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Acquiring planetary datas...............


Planet name : Akmon


General Overview

Planet Class:   Forge World

Population:   400 million

Goverment:   Oligarchy

Religion:   Machine God - Cult Mechanicus

Tech Level:   Highly Advanced

Characteristics: [High Gravity] [Non-existent Hydrographics] [High Temperature]


Planetary Attributes

Size:   Small

Circumference:   18,000 km

Day Length:   36 standard hours

Year Length:   36 local days

0.15 Terran years

Density:   Heavy

Gravity:   1.91 G

Atmosphere:   Exotic

Atmospheric Pressure:   Varies

Atmosphere Type:   Exotic

Atmosphere Description: Unbreathable to humans, but not otherwise hazardous. Requires an air supply for survival.

Climate:   Warm

Temperature Range:   -19 to 100 (°C)

Axial Tilt:   Extreme, 45.66°


Terrain Detail

Surface Water:   5%

Hydrographics:   Volcano/Desert world

Land Terrain:   Common Dormant Volcanoes (22.76%)

Mild Active Volcanoes (34.86%)

Mild Flat Rock (8.10%)

Common Barren (22.86%)

Common Sandy (11.42%)


Adepta Presence

Arbites:   Token

Astra Telepathica:   Small

Mechanicus:   Dominating

Administratum:   Token

Ministorum:   Token

Inquisition:   Token

Munitorium:   Moderate


Planetary Defenses

Skitarii Forces: A medium force of superb quality

Enforcers:   None

Militia:   A tiny force of moderate quality.

Standing Army:   None

Armoured Forces:   A medium force of superb quality.

Private Armies:   None

Titan Legions:   A small force of high quality.

Naval Forces:   A small force of good quality.

Orbital Stations:   A small force of superb quality.

Missile Silos (Planet):   A huge force of good quality.

Missile Silos (Orbit):   A large force of moderate quality.

Defense Lasers:   A large force of high quality.

Mercenary Forces:   None



Iconography :


akmonProject04 Red


akmonProject05 Red




No one, outside of the Tech-Priests, know what Akmon really looked like before the Cult Mechanicus decided to exploit its natural ressources.

Whatever the climate was at this time, once the Cult started to build its large forges and huge temples, it quickly began to deteriorate. After only a few centuries, the whole planet was covered by an intense cloud of ashes and toxic smokes, reaching up to hundreds of meters height.


Living on the surface is impossible for any living organism, the air being constantly filled by ashes from volcanic eruptions, smokes and gas from mass production in the forges of the Adeptus Mechanicus, thick clouds of incense infinitely raising from the Cult Mechanicus Holy Orders temples.


Yet, there are still humans living on Akmon. Large underground cities built by the Adeptus Mechanicus, where air is filtered and recycled in an endless cycle, the temperature rarely dropping below 50°C, are the only places where humans can hope to live on this forsaken, yet flourishing forge-world.


Located in the Reef Stars sector, in the Ithaka system of the Segmentum Obscurus, Akmon's always been a Forge-World with a very close relationship with the main planet of the system, Ithaka, homeworld of the Adeptus Astartes's Iron Snakes chapter.


Akmon has been founded following an expedition from a Lucius forge-world cohort, some time around the 30th millenium. The archives from these events has been long lost, but it is believed that a cohort from Lucius came on Akmon to harvest some ressources that can only be found there, and are the only way to produce a unique alloy, known as akmonium. Said cohort soon found out that the planet was a inexhaustible source of heat and uniques alloys.

The Tech-Priests from Lucius then decided to boost the natural processes of creation of these materials, by maintaining mass volcanic activity throughout the whole planet, with deeply buried devices emitting sonic frequences designed to trigger eruptions at a regular rate.


In doing so, the system indeed lost what was seemingly a rich ecosystem, but the Imperium (and the Mechanicus, of course) gained a powerful auto-sustained planetsized production-center.


