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To Plunder The Stars Themselves, Episode III


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Squad Beta:


Radago and Holger also look up, eyes narrowed at the faint sound. The three crewmen from the Dagger are back in their proper places in the pilot's chair and two gun wells. What, then, is this?


Cautiously the two Astartes spread out and then converge rapidly from either side. As Brynarr covers with his bolter, Radago's arm reaches out and yanks away the crate, ripping it out of its harness. He lets go and it floats off across the hold.


There is a person, obviously unused to the weightlessness of space, trying to hold himself in place. The intruder is young, very young, but the look of shock on his face at his hiding spot suddenly vanishing changes almost immediately to one of grim, defiant determination. There is a short knife at his belt, but he does not draw it. His features are without any of the neon gang symbols that seemed to be common on Viorda Prime, but there is still something... familiar... about him?


Finally Radago turns, speaking loudly to rouse Orphiel. Those flat golden eyes somehow convey both curiosity and suspicion.


"What manner of game is this? Is this not the whelp that managed to mark you when we attacked Dex's bar?"



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Orphiel's mind turned without at the challenge, and his eyes snapped open.  He unlocked his plate and strode to the golden-eyed killer, answering his challenge.  ++The trick is not mine, I assure you.  Let us find out about this stowaway.++


He sidestepped past the two Astartes and lashed in, grabbing the youth by the left ear, between thumb and forefinger.  The young man yelped, letting go of his anchor, hands clutching reflexively at the large metal-shod paw now using his own floating bodyweight to twist his ear off.  With a deft hooked finger through his belt, Orphiel arrested the boy's flailing trajectory.


+When I paned you, I thought you a fool and you have proven it.  What are you doing here, Mathias?  Speak!+


Orphiel just hoped the lad wouldn't spill his physical guts in the fluctuating microgravity.

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Squad Beta:


"I knew it," the boy replies with a mixture of awe and stubbornness. "I knew it back at the Vent, that you must be Astartes. Then I saw him on the landing pad in the armour, and I was sure I'd been right. I've heard all the stories, listened to the legends. Youngsters like me, taken up to stand at the side of the Emperor himself, to become more than mortals. To travel the stars. To fear no enemy, and to have the strength to face them all."


He pauses, perhaps remembering a life so far where fear is a constant companion, where strength does not exist except for that of your bravery.


"I want that. I want more than growing old or dying young in some downhive hole. I want to come with you."


There is a moment of silence. Perhaps the Astartes here can remember something of the... not the ambition, for such a word has negative connotations... but the drive that pushed you to reach out to claim your place within your Chapter.



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The moment of utter silence in the shuttle hold following the youth’s plea was shattered by a deep rumble that resolved itself into a spirited laugh radiating from the Breacher.


“He has sprit,” Focusing on the youth he continued while gesturing to his fellows, “We might not stand at grandfather’s side, this far from Terra, but the rest is no mere tale or fabled legend.”


Turning to Orphiel again. “He’s in your hands now Brother, what are you going to do with this bold aspirant?”

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“He’s in your hands now Brother, what are you going to do with this bold aspirant?”


Orphiel slowly twisted his head to regard Brynjarr, and sighed within the confines of his helmet.  Such truth, spoken plainly was refreshing.


Yet it did put Orphiel on the spot.  In that same plain truth, he didn't really know what to do.  He felt the burning urge to tell the lad he was an idiot, abandoning the vicious danger of a life in hive and instead replacing it with the very real possibility of a death amongst strangers, chewing vacuum whist looking at the stars, all the fluid boiled off his eyeballs.  How could he tell the boy?  No Astartes died in his bed, or of old age?  That the way of the Space Marine was eternal sacrifice?


The way we told you?  And did you listen?


His father's voice.  A patient man of great wisdom, and sadness, when the boy who would become Orphiel decided he would attempt the trials.


Was there any difference?  Perhaps so.  This youth had merely traded one gang for another - but passions that made Dex a bully in mortal life, could make an Astartes a Tyrant.  How many of those had there been?  How many of them had rocked the foundations of the Imperium?


Talek Varn was such a man - albeit he knew the limits of his power against the wider Human sphere.  A canny rogue and brutish leader, a dangerous individual.


And whose lineage would Mathias take if he survived the vivisection Apothcaries called Ascension, their hands dripping with blood and counterseptic both?  He was steeped in no culture, knew no traditions.  These were the foundations upon which the gatehouse was built - the fortification against heresy, waywardness, and barbarism.


