Gamiel Posted August 14, 2021 Share Posted August 14, 2021 (edited) from this Fb post: Envoy to the Red Fish from Navigator House Modise. Modise observed their contracts with the Red Fish for the duration of the war; they even maintained contracts with groups on both sides of the split in the Morqub Sector Fleet. More than one flotilla reported 'getting lost' en route to battle that would have pitted Modise Navigators against one another - how this impacted the war, to whose benefit, only House Modise could say. So valuable was the Navigator gene, and so total the autonomy is afforded the families who possessed it, such transgressions were ignored by all factions involved. In the waning hours of the conflict, when the fate of the Partisans was all but decided, Navigators from House Modise passed untroubled back into Imperial service - for though surely there are lines not even the warpfinder families could cross unpunished, the capacity to move between the stars was simply too precious to waste in something as petty as a show of retribution. The High Lords did not scuttle the captured Partisan cruisers and battleships. They did not melt down their bolters and tanks. How, then, could they purge the Navigators? Most priceless of tools. Modise, as all the other families operating as guide and pilot for the Partisans and Pentarchy, alike, moved on through history, even as so much of the war was burned from it. It is likely that the only place a true account of the War of the False Primarch still exists is in the endless record halls of the Navigator Houses - protected from Inquisitorial purge, but also from collation, and research; a saga untold, in shipping routes, star maps, and sundered vessels. Personally I have an idea of some of the partisan Navigators being returned to their familes blinded as a punichment for their crimes of working for the losing side. They can still serve for breading and as teachers but can no longer serve the house in ways that would give them more influence ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- from this Fb post: Went ahead and made that Discord server, for any of you who haven't used Discord before it's just a convenient little chatting platform, think like the modern equivalent of IRC plus voice and video chat capability. I think it could be handy for chatting about stuff that doesn't quite warrant a full Facebook post. Here's the link: Some Things Are Best Left Forgotten ( Edited August 14, 2021 by Gamiel Xin Ceithan 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gamiel Posted August 14, 2021 Share Posted August 14, 2021 from this Fb post: Liam Markey A second Charnel Guard vet ready for deployment, this time Veteran Sergeant Helios. Notably more gore covered than my last veteran, he's a bitter soul driven by his pure hatred for the Partisans. I've been giving some thought as to his motivations and attitude towards the False Primarch. Rather than outright denying the legitimacy of Volnoscere as a son of the Emperor, he is instead affronted by the timing of his arrival; 3 millennia after the Horus Heresy. Millions died in the struggle to defend Terra alone, including his own gene-father Sanguinius, whilst Volnoscere hid away, a prodigal son awaiting the right time to return and claim his inheritance. Where were the Silver Stars when the galaxy burned? Volnoscere is no better than those that fought alongside Horus, and any claim to rule over the Imperium he propagates is illegitimate. This is just an idea I've been kicking about and thought would be interesting to discuss. I realise I'm a little late to the party so apologies if this is something that has already been raised, or is in contention with some of the lore that has already established surrounding the Charnel Guard. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from this Fb post: Mikkel Hesselberg Wissing "If you go out To the woods, beware, the maiden, beware. If you go out To the woods She’s there, the maiden, she’s there" Childrens rhyme, Neo-Constantinople, circa M32 “There exists some integer x such that x multiplied by 2 is equal to 2¹ × 38 × 56 × 75 × 116 × 139, and there does not exist any integer x such that x multiplied by 4 is equal to 2¹ × 38 × 56 × 75 × 116 × 139.” The corresponding formula is: (∃x)(x × ss0 = sss … sss0) ⋅ ~(∃x)(x × ssss0 = sss … sss0) where sss … sss0 stands for 2¹ × 38 × 56 × 75 × 116 × 139 copies of the successor symbol s. This forms the basis what is known as “The House of the Maiden”, a string of formulas thought to hold the truth of existence. There has been numerous tries by various scholars in locating this “House of the Maiden”, but so far none known successes. The symbol ⋅ means “and,” and is shorthand for a longer expression in the fundamental vocabulary: p ⋅ q stands for ~(~p ∨ ~q)… From “The Universam Arithmetic” by H.E.Goddell, banned by the Holy Inquisition in M34 “I was there, yeah, at The End. Capital ‘T’ and ‘E’. Emperor, we were afraid! We had the entire Battlefleet behind us, and the damned Talons too. Some of those spooky-psycho Flesh Eaters too. It was enough. Just about enough. They threw everything they had left at us, from atomics to chems, the lot. We were barely enough. We died in droves! My men, they…it’s like we weren’t even there, you know? Like we didn’t matter? Like these gods, these abominations, were fighting a last war and we were in the way. When we breached the last line I thought I’d seen the worst. That’s when we saw her. Lord Emperor, it was terrible. To see one of the giants like that. And she was everywhere! In the walls, all around us I tell you! We couldn’t kill her! We tried everything! Threw everything at her! The wails, I can still hear her wailing, it drove the men nuts! I don’t know how many of us made it out there alive. I don’t care. Just shoot me and be done with it. I don’t care." Excerpt from Inquisitorial interrogation protocol #XIIKIV Col. Justensen, purged from full records in M35 [VOX-OFFICER1]: “We’re boxed in, give me a link to Command now, if we don’t[WHITE NOISE] that?! GOD EMPEROR WHAT WAS THAT!?[sCREAMING+WHITE NOISE+WAILING]…ILL IT! KILL IT NOW! WHAT IS THAT THING?! GEETI BRING YOUR MELTA AROUND AND HOSE THAT THING[WHITE NOISE+WAILING+KEENING+WHITE NOISE]…RKING! GET ME OUT, JUST GET ME OUT! PLEASE! GOD EMPEROR PLEASE! SHE’S HERE! SHE’S HERE! Transcript from vox-net traffic between Herulean 45th and Central Command, at Daells World, M34 The being known as The Abiotic Maiden made its entrance in the War of the False Primarch in the last part of the conflict. Part of a last-ditch defence conjured up by the Wormwood Sons, the Abiotic Maiden and the other Solar Wraiths became a symbol of the desperation with which the Partisans as a whole made their last stands in the face of the overwhelming forces of the Pentarchy and their human auxiliaries. The Maiden was reported to have been present at least at ten different occasions, always in relation to the appearance of Gergorii Varn, the Chief Librarian of the Wormwood Sons. Where he had conjured up The Maiden remains speculative, however multiple sources obtained after the end of the conflict points towards a correlation between the being and the logged data of the Wormwood Sons escort ‘Sceland’. No proof have been obtained as of yet to any evidence of such a connection. Inquisitorial report logged at [REDACTED] by Senior Interrogator Dokten at [REDACTED] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from this Fb post: Oli Newman Divinartor Toumas was not a native of the sub-sector. Travelling there at the start of the war, he became known for his raging polemics. Strict adherence to the approved texts was not his style, he would frequently speak off the cuff, making up quotes and attributing stories as they suited his point. But his name is known to history not for his rabble rousing, but as the initiator of what he termed the Emperors Wrath units, or colloquially, the martyrs brigades. These infamous units became widely used in some of the bitterest conflicts of the war and their use became widespread in Ecclesiarchial forces before being stamped out by the Dicta from the XXIC Conclave in M34.2 as an abomination and divergence from the Emperor’s light. A small teaser for a little distraction project to go along side the painting I’m trying to largely concentrate on! