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Is a return to mech and drop pods viable? - CA2021

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Hi all!


For those who might not be aware, Thin There Ranks is changing to No Prisoners and it is now based on wounds not just models lost (so a 5 man crusader squad gives away 1 VP instead of 0.5 VP). Also, the previous update to Bring It Down combined with No Prisoners not including vehicles anymore means that our transports only give away 1 VP, instead of 3 VP like at the start of 9th. 


So with the changes to secondary objectives on the horizon what do my fellow battle brothers think about dusting off those old 4th and 5th edition tactics of using Drop Pods and Rhinos/Razorbacks?

Edited by Mordian Glory
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According to tournament data,if a secondary could repeatly achieve 9 or more VP on average, it is considered "competitive". e. g. Herd the prey, Stubborn defiance. Oath moment is also pretty good. On the other hand, if a secondary only score less than 7 VP on average, it is "bad".


To score 9 VP through "No prisoners" against marines, the opponent need to kill…45 power-armored models! Or 30 power armored + 10 gravis/terminator. This is difficult, and the opponent need to essentially table me to achieve it. But if he tabled me, more or less he already won.


Conclusion: No prisoner is not a good pick when against marine. If your opponent pick this, you may get advantage, not headache.

Edited by Tokugawa
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I like Oath of Moment. I find I can usually get 2VPs from it per turn and often the full 4.


Back to the OP, yes I think that the changes to BID mean that mech lists are viable for Marines again without giving away too many easy VPs. The other thing you have to remember is that if your opponents are busy chipping away at a T6 8W Pod for the sake of 1VP, they is not firing at your Marines who will be claiming VPs for you and doing the bulk of the damage to their army.

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