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To Plunder The Stars Themselves, Episode III


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The warp storm around Odysseus brightened noticably as he continued to draw more and more energy from the warp, no longer distinct bolts of lightning but instead flickering cracks in space that leapt forward erratically as if unbound by the natural flow of time. Errant bolts scorched the deck and bulkheads in all directions coming dangerously close to Brynjarr and Draak, close enough to question whether the psyker was truly in control... or if he cared.

Half - Sustain force dome (learning from what happened against the robots :p)

Half - one last hail mary smite against #3 as the terminators have stubbornly kept in a 7m formation...

Activate: 87 (pass)
Auto phenomena:
97 (perils) - fate point reroll 84 (-10 = 74 = no effect) ...really pushing the characters luck with that one. This is why I like to hang onto those FPs....

Damage: 7 / 8 / 6 / 9 / 3 / 6 / 4 = 43, Pen 7
 (catches terminators #2, #3, #4, and #5)

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Round 3 Summary:

[x] Decimus: Attack Terminator 1 with Power Axe, Miss!

[x] Odysseus: Maintain Force Dome.
Smite at Terminator 3, Hits 4 and 5.

...I will hit 2 if you wish… but if it does, ANYONE engaged in CC with him will also be a target? (given how Melee is not a static thing!)

Abhor the Witch/Forcefield Saves:
Red 3: Wp55, Roll: 13, Pass!
Red 4: Wp55, Roll: 29, Pass!
Red 5: Wp55, Roll: 92, Fail! Forcefield 35, Roll: 31, Pass!

[ ] Svelk:
[ ] Brynjarr:

Warp-born lightning flares and crackles along the rounded pauldrons of the Terminator-armoured Angels, but does not penetrate. It seems that the myriad wards and wax seals and streamers are finally having the intended effect… at the worst possible time for you.

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Reinforcements have arrived.


In an instantinstantius' observation changes the paradigm of battle flowing throughout Svelk's mind. No longer are they trying to kill the enemy, or withdraw. They're stalling. Tying the enemy down. Preventing them from withdrawing.


Svelk spins away from where one of the tacticals duels with Vesalius. His infra-sights can see the roiling mass of crimson through the walls, the storm that is about to shatter the attacking onslaught. He feels his jump pack kick off again, hurling him across the chamber at one of the other tacticals.


Charge Action at Green Tactical 8

Pilot (Personal) if required for jump pack use:

d100: 04  vs Ag 44

Melee Attack

WS 50 + 10 (Charge) = Target of 60

d100: 81 

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Round 3 Summary Cont:

[x] Svelk: Charge Green 8, Miss!
Worth using a FP reroll? (Won't be many more opportunities to use them!)

[x] Brynjarr:
Multiple Attacks:
1: Melta Pistol at Red 1
BS48, Roll: 42, Hit!
Forcefield Save 35, Roll: 37, Fail!
Dam 2d10+12 Pen12
3+8+12 = 23 -TB10 - AV0(14x2=24-Pen12) = 13 Wounds suffered.
2: Power Axe at Red 2
WS45, Roll: 22, Hit!
Forcefield Save 35, Roll: 94, Fail!
Dam1d10+8 +SB12 Pen7
7+8+12 = 27 - TB10 - AV7(14-Pen7) = 10 Wounds suffered (now at 32 suffered in total).

[x] Terminators A
Red 3:
Drop out of Squad Mode, Activate Burst of Speed Solo Mode.
Half Move will reach edge of Force Dome.
SAB at Odysseus:
BS50 +10(SAB) +10(Short Range) = 70, Roll: 42, Hits with 3DoS, 2 Hits x2 (Storm) = 4 Hits on (42=24) Left Arm, Arm, Body, Head.

(Will just wait for Odysseus' Dodge before the rest of the TDA take their Actions. Depending on Dodge Roll result, I may assign some of Red 3's Hits to Draak)

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The approaching terminators intentions were all too clear, Odysseus already moving before the shots were fired. But in such cramped conditions it was at best a temporary repreve.