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from this Fb post: Nick Tregidgo Since the Inquisition is a melange of differing and often contradictory viewpoints, would anyone be interested in working on some Reformist Inquisitors with me? Sort of a counterpoint to the more orthodox anti-primarch groups, the Reformists are a disparate group who all wish to use the Primarch in some way to go about societal change. Curwen Ares Rolinson the question would be whether 'reformist' Inquisitors or cabals thereof would be looking to use the 'Primarch' himself ... ... or, motivated by the *idea* of the 'Primarch', and seeing what said idea can do when it's deployed (i.e. whole sectors swept up in a fervor to rebuild the Emperor's realm), attempt a more 'controlled' effort which replicates the general appearance of what's been going on with Volnoscere ... but under *decidedly* Imperial control, and probably located somewehre else entirely in the galaxy so a to avoid the stigmatic taint of association to what's been going on once this 'current' 'Primarch' falls over. Nick Tregidgo Curwen Ares Rolinson basically anything you can think of! They all have a reform goal, but their methodologies and goals are all quite difft. They're United only by their opposition to the Orthodox Inquisitors --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from this Fb post: Almir Hodo Early on during the War of the False Primarch, many Astartes corpses would be spirited away from various battlefields - their flesh left behind initially due to logistical concerns following progenoid and wargear extraction. The Ordo Astartes was never able to conclusively establish the identity of these thieves but it is strongly believed that it was the work of predation ships crewed by Tech-Thralls under the guidance of Red Talons Apothecarion Officers. Why a chapter would pilfer the hallowed dead - particularly one not known for any peculiarities of the Apothecarion - is unknown and a matter of conjecture. Some theorized that the bodies were to serve as breeding grounds for anti-astartes pathogens - a potential solution until one considers the fact that Pentarchy forces were spirited away too. Far more likely - I would posit - is that there must be a connection between the disappearing corpses, the massive increase in wargear production by the forge fane annexed by the Red Talons, and the exponential swelling of their ranks following the first third of the war. One simply cannot otherwise explain the chapter swelling to nearly 9000 Astartes in numbers by the Razing of Icathus - particularly when considering the Red Talons preference for recruiting from their homeworld of Raikan, their below average implantation success rate for a chapter of the Decima Ferri and the general lack of reports concerning recruitment drives in the region. Yet somehow they never lacked bodies to throw against their enemies. Somehow, their numbers swole to even more terrifying heights following the events of Icathus. They say that in war the dead never truly rest - perhaps some more literally than others. -Inquisitor Holm, Ordo Astartes, private writing ---------------------------------------------------------------- apologist, Dr_Ruminahui and Urauloth 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted August 24, 2021 Share Posted August 24, 2021 (edited) The Hall of Honour is a place for Completed Works, and as such all of the world and faction building discussions do not belong here. Moving forward please limit this thread to Completed models and artwork. I have split the Discussion posts off into a new thread in the + SPECIAL PROJECTS + Forum, and they can be found here, + Some Things Are Best Left Forgotten Discussion + , and all of the completed works have been left here Edited August 25, 2021 by Grotsmasha BLACK BLŒ FLY, Xin Ceithan, Deadass and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
apologist Posted August 26, 2021 Author Share Posted August 26, 2021 Thanks Grotsmasha – this all seems an eminently sensible solution! :) Here are the Silver Stars: +[identquery: unresoved – all records REDACTED]+ Painting the Silver Stars Some things may be best forgotten, but how you paint a uniform isn't one of them. Here's my approach to painting the cool white I'm using for this mysterious possible-Legion of Space Marines. 1 Assemble your marine as normal and prime using Halford's Grey Primer. 2 Paint the base colours. I block in the metals with black (though note I've used Dryad Bark for the gorget, which will be gold. You can use them fairly interchangeably, but I think I'll proceed with brown for gold, and black for silver). I've used Sotek Green for the blue-turquoise, which seems to be nigh-identical to the old Hawk Turquoise. 3 I've used 'Mummy Robes' from The Army Painter's Warpaints range, a lovely smooth warm white. This takes two layers to get a smooth surface. Once dry, I overlay it with Apothecary White, one of Citadel's new Contrast range of paints. This is a lovely quick way to get some initial shading it – and perhaps more importantly, to help you identify where to pick out later. 4 From here, it's essentially refining. Go back over the white with more Mummy Robes, adding Vallejo's Off-White for highlights. I've also used Daler-Rowney's Payne's Grey acrylic ink, diluted with flow improver, to line the stronger shadows. I've used the same combination of colours to add weathering and scratches to the white armour – I suggest you do this sparingly, and don't make them so high contrast as you would on darker hues: white paint is obviously very high in value, and so marks look much more striking and obvious than on a low value hue. The blue-turquoise highlights are simply Sotek Green with increasing amounts of Off-White. The gold is Balthasar Gold followed by Shining Gold, washed with two layers of Seraphim Sepia, with touches of Leviathan Purple added wet-in-wet. The two washes are also used over Iron Warriors (the modern Boltgun Metal equivalent) for the silver areas like the boltgun and backpack. Marking and heraldry of the Silver Stars Above is pictured Legionary [REDACTED]. The basics of the scheme are armour as white as bone, as green as the ocean, as rose as coral; and with gold accents. In terms of placement, the helm and upper torso is turquoise, the remainder white. The placements of accents varies according to armour mark and rank, but banding – on the shoulder pad rims and collar – is usually a muted gold. Silver Stars bear what appear to be Legion symbols both on their left pauldron (as typical for Space Marines), and on the centre of their torso. The marking is a white, four-pointed star made up of four small, unconnected right-angled triangles. They typically appears to be rotating anti-clockwise on the pauldron and clockwise on the torso (both suggesting forward movement); but occasionally run in the opposite direction, which indicates a form of intra-Legion specialism or honorific termed Manawa. Whatever the direction of travel, and wherever it appears, the Silver Star symbol is near-universally rendered in white (that is, heraldic silver). This necessitates rose banding (Citadel Screamer Pink, for those painting their own) on the pauldrons in the form of an heraldic pale (a vertical stripe). + Pauldrons are occasionally completely rose, or the rose band is a fess (a horizontal stripe) or a bend (a diagonal stripe from top left to bottom right). The colour also often appears on the belt buckle in a bend, and on the helm. Many Silver Stars wear plumes or headdress; any fabric or organic material is dyed coral-rose; and in their absence, a pale is applied on the top of the helmet, occasionally continuing over the faceplate. + The right pauldron bears squad designations. Some appear to be alchemic symbols, commonly – but far from exclusively – those for Tin/Jupiter (♃), Gold/Sol (☉), and Bismuth ( Brother Tyler, Grotsmasha, Xin Ceithan and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gamiel Posted August 29, 2021 Share Posted August 29, 2021 (edited) from this Fb post: [++Noosphere network connection initiated++] [++Noosphere Network link established...welcome Inquisitor++] [++downloading security pict.file//Defense.of.Hive.Kurrogan/Pao.Fung.PICT++] [++downloading.extra.assets//Inheritors.adeptus.astartes. infopacket++] [Pending....] [Complete] Legionary line squad Karampal. Squad Karampal was one of the newly formed Line squads deployed by the Inheritors third company during the Pao Fung