apologist Posted October 15, 2021 Author Share Posted October 15, 2021 (edited) ... and collecting all the Kill Teams above (and more) together, is an article on The Sorrowful Years. If you've been interested in the project, but haven't known where to begin or how to get involved, the article shows Kill Teams of all the key Chapters involved – colours, icons and more. Far too many to show off here, so I'll restrict myself to my own meagre contribution: the Silver Stars! Edited October 15, 2021 by apologist Tallarn Commander, LameBeard, Smoke Frog and 9 others 12 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370819-some-things-are-best-left-forgotten/page/3/#findComment-5754015 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gamiel Posted November 15, 2021 Share Posted November 15, 2021 (edited) Warzone: Forbearance (warofthefalseprimarch.blogspot.com) [//Flesh Eaters plant one their infamous 'warding flags' in Qabar Kas; simple but highly visual marks that nowhere in Partisan space was truly safe from the reach of the High Lords of Terra. +] Update from the front: Looris (warofthefalseprimarch.blogspot.com) ‘What becomes of a trash picker when you hand them a weapon and tell them they’ve been given a divine purpose?' 'Carnage.’ Scarlet-handed, gilded-arm: the Star Wardens (warofthefalseprimarch.blogspot.com) In te mihi complacui Warzone: Dardanus (warofthefalseprimarch.blogspot.com) 'Forget the promise of progress and understanding.' Index Astartes: Star Wardens (warofthefalseprimarch.blogspot.com) 'How could we not serve him? You wouldn't know, Inquisitor. We are gene-forged. His presence makes our hearts sing.' 'Your question betrays your ignorance. We could deny our fealty to him with the same ease that you could deny the stars in the firmament, or the soil beneath your feet.' Edited November 15, 2021 by Gamiel Smoke Frog and Monstra Sumus 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370819-some-things-are-best-left-forgotten/page/3/#findComment-5764425 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gamiel Posted December 10, 2021 Share Posted December 10, 2021 (edited) Index Astartes: Carcharadons 'Hysse eyes blacc rollêd in hysse head, and that mouthe devillish broke open... I kennt then that I dead wass in alle likelihode. Prays be! The blessed-Tyrant thenne broke through to my right; and my Masterman crackêd a hammerre over the slat-armoured brute. The discharge of hysse impact blinded me for a moment, made mine teeth ache... I... I kennt not what happened thereafterre. Though heard I a cracc, like the fire of mine las-rifle. I blinking wasse. I must have lost my... Anyway, in my ears I couldde dimmleigh hear the blessed-Tyrant's roar of triumf turn to one of pain, pain most felle. I turned then, and ranne therefrom, and look back I confesse I could notte.' [//Fusilier Boasot, Calydon Garrison.+] + Update from the front: Echoes of Perkunos + Warzone: Perkunos + 'From Olde Karpathia they came, golden heroes of the Imperium, clad in ancient armour from the dark days of Heresy. The light shineth from their haloes and their blades thirst for traitor blood. Behold! Amongst you they bring the vengeful fury of the Great Angel.' Warzone: Hever 'War makes monsters of us all. For this reason, it is advantageous to ally oneself with monsters from the outset. That ensures one's plan is not impaired when, in the heat of battle, your 'principled' comrades prove themselves to be anything but.' [//Dictat, Lord Commander Pacificus Incincerus, M32+] Edited December 10, 2021 by Gamiel Smoke Frog 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370819-some-things-are-best-left-forgotten/page/3/#findComment-5771424 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smoke Frog Posted December 11, 2021 Share Posted December 11, 2021 I enjoyed reading the Space Sharks index and their description of being so cold and silent. Brilliant characterization and descriptions of their nomadic-methods of war. Also really enjoyed watching the Red Fish conduct their operations in Warzone Hever! As well as the counterattack of the Flesh Eaters. apologist 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370819-some-things-are-best-left-forgotten/page/3/#findComment-5771688 Share on other sites More sharing options...
apologist Posted December 17, 2021 Author Share Posted December 17, 2021 Lovely to hear, thanks! And thanks also to Gamiel for gamely keeping up with updates on the +Some Things Are Best Left Forgotten+ blog. I've been running another event/challenge – this time Operation Gauntlet, which focusses on the Dramatis Personae and characters involved in the war. Today we've got @mutantsnakeeyes's Morgetheon, the Anti-ecclesiarch. Go check out the story and more pics :) https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEiFSIzKiPL8k9EpLR4FadawdmcJ2kZRUyT7NOoizAw9I2I2skTSurc80CNRx9pAW9FnTAcM8H4OQM6U9BsQUj4YmglMlqOHY3OycGIiB0_nbKo0vzrJstwq4N3GMPitO943LTvO3wNuqmlWtolr-gaz58Wf_TAKp0hhWnbYYmSGHjHd90zDF3r-YpOL=w640-h614 Gamiel 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370819-some-things-are-best-left-forgotten/page/3/#findComment-5773555 