Dodge: 4  (vs 52)

An opportune time to not be rolling 70+ on all my D100 rolls

Odysseus may need to grab up that plasma pistol, or perhaps run heroically over to the multimelta :p

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Round 3 Summary Cont:

Odysseus Dodges all Hits.

Red 1:
All-out Attack at Brynjarr, spend FP (his last one!) to activate Killing Strike.
WS50 +20(AOA) = 70, Roll: 57, Hit on (57=75) Right Leg
Dam 1d10+6 +SB11 Pen6
6+6+11 = 23 - TB10 -AV3(9-Pen6) = 10 Wounds suffered.

Red 2:
All-out Attack at Brynjarr
WS50 +20(AOA) = 70, Roll: 85, Miss!

Red 4:
Drop out of Squad Mode, Activate Burst of Speed Solo Mode.
Charge Odysseus: WS50 +10(Charge) = 60, Roll: 31, Hit on (31=13) Right Arm.
Dodge used.
Dam 2d10 +SB11 Pen9
7+4+11 = 22 - TB8 - AV0(8-Pen9) = 14 Wounds suffered.

Red 5: 
Drop out of Squad Mode, Activate Burst of Speed Solo Mode.
Full Move east.

The last Veteran turns around, apparently called by his power armoured brethren who had taken up position at the bulkhead portal. The bone and green-clad Tactical Astartes suddenly seem to be pressing on towards you… no, rather they are falling back? They fire as they retreat, targeting another force of Astartes that are pushing forward through the portal.

The Iron Gods have arrived!


Stand by for new Map!

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Round 3 Summary Cont:

[x] Tactical B:
Maintain Immovable Defence.
Green 6: SAB at Radago.
BS45 +10(SAB) +10(Short Range) +10(ImmDef) = 75, Roll: 47, Hit with 2DoS, 2 Hits.
Radago's Dodge Ag54, Roll: 31, Success with 2DoS, all Hits Dodged.

Green 8:
All-out Attack at Svelk
WS45 +20(AOA) = 65, Roll: 73, Miss!

Green 0:
SAB at Talek Varn.
BS45 +10(SAB) +30(Point Blank) = 85, Roll: 38, Hit with 4DoS, 3 Hits.
Forcefield Saves: 65, 27, 81.
2 Hits.
Cannot Dodge in TDA.
Dam 1d10+9 Tearing, Pen8
1: (9,4)+9 = 18 - TB12 - AV6(14-Pen8) = 0 Wounds suffered.
2: (5,1)+9 = 14 - TB12 - AV6(14-Pen8) = 0 Wounds suffered.
Ag Move west.

[x] Talek Varn:
Charge Green 0. Preternatural Speed allows Multiple Attacks on Charge.
1: Power Axe
WS70 +10(Charge) = 80, Roll: 62, Hit on (62=26) Left Arm
Dodge Roll: 53, Fail!
Dam1d10+13 Pen8, Felling(1) + SB15 +2(Crushing Blow)
5+13+15+2 = 35 - TB4 - AV0(8-Pen8) = 31 Wounds suffered. 
2: Power Fist
WS70 +10(Charge) = 80, Roll: 49, Hit on (49=94) Left Leg
Dodge Used.
Dam 2d10 +SB15 Pen9 +2(Crushing Blow). Green 0 dies.

The unnamed Marine stands bravely before the Tyrant, firing his boltgun ineffectually into Varn's massively armoured bulk as it rushes toward him. The master of the Iron Gods strikes, lashing out with axe then fist. The outcome was never really in doubt.

[ ] Orphiel:

[ ] Radago:

[ ] Ithan:


Forgot to add characters to the key, but should be obvious.

@Mazer: Don't forget Orphiel has no Wounds left and a bad knee, so you might want to keep him out of melee! The Stormbolter he took has Kraken Rounds though (like all the Angels' guns) so he can still do some damage!