campaign, where they fought with great bravery and skill in defense of the civilian population. Based on the legionary tactical squad formation of the Principia Belicosa, these squads were intended to serve as the new line infantry units in the future Inheritors legion, supported by other more specialized formations. Jarnail Solarion had began the restructuring of chapter early during the war to more easily facilitate the chapters transition into a legion of old, spurred into action by both the inspiring returned son and the massive increase in recruits and war material gifted to the Inheritors by the Silver stars. Addendum: Note the maroon stripe on the right shoulder pad, a sign of allegiance to the silver stars, as well as gratitude for saving the chapter. Also note the archaic, occult symbols present somewhere on the armour of all brothers of Squad Karampal. Whilst it is unclear, at the present moment what the sigil represents, Acolyte Haas found evidence suggesting that the symbol is of Old earth origin, and is an ancient Alkemycal symbol for the poisonous metal Arsenic, which is believed to represent the idea or concept of transformation. from this Fb post: +//--DATALOAD-SPOOLING-RECLUSIATAMAJORIS:INLOADPROTOCOLSILVERSERPENT:ACCESSGRANTED--//--SUBJECT:MORHALT,HARROWER,VCADRE,STARWARDENS--//- - -DELETEY/NCONFIRM--//Y//--CONFIRMACCESS: - - - INQGAMMABLUE/TRAFALGAH--//DATADELETED/ENDOFLINE--//+ Harrower Morholt of Dread-Squad Barghest is ready for combat and seems to have already claimed the head of at least one Flesh Eater Space Marine. An extra element of the psychological warfare the Star Wardens prefer to engage in; Morholt daubs his already dark eyes with black pigment to enhance the effect of the black sclera and pupiless eyes the Wardens present. This prevents his enemies from following his eye line, giving him an microseconds edge in melee combat. It is the literal difference between life or death during Astartes on Astartes combat. Edited August 29, 2021 by Gamiel Dr_Ruminahui 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smoke Frog Posted August 29, 2021 Share Posted August 29, 2021 Love how great the Silver Stars and the Inheritors look! Simple scheme, good colors, great look. apologist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
apologist Posted September 8, 2021 Author Share Posted September 8, 2021 + Partisan Chapter: Marines Saturnine+ created by Tim K (@ghostys_neon_rust) 'Long have we known we would die at Pacificus. We knew this long before the vaunted High Lords rallied their armies, long before the Primarch returned. We have always known our Doomsday, Brother, so what makes you think you can stop us before then?' [//Brother Nam-Lugal+] Precis Outwardly a fierce, independent and prideful Chapter, the Marines Saturnine harboured more than their fair share of damning secrets. Drawing both spiritual succour and strategic advantage from their unusual Oracular Order, the guidance and foreknowledge it provided them made for an utterly fearless and fatalistic brotherhood. Their iron-hard beliefs in the prognostications of the Oracular Order, however, would ultimately prove a double-edged sword as the Chapter's long-predicted demise drew near. The Marines Saturnine became firmly rooted in Partisan ideology early in the war, forming a staunch and reliable stanchion for the followers of the Silver Star. Despite this, their martial presence was shadowy and unclear to the Orthodoxy until the mid-war period, owing to the Marines Saturnine's early arrival to the region, and their deliberately cagey deployment. That the Marines Saturnine bore a sincere belief in a pre-ordained fate to fight and die in the region is clear; but whether that sincerity extended to their belief in the figure of the 'Primarch' himself is more doubtful. *** 'Not by our hidden thoughts and intentions, but by our deeds are we adjudged.' [//attr. Kapihe Riverhead, Silver Stars+] #iwanttoknow [//You can read more about the Marines Saturnine here on Some Things Are Best Left Forgotten.+] Bjorn Firewalker, Brother Tyler, Gamiel and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted September 8, 2021 Share Posted September 8, 2021 Impressive work on the Marines Saturnine models, and the determination they express in your writing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted September 9, 2021 Share Posted September 9, 2021 Bjorn you are back again now . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
apologist Posted September 17, 2021 Author Share Posted September 17, 2021 + The Ecclesiarchy + Many witnessed Morgetheon's sermon condemning Volnoscere as a heretic. Few would have foreseen the Arch-Cardinal then rising to lead the Heliopolean Ecclesiarchy, and hailing the Primarch as the rightful ruler of the Imperium. None would be envious of his eventual fate at the hands of the Pentarchy... [//Kastor Drak, the Dragon of Siklon+] [//Confessor Castozoff, Scourge of Morgant and Hever+] [//oliver_n/@magos_nexnbo+] Forces of the Ecclesiarchy Ecclesiarchical forces across the Imperium at this time had even less common structure than the necessarily diverse Imperial Guard. With little official recognition by the Senatorum Imperialis, the Ecclesiarchy's pocket armies had no more official status than the bodyguards of the Navigator Houses or militias of the Chancellery. Where they differed from these was in scale. The Ecclesiarchy was massively wealthy, and considerably more influential over the common denizens of the Imperium than comparable Offices of State. As a result, they could draw up vast numbers of volunteers and arm them – though this varied from simple sticks and clubs to highly sophisticated military equipment comparable to the best the Imperial Guard could muster. During the War of the False Primarch, the men and women of Sectors Heliopolis and Morqub would rise up to support both the primacy of the High Lords of Terra and the Returned Primarch with equal fervour. Massively diverse, believing hundreds of subtly – or massively – different creeds, the planetary Cults of the Ecclesiarchy were often united only in believing of the primacy of the God-Emperor. For the massed warriors of the Imperial Cult, the Emperor was a shared object of devotion; and it is thus all the more tragic that so many died in the name of whether one of his sons or the High Lords would be invested with the authority to exert His will in the future Imperium of Man. +IWANTTOKNOW+ Some awesome pieces in this article, ranging from Oliver N's (@magos_nexnbo) awesome religious rabble: ... to Jamie C's (@mutantsnakeeyes) fantastic elites – the Ecclesiarchy's answer to the Tempestus Scions; the Iconolates Bjorn Firewalker, Gamiel, Dr_Ruminahui and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted September 17, 2021 Share Posted September 17, 2021 Impressive work on the Ecclesiarchy's FromSoftware-looking forces. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smoke Frog Posted September 18, 2021 Share Posted September 18, 2021 Amazing! I enjoyed reading up the doomed-backstory of the Marines Saturnine! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gamiel Posted September 19, 2021 Share Posted September 19, 2021 (edited) from this Fb post: 'It takes less than half a second for Sergeant Alk to seal her fate. Her bionic eye picks up the figure in the doorway before her brain even processes the input. A simple flash of sickly green, a small spurt of a code package, worming its way throughout the micro cogitators behind the lense. Unpacking and unraveling itself, spewing copies into the neuro-optical interfaces. These are naught but another vector for an equation, one that leaps the boundary from hardware to wetware. Cascading into her neurons, it sends her neurochemistry into a frenzy. All she feels is a stabbing pain, like a lance through her eye. Caspase-3 pathways are triggered and a bloom of neural cell death begins. Tearing her very neural pathways to shreds, a final firing of her optic nerve, cursing her with her final sight..' -A Post-mortem of Sergeant Alk of Juntii Hussars found her death was due to sudden and explosive cell death cascade occuring in her neural tissue. The final image recorded on her bionic was of a void black circle, occluding a doorway. As her death occurred during the First Invasion of Ishim, all records regarding this incident were classified upon order of Inquisitor [ERROR_DATA_CORRUP_____%/(!?NIHIL_CIRCULUS_WHATMANKNOWSKADATH?!] First Skitarii Vanguard member of the Nine Lamentations, a Black-ops Kadathian Kill-Clade, rumoured to be part of the sinister and shrouded Nihil Circulus. from this Fb post: “Volnoscere brings a new breath to the suffocating body of mankind. The Highlords have asphyxiated the imperium through apathetic greed, and neglect. They have sent fanatical murders to strike us blind and ignorant. We must not close our eyes. To be blinded by narrow scripture. We must want to know more.” Excerpt from the writings of the Partisan scholar and hero Alexander Hale of Myrea. M.34 A true force of nature for the partisan cause, not such as driving gale winds, or a bolt of lighting, but more the relentless, serene ever churning waves of an ocean. Not a fighting man or high ranked commander, yet a man who could defeat armies. Not in battle, but touching their hearts. A simple man with the burning passion of an idealist dedicated to seeing the return of a fabled civilized era now made tangible with the supposed return of a lost primarch. Like an ocean Alexander Hale was calmly unyielding and relentlessly ever present though out the war. It is believed Hale was a native of Myrea, the heart of the Myrean league. Various sources point in other directions, but his own writing, and corroborating events seem to confirm this. His recollection of the coming of the Primarch, he was a young man with a strong sense of justice, and purpose. The promise of such an event along with the initial presentations of the Primarch’s heralds, as well as early propaganda completely consumed him. Within several years he, and his writing had become known throughout the sector. From this point there is mystery as to how he was able to travel the sector so freely, including once the war was consuming it. He most likely must have come from substantial high class, or had connected benefactors to allow him to travel at almost constant intervals. He would give lectures, and engage in debates in auditoriums to being seen on the street handing out pamphlets to all levels of society. As the war elongated he was seen on the front line of conflicts. Though of no military experience or authority he was brave, and enthusiastic, his presence a morale boost. Ultimately Hale’s final fate is unknown. There are stories of his death at several locations the breakthrough at Null, the Rust Plateau of Teo Sentimental, the Towers of Dawn, etc. No matter his final fate his work would continue to escape the edict of obliteration. His work was held as formative to some of the more philosophical or romantic founders of the Nova Terra imperium. Writings and vid-chips have been found to have reached as far as Corinth or Ichar I. After millennium his philosophy of progress has remained a dangerous temptation for those who seek a benevolent promise, an open mind. Those who want to know more. from this Fb post: +//--DATALOAD-SPOOLING-RECLUSIATAMAJORIS:INLOADPROTOCOLSILVERSERPENT:ACCESSGRANTED--//--SUBJECT:MORHALT,HARROWER,VCADRE,STARWARDENS--//- -SUBJECT:CARADOC,RAMPAGER,VCADRE,STARWARDENS--//DATASHROUDCONFIRM/ENDOFLINE--//+ "Harrower Morhalt engaged in many practices considered barbarous by his more pragmatic kin. During a skirmish against Orkoid instigators in the earlier years of the century Morhalt required adamantine dental implants serviced into his jaw. The implants had never taken comfortably as his physiology fought a constant battle against them, resulting in over-salivation which caused a drastic shift in the acidic content of his glands. That left his tongue and gums raw and bleeding and made his voice a rasping rattle. This disturbance had manifested in some peculiar psycho-reliant behaviors; most notably of all was the trophy gathering. Morholt would pry the teeth from beaten combatants, especially other Astartes, in a display of infantile impotent rage. The other members of Dread-Squad Barghest encouraged this deviancy, whilst many of his fellow Harrowers considered him a liability to their Chapters gene-legacy. I am relieved to say his taint will not disgrace our future-sons." -- Except from the Memoir-Reductor penned by Headsman Mordrad Lughtahn. This tome would later become scripture within the Vth Cadres armorium chambers; an account of the disgrace the Abomination to Him on Terra had used to sunder their fraterhood. --//-- Leader of my Star Wardens Kill Team is ready to rock. Here's a peek at the WIP on Rampager Caradoc. Note the Golden Arm on only Morholt. The Golden Arm signifies those Wardens who devoutly gave themselves over to the False Primarch Volnoscere, whilst those with the red forearms did not entirely lose themselves to heresy. These brothers would later come to blows. from this Fb post: 'Hail the Legatum Lator, the Lawmaker! May your universal laws shield us from Intrusion and the Outside. Hail the Lawmaker!' -Cant of the Legatum Lator, one of the simpler Kadathian machine prayers. 'You shalt be our mailed fist in a velvet glove. Our knife in the dark. Go forth Princeps and slaughter. For our enemies underestimate us, but what man can truly know Kadath?' -Edict of Magos [REDACTED] at the creation of the Nihil Circulus Kill-Clade. Code-Eater Nihil-Rho-Gamma, leader of one of the infamous Nihil Circulus Kill-Clades. They have been implicated in several incidents, including the Beheading of Inquisitor Thane, the Cathedral of Gore and the Hollowing of the Library of Ylaxandria. By the end of the War, Code-Eater Nihil had became a high value target for Orthodoxy forces, though their links to Kadath could never be solidified. Edited September 19, 2021 by Gamiel Dr_Ruminahui, Xin Ceithan, Smoke Frog and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noctus Cornix Posted September 23, 2021 Share Posted September 23, 2021 "O pure and virgin pearl, oh spotless magenta, O Rejoice, our newborn kin, O blessed Theófoniás, O killer of Gods, O blade transcending heaven's will, O sword of judgement most radiant, O joy of chaste vow and spilt blood, surpassing all the angels, O brilliant light of Terra beyond, of His will most radiant, Commanding chief of heavenly hosts, O holiest of holies" - War Hymn of the Theófoniás ----------------------------- Veteran Sergeant Vengaarl of the Death Eagles Chapter, Eigthteenth of that Name, 64th of the Canon, Tactical Squad Vengaarl 3rd Battle Company, Vazzy, Grim Dog Studios, Nomus Sardauk and 10 others 13 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted September 23, 2021 Share Posted September 23, 2021 Excellent work on the Death Eagle. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
apologist Posted September 30, 2021 Author Share Posted September 30, 2021 + Partisan Chapter: Argent Heralds+ created by Matt S (@sonofnemeton) '“The High Lords, the Scions of Mars, petty governors and mortals... all striving for their own goals above His. Too long has the Emperor's dominion endured strife from within, as well as without. You adjudge us guilty for choosing the path that leads away from the abyss we delve? The Imperium is fractured. Dying. We merely wished to breathe life into it once more, and for that we are damned.” [//Reported last words of former Chapter Master Cassus, prior to his summary execution at the hands of the Inquisition+] Precis The Argent Heralds are a noble and proud Chapter of Ultramarine descendents. Established during the Third Founding and given the Feudal world of Praedius to call home, the Heralds soon became known for seeking out what they saw as a darkness in the galaxy. To some of the more experienced and long-lived Chapters Astartes, the Heralds were considered over-idealistic, even naïve, if such a term could be placed upon one thousand battle-hardened post-human warriors. If such cynicism reached the ears of the Heralds, it affected them not in the slightest. The Heralds never ceased in their quest to instil the light back into His Imperium, and it was this drive that would eventually pull them to side with the Partisans of Volnoscere. Unable to allow the constant and continuing decline of the Imperium unanswered, it was the unwarranted savagery of the Flesh Eaters during the Battle of Gurro VII that caused them to once and for all declare themselves for the Primarch Returned; in the hopes of a better future for Mankind in the Emperor’s name. *** “If this is where we fall then we shall fall as heroes of the Imperium we wished to build, not ones of the shattered and broken corpse this Pentarchy of Blood represents. Fight now, Heralds! Fight for honour, fight for the Imperium, fight for the light!” [//Brother-Captain Mercurius Titus Decius of the Argent Heralds 2nd Company+] #iwanttoknow [//You can read more about the Argent Heralds here on +Some Things Are Best Left Forgotten+ +] Bjorn Firewalker, Gamiel, Brother Tyler and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted October 1, 2021 Share Posted October 1, 2021 Excellent work on the Argent Heralds' models, and their backstory. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