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gamiel Posted January 6, 2022 Share Posted January 6, 2022 (edited) ++ I am cloaked in murder. Soaked in ghosts. I am the Erisor. ++ ++ Dead men tell no tales. That is why you have not heard of us. Time to join the silence. ++ ++ Monsters. That is what they called us. Screamed at us. Cursed at us. ++ ++ They have no idea how right they were. ++ Star Wardens Dread Squad Barghest, led by Rohaan the Erisor, Harrower Morhalt, and Makoa, a Mendicant attach Edited January 6, 2022 by Gamiel sockwithaticket, jaxom, Monstra Sumus and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370819-some-things-are-best-left-forgotten/page/3/#findComment-5780735 Share on other sites More sharing options... 2 months later... Gamiel Posted March 14, 2022 Share Posted March 14, 2022 from this Fb post: +++Data Inload+++ +++Record Continues+++ "We seek not to burn your homes nor drown you in blood. We come with the renewed dream of Imperium - the bright future of humanity corrupted by the slave lords of Terra. Those who would fight for the future, march with us!" Spoken by Gaius, Equerry of the Primarch Gaius, of the Argent Heralds, seems to be one of a number of individuals each referred to as Equerry of the Primarch. These equerries act as diplomats and propagandists, swelling the numbers of the partisan armies and spreading their heresies through the populations of the worlds they control. In the attached pic cap Equerry Gaius is accompanied by a guard squad from the Argent Heralds 3rd Company, led by Tiberius, Champion of the 3rd Company. +++Transmission Ends+++ from this Fb post: Captain Tishala Vaand of the 78th Iskandariyah Grenadiers; the renowned “Panthers of Mbefe”. At the outset of the War, Iskandariyah was a wealthy liege-world of the Delphurnean League whose history of comparative political stability had allowed the populace, by and large, to flourish. Thusly, Iskandariyani Guard regiments were well equipped, well disciplined and effective in combat. On an enviable roll of regimental honour, the 78th Grenadiers shone outstanding, boasting centuries of loyal service and bearing upon their colours the names of such vaunted theatres as Lacryma, Guelph and Armageddon to name but a few. Contemporaneously with the Invasion of Ishim, Iskandariyah was subject to priority subjugation under the auspices of the combined Flesh Eaters and Charnel Guard, with the direct objective of removing its considerably experienced Astra Militarum from the armies of the Abomination. Imperial observerator catalogi calculated that Iskandariyah recorded an 85 per cent population reduction in 480 ca. hours of Pentarchy deployment. So effective was the action that, against the backdrop of the wider War, Iskandariyah became something of a footnote, contributing no significant troops or materiel to the War. Save, that is, for the 78th Grenadiers. Mbefe was a territory of moderate size occupying an equatorial area of Iskandariyah, and of antiquity had been a pious place. From its steaming jungles rose monolithic statuary and the spires of countless cathedra dedicated to distant Him on Terra. Compliance records from before the Age of Darkness cite Mbefe as nurturing a resourceful and cunning people ideally conditioned to Auxilia indoctrination; such competence endured alongside profound faith in the teachings of the Imperial Creed, and millennia later Mbefe was hereditary home to dozens of famed Iskandariyah regiments. Like almost all Iskandariyah regiments, the Panthers had been recalled to the home front in the face of Orthodoxy advance, but the razing of their civilisation had occurred while the 78th were still in Empyreal transit. Aboard their troop conveyer, they arrived in orbit above a world not one soldier recognised. In the wake of such turmoil, an envoy of Volnoscere arrived in-system to capitalise upon the situation and take renewed oaths of fealty to the Primarch Returned from the Panthers. Years later, a Munitorum salvage flotilla would secure a derelict Silver Stars cutter and find the desiccated remains of the envoy – having been flayed and crucified – fusion welded to the bridge deckplates. It Seems the 78th perceived the destruction of their home as just reward for defying the will of Terra, and developed a fanatical dedication to the Orthodoxy cause thereafter. A young subaltern at the time of Iskandariyah’s death, Tishala Vaand swiftly rose to captain by dint of tactical flexibility. Ofttimes she would orchestrate company level operations while directly engaging the enemy at squad level, showing a righteous thirst for the blood of turncoats, and counting herself one of the vanishingly few unaltered humans to have slain an Adeptus Astartes warrior in hand-to-hand combat. The 78th Panthers were destroyed utterly in the third Sorrowful Year while conducting sentry operations in the Abbraxes Subsector. Of Tishala Vaand’s death, no details were recorded. from this FB post: Asklepios, Apothecari Praefectus of the Death Eagles chapter. As