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Orphiel limped into the combat, knee a source of liquid fire, but he stood, the familiar grip of a Thunderfury a comfort against both the agony and distaste.



Orphiel retains Solo Mode.

Full Action: SAB Green 6

BS: 51 + 10 (SAB) +10 (Bolt Master) + 10 (Range) = 81

D100: 56 PASS, Plus 2 Dos = 2 Hits x 2 Storm = 4 Hits.

(Multiple Hits as per p.239 Core - Body/Body/Arm/Head)

Dam: 1D10 (2D10 Tearing) + 9 (Dam) +2 (Bolt master) Resolved at Pen 4 (Kraken 8)

Hit 1 (Body): 16

Hit 2 (Body): 12

Hit 3 (Arm): 19 (RF Conf) + 5 = 24 

Hit 4 (Head): 18

Total Hits: 4

Total Damage: 70

Effects: Any Crit Damage sustained = Armour Ability activates (Death is Joy) + 2 to Crit roll.


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There was an old  saying  about the things that were supposed to be best in life circled through his mind as the Iron Gods made their way through the Pride of Kings. 

Boarding an ancient vessel full of  archeotech while fighting the self righteous shebb of the Lion should definitely be added onto that list as far as Ithan Kor was concerned.

Priceless in every sense of the word.

The Techmarine chuckled under his breath. 

Speaking of priceless things…

The  distinct  white shape and lens array of Killteam Cutlass own sawbones drew his attention, locked in combat with another ivory coloured warrior amidst the fray. 

Ithan lunged, his telltale collection of robes trailing a streak of crimson among the sea of gunmetal, bone and green around him. 

He was quite certain that his opponent was probably well aware of his intentions, but,  already engaged, could do little to his headlong charge at this point. Still, Ithan noticed the subtle shift in position as the descendant of the Lion attempted to counter him by letting his armoured shoulder guard take the brunt of the coming blow. 

Ithan grinned. There was nothing like fighting another Astartes.

He brought Cul’Sac down hard in a brutal overhead swing, putting the full momentum of the charge and his considerable bulk behind it.

Sparks flew as the  blade connected, sliding, buckling over the rounded shoulder just to finally slash into the gap between the other warrior’s shoulder and the armoured pack on his back. The pitch of his axe changed wildly as it chewed through cabling and heat dispersal units until finally meeting more solid opposition once more before finally something gave way. 
The chain axe sound dropped from a high pitch squeal to an deep thrumming wet thudding. 

His opponent staggered, but still kept turning, attempting to somehow hold out and fight down both of the Iron Gods anyway. 

Ithan laughed, his war plate servos howling, arms throbbing with the force needed  to drive his axe down further.  

He caught the gaze of the ivory clad Angel an gave him approving nod. 

With a chuckle, A single mind impulse triggered the gravitonic shear hook. This close, there was nothing to shield  his opponent from the full force of the device. 

Ithan felt the wave of force going out, crunching, ripping through his opponent from both within and without. 

Faced with a level of catastrophic damage even beyond the limits of what it’s transhuman body was capable to sustain, the loyalist space marine finally collapsed. 

Ithan began dragging Cul’Sac out of from the wreckage 

”Well met, oh noble Apothecary”

Ithan roared, swinging the chain axe back up into an impromptu salute to Vesalius. His enthusiasm  was clearly noticeable even over the distortion of his vox grill and the general carnage around them.
“What do you say? Shall we just finish the slicing so you can get to the stitching, ey?!” 

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Round 3 Summary Cont:

[x] Orphiel: SAB at Green 6, 4 Hits.
Dodge Ag45 +10(ImmDef) = 55, Roll: 53, Success, 1 Hit Dodged.
Hits 1-3 vs TB8 and AV2(10-Pen8). Green 6 dies.