Being a slave-world of Lucius, Akmon benefits from the same technology that made Lucius's fame, and it is believed that this is what allowed the Adeptus Mechanicus from Akmon to conclude a strong and trustfull alliance with the Iron Snakes chapter.

Each time a new Chapter Master is designated, this sacred pact, known as the "Fire and Water Oath" is concluded anew.

This cooperation is something unique in the Imperium, and is mainly due to the fact that the two planets are somehow tied to by similar cultures.

It is indeed common knowledge in the Reef Stars, that the human pionners that settled there had developped a faith that was very close to the one the old Greeks from old Terra honored, a really long time ago before the birth of the Imperium.

When the Great Crusade reached these far and long lost worlds, the population there was happy to come back under the protection of the Imperium after the Long Night. Thus, they re-embraced the new faith of the Imperium, while still keeping a form of their old beliefs, by honoring old rituals and myths.

These deviant beliefs have since been investigated and declared compatible with the Imperial Cult by the Inquisition, even if there is a constant monitoring by agents of the Ordo Hereticus.


Akmon and Ithaka so share a common culture of Imperial cult (and Machine God's cult in Akmon's case) mixed with old greek myths. This can be seen in the names of landscapes, mountains or rivers of the panet.

The lava-river Rhadamanthys, the mega-volcanos range known as the Hyperios, Phebs the ash-ocean, are several among the marvels of Akmon.

Every single spot on the planet is exploited by the unquenchable hunger of the titanic forges of the Mechanicus.


The relationship between the two planets have always been cordial and respectful. At least as much as it is possible between Tech-Priests and Space Marines.


Lastly, a wave of rebellious acts has been plaguing Akmon, and the current Fabricator-General Passen Ozmololios is facing failure in trying to uncover the individuals responsible for these insurrections.

Magos Dominus Guilderius Davvarel, freshly promoted and recently landed from Lucius, has been put in charge of dealing with these problems and designated to ask for the help of the Iron Snakes, that are specialized in stealthy and deadly investigations...









Behold the Great Truth of the Omnissiah !


Here Thou shall find datapicts of my Thrice Blessed Cohort.


I humbly ask for thy leniancy, for I do not yet master the archeotechs I retrieved to apply the colors on these relics. And it's been over two standards decades that I didn't paint anything.


Magos Guilderius Davvarel :


IMG 20210602 183646

IMG 20210602 183708


Magos Jeremiah :



//++Awaiting responses and advices from higher authorities++//

Edited by Magos Guilderius Davvarel

A great first start. I can see your painting style is pretty neat which is good considering how long you have been out of the saddle. I believe with a bit of practice you'll improve greatly in a short period of time. I think the best thing to concentrate on is to add a bit more shading in the recesses of the models and in the borders between colours. That should make the different parts of the model stand out from each other a bit more. I notice you have already done that a bit in places so you're heading in the right direction anyway but parts like the overlapping silver plates are a good place to to it.


Is it the photo or do your metallic areas such as the axe have a green tint to them? It gives the metal a slightly weird feel like it's some kind of advanced alloy.


Anyway, enough of my waffle, keep up the good work. :)

A great first start. I can see your painting style is pretty neat which is good considering how long you have been out of the saddle. I believe with a bit of practice you'll improve greatly in a short period of time. I think the best thing to concentrate on is to add a bit more shading in the recesses of the models and in the borders between colours. That should make the different parts of the model stand out from each other a bit more. I notice you have already done that a bit in places so you're heading in the right direction anyway but parts like the overlapping silver plates are a good place to to it.


Is it the photo or do your metallic areas such as the axe have a green tint to them? It gives the metal a slightly weird feel like it's some kind of advanced alloy.


Anyway, enough of my waffle, keep up the good work. :)

Thanks a lot for your support and advice :) I'll try to focus on that, I started my Manipulus and will shade him to death !


For the metal parts, I guess its due to the camera :) But I washed every metallic parts a lot too, painted with acrylic Anthrax Metal and Opulentus Black ink from GreenStuffWorld :)


Good job on the Magos.