It would be better to put the boy to the sword now, but he could not find the will to do it.  The boy was on the shuttle for a reason, had it not been so, the Emperor would not have seen it done.  Orphiel's mind rotated back to the question, Brynjarr was still waiting for an answer, and blessedly thankful for the cognitive power of the Astartes, he'd only been waiting a heartbeat or two.


+First, brother, I will find him a seat, if nothing more than to cease his obnoxious flailing.+


And so doing, he pushed the lad into a couch, handing him the strap buckle.  He waited until Mathias was secured, before trudging further into the shuttle cargo hold, away from everyone, where he could contemplate the foolishness he was confronted with, foolishness that was 200 years old, of a youth before his father.

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Squad Beta:


Holger pulls himself forward, looking down at Matthias and grinning in an apparently friendly manner. His praise is more effusive, but probably much less sincere.


"You managed to lay a blade to a Space Marine, boy? And now you have sneaked your way aboard our vessel? I think that shows some degree of potential! My Lord Talek Varn is always welcoming of young warriors with talent."


Then he shrugs.


"I know nothing about becoming an Astartes, or if it is even possible... but I do not doubt that we can find some suitable place for you within our proud organisation?"


At that moment, the internal comm buzzes and the pilot announces that the shuttle is about to enter the Dagger's hangar bay. Holger nods and turns away from the young volunteer to address Beta only, raising his voice just enough for Orphiel to hear but not enough to force his inclusion should the hooded Marine reject it.


"A few hours back to Viorda Secundus, then. I hope that the rest of your brethren will have completed their task in an equally professional manner and we can be on our way as quickly as possible."


He frowns, casually prodding Lang's chained but floating body with one foot.


"With that in mind, we must arrange to interview our guest and determine a new heading. Would any of you prefer to take the lead, or are you content for me to handle it? Of course in the latter case, you are welcome to be present if you wish?"



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Squad Alpha

Vesalius brusquely shoved Toks aside and knelt beside the prone form of (former) Palatine Agnatha. He analyzed her lithe, black-clad form through his diagnostic lenses, noting various surface and sub-dermal traumas where nerve-induction tines and other various, crude implements of torture had been hastily installed. But fortunately for "Ags" - Vesalius silently rolled the name around in his mouth with detestation - no permanent damage had been done.

"So you're the one the Traveller seeks? What are you worth to him alive, I wonder?" he softly asked the unconscious woman. He programmed his narthecium to dispense a mild narcotic and injected her as Toks looked on. "She is in decent condition, all things considered, human. My colleague was correct in his diagnosis - you are lucky they did not have more time to operate upon her; the damage they could have caused would have been much more permanent. It will take some time for her wounds to heal, but she should fully recover, barring some psychological scarring."

But I fear our squad-leader has other designs for her, human.

He stood and looked sidelong at the Traveller from afar, the once-noble defender of humanity, now recast in the greys and blood-red of exiles and fallen angels; a warrior lost to the depths of hatred and eternal war, and a war which had lost all meaning beyond continued survival and bloodshed. What is she worth to you alive?...

Suddenly a blurt of garbled, static-laden gibberish came in over the vox. The ratling, Bobs, had sighted incoming hostiles, from what he was able to piece together, after replaying the message a few times in his head. So the Cannoness had left behind a skeleton crew while she went out seeking glory? Such was the folly of mortals. Now she would pay the blood price for her error, and for standing in the way of Talek Varn's tribute.

OOC: I'm not sure if any Medicae tests need to be performed on Agnatha at this time? I'm assuming she is in stable condition, so it can likely wait until after we have survived the assault by the Cannoness' forces. I can update this section with any rolls deemed necessary.
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Odysseus moved with Draak, the convent buzzing with servo skulls and cherub-forms that no doubt would track their movements if not seek sabotage against them. Even with control of the cogitators they had little control of this place and less time to establish it, the Imperium was wisely not trusting enough of the machine that such systems could not be manually operated but perhaps the sisters purge would yet work against them.


"What of the communications Draak?", he inquired, "have they sent for aid, has our vessel been marked?"

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Squad Alpha:

There is no record in the Strategium's logs that the Sororitas sought aid from any other party. Perhaps they were overconfident, assured that they could handle a few interlopers themselves? Perhaps they will yet be proved right.