[x] Radago:
Charge Red 5 (Terminator) with Power Sword
WS60 +10(Charge) = 70, Roll: 54, Hit!
Forcefield Save 35, Roll: 66, Fail!
Dam1d10+6 +SB12 Pen6
7+6+12 = 25 - TB10 - AV8(14-Pen6) = 7 Wounds suffered (now on 29 suffered in total).
Activate Assassin Strike to continue west towards main combat, Ag54, Roll: 46, Success!

[x] Ithan:
Charge Bone 5 (Tactical Marine) with Executioner Chain-Axe
WS57 +10(Charge) = 67, Roll: 23, Hit on (23=32) Body
Bone 5's Dodge already used.
Dam2d10+2 Pen2 +SB12
5+10(!)+2+12 +4(RF!) = 33 - TB8 - AV8(10-Pen2) = 17 Wounds suffered (now on 29 suffered total).
Use Reaction to also attack with Grav-hook:
WS57 +10(Charge) = 67, Roll: 13, Hit on (13=31) Body
Dam2d10+14 Pen10. 
4+1+14 = 19 - TB8 - AV0(10-Pen10) = 11 Wounds suffered. Bone 5 dies.





GM: I did some rolls for Ithan, and Radago too. I've messaged Sobek, but not yet been read. Will give it a bit longer to see if he'd like to add some fluff, then I'll move us on to start Round 4 where we'll see if Cutlass can bring down the Terminators before suffering any fatalities... :tongue:

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Round 4:


Kill-Team Cohesion: 1

Initiative Order:
[ ] Talek Varn | (SQUAD) | ??? | ??? | ???
[ ] Vesalius | (SOLO) | Ag6+9=15 | WOUNDS 08/20 | FATE 0/4
[ ] Draak | (SQUAD) | Ag4+10=14 | WOUNDS 13/23 | FATE 0/2
[ ] Decimus | (SQUAD) | Ag3+8=11 | WOUNDS 10/23 | FATE 2/3
[ ] Svelk | (SQUAD) | Ag4+6=10 | WOUNDS 13/23 | FATE 2/3
[ ] Radago | (SOLO) | Ag5+4=9 | WOUNDS 20/20 | FATE 3/3
[ ] Brynjarr | (SQUAD) | AG4+5=9 | WOUNDS  09/23 | FATE 2/4
[ ] Odysseus | (SQUAD) | Ag5+3=8 | WOUNDS 08/22 | FATE 1/4
[ ] Terminator A | (SQUAD) | Ag2+6=8 | WOUNDS suffered: Sgt 1: 13, Vet 2: 32, Vet 3: 29, Vet 4: 00, Vet 5: 29
[ ] Ithan | (SOLO) | Ag4+3=7 | WOUNDS 24/24 | FATE 2/2
[ ] Tactical B | (SQUAD) | Ag4+2=6 | WOUNDS suffered: Bro 8: 31
[ ] Orphiel | (SOLO) | AG4+1=5 | WOUNDS -05/20 | FATE 0/3

Green 8 Equipment: Power Armour, Bolter with Kraken Penetrator Ammo, Bolt Pistol, Combat Knife, 3 Frag and Krak Grenades.

Terminator Squad Equipment:
Indomitus TDA, Stormbolter with Kraken Penetrator Ammo, Power Fist.
Red 1: Vt Sgt, replaces Power Fist with Power Sword.
Red 2: Gunner replaces Stormbolter with Heavy Flamer.
Red 3: Replaces Power Fist with Chain Fist.

Each Combat Squad is in Squad Mode and will act at the same Initiative step.

NB: As Draak was engaged with Bone 2, and took him out, it's debatable whether he's now engaged with anyone else? Possibly Red 4, probably not Red 1 or 2? @MG, I'll let you choose whether you'd rather start the Round in CC with Red 4 or not?



