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New player etiquette question.


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Looooooong time historical gamer.  Brand new to 40K.  I have a question for the body as a whole.


There is a vendor who sell a "Monty Python Spanish Inquisition" set.  I was thinking of getting them, painting them up, and using them as a Dark Apostle and acolytes for my Word Bearers warband as a bit of a joke.   I would only use them if my opponent gave the ok, and only in a friendly game.


My question to you, the group.  Would you be offended if I asked to do this in a game?  What if you were not in the game but walked by and saw them?  Would it be bad form?  Would you be bothered that in some way it disrespected the game?  


Please let me know what you think.  

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40K is much more lax when it comes to historical accuracy. All sorts of wacky and fun stuff often gets a laugh and is appreciated more than it is despised. There have been pink flower Necron armies, Hello Kitty and My Little Pony armies, the Angry Marines, various geometric alien cubes representing Tzeentch Daemons, etc. You name it, some crazy hobbyist has probably done it. Using the Spanish Inquisition third party models as counts-as Inquisition or Word Bearers models probably won't even make most people bat an eyelid other than appreciating the reference.


30K is a bit more serious and historical accuracy is more appreciated there as it's basically the historical version of 40K, but even then most players would probably not mind.

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I think that would be a cool thing to see and I’d love it if an opponent brought that to a game. As others have said, people are generally very accepting of conversions and alternatives in 40k. The only time it would be a real problem would be if you wanted to play in a GW store as they only allow official models.


The 40k universe is left deliberately vague and varied in lots of parts so as to give you room to be creative. So long as the models fit the general aesthetic of the setting you should feel free to be as creative as you want.


Also, I want to see these guys so make sure you post a picture when you’ve painted them :)

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Personally I‘d appreciate that creativity, the only thing I‘d add to the other guys:


You might try to use models that are about the same size as the ones that they are supposed to represent and put them on the correct sized bases. This should avoid discussions about an „unfair advantage“ some folks might have issues with… but coming from historical games, I guess that’s something you probably have already taken into account when selecting that particular kit

Edited by excelite
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I'd love it to be honest, even in a tournament setting. An official GW tournament wouldn't allow non GW miniatures, but an independent one shouldn't have any issue with it. 

As long as the miniatures are mounted on the correct bases and are roughly the same size of the original model it's absolutely ok. 

Edited by AenarIT
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If you have put thought and effort into the models, then I wouldn't have a problem.


I might draw the line if someone brought some Lego minifigures and said they were cultists :) 


If in doubt about the tongue-in-cheek aspect of casual 40k gaming, google the story of Robin Williams (yes, THE Robin Williams) playing in-store and narrating battles with his Flaming Pink Eldar army. If I had 3 wishes, one of them would be to see that.

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It's a personal question of course, but jokes and such are common in 40k officially never mind hobbyist endeavours so I don't think you'll have any issues at all when you're asking for permission first. This is the very definition of good etiquette :) Even then, with the right bases and about the right size models I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who minded that much.


Tourney is a different kettle of fish as noted, as they might have their own requirements. Outside of that I'd be surprised if anyone disliked it enough to not accept them especially as they'd be easily recognisable as separate and unique which can otherwise be a problem with counts-as (which is kind of what this is). What is 40k without inquisition jokes anyway? :P

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Looooooong time historical gamer. Brand new to 40K. I have a question for the body as a whole.


There is a vendor who sell a "Monty Python Spanish Inquisition" set. I was thinking of getting them, painting them up, and using them as a Dark Apostle and acolytes for my Word Bearers warband as a bit of a joke. I would only use them if my opponent gave the ok, and only in a friendly game.


My question to you, the group. Would you be offended if I asked to do this in a game? What if you were not in the game but walked by and saw them? Would it be bad form? Would you be bothered that in some way it disrespected the game?


Please let me know what you think.

would not care one bit
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