At some point Imperial authorities will almost certainly make the connection between the timing of the attack on Viorda Prime's Arbitrator stockade and the arrival and departure of the "St Agabus". Then the movements of that vessel will surely be examined with far greater care. It is not unreasonable to assume that they might then also link the ship to you when your activities on Viorda Secundus become more widely known. But hopefully such deductions will take place long after you have already escaped...


As the great double doors of the Narthex swing open, a rush of air filled with sleet swirls into the grand entrance of the House. As you step outside you can see that night has fallen and the lowering temperature has brought with it a thin layer of snow across the concourse and steps. The darkness is broken only by a series of braziers that run along the low walls and out across the bridge over the abyss.

The Sororitas are coming, their Rhino transports climbing the winding trail at what might be considered a foolhardy pace given the mountainous terrain, darkness and ice. It seems that their hatred is driving them to reach you as quickly as possible.

But you are as ready as you can be.


Please feel free to post however your character has used their time to prepare for the Sororitas arrival. I will assume that, in line with Necronaut's suggestion, something has been done to booby trap the bridge, the effect of which I will include in setting up the battle (but if anyone wants to include this in their narrative, that's great!). Also, the automated defences have been switched off by Draak, so at least you don't need to worry about them firing on you as soon as you step outside!

For game terms, please roll your Initiatives and indicate where you want your characters to set up on the map. (2 characters max in the pillbox, and Sisters will approach from the left so you might be wise to abandon that end of the bridge?)

Edit: Added the pic again.


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Squad Alpha


Svelk had his knife and axe-rake both dug into the wall of the far cliff, fragments tumbling away into the abyss below as he strained to hold himself in place. He had clung to the hulls of str ships and orbital stations before, but they were firmer, and withound gravity's hunger. Some could be perilous, in explosions, shrapnel, course changes and grav-waves threatening to fling you into the void, but none required so constant an effort as this. 


Another pebble crumbles away.


He wonders how many times he will defy the planets hunger. He doubts the fanatics will fare better than he.


Mining the bridge had been a challenge. Too much clear space. He'd had to gouge holes in the floor and pile loose chippings over them afterwars. Still, it would suffice.



Initiative = 1d10(3) + 4 = 7


Two squares south of the bridge, clinging to the left chasm wall a few metres below the pillbox.

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Squad Alpha

At the first word from Bobs over the vox, the Traveller had acted decisively, breaking the kill-team up into smaller fire-teams, ordering them to take up different ambush positions near the entrance of the convent. Vesalius had taken up a perch on the wall overlooking the bridge and the chasm it traversed, dispassionately watching Svelk hastily booby trap the span while ostensibly keeping a lookout for the armored column. He recalled a memory from over a decade prior while Svelk worked, from when he still numbered amongst the Emperor's finest, well before his exile amongst the Iron Gods…


Vesalius stood watch while two of his squad-mates, Kallas and Merek, rigged the narrow bridge with demo-charges in anticipation of the approaching traitor armored column. Their cameleoline cloaks flapped in the wind as they rappelled into the ravine, their satchels heavy with explosives. Vesalius scanned the horizon from his perch through his magnoculars, watching the dust column as it inched closer towards their position. The traitors would be there within the hour. He voxed Sergeant Andros, who nodded back in response from where he paced in the middle of the dirt road, overseeing the preparations of the sapper squad. The anticipation of the violence to come was palpable, and Vesalius fidgeted irritably with his narthecium while he waited for his cohort to finish their work.


The traitors' armored column brazenly rolled into view as Vesalius's squad huddled out of sight in the dense foliage, their bolters trained on the road. When the lead troop transports were halfway across the bridge, Kallas detonated the charges, sending dozens plummeting to their deaths into the chasm below. The line of vehicles came to a screeching halt, and a few squads of troops disembarked to assess the damage. Then the apothecary's brothers in the devastator squad unleashed Hell. Waves of missiles rained down from a nearby hilltop, annihilating vehicles and traitor troops alike. Vesalius' squad opened fire as the humans wandered about in disarray, obliterating them in controlled bursts of bolter fire. In moments it was all over; the carnage would have put industrial slaughter-houses to shame. Mangled and mutilated bodies littered the ground, and a small stream of blood and viscera had formed, running off the nearby cliff into the ravine. No survivors remained to tell the tale, and Vesalius and his brethren were long gone, having disappeared into the dense and trackless forest. A tattered and burning flag bearing the eight-pointed star of the infernal pantheon bore mute witness to the aftermath of the massacre.


