "Watchdogs" following Toareg around. They all have some kind of power maul however they are powerswords rules wise. I feel that for the theme of the Chapter, swords for everyone is an idea I find lacking.


Cheers! Edited by NomadPainting

Like that blade guard. Interesting choice with that tetsubo



Thanks space wolf, the way I envision the Bladeguard for this Chapter is they go where the toughest of foes are, and that's usually other Astartes. Instead of wasting time focusing on sword play they prefer to dispatch their foes as quickly and effectively as possible. I like to think a massive powered tetsubo is a great way to deal with Power armor.


Great stuff.


Thanks BadgersinHills. Just waiting on a few more bits to finish the squad off.

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