Much appreciated :) Feels good to paint again :)

Edited by Magos Guilderius Davvarel
  • 2 weeks later...

New additions to the cohort, Magos Kerl Logg, Tech-priest Manipulus

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and Magos Natanaël, Tech-priest Enginseer

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First try on conversion in years, quite satisfied how it went in the end :)


Nicely done, I like the converted Enginseer, he's armed to the teeth! :)


I also like that you've blended the base colour into the bottom of the miniature, it looks a lot better for it in my opinion. I know that was in your earlier post but I've just noticed it more now. 

Nicely done, I like the converted Enginseer, he's armed to the teeth! :smile.:


I also like that you've blended the base colour into the bottom of the miniature, it looks a lot better for it in my opinion. I know that was in your earlier post but I've just noticed it more now. 

Thanks ! Turned out pretty much as I imagined it, so I'm happy with it :)


For the base color, in fact I use Medium Red Oxie pigment from GSW. I chose the color to match the one I use on the base : Martian Earth Crackle Paint from GSW too !

I like the results a lot, and used it on every HQ successfully so far :)

Excellent work on Magos Kerl Logg.

Thanks Magos ! Quite satisfied, even if I might go back to it for the glassy-thingy thing... I don't like how it turned out XD


Next in line : 1x Dunerider, 1x TP Enginseer (Magos Natanaël) and 10x Skitariis Rangers :D

Edited by Magos Guilderius Davvarel

Nice job. Keep at it. :)


You are getting these guys painted really quickly. I'm impressed.


Thank you :) I admit I try to keep a certain routine about painting, around 1h or 2hours mini a day, as often as possible.

But I've had several hesitations with them, as how to paint them once fully built, etc.

I guess the next bash will go faster :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Latest addition to the cohort : a single Kataphron ! Haven't got much time to paint lately as I have several big projects ongoing @work, so very few to add sadly :sad.:


3 Kataphrons Breachers, 2 waiting to be painted (alongside 1 Marshal, 1 TPE and 1 Dunerider)


Still, got lot of fun assembling these servitors ; more of a hassle to paint as I wanted them to wear a slightly different color scheme, as I'm still planning to do some mixing in my army. They had to have a somewhat close color theme (close enough to be associated with other units from a same FW) but at the same time, have to present something different enough so that if I want to play a mixed FWs army, they can be easily identified as such.


Pretty satisfied with the final result, though the path to it was... painful to say the least ! I've had to try several colors and thus, some details went blurry :-/ But the good news is, now I know how I'll paint about half the army, that's dope :biggrin.:


So, without further ado :

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Will start the other 2 and the Marshal asap, though it might not be before next week unfortunately !

Edited by Magos Guilderius Davvarel

Great neat work on the Breacher. I like the dark bronze-like colour for the metallics. :smile.:

Thanks :smile.: The idea was to propose something different from the dark-steeled metallics I use on Rangers for example, as I plan to try a mixed list Mars/Lucius ^^ So I wanted colors that would be cannon to Lucius's lore (radiations, luminescent, etc) but not to far from the colors I use for Mars units, as I'll also ultimately build a full Mars and a full Lucius list anyway :biggrin.:

Quite a challenge and had some moments of doubts, but I think the result will make a cohesive lot color-wise, without breaking the possibility to split into different FWs :tongue.:


Thus, metallics willl come in this bronze (Gladius Bronze + Walnut Brown wash from GSW) and reddish parts will be a little brighter than on my Mars models : 1 thin layer of Flaming Dragon orange + 1 thin layer of Cutthroat Red + shades with Walnut Brown (all from GSW).


Mars models will be essentially Anthrax Metal + Black Opulentus shade for metallics, and 2 layers of Cutthroat Red + 1 thin of Walnut Brown for shading


And TPs will have a assortiment of all these, as I want them to have mostly Martian-red (they are fanatics after all^^).