the war prolonged, the importance of the apothecarium grew. The need to secure the chapters geneseed made the members ruthless. Rumours tell of raids led by militant apothecaries not only to reclain lost geneseed but also to capture it from hostile astartes. That such raids should have been carried out agains traitor legions even after the end of the war of the false primarch can only be explained as myth. From this Fb post: ++IDENTTAG++ -Adeptus Astartes- -Angels of Ruin chapter- -Eighth Company Captain Skelos- +DATACOMPILED//VARIOUSSOURCES//+ "The Sons of Siklon skulk in the Void, claiming mastery over it like it's their birthplace. I will show these hounds backed into corner what it means to bite the hand of the master. Brothers! Prep for boarding actions! Glory to He on Earth, and vengeance for Mallum!" -Captain Skelos, upon the Eighth company's first contact action of the war.- During the conclusion of The Sorrowful Years the Angels of Ruin would suffer the loss of half the fighting strength of their fourth company, along with its captain and memeber of the Noctis Triumvirate, Därke. Chapter command residing back on their homeworld of Amalthea would not be able to sanction the remaining battle brothers to join the War of the False Primarch due to other Inquisitorial obligations, xenos raids, or simply being understrength themselves. The only fighting ready force that could be reasonably transfered to the theater was the Eighth Company. Preparations were made to resupply the forces already deployed, and instea of relying on lighting raids and kill-team operations alone, the Angels of Ruin would enter as fully open combatants. The Eighth weren't chosen simply because of convenience alone, they were near experts in the chapters form of mixed shock assault and zone-mortalis attrition warfare but with an entirely unique skill set. The Eighth Company also adhered to the Great Crusade Era "destroyer warfare" and included in their ranks a massive amount of radiological, chemical, and incendiary ammunition along with heavy armour and the largest amount of Mk3 power armour within the chapter. Skelos himself was of calculating demeanor, and when he filled in the vacancy of the Triumvirate his cold disregard for certain pleasantries or rituals in command meetings unsettled forces seconded to the Angels of Ruin. His tactics were effective, but brutal and horrifying. Not one for bloody slaughter and effigies to shake fear into the enemy, Skelos and his forces utilized the long forgotten weapons and munitions of the Dark Age of Technology to quell rebels or annihilate more organized Partisan forces. First contact with the Eighth Company proved disastrous for a strike cruiser of Void Barons and auxiliary militarum regiments loyal to the False Primarch as the attack ships under Skelos' command appeared without warning deep near subsector Moreau. When question about his reckless combat deployment by agents of Master Enoch, the captain stated that "(his) first strike would be unleashed against those who had bled his chapter first", and refusing any contact or hails save for those of certain Inquisitors, or other Astartes elements. Dr_Ruminahui, Xin Ceithan and Alby the Slayer 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370819-some-things-are-best-left-forgotten/page/3/#findComment-5804420 Share on other sites More sharing options... Gamiel Posted March 14, 2022 Share Posted March 14, 2022 (edited) from this Fb post: “Now, when it was agreed that Benedin II was holding the throne of Terra amid general hatred, at the behest of all in attendance, but against his own will, [Morgetheon] was hailed Ecclesiarch by the Heliopolean clergy; this took place at Sanctram on the first Ides of that year. He was presented with the full regalia of the Ecclesiarch (which by miraculous purpose and proof of the God-Emperor’s favour had appeared here from its location on Terra) by Diadumenianus, pontifex minor in Morqub.” A Recorde off the Lyfe and Tymes of Morgetheon I, Ecclesiarch and Cardinal Supreme Here's my entry for the False Primarch Gauntlet. He's appeared in a couple of previous articles, but here is Morgetheon in all his glory atop the Pulpit Ambulans as the Ecclesiarch of the breakaway pro-Volnoscere church. from this Fb post: ***11th hour astrotelepathic communion…. It….it’s the Sorrow of Karpathia….surely….the thing that should not be….Velghor….the Lost….Primarch save us…. ….communion cuts out*** from this FB post: It occurred to me that I've been sitting on a lot of my finished models without posting them here for a frankly inconsiderate amount of time. I'll definitely rectify that over the next few days! Here is Captain Nirgali the Thrice Dead, Master of the Keep of the Marines Saturnine, 2nd Sataba. Seen here armoured in MKIII Power Armour, with an additional composite tabard of Lamellar scale and chain. He is armed with a Phosphor Serpenta pistol, and a Black Maul. Captain Nirgali of the Marines Saturnine is part of the esoteric Cult of the Lamassu, the tenets of which are shrouded in as much mystery as their