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Ork Updates & New Models - 9th Edition Discussion

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As a longtime Bad Moon, I'm sad that from my test games it just doesn't look like shoota boys are going to be worth it anymore ow that choppas are ap-1.


Yeah, I don't think its worth it on Boyz, but on a mechanized army with lots of buggies and bikes it could be decent. Give Bikes some great range on those Dakkagunz.

From the Bat Reps I've seen and several list analysis done by tourney players it seems like multiple detachments using different clan traits is the way to go to be able to play the mission in both primary and secondary and deny the opponent points. 


We now have buffs for a solid combat element and the Waagh helps us move multiple threats up across the board simultaneously. 


The speedwaagh, although giving extra AP, doesn't help that much with the loss of many assault weapons on the buggies. 


The best HQs for melee seem to be these Boss on Squigasaur who can be kitted out with WLTs and Relics making them so hard to deal with so providing threats on multiple fronts backewd up with squig boys and bobs on smasher quigs. 


Run two sets of meganobz as trukk boys by having them in 2 Goff detachements and they are also a force that needs to be dealt with while being resilliant on an objectove. 


Units of boys or beast snaggas moving up to be a second wave bheind the cavalry


Units of Buggies providing fire power and back field Objective holding. 


Either Kommandos or stormboys to do ROD secondary and engage 


Consider taking kill rig for some uber tough threat and psychic to get those buffs and debuffs off. 


All in all im pretty happy with this new codex and cant wait to put models into combat. I would have liked some of the strats to be cheaper, I don't like that you can only put KJs on single vehicles but now that buggie shave to stick in units it would make them OP. Imagine 3 Skrapjets with fight twice. That's 24 Attacks and all those mortals. 


I like the Dreads with KMBs. Now D3 shots, give one the KJ of extra Kutom job for D3+1 shot. Then put it in Deathskulls for that FNP when the mortals come in. Thats powerful. 



Whie the codex isnt broken, its not weak but against other factions which are a bit broken (Drukhari, Sisters, Admech) we can still give them trouble. 


Terrain still plays a huge part of the game and ensuring you have enough on the board so you can move up without being shot off the board and not having so much your vehicles get easily bogged down. Its a juggling act. 


And Ghazz in a battle wagon with a painboy and a weirdboy? Yes please. 

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