For the weapons, I also intend to make differences : I'll do brighter bronze on Lucius's models and maybe integrate a 3rd color (such as a bright blue, maybe), whereas Mars models have black weapons with Anthrax Metal for details^^ I do not plan on using any wooddish colors on the weapons though, I find this to be counter-lore : I cannot think of trees growing on FWs, and even if AdMech can acquire pretty much any material they need, I do not think there'd be enough wood left to create all the weapons they produce^^



Good job on the Kataphron model.

Thank you :smile.: Had a lot of fun assembling them, I'm eager to paint the others that have been blessed with several add-ons from Destroyers kit, like additional servo-arms (I do love servo-arms :tongue.: put an additionnal one on my Marshall too xD), etc


Edited by Magos Guilderius Davvarel

It's interesting to know that you are using Green Stuff World paints for your army? What are they like to paint with? I've tried some of their metallics with some success (Gladius Bronze and Dark Bronze mostly) but I haven't tried their washes or main paint range.


As for the wooden materials I wouldn't worry too much about that. Forge Worlds plunder far and wide in order to get their resources and they most likely obtain resources from agri worlds to function that may include wood as well as food so wooden gunstocks probably aren't rare. I am sure the Adeptus Mechanicus use every resource available as long as it's not daubed in eight-pointed stars. :teehee:  If it's just down to personal preference I can understand, I wanted the coats of my Skitarii to look synthetic, like they are made from some kind of plastic-like substance for durability's sake. I also started them long before I learned about painting texture on robes and coats so there is that as well... 


Anyway, it sounds like you're off to a great start. :biggrin.:

It's interesting to know that you are using Green Stuff World paints for your army? What are they like to paint with? I've tried some of their metallics with some success (Gladius Bronze and Dark Bronze mostly) but I haven't tried their washes or main paint range.


As for the wooden materials I wouldn't worry too much about that. Forge Worlds plunder far and wide in order to get their resources and they most likely obtain resources from agri worlds to function that may include wood as well as food so wooden gunstocks probably aren't rare. I am sure the Adeptus Mechanicus use every resource available as long as it's not daubed in eight-pointed stars. :teehee:  If it's just down to personal preference I can understand, I wanted the coats of my Skitarii to look synthetic, like they are made from some kind of plastic-like substance for durability's sake. I also started them long before I learned about painting texture on robes and coats so there is that as well... 


Anyway, it sounds like you're off to a great start. :biggrin.:


I find GSW paints are great, better than TheArmyPainter ones I tried.

Good point is, they include mixing steelballs in every bottle (that are 17ml by default, a bit more than Citadel ones iirc) and the pigmentation is pretty strong. Easy to make a shade on the go with acrylic paint that way^^

Haven't tried Citadel ones since 20yrs back in time, but the fact that GSW are also almost 50% cheaper do not encourage me to buy some anytime soon. They have a very large range of colours, and the shades are quite good too.

Of course, they do not have as much products as specialized as Citadel does, but still a decent brand to paint with^^


You're right with wood and FWs, and I always forget about agri-worlds... But still, I want my weapons to look made on a large scale with durable industrials products, so no wood :P


Hope to test at least a little list after summer :D

Fellow Magi,


I'd like to present to you the last additions to my cohort : the last 2 kataphrons started earlier this month !


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And for your entertainment, I also added a pix-file taken to show the 2 color schemes I'm planning to adopt.

IMG 20210713 205432 compress34


Next I'll be painting the Marshall and Magos Natanaël, and a Dunerider :)

I like the gradient on the Heavy Arc Rifles, a very pleasing effect. You're doing well to get these models painted so quickly. :)

Thank you. I'm not that satisfied with the effect on the weapons, but I guess I'll do better next time :)


I don't know if I'm painting that fast, honestly I think I could do better if I was a bit more organised :-/ I need to optimize my painting process if I want to have enough points preped for the end of summer !

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