The sudden flash of headlamps in the distance heralded the arrival of the Sororitas' armored personnel carriers. They were still a good distance off, but it wouldn't be long now. +Contact,+ Vesalius voxed to the rest of Cutlass. +I estimate they are less than five minutes out.+ Svelk, ever the professional, finshed his work and wordlessly jumped over the side of the bridge out of his view, firing a brief burst from his jump pack to arrest his descent before finding purchase underneath with his axe-rake.

Vesalius knelt down behind the parapet on the convent's wall above its main entrance and rapidly performed a final rite of preparation upon Trypanon. He could almost feel the thing's desire to take a life, to claim another skull in the name of the Omnissiah, or so Varn's tech-priest had claimed. Vesalius was not much of one for superstition, but he followed the rite to completion all the same, rapidly field dressing and reassembling the boltgun before slamming the magazine home with a satisfying ring. He resumed his position atop the wall, staring down the length of the bridge and out of the main gate through Trypanon's green-tinted scope. He smiled evilly at the thought of the bloodshed to come, and pulled the boltgun's charging handle, chambering a fresh round.

Soon, soon…

Initiative: 1d10 + Ag6
Initiative: 1d10 5
5 + 6 = 11

Vesalius is in position on the upper wall above the front doors, looking down the middle of the bridge, essentially at the extreme east end of the map.

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Odysseus stood with the devastators, his personal shield allowed to lapse in favour of strengthening the kine-shield. "The sisters will likely make best speed for the doors, to ram them or blow their way inside." Testing the masonry above the entrance, "we should do what we can to block their escape from the killing zone, once within they might scatter and delay our work here."



Initiative: 1d10+5 = 13


(ideally on the roof or another elevated position where the sisters cannot easily close within the range of the bubble - not the pillbox)

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Squad Alpha:


The Sororitas have arrived, a column of pitch black vehicles that would be invisible in the sleet and darkness were it not for the white and gold ornamentation that stands proudly from their hulls. The Ecclesiarchy warriors dismount beyond gunshot range and begin to form up to attack the Convent House. Some, heavy weapon wielders, slip forward to climb atop the twin pillboxes ready to cover their fellows' advance across the bridge. Others, carrying shorter ranged meltaguns or monstrous chainblades, remount into the transports, ready to rush across. Three of the enemy stand out though, unfolding themselves from what seems to be a modified Rhino. Each one is clad in some sort of heavy exosuit, beautifully artificed and taller by half than an Astartes in power armour. They each heft heavy bolters as though they were pistols, and massive blades and maces are held just as easily in their other hand.


One of the three battlesuits is even more ornately decorated than the rest. Its occupant is currently unhelmed, shouting furious orders at the other Sisters. This must be Canonness Theodora. She seems much younger than Agnatha, though this may be due to rejuvenat treatments. In spite of her rage, she is without question beautiful, enough so that even Astartes can recognise it. Her dark hair, cut in the typically severe Sororitas style, only serves to accentuate dark eyes, flawless skin and perfectly balanced features. Finally, satisfied that her troops are ready, she dons a Sabbat pattern helm embossed with a golden fleur-de-lys across the brow.


@Traveller: It is impossible. You came here seeking knowledge of your enemies from Varn's ally, Palatine Agnatha, but before you stands one of them in the flesh! Though you never learned her name, for she was only a squad leader at the time, the Canonness Theodora was there on that fateful day. When he came to your home, spouting rhetoric and judgement under the aegis of the highest authority, she was beside him. There can be no doubt, for all the faces present on that final, terrible day are burned into your memory almost as clearly as his.



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Squad Alpha


+The shuttle has not been contacted yet Odysseus+ answered Draak +the only place that the shuttle can land is on the other side of the bridge and it wouldn't get here before the Sisters arrive. They need to be dealt with first.+


Draak evaluated optimum fire positions and he checked all relevant arc's as he talked with the Librarian. +We'd better hope that Svelk's demolitions stop their Rhino's from getting across the bridge and to the main doors or the doors to the garages, because the teeth of Grendel and Decimus' Heavy Bolter will just bounce off their glacis plates+ Oh for a Las Cannon mused Draak.