Round 4 Summary:

[x] Talek Varn:
Contribute 3FP to add 3 to the Squad's Cohesion Pool, total now at 4CP. Anyone not in Squad Mode may now join it if they wish! (Radago and Ithan will both do so)


In a matter of seconds, the Tyrant has turned a totally uninjured Astartes in full power armour into a ruined, lifeless husk. Now, as the broken Angel falls to the deck beside him, Varn's voice cuts into your squad vox with a deep, rousing roar.

"Now, Cutlass! Strike your enemies down! Blood and glory!"


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Vesalius nodded to the red-robed techmarine, +Well met indeed, Redcloak.+


The apothecary sheathed his razor and rounded the corner as a wave of noospheric data flooded back into his helm’s display. Still reeling from the recent head trauma, he blinked his black eyes and shook his head trying to clear his vision. New targets acquired: first company veterans.


He growled over the vox, +Cutlass, gun them down! Let none survive!+


Free Action: Vesalius rejoins Squad Mode

Free Action: Draw Boltgun and sheath combat blade



Bolter Assault:

Free Action: Call for Bolter Assault

Charge Action: move to stand over (dead) Bone #3


Half Action: Standard Attack with Boltgun vs Red #5

WS 45 + 10 (short range) = 55

Standard Attack: 1d100 8

8: success with 4 DoS


Boltgun w/ Kraken Rounds: 1d10+9X, Pen8, tearing

Hit 1: Bolter Damage: 2#1d10 6 1

1 6 (d10) + 9 = 15 damage, Pen 8

End Bolter Assault



Regular Action:

Free Action: Pick up Plasma Gun (with other hand – I know, insane) & holster boltgun if needed

Bring Death From Afar (armor history): as part of SAB, advance (Ag bonus = 6m) to nearest corner to have line-of-sight on Terminators and maintain cover

Full Action: Semi-Auto Burst with Plasma Gun fired on Maximal vs Red #5 (or shift target to Red #3 or Red #4 (I don’t care which; dealer’s choice since I am in and out intermittently here) if #5 is killed off during Bolter Assault)

BS45 + 10 (SAB) + 10 (short range) = 65

Semi-auto Burst: 1d100 19

19: success with 4 DoS (1 bonus hit at max RoF for Plasma Gun)

Hit location(s): 91 – leg, leg


Astartes Plasma Gun Damage: 2d10+12E, Pen 12, Volatile, Maximal (fired on Maximal)

Hit 1:  Plasma Gun Damage (Maximal): 2d10 16

Volatile #1: Volatile Damage: 1d10 10

Volatile #2: Volatile Damage: 1d10 3

6 + 10 (2d10; RF) + 10 (Volatile RF #1) + 3 (Volatile RF #2) + 12 = 41 damage, Pen 12

Hit 2: Plasma Gun Damage (Maximal): 2d10 9

3 + 6 (2d10) + 12 = 21 damage, Pen 12

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Round 4 Summary:

[x] Vesalius:
Call for Bolter Assault at a cost of 3CP, now on 1CP remaining.

(x) Vesalius: Charge Move to stand over Bone 3's body. Bolter shot at Red 5. Forcefield Save 35, Roll: 75, Fail!
Dam 15 - TB10 - AV6(14-Pen8) = 0 Wounds suffered.

(x) Draak: Krak Grenade at Red 4.
Forcefield Save 35, Roll: 87, Fail!
Dam 24 - TB10 - AV8(14-Pen6) = 6 Wounds suffered.

(x) Orphiel: Shot at Red 3.
Forcefield Save 35, Roll: 52, Fail!
Dam 21 - TB10 - AV6(14-Pen8) = 5 Wounds suffered (now on 34 suffered in total).

(x) Ithan: Move south and west. Krak Grenade at Red 5
BS42 +10(Short Range) = 52, Roll: 11, Hit!
Forcefield Save 35, Roll: 27, Success!