apologist Posted October 6, 2021 Author Share Posted October 6, 2021 (edited) + Partisan Chapter: Wormwood Sons+ created by Nick T (@k0rdhal) '“The Sons were like a moth trying to wield a flame. Doomed to be burned to ash. [//Master Enoch, Ordo Astartes+] Précis Some came to follow the 'Primarch' of their own volition; others were driven to him by the actions of the High Lords. For the Wormwood Sons, however, Volnoscere represented little more than a lever; an opportunity to bring into action a future towards which they had long worked: the reinvigoration of a philosophy that even they little understood – the Imperial Truth. Consumed by their own cryptic practices, they were the most diffident and half-hearted of the Pentarchy, serving with obvious reluctance alongside, and disregard for, most of their fellow Partisans. Many of their allies they regarded as credulous and unsophisticated in their open worship of the supposed returned Primarch. Bitter and brutal, but nevertheless motivated by hope, the members of the Wormwood Sons were more concerned with severing the hold of the Ecclesiarchy's yoke on Mankind than seating the Primarch on the Throne of Terra. Their downfall was long, and painful and humiliating – but equally tenacious, hard-fought, and resisted to the very last. *** “Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.” [//Imperial Aphorisms+] #iwanttoknow [//You can read more about the Wormwood Sons here on +Some Things Are Best Left Forgotten++] Edited October 6, 2021 by apologist Xin Ceithan 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spaced Hulk Posted October 13, 2021 Share Posted October 13, 2021 Old bones crumbled to dust beneath his tread, the weight of his crimson power armour and augmetically enhanced body easily pulverising the fragile human remains. Lowering his bolter, Valek Gar, of the Red Talons, scanned the horizon for signs of his prey. Even to his eyes, born and raised on harsh Raikan, this was a barren, unforgiving place. The surface of the Shrine World Minas was an ash-waste littered with countless open graves and bone heaps. It was the resting place of millions upon millions of Imperial pilgrims whose desicated corpses lay untended where they had fallen. Above this desolate grey graveyard, the spires and minnerets of the Ecclesiarchy loomed like immense watchtowers, casting their oppressive shadows over the bodies of the faithful. The obscene wealth of this world had been built upon a living tide of pilgrims travelling from across the entire Segmentum, each one giving up all their worldly possessions simply for the opportunity to walk these supposedly hallowed plains. It was said the Emperor himself had made planetfall here during the height of the Great Crusade, and now the devoted followed in his footsteps. Searching for enlightenment amongst the Fields of the Dead, they walked and wandered until thirst, hunger or exhaustion claimed them, and they joined their predecessors in this desert of bones. Whether any of them had found that which they seeked was unknown, for none had ever left this place. A new breed of traveller now roamed these vast plains. The Silver Stars were here. Searching. Always searching. Looking for who knows what amongst the ash and dust and dead men. And so the Pentarchy had followed, deploying kill teams and Vigilants in yet another deadly hunt for their elusive foe. On the western horizon, the weak sun reflected briefly from something armoured. Something silver. Valek grinned, and began walking westwards, crushing more bones beneath his feet. Bjorn Firewalker, Shovellovin, Xin Ceithan and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted October 13, 2021 Share Posted October 13, 2021 Excellent work on Valek Gar and the worldbuilding for the scene he's in. Spaced Hulk 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gamiel Posted October 14, 2021 Share Posted October 14, 2021 from this Fb post: +//--DATALOAD-SPOOLING-RECLUSIATAMAJORIS//--SUBJECT:CARADOC,RAMPAGER,VCADRE,STARWARDENS--//DATASHROUDCONFIRM/ENDOFLINE--//+ "Caradoc. Oh, fabled son of Harkonath. Prideful, bitter, remorseless. An icy dread took my heart when Caradoc chose to follow Morhalt beyond the Gate and into the arms of the Abomination. I feared he was taken with the sickness. That dread faded with his actions. Caradoc strode from the fires of heresy tested, as we all were, but not found wanting. Returning to our side he came bathed in the blood of his own wretched frater, his gauntlets baring the red soul-stain of our ancestors and not that of the Gilded. By Lancelors account he slew two of his brethren in single combat whilst my subordinate faced down the teeth-taker. An excellent addition to our ranks we have salvaged in Caradoc. Perhaps I shall grant him the Harrowers mantel of his one-time superior...or maybe I will pull his head from his shoulders and devor his brain to discover if the sickness lies within." -- Excerpt from the Memoir-Reductor from this Fb post: +++Data Spool Loading+++ +++ Initiating Hypokampus.exe+++ +++Enter Credentials+++ ******** +++Welcome, Inquisitor+++ Interrogation file Cavus/witness/traitor-Joakim -Video file shows subject bolted to a chair. Mortal, appearing to be 30 years old- “We’d been cut off for weeks. Hunted down one by one. Red terrors stalking in the dark. We lived and died, there was no time for goodbye. If they caught us, they ate us. The memory of the fallen still lives on. These horrors in the night. All because a lost Son had returned. They couldn’t stand it, they didn’t believe it but it was true! Vol- -Audio file breaks up through distortion and returns with the sound of subject screaming.- “Tell me of Cavus, the Star Warden” a deeper voice asks. “He came. That night. You don’t know. You weren’t there. We couldn’t hide from the red devils. They came from the depths of hell to eat our flesh. Firing their bolters, chainswords roaring in the night.” -Subjects eyes go wild and drool forms on his lips- “Cavus, Joakim. Tell me of Cavus” “They’d cornered me. I saw them, murder in their eyes. They called me a traitor! He came. He fell like a black meteor. An angel of the Emperor in growling power armour. His eyes glowed red with righteous indignation. They turned with such speed but it was too late. He destroyed them. The emperor’s wrath incarnate, that’s Cavus. He vapourised the astartes in front of me, leaving two steaming boots. He saved my life. He looked at me, nodded and charged into the night.” from this Fb post: +++Data Spool Loading+++ +++Rewinding KHS+++ +++ Enter Credentials +++ ********* +++Welcome, Inquitisor+++ “The Caputmori. Detested symbol amongst those who called themselves partisan, whom we rightly and justly call traitor and heretic. Seen here held aloft as some form of icon or standard by a Star Warden astartes. This particular specimen is thought to be Jorg, of the Wicked Void Kill team. Jorg, along with Wicked Void were said to be first amongst the Vth Cadre of the Star Wardens, lead by Hennox, to encounter the Silver Stars, the so-called spawn of the abomination. Prior to this meeting Wicked Void had encountered the noble and just Inquisitor +REDACTED and somehow killed them and their entire band, as well as capturing the +REDACTED. Shortly after these sad events for Imperium, Wicked Void encountered the troops of the Silver Stars. This of course was the spark that led to the Warden’s becoming traitors and heretics, a civil war amongst their own ranks, and Ultimately their complete and utter destruction at the hands of the Pentarchy. “Jorg was known as a boisterous and charismatic Astartes, qualities rare amongst the Star Wardens. He was thought to have a close bond with Hennox, the leader of what became known as the Gilden, Gilden handed, or Golden hands, accounts of course, differ. This