+I will take the roof of the pillbox on this side of the bridge and blunt their advance+ stated Draak.


In Pillbox watching the Bridge.


Initiative: 1d10 + AGL Bonus.


Result: 10 + 4 = 14.


(Edit: typo)

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Initiative roll: 3(+5) = 8

Spend a Fate Point to count as 10 = 15


Deploy the Traveller on the eastern end of the bridge, in cover against the masonry.



The snowflakes fall silently, dusting the Traveller's armour and the shroud draped across its breastplate. Those that touch the alien blade sizzle in hisses of super-heated steam that are barely perceptible above its white-noise crackle. He holds the blade low, below his waist; the ceramite gauntlets betray little of how tightly he grasps the blade's hilt.


He takes a moment to look around at his companions and wonders, not for the first time, whether he has made the right choices. Enclosed in ceramite, the Traveller is insulated against the snow, but cannot quite escape the coldness in his twin hearts. The grief and sorrow cling to him, claw at him like drowning sailors fighting to stay afloat. Desperation will lead a man to a great many terrible things.


This is not the first time he has defended a fortress against a zealous mob.


A hero of the Astartes might salute the Canoness, might seek some parley or acknowledge the foe's skill and expertise. There may be an exchange of oaths and curses, promises made before Gods too blind and uncaring to truly listen.


Not today. Not again.


With precious little ceremony, and no whispered prayers, the Traveller brings his bolter up, squeezing the trigger a heartbeat later.

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Squad Alpha:

The first Rhino in the column reverses slightly and then guns its engines. Oddly, it does not appear to have brought any passengers aboard? Suddenly, with tracks scraping wildly against the ice until it finds a grip, it churns forward onto the bridge! As it accelerates across, it is shaken by a series of massive explosions, one hammer blow after another, as Svelk's improvised devices are triggered. Finally, after a particularly heavy blast destroys the left hand drive train, what is left of the broken hull careens to one side. It smashes into the stone barriers and stops with its front corner hanging over nothingness. It is ruined, crumpled and aflame, blocking the way completely for the other tanks.

However, its forward inertia means it has nevertheless crossed approximately three quarters of the span, and detonated all of the traps. The driver has almost certainly been killed, but the rest of the column is already using her martyr's sacrifice to move swiftly out onto the bridge.

Ithan lets out a deep, wild laugh and swings his whirring chain axe through the air in several vast practice sweeps.

"Well, here they come, brothers! Blood and glory!!"


Ithan's Initiative roll: Ag4+1d10(5)=9

Ithan contributes a FP to increase Squad Cohesion by 1 (for a total of 4)


Round 1:


Kill-Team Alpha Cohesion: 4

Initiative Order:

[ ] Traveller | (SQUAD) | Ag5+10=15 | WOUNDS 23/23 | FATE 2/3+1

[ ] Theodora (A) | (SQUAD) | Ag5+2+8=15 | WOUNDS 30/30 | FATE 2/2

[ ] Draak | (SQUAD) | Ag4+10=14 | WOUNDS 23/23 | FATE 1/2

[ ] Odysseus | (SQUAD) | Ag5+8=13 | WOUNDS 22/22 | FATE 4/4

[ ] Repentia D | Ag5+7=12 | MAG 30/30

[ ] Vesalius | (SQUAD) | Ag6+5=11 | WOUNDS 20/20 | FATE 2/4

[ ] Immolator | Ag4+7=11 | STRUCTURE 25/25

[ ] Dominions E | Ag5+4=9 | MAG 21/21

[ ] Retributors G | Ag5+4=9 | MAG 21/21

[ ] Ithan | (SQUAD) | Ag4+5=9 | WOUNDS 24/24 | FATE 1/2

[ ] Battle Sisters F | Ag5+2=7 | MAG 27/27

[ ] Svelk | (SQUAD) | Ag4+3=7 | WOUNDS 23/23 | FATE 2/3

[ ] Celestian B | (SQUAD) | Ag4+3=7 | WOUNDS 25/25

[ ] Celestian C | (SQUAD) | Ag4+3=7 | WOUNDS 25/25

[ ] Seraphim H | Ag5+1=6 | MAG 21/21

[ ] Rhino 1 | Ag4+1=5 | STRUCTURE 25/25

[ ] Rhino 2 | Ag4+1=5 | STRUCTURE 25/25

[ ] Decimus | (SQUAD) | Ag3+1=4 | WOUNDS 22/22 | FATE 2/3


Walls, pillars, pillboxes all provide 8AP of cover. All shooting is at -10 to Hit due to the weather.