(x) Radago: Move west. Krak Grenade at Red 3
BS52 +30(Point Blank) = 82, Roll: 46, Hit!
Forcefield Save 35, Roll: 61, Fail!
Dam 3d10+4 Pen6
4+10(!)+5+4 +3(RF) = 26 - TB10 - AV8(14-Pen6) = 8 Wounds suffered (now on 42 suffered in total). Red 3 dies.

(x) Brynjarr: Bolt Pistol at Red 1:
BS48, Roll: 91, Miss!
(x) Decimus: Bolt Pistol at Red 1:
BS53, Roll: 33, Hit!
Forcefield Save 35, Roll: 41, Fail!
Dam 1d10+9 Pen4
(3,10!) +9 +2(Mighty Shot) +6(RF) = 27 -TB10 -AV10(14-Pen4) = 7 Wounds suffered (now at 20 suffered in total).

(x) Odysseus: Shot at Red 4. Hit, no Damage.
(x) Svelk: Not joining.

Bolter Assault Ends.

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Orphiel will join SQDM Bolter Assault



Target TDA 3

BS 51

D100: 43 Hit Storm 2 x Hits (2 x Body)

Damage: 1D10 (2D10 Tearing) + 9 (Damage) at Pen 4 (Kraken 8)

Hit 1: 19 (RF Conf) + 2 = 21

Hit 2: 16

Orphiel does not use the Charge move as leg is still at Half Move Rate, IIRC.


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As the terminator bore down on him Odysseus snapped off a shot from one of the Dioscuri, expecting no more success against the warplate than he found. An act of frustration as much as survival as the arrivial of the Iron Gods left him silently fuming, rescue should not have been needed, this failure was unwelcome.

Bolter Assault - hit, no damage

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+Cutlass, gun them down! Let none survive!+ Vesalius called Bolter Assault over the vox.


Draak was too close for a charge.


I hope that the Tech-Serf's haven't cut down on the fuses, Draak thought.

Draak turned and ran for the portal pulling a grenade from his belt, just before he got there he turned back and charged towards the terminator next to Odysseus. 

Draak on his return charge pulled the pin of his grenade and instead of charging straight into the terminator like a crazed zealot he stopped about a metre away from him.

"Here catch!" said Draak as he threw the Krak Grenade at the terminator.


BS 52 +30 (Point Blank Range) = 82. Result: 21, Pass 6DoS

3D10+4 Pen 6

Hit - Right Arm: 6 +6 +8 +4 = 24 Damage

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Round 4 Summary Cont:

[x] Vesalius Regular Action:
SAB with Plasma Gun at Red 5, 2 Hits
Forcefield Saves 35, Rolls: 16, 58.
Hit 1 goes through.
Dam 41 - TB10 - AV2(14-Pen12) = 29 Wounds suffered (now at 58 suffered in total). Red 5 dies.

[ ] Draak:

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Draak remembered what he had been taught as a Scout, ancient techniques to make oneself stronger.

Using rote sequences acquired through extensive hypno-training Draak channelled his hate, his organs pumped increased endorphins through his blood-stream and his auto-sanguine nannites surged into frenetic activity.

"Blood and Glory" Draak roared. 

Draak dipped his shoulder and barged into the terminator that had assaulted Odysseus, attempting to knock him down. 

His opponent weathered the assault and knocked him off. 

Hatred still carried him. Draak used the remainder of his wrath to slam Grond down on to his opponents left leg, knocking him down. 




Free Action: Drop into Solo Mode - Feat of Strength.

Half Action: Knockdown Vs Red 4.