cadre of the Traitors supposedly wholeheartedly believed the abomination was their genefather. Their numbers swelled throughout the conflict before their destruction at the hands of their own kin, as is the fate of all traitors of course.” “Sir, what happened to this Jorg?” “That, interrogator, is a lesson for another day” from this Fb post: +++Data Spool Loading+++ +++Initiating neural drive+++ +++Enter credentials+++ ********* +++Welcome, Inquisitor+++ Aponius, leader of wicked void. Heretic, traitor, fool. Aponius had a somewhat glorious past before the war of the false primarch. Single handedly killing the mutant king Aleg-Jong-sssan, stopping the decade long mutant uprisings In Heliopolis Prime's underhive. Wicked Void were lauded as heroes by the planetary Governor before the war. Ironic then that Aponius would be decapitated in the spires of the capital city by a Flesh Eater Astartes. Aponius carried the head of the mutant-king as a trophy, as well as an unknown and no doubt noble Astartes. Aponius power fist was of an unknown pattern, and treated as a relic by the Star Warden's. It was lost to the Warden's following the timely and just termination of Aponius. Worn proudly on the chest is the heraldry of the Wormwood Son's. Records state that Wicked Void fought with their fellow vile brother-traitors on numerous occasions. Likely Aponius considered himself a battle brother to one of that rad-ridden chapter. Of note perhaps is the personal heraldry, a single skull on the left shoulder pad. Cognitae-anaylisis suggests this may have orgitionally been a +Redacted+ legion shoulder pad, perhaps ceremoniously slighted or purposely disguised to hide it's origin. The effect this would have on the machine spirit of the MKiii plate that was forced to protect such a traitorous scum is unknown. Would you like to know more inquistor?" Bjorn Firewalker and Dr_Ruminahui 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gamiel Posted October 14, 2021 Share Posted October 14, 2021 from this Fb post: 'What is the Primarch? To some he is salvation, hope sprung anew. A father from a time of myth come back to lead his sons. Not to us, not to the Sons, he is merely a lever at this crucial fulcrum point. Something that can be leveraged to change the Imperium's course. All the signs point to it, the Atomic Tarot, the dances of isotopes in the Cassandra pattern reactors, the auguries conducted on the ashen fallout of deadworlds. Even the vast analytical Maji engines of the Analyticae agree, this I a time ripe for change: one path leads to the slow death and stagnation, the other something less clear but ripe with potential..' -Philosophies upon the Primarch, a treatise by Brother Chaplain Athalaric Constantine of the Wormwood Sons. Athalaric Constantine, Brother-Chaplain of the Second Company Wormwood Sons, The Hammer of Chernobog, Theoretician of the Boron stacks. Chaplains within Sons served more of a Philosophical role rather than a dogmatic or religious one, operating as Naysayers and advisors for their rank and file brothers. from this Fb post: 'Colloquially known as 'Knife-heads' by Orthodoxy forces, the Kadath Type 1 Infiltrator was typical of the Nihil Circulus Kill-Clades. Almost entirely cybernetic, the cyborgs brain was installed in a heavy armoured black box, contained within the chest cavity. This gave veteran Infilitrators a significantly higher survival rate, allowing the brain casing to be installed in a new chassis, in the event of their destruction. This also provided a psychological advantage, with many Orthodox troops reporting in horror as Infilitrators kept on fighting even with total destruction of the "head".' Excerpt from 'Weapons of a Forgotten War' by Magos Killox Cverante. Heavily restricted treatise on the weapons used during the War of the False Primarch, currently located in deep Inquisitorial Archive XB-24. My first Infilitrator for my Kadath Kill-Clade: A type 1 Kadath pattern infilitrator. from this Fb post: “It was during the so called Sorrowful Years, that the Flesh Eaters regrouped. Commander Velghor continued sending out Kill Teams around Western Heliopolis to fulfill terror missions against the Abomination Unto Him’s forces and followers. One such Kill Team we’re the Jaws of Doom - never was a name so apt - a Third Co squad of Veterans led by the infamous Sergeant Gregor. Of Velghor himself, he appeared very little during this time for reasons known only to himself and his Chapter.” Zachariah Urenwort, administration scribe documenting the War of the False Primarch - his records were later purged by the Administratum for inaccuracies and he was sentenced to being hung, drawn and quartered. #killthefalseprimarch I had hoped to get a photo with some scenery, but life is conspiring against me at the moment! from this Fb post: " Forward with haste my Brothers, the human soldiers needs our help. The merciless sons of the Mor os upon them!" Voxlog captured from first company lieutenant Milivoj - Battle of Hive Kurrogane, Pao Fung. In the following pict we see five brothers of tactical squad Nimrit (led by Havildar Nimrit) during the Pao Fung campaign. Rajh Nimrit and the rest of squad Nimrit were, like a majority of the more experienced tactical squad of the Inheritors, clad in heresy era power armour models, who despite their old age functioned at a hundred percent capacity. This was due to the chapter's history, in which it for long periods of time was poorly supported and supplied. However, Magos genetor minoris Zaahl delta-3 postulated in his obscure treatise "Tractatus Haeredes", that this obsessive need to maintain their wargear and other materials to the point of near perfection, had its roots in a cultural (Hyberboryan) or genetic defect. Addendum: Notice Brother-sowar Wadha wielding a Volkite caliver, a weapon rarely seen amongst the Inheritors and normally (pre war of the false primarch) reserved for xenocide warfare. Addendum secundus: notice the none identifiable helmet variant worn by Jamadar (lieutenant) Milivoj. ++// -(statementvalue=untrue// - helmet pattern identified.Mk III Hyperboryan "Vaktra" pattern - value=true) - //++ from this Fb post: +//--DATALOAD-SPOOLING-RECLUSIATAMAJORIS//--SUBJECT:YVAIN, BLOOD-BROTHER,VCADRE,STARWARDENS--//DATASHROUDCONFIRM/DELETE/ENDOFLINE--//+ "Yvain. Bastard. That was what we all knew him as. Cold. Brutal. An ooze. A tool and a bad one at that. He lacked all comradeship with his brethren and took subtle delight in gaining the ire of his kin. Naturally he would follow Morhalt to the very end, both of them rotten, their gene-seed unfit to return to our vaults. In fact it was Yvain who first posed the question to his dread-frater of the Abominations heritage. Our heritage. To call Yvain a true believer is false, he was not, he only believed in the egotism it brought; for it stoked his already inflated sense of self importance. Never did Yvain snap to heel and heed the call of his betters. Always did he saunter through the years believing himself equal to the rest of us. How could he be? He was born on a starch-barge. Plebian scum. It was no wonder he turned on his family. Destined to ever be a sword and never a shield for our Chapter, I am glad that Caradoc pummeled his skull to a fine paste inside his helm. May his corpse forever rot on the rad-wastes of Kharak Thirty-Three. I ordered the scav-corp to leave his war plate and armaments. I truly believe even the machine spirit that shrouded him was infected with his moist filth. Bah." -- Excerpt from the Memoir-Reductor #killthefalseprimarch #somethingsarebestleftforgotten #warofthefalseprimarch #starwardens #warhammer #warhammer40k #warhammer40000 #40k #spacemarine #gw #horusheresy #30k #necromunda #killteam #xenos #bolter #chainsword #bolterandchainsword #gamesworkshop #spacemarine #spacemarines #primaris #primarismarines #adeptusastartes #astartes #paintingwarhammer #citadel #citadelpaints #miniaturepainting #miniatures Dr_Ruminahui and Bjorn Firewalker 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gamiel Posted October 14, 2021 Share Posted October 14, 2021 from this Fb post: shadows in the warp - the Eldar of the Dain Mir act on their own agenda at the periphery of the War from this Fb post: "Forgeworlds are declaring support for this Primarch. Mars, the Mechanicum, can ill afford another schism..but neither can it send its might so soon after the last one. So I'm sending you. Bring the forgeworlds back in line, back to Mars. Do what you have to, I leave everything to your judgement." "And the returned Primarch?" "I leave everything to your judgement. Mechnicus is to remain unified, under Mars, whatever the outcome of this conflict." Fabrictor General Nero-Gollos to Magos Amarantha, eve of her departure for the Segmentum Pacificus Adeptus Mechanicus Kill Team for War of the False Primarch #killthefalseprimarch #iwanttoknow #somethingsarebestleftforgotten +4 0 kommentarer from this Fb post: +Target is in the open. Hound-Epsilon, engage with full prejudice.