Characters located in the right pillbox may spend a full Round moving back (via a tunnel) into the Convent House and will appear at the start of the following Round at the main door, and vice versa. Same for characters on the roof.

Sisters of Battle as Adversaries:

All Ranged Weapons as per DW Errata1.1

Sororitas Power Armour: AP9 to Body and 7 to all other Locations, +10Str, +10Ag

Shield of Faith(x): Forcefield, x = Forcefield Protection Rating, no Overload

Battle Sister/Dominion/Retributor/Seraphim Squad (Horde):

WS35, BS40, STR35(45), T40, Ag40(50), Int30, Per40, Wp50, Fel50

Move: 5/10/15/30

Wounds: MAG


Talents: Abhor the Witch, Fearless, Scourge of Heretics, Sororitas Weapons Training (Holy Trinity - Pistol, Basic, Heavy)(Chain)

Traits: Shield of Faith (15), Fire Drill

Armour: Sororitas Power Armour (7 on all Locations for Horde)


Bolter (or Dominion: Meltagun*, Retributor: Heavy Bolter*, Seraphim: Jump Pack)

*does not benefit from Horde Size Damage bonus.

Bolt Pistol

Combat Knife: 1d10+4 R Pen2

Frag Grenades

Krak Grenades

Repentia Squad (Horde):

WS35, BS0, STR35, T40, Ag50, Int30, Per40, Wp40, Fel20

Move: 5/10/15/30

Wounds: MAG


Talents: Abhor the Witch, Berserk Charge, Fearless, Scourge of Heretics, Sororitas Weapons Training (Chain)

Traits: Shield of Faith(25), Blood Soaked Tide (already Fearless, but gain Frenzy when reduced to 25% of starting MAG)

Armour: None


Eviscerator Chainsword: 1d10 +10 Pen4 Tearing, Unwieldy

Rhino Transport:

Ground Vehicle

Tactical Speed: 15m, Cruising Speed: 70kph

Manoeuvrability: +0

Structural Integrity: 25

Size: Enormous (+20)

Armour: Front: 31, Side: 31, Rear: 20

Crew: Driver

Carrying Capacity: 10 PA-equipped troops


Pintle-mounted Storm Bolter (Facing: All)


Ground Vehicle

Tactical Speed: 15m, Cruising Speed: 70kph

Manoeuvrability: +0

Structural Integrity: 25

Size: Enormous (+20)

Armour: Front: 36, Side: 31, Rear: 20

Crew: Driver, Gunner

Carrying Capacity: 6 PA-equipped troops


Turret-mounted Twin-linked Heavy Flamer (Facing: All)

(Twin-linked + Flame = - 20 to Dodge Test to avoid being hit, if you fail by 2 or more DoF you take a second Hit.)

Celestian in Paragon Warsuit:

WS40, BS45, STR35(45) (SB7), T40 (TB8), Ag45, Int40, Per40, Wp60, Fel50

Move: 6/12/18/36

Wounds: 25

Skills: Awareness, Dodge

Talents: Abhor the Witch, Fearless, Scourge of Heretics, Sororitas Weapons Training (Holy Trinity - Pistol, Basic, Heavy)(Chain)(Power)

Traits: Armour Plating, Auto-stabilised, Fear(1), Shield of Faith(25), Size: Hulking, Unnatural Strength, Unnatural Toughness

Armour: Sororitas Power Armour (+2 Armour Plating so 11 on Body, 9 on rest)


Heavy Bolter

Paragon War Blade/Mace: 1d10 +16 E Pen6 Balanced, Power Field

Equipment: Paragon Warsuit

Paragon Warsuit: Provides the following Traits: Armour Plating, Auto-stabilised, Fear(1), Size: Hulking, Unnatural Strength, Unnatural Toughness

Palatine Theodora:

WS45, BS50, STR40(50) (SB9), T45 (TB8), Ag50, Int50, Per50, Wp65, Fel60

Move: 7/14/21/42

Wounds: 30

Skills: Awareness, Command, Dodge

Talents: Abhor the Witch, Fearless, Paranoia, Scourge of Heretics, Sororitas Weapons Training (Holy Trinity - Pistol, Basic, Heavy)(Chain)(Power)