STR 67 = 67. Result: 12, Pass 5DoS

Half Action: Standard Attack - Melee

WS 48 = 48. Result: 39, Pass

2D10+5 +18 SB, Pen 9, Concussive

Hit - Left Leg: 5 +8 +5 +18 = 36 Damage



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Speech and added narrative
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Round 4 Summary Cont:

[x] Draak:
Activate Feat of Strength
Half: Knockdown
Opposed Str Roll:
Str67, Roll: 12, Pass with 5+3(Unnatural Str x3) = 8DoS
Red 4:
Also activate Feat of Strength
Str50 +30(TDA) +10(FoS Rank3) = 90, Roll: 24, Pass with 6+3(UnStr x3) = 9DoS
Defender wins (but not by a sufficient margin to knock Attacker down).
Draak Half Action: Standard Attack with Thunder Hammer, Hit.
Forcefield Save 35, Roll: 37! Fail!
Dam2d10+5 Pen9
5+8+5 +SB18 = 36 
36 - TB10 - AV5(14-Pen9) = 21 Wounds suffered (now on 27 suffered in total).

Concussive: Toughness test to avoid Stunning. T50 +10(Autosenses provide audio protection) = 60, Roll: 38, Success! Dam greater than SB, Red 4 is knocked Prone.


With herculean effort, the Terminator resists the weight of the Ironclad Devastator, swaying on his feet but barely remaining upright. But he is utterly unready for what follows the body blow. Grond swings in low on his left side, crumpling his greave and sweeping his legs out from under him. With a colossal crash, the Angel hits the deck. Who knows if he will ever rise again?


[x] Decimus:
Attack Red 1 with Power Axe, Miss!

[ ] Svelk:
[ ] Radago:
[ ] Brynjarr:
[ ] Odysseus:

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Round 4 Summary Cont:

[x] Svelk: Attempt Grapple, Fail!

[x] Radago: Charge Red 2
WS60 +10(Charge) = 70, Roll: 26, Hit!
Forcefield Save 35, Roll: 92, Fail!
Dam1d10+6 +SB12 Pen6
5+9+12 = 26 - TB10 - AV8(14-Pen6) = 8 Wounds suffered (now on 40 suffered in total). Red 2 dies.

[ ] Brynjarr:
[ ] Odysseus:

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With a terminator either side of him Brynjarr had to fight with care, too much attention toward one risked the other gaining an advantage, not enough and likewise he could leave himself exposed. Seeing an opening as other members of Cutlass laid into the terminators as well Brynjarr struck near simultaneously with his Axe on one side and the inferno pistol on the other. At this range the heat seared the sergeants left arm. The sergeant however showed his skill and agility, even in the heavy armour by striking out at Brynjarr’s right leg, there was no room to avoid the blow, and his axe was out of position to deflect the blow.

 The notification of reinforcements was only absorbed subconsciously, to precarious was his position to focus on anything but the immediate now. Someone dealt a fatal blow to the left terminator, and thus freed Brynjarr turned all his attention to the sergeant. Tactical Dreadnought armour was thought, he would have to find a week spot. Attempting to soften the armour with another trigger pull of the inferno pistol his aim was jarred but still caught the sergeants right upper leg.

A leg for a leg it was then, following up with this power axe Brynjarr bit deep into the same thigh. Wrenching his axe free the now lopsided the Terminator stumbled as he lashed out. Brynjarr sidestepped but heard the clash as Decimus was hit. This had to end now.

With one foot he kicked at the sergeant’s weekend side, further destabilizing him. For a moment the neckline seal between armour and helmet was exposed and Brynjarr drove his axe into the gap, leaning into the blow with all his weight. The Sergeant toppled allowing Brynjarr to drive the axe further until the enemy was no more.

Standing up, bloodied and wounded Brynjarr surveyed the carnage, they had held, but at what cost.



Multiple Attacks:
Melta Pistol at Red 1
D100: 19, Hit, 2DoS
Location 91 Right Leg
Dam 2d10+12 Pen12
7+4 +12 +2 (Mighty Shot?) = 25 at Pen 12 
Edit: er 24 I gather from Necronaut's post.

Power Axe at Red 1
D100:09, Hit, 3 DoS
Location 90 Left Leg again
Dam1d10+8 +SB12 Pen7
1+8+12 = 21 at Pen 7


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