+ Hound-Epsilon of Killteam Hound spent much of the Sorrowful Years engaged in Head-Hunter missions for the Ordo Astartes. Thanks to a significant supply of Kraken Penetrator rounds, they racked up an impressive tally of Partisan kills during this time. I’ve only gone and finished my Vigilant Squad!!! from this Fb post: "Ke Alaula" - one of the Argyntum Stellæ Oki-hāmau known to be active during The Sorrowful Years. Bjorn Firewalker, Dr_Ruminahui and Grotsmasha 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gamiel Posted October 14, 2021 Share Posted October 14, 2021 from this Fb post: Thought I’d post some close up pics of the two new guys. Couple of things I’m pleased with on these guys. Love me some hazard stripes on a power fist, I wanted to reference the RT era Sgt with ‘God is dead’ written on his fist, I figure this is High Gothic for that phrase? Also I had a go at ‘reverse highlighting’ the plasma coils, which I think has come out quite well. from this Fb post: Here comes my Death Eagles. I know they don't quite fit the #killthefalseprimarch theme, but I don't like the idea of them being to different chapters. So I have tried merging to to colour schemes into one, and also keeping it close to the presumed Emperors Children heritage. For the War of the False Primarch I figure they can work as Death Eagles I in night operation battle dress. More pictures on instagram: from this Fb post: Wicked Void ready to join the fray! from this Fb post: Danid gripped the lasgun tight, peering over the lip of the crater next to his squad mate. Expecting to spend most of his life peeling potatoes in the Cathedral kitchens, he had been overjoyed at being called up to the Frateris Templars, to fight the heretics who had invaded his planet. However, it had become apparent that he had been called up primarily because the proper soldiers had been killed in the stalemate. The heretics, those that he had seen, has looked at lot like him, and he had come across a body of the enemy festooned with prayer strips to the holy emperor. It all seemed pointless and futile to him. He’d heard whispers that the only reason they could hold was because the enemy were not prepared to use their copious munitions supply on bombardments which might damage the shrines. He saw movement, a red glow in the no mans land. Bringing his lasgun up to fire, he passed upon hearing chanting, prayers to the Emperor being extolled. It was enough to make him pause, fearing some ghastly mistake. It got louder, and the movement resolved into people, a miasma of chanting, singing and muttered prayers. They were dressed in rags, some seemingly penitent prisoners, arms in stocks and heads locked into metal helmets. Others were the ragged desperates that could be found on any street corner these days. It took him a moment to spot where the glow was coming from, and in the same horrifying moment realised they were carrying shells, grenades and other explosives, with detonators strapped to them, trailing wires through the mud and rubble behind them. He started firing, but it was too late, they were too close and in his panic, his fire went wide. He was conscious of a voice carrying powerfully over the battlefield, and recognised the sermon as ‘Lo the martyrs are blessed at the right hand of the emperor’. Then his world erupted into fire. +++ Missionary Benedictorius turned away from the carnage and unhooked the detonator from the nest of wires spread before him. It was, he thought, the perfect solution. While indirect shell fire could not be allowed, more could always be found to walk the path of the martyr. The armoured giants next to him changed from statue to shockingly rapid movement, charging towards the newly formed craters. Exploiting the line break, the Death Eagles kill team slammed into the command chapel. Small arms fire plinked off a boarding shield, return heavy bolter fire shredding the first defensive line. Then it was too late for any further meaningful defence, aerosolised blood drizzling like rain, thrown into the air from an enormous chain axe. One of the giants, carrying huge golden Aquila, paused before the Abbot Militarum, sprawled on the floor, leaking blood from a dozen wounds. “Your defiance of Arch-Divinatus Melilias makes you a heretic. So die all heretics.” The Abbots attempts to reply through the blood seeping through his mouth were cut short, his head exploding with a single bolt round. **** My Death Eagles II kill team, counts as a chaos space marine team. I freehanded the symbol which I think you can see on a few photos, the rose of the pentarchy also makes a few appearances. I really enjoyed making and painting these, I’ve built one more but need to do two to be able to deploy just marines but work/life got in the way of getting them done. I think I posted my fluff for my Death Eagles II and their relationship with the ecclesiarchy but I’ll post it again in the comments if anyone can face reading that much! from this Fb post: 'The Cardinal drags himself along the mosaic of the Emperor enthroned, staining it's marble surface with his blood and viscera. He sobs as he gazes at the eviscerated body of Tetrach Granulus, his magnificent purple robes blackened and scorched. The rest of the gathered Council of the Ecclesiarchy Militarum, lay dead, torn apart and burnt. Out of the darkness of the vaults they had come, silent and heralded by a caustic green glow. A silent massacre, as noise dampeners and voice eaters, turned screams and pleadings into empty howls. The Cardinal finds himself at the feet of a giant cowled figure, it's sickle and blade dripping with his comrades blood. 'Why?' he asks. The cowled one leans down, removing it's hood. 'HAVE_YOU_SEEN_THEVOID_CARDINAL?' Cardinal Mercissus continues to scream for the remaining 6.2 seconds of his existence..' My Kadathian Kill-Clade, 'The Empty Hand', part of the Nihil Circulus Black-ops programme of the titular Forgeworld. The Empty Hand undertook numerous deniable ops, attacking Orthodox research stations, Vigilant groups, Inquisitorial conclaves and even Ecclesiarchy Grand Choirs. Despite their infamy, their existence was never corroborated or confirmed by Kadath. [THEVOIDISEMPTYANDDEVOURSALLWHOGAZEUPONIT] from this Fb post: ++Fire team Bodhi fighting their way off [REDACTED] - the Sorrowful years++ The Inheritors would occasionally deploy formations such as this during the course of the war, always at the behest of Decurion Kamakanei of the kapihe (Silver stars liaison to the Inheritors). Why these ad-hoc formations existed, and what exactly was their purpose could never be ascertained and remains clouded in mystery and obscure half-truths, as is so much that can be associated with the Silver stars. Kurgan the Lurker, Bjorn Firewalker, Dr_Ruminahui and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gamiel Posted October 14, 2021 Share Posted October 14, 2021 from this Fb post: Not the best photo but here we are, Kill Team Seraph, Marines Mendicant seen fighting on Frith. Once I get the chance I'll fix some of the details I've missed. from this Fb post: "Atmospheric impact in t-minus 30, all hands prep for insertion" As the drop pod ripped through the air, lancing streams of anti-air fire rushed up to meet it, scouring great rifts in the dark sky. Inside, the pod's six occupants scanned through mission briefings and expected resistance numbers. 'Remember brothers, our primary target is this line of Generators, designation Omicron through Phi. Only after these have been destroyed and the defense turret network deactivated do we have permission to engage other priority targets.' While his lack of lower jaw rendered him incapable of smiling, Sergeant Agum's one remaining eyebrow raised and twitched as he focused on each of the pod's other inhabitants in turn. 