Traits: Armour Plating, Auto-stabilised, Fear(1), Shield of Faith(30), Size: Hulking, Unnatural Strength, Unnatural Toughness, Touched by the Fates(2)

Armour: Sororitas Power Armour (+2 Armour Plating so 11 on Body, 9 on rest)


Heavy Bolter

Paragon War Blade

Equipment: Paragon Warsuit

Special: Theodora and any Celestians in Paragon Warsuits in Support Range will be considered to be in Squad Mode. Theodora will generate Cohesion Points in the same way as a Squad Leader, and may call for any of the following Squad Actions: Holy Vengeance (Black Templar Attack), Soak Fire (Codex Defensive). Theodora is considered to be Rank 4 or above.

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The Traveller: Round 1 Actions (Part 1)


The first wave of Sororitas are the near-naked Repentia, their eyes wide with zealotry and mouths open in prayer. They do not seem to heed the cold; their heavy chain-blades howl loudly. The Traveller reaches for his belt, lobbing a frag grenade without pausing his bursts of bolter-fire. In such close quarters the shrapnel tears through flesh, sending a number of the Repentia into the gorge below.


Free Action: Declare Bolter Assault (3 Cohesion)

Frag Grenade into Repentia (dice rolls incoming)


BS60(-10 Weather)(+30 Horde Size)=BS80: 1 (HIT)

Frag Grenade is Blast 4: 4 Hits (+1 Additional due to Explosive)

Frag Grenade resolves against 2D10+2, Pen 0 against TB4 and Armour 0

Hit 1: 10(RF:6)+9 = 27 (reduced to 23)

Hit 2: 1+3 = 6 Damage (reduced to 2)

Hit 3: 7+7 = 16 Damage (reduced to 12)

Hit 4: 8+4 = 14 Damage (reduced to 10)

Hit 5: 2+7 = 11 Damage (reduced to 7)

= 5 Magnitude Damage (25 Damage Remaining)

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Squad Alpha


From his vantage point on the roof of the pillbox, Draak looked for an optimum target. With his left hand Draak threw a Frag Grenade across the chasm aiming for it to land unimpeded by any wall in the midst of the Seraphim Squad.


BS52 - 10 (Weather conditions) = 42. Result: 49, Failure


The frag grenade arcs towards the Seraphim Squad, but misses the target.


(Edit: Forgot about Weather conditions)

Edited by Machine God
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Squad Alpha


Bolter Assault:

The Traveller's actions spoke louder than any command over the vox, voicing his contempt for the advancing Sororitas with a thrown incendiary. Vesalius followed suit, and hurled a frag grenade of his own down into the Repentia squad from his lookout atop the convent wall. He snatched Trypanon back up as the explosive arced downward, looking on with satisfaction through the boltgun's scope as the grenade detonated within their midst, cutting down a number of the chainsword-wielding fanatics in spectacularly bloody fashion.


Throw Frag Grenade

BS45 - 10 (Weather) + 0 (Medium Range) + 30 (Horde Size) = 65.

Throw frag grenade: 1d100 6

6 -- success, 5 DoS


Damage: 2D10+2X, Pen 0, Blast 4

Frag Grenade Damage: 5#2d10 13 14 10 11 11

Hit 1: 13 + 2 - AV0 - T4 = 11 damage

Hit 2: 14 + 2 - AV0 - T4 = 12 damage

Hit 3: 10 + 2 - AV0 - T4 = 8 damage

Hit 4: 11 + 2 - AV0 - T4 = 9 damage

Hit 5 (bonus): 11 + 2 - AV0 - T4 = 9 damage


5 magnitude damage total


A couple of those 2D10 rolls did result in Righteous Fury, which I have not bothered to include, as the Repentia are a horde and possess zero armor.

Edited by Necronaut
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Round 1 Summary:


[x] Traveller:

Call for Bolter Assault, 3 Cohesion, Squad now at 1.

(x) Traveller: Frag Grenade at Repentia D, 5 Mag Dam.

Shield of Faith saves: 76, 29, 14, 84, 42. 1 Success, 4 Mag Dam suffered, 26 remaining.

(x) Draak: Frag Grenade at Seraphim H, miss.

(x) Decimus: Frag Grenade at Repentia D, 5 Mag Dam.

Shield of Faith saves: 17, 42, 95,48, 23. 2 Successes, 3 Mag Dam suffered, 23 remaining.

(x) Odysseus: Bolter Shot at Dominions E, miss.

(x) Svelk: Frag Grenade at Retributors G, miss.

(x) Ithan: Frag Grenade at Repentia D.

BS42 -10(Weather) +30(Horde Size) = 62, Roll: 68, miss.

(x) Vesalius: Frag Grenade at Repentia D, 5 Mag Dam.

Shield of Faith saves: 04, 65, 61, 43, 22. 2 Successes, 3 Mag Dam suffered, 20 remaining.


...back to Traveller for regular Actions.

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Squad Alpha:


Svelk clung, motionless, to the cliff face as he heard the roaring of engines and the clatter of armoured boots above him. He gritted his teeth in irritation as he saw the near-empty rhino career down the bridge, wasting his carefully prepared traps. More rhinos, and the flame-spewer followed, accompanied by scores of the fanatics armoured or not.


The first shots of his squadmates split the air, though he couldn't see the affects. However, he could hear noise from the pillpx above him. Shouted orders, heavy bootfalls, the sound of heavy weapons being readied. One hand he keeps on the ae-rake anchoring him to the wall. With the other he reaches down, unclips a frag-grenade, and almost gently flicks it up and over the barrier.


Bolter Assault Actions:


Attack Action: Frag grenade at adjacent Retributors. 

BS43 -10 (weather conditions) + 30 (point blank range?) = 63

d100: 81 (2DoF)


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The battle was joined as the chaff led the charge, Odysseus looking beyond them as they fell amidst the detonations of frag grenades to the true vanguard of the attack and weapons more suited to facing the astartes.


With careful aim he snapped off a shot from his Dioscuri catching one of the sisters carrying a banner to their faith. As she fell back amongst the throng it was unclear if the wound was fatal, the banner soon enough raised again by another as their pride served to guide his fire to those most senior in their ranks.



Firing on the dominion group

D100 = 48 to hit vs target 52 (42+10 for short range).

Minimum damage is 10 Pen 4 - one hit plus one for explosive type = 2 magnitude (before saves)

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Squad Alpha


Draak had compartmentalised his mind to focus on three things, his thoughts, the battle and post battle evaluations.


Draak's left hand itched.


Draak had performed efficiently during both the battle at Rolling Rocks and versus the Mortifier, he even thought that some level of combat trust had been forged. Yes the blade was still hot and would need much hammering to beat out impurities, but the task was in hand, he was iron and hate would fuel his actions as it ever did. Hate for the impure, the heretic and the deviations from the holy teachings of the Omnissiah of Mars and the tongue of the Dragon.


Draak had watched the Sisters of Battle as the arrived, their deployment and their assault on Squad Alpha'a position. It was very efficient and by the numbers. Whilst it was evident that some of his squad members seethed at the application of Rhino's by non-Astartes, Draak knew that to be an Imperial Edict since the Scouring and he wasn't much angered by by it.


What he was angered by was the three Centurion Suit-analogues! Centurions were STC, yet these things looked similar but enhanced and certainly more graceful. That the Sisters of Battle had been permitted to adapt and improve upon STC designs went against all the teachings of the Omnissiah, they had even adapted Rhino Hulls to transport them in when a Centurion can't travel aboard a Rhino! Draak could also sense the Eldar, Tau or even Necron aesthetic in the construction.


That these mortals, the Sisters of Battle could do this without sanction made his blood boil! This stoked Draak's hate at what fate had fallen him and his Clan, that they of the Adeptus Astartes - the Angels of Death could be cast down for doing the same thing by their adherence to the Xenarite Cult, it just was not right!


These Sisters of Battle would all die beneath his iron boots and be cleansed away by the fire of his Hate.


Draak's weapon cast was true, however a miss was a miss. Draak filed the data away for further extrapolation. Draak waited to unleash Grendel! 

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The Traveller, Round One (Part Two)


Standard Attack with Frag Grenade against Repentia

BS60(-10 Weather)(+5 Traveller's Path)=55: 16(Hit)

4 Hits (+1 Explosive) resolving at 2D10+2 Pen 0 against TB4 and Armour 0:

1: (9+5)+2

2: (2+5)+2

3: (9+7)+2

4: (6+1)+2

5: (5+2)+2

5 Magnitude Damage

Edited by Commissar Molotov
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