'This does not, however, mean that we will be ignoring any of our cousins we may encounter, after their acts against our wards.' "IMPACT IMMINANT, PREPARE FOR IMMEDIATE DEPLOYMENT, BRACE BRACE BRACE" The pod smashed into the earth, plumes of dirt and dust erupting skywards even as the doors swung down and a cry of vengance emerged from within: "REMEMBER UL-HIYAR! FOR THE RED FISH, FOR THE PRIMARCH!" from this Fb post: ++IDENTTAG++ -Adeptus Astartes -Angels of Ruin chapter -Kill Team Orchid +DATACOMPILED//VARIOUSSOURCES//+ Members of the Angels of Ruin space marine chapter who were repeatedly sighted engaging in various sabotage, espionage, abduction, assassination, and intelligence gathering operations during The Sorrowfull Years. The identity of only a few of the marines can be confirmed as reliable first hand combat accounts are remarkably scarce. Very few other recorded Astartes combatants were confirmed alive after an engagement with the kill team, and only one mortal first hand account exists. What can be confirmed is the wider chapters vow to uphold the Annulus Umbra, and previous combat records against elements of the Riven Lord's, Void Barons, and Frateris Templars. The latter being attributed to aggravated pilgrim fleets attempting to arrive, and forcibly bypass, the exclusion zone in the galactic north of the over all war theater. Their excuse being that they came to assist in "The Emperor's holy war" though none bore any clearance codes or writ of passage valid enough to enter. The construction of Orchid was unorthodox as each member was selected from every one of the ten existing companies. While most other kill teams would be assembled from the marines at hand for short term deployments or single missions, Kill Team Orchid would remain as a cohesive unit for the duration of the war, after their first recorded appearance in abducting Baroness incumbent Issabella Norn and her retinue from the surface of [redacted] following a massacre as Partisan auxiliary forces also attempted to reach Norn. This would seal the reputation of the marines as brutally efficient, and in some cases malicious and sadistic, in their deployment of special issue war gear and nearly depraved means of mission completion. One example being the termination of friendly staff amongst an Adeptus Mechanicus retinue to simply "make room" for other captives the team had taken during that particular deployment. Another horrible instance would be when the marines would be making an emergency extraction within an enemy strongpoint, only to seemingly abandon their primary targets and escape only with the masked and gagged concubine of their initial prey. In truth, the marines had planted a high explosive vest on one of their captives, who they willingly allowed to be taken from them only to detonate the payload once she had reached the safety of enemy hands. The other being that upon the discovery of the initial targets body, the recovery forces found out that the marines had switched the clothing of the captives and had escaped, disguising the primary target in the concubines clothes and simply killing the concubine in question as they ran to the extraction dropship. These near heinous acts, as well as the highly selective nature of each kill team member has led to the speculation and near confrimation that each marine was hand selected by the commanding elements of the chapter to carry out these destabilizing missions. The blame most definitely resting on the shoulders of the current Chapter Master Gilgamesh, and advice from second company librarian Haderach, an uncompromising, brutal force to be dealt with during the war. Of the seven kill team members present, only four have been positively cross referenced and subsequently identified within existing chapter records. -Sergeant Horace Overall squad command was delegated to this individual and was recognized through various command responses issued along with wearing a complete set of mk4B pattern power armour. Previous records indicate he would have hailed from the chapters ninth company. -Champion Malzek Identified due to the multiple Deathwatch honors the marine possessed. Previous records indicate four separate vigils within the xenos hunters, all with high praise from the watch masters who deployed him. -Battle Brother Azzir Identified through the marines own admission, brother Azzir was recorded present during the Void Baron's assassination of Force Commander Mallum directly before the beginning of The Sorrowfull Years. Azzir would make no attempt to hide himself, and actively issued and accepted challenges from other astartes elements who the squad came to trade blows with. This behavior was in stark contrast to the deployments the kill team found themselves in, but never the less proved a formidable fighter and boon when operations began to devolve. Previous records indicate deployment within the fourth company, note various honor marks and battle prayers adorn the armour and weapons of this marine more than his comrades in the kill team. Unsettling among these was the red blood drop, a campaign mark that more and more marines of the chapter would adopt as they fully entered the wider conflict along side the Pentarchy of Blood, as a sign of respect for their five cousin chapters. -Battle Brother Ustanak Identified as the kill teams fire support specialist, Ustanak was also one of only two members not outfitted with mk4B pattern power armour. The other individual being the team's sharpshooter clad in mk6 "Corvus" armour. Previous records would indicate Ustanak being the youngest of the marines to be selected for the kill team at only 189 standard years old at the time of the war. Despite this he still wore veteran combat honors denoted by his helms face plate colour. His relative youth possibly being a reason why he was still wearing mk7 "Aquila" armour. Another reason sighted was the heavy damage and frequent repair his war gear would sustain through the nature of his choke point holding speciality. from this Fb post: “I know Posthuman dread when I see it, or 'Astartes Shock' to the layman. They're too big and too heavy to move the way they do, and oftentimes the brain just cant handle it. Doesn't help that an Astartes in combat aint the glorious sight the scripture leads you to's a brutality the kind that your mind rejects. Whoever this poor sod came up against, whatever horrors he’s witnessed… it has left him in a catatonia that he won’t recover from. Considering he is still able bodied… I’d recommend am immediate Servo-lobo op. It’d be a mercy really.” – Chief Surgeon Vorsten Myles, Officio Medicae, evaluating a single survivor of a Marines Saturnine Kur-Raid during the Sorrowful Years, circa M33. Thanks to Paul Hudson for coming in clutch at the last minute and taking some photo's of my Marines Saturnine for the Kill the False Primarch Event. I'm so impressed by all the work everyone has done, and I'm even happier that I have gotten to take part in it as well! from this Fb post: Battle-Choir Theta had the dubious honour of being one of the few units to fight on both sides of the war. Originally serving in Richephanes' shadow army, it was tasked with proving the existence and nature for the Ecclesiarch and the Holy Church of Terra. They were then assigned to Morgetheon's army on Sanctram and witnessed Verashyon's great betrayal. Holding the rear guard, they held the line long enough to allow Morgetheon to escape the Pentarchy's attack. Only 12 men would survive. Battle-Choir Theta was disbanded and the survivors were relogated to tertiary duties. However, after their role in stopping the first attempted assassination of Morgetheon, the Kill team was re-instated and ordered to proactively remove any threats to the Heliopolean Ecclesiarch's life before it arises. This took them into the heart of the Pentarchy territory and there are a number of fragmentary reports of the Battle Choir's actions throughout the Sorrowful Years. No one can say for sure whether any survived the War of the False Primarch though rumours speak of a veteran soldier wearing a black cowl in the employ of Inquisitor Archezoff some 79 years after the war who would speak after serveral rounds of amasec about witnessing a demi-god in action... from this Fb post: The boys are back in town. Dr_Ruminahui and Xin Ceithan 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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