namesake. What is clear however, is that the cult values barbarism in its highest form. Unnaturally violent, even for Astartes, those who bear the symbol of the Lamassu tend towards overwhelming displays of violence that harken back to a time before the great crusade. Edited March 14, 2022 by Gamiel Dr_Ruminahui, Metzombie and jaxom 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370819-some-things-are-best-left-forgotten/page/3/#findComment-5804549 Share on other sites More sharing options... Gamiel Posted March 15, 2022 Share Posted March 15, 2022 Dramatis Personae: Perkûn of the Red Talons, Master of the Forge Perkûn; the Keeper of Keys; the Equerry Do not seek a person’s worth in the circumstances of their betrayal, but in the fact that they fell at all. Betrayal is not born of a noble soul, nor is it nourished by an honourable heart. [//Attributed to Lion El’Jonson, Primarch of the 1st Legion Astartes+] Dramatis Personae: Morgetheon the Antiecclesiarch 'I journeyed to Sanctram with the authority and commission of the Ecclesiarchy. At midday, I saw a light from heaven, brighter than a sun, that shone around me and those who journeyed with me. And when we had all fallen to the ground, I heard a voice saying to me ‘Morgetheon, why are you persecuting me? I am the last true son of the God-Emperor of Man. Rise, for I have appeared to appoint you as a servant and witness…' [//The Address to Morqub, Ecclesiarchical Coronation+] ++ Chamber Borealis ++ When we were children and up to no good, my mother would tell my brothers and I that if we didn't cease our misbehaviour, the Inquisitiores... Dramatis Personae: Gaius of the Argent Heralds 'We seek not to burn your homes nor drown you in blood. We come with the renewed dream of Imperium - the bright future of humanity corrupted by the slave lords of Terra. Those who would fight for the future, march with us.' [//Gaius, Equerry of the Primarch+] Mohrson's Testimony My Lord, what follows is a transcript of the classicist Theodor Morhson’s interrogation, pertaining to the assaults on Croesus and Morgant. If it is your Inquisitorial will for me to pursue these allegations, you need but ask. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370819-some-things-are-best-left-forgotten/page/3/#findComment-5804658 Share on other sites More sharing options... Gamiel Posted March 15, 2022 Share Posted March 15, 2022 from this Fb post: Pict capture of senior leadership of fortress theta, better known as the Towers of Dawn, as orthodoxy forces sieged the planet of Agreum V. Left to right- Oran Eubrules, senior engineer. Danae Kapray, Syntagma of the Agreum 5th Phallanx. Veteran sergeant Zino Sedon, master ordenator of the Storm Tyrants 4th battalion. Ethun Alluens, lieutenant of the Jiam 7th rifles. Alexander Hale, partisan philosopher, and agitator. The battle of the towers of dawn became one of the most fabled engagements to partisan sympathizers from the siege of the Myrean league shield worlds. While not the largest or most critical of battles it was bloody, and doggedly fought by those partisan forces defending the complex. An exemplary of calculated grit, the antithesis of the catastrophic chaos that was to follow at Myrea Prime. The primary reason for the success that was the ultimately doomed defense has been largely placed on the leadership and skill of those pictured above. That the fortress held as long as it did, and then many of its defenders would be able to escape its inevitable capture can attributed to Danae Kapray above them all. Kapray was noted as being a fierce calculating mind, and tenacious fighter who refused giving ground without a price. The battle demonstrated her ability to perceive The flow of battle over the miles wide complex. The true judge of her character may be when Orthodoxy forces surrounded the central defensive ring of the citadel and an offer of surrender as made. Her signal word response was “Karpoitz!”, a Myrean slang word of defiance. That the defenders were then able to escape in a break out maneuver with such numbers against them showed the capabilities of the 5th phallanx and its leader. Deployed along side the Storm Tyrants 4th battalion throughout the siege of the shield worlds, the 5th Phallanx up held its reputation of soilders hard in body, and soul. The Myrean league’s Phallanx formations were elite divisions of grenadiers, heavy infantry, and sappers. Of those pictured above Eubrules, and Sedon were killed when the western wall fell. It is believed that this was an intentional demolition as Orthodoxy forces overwhelmed it, and the resulting collapse buried a significant amount of siege armour. Ethun Alluens survived, and is known to have been employed by Inquisitors loyal to the Partisan cause. Danae Kapray evacuated Agreum V to Myrea Prime, and ultimately was able to escape the chaos of the fall of Myera possibly with the aid of rogue traders aligned to Kurganian rebels. It is believed she was never a true follower of the abomination but continued to serve the partisan cause till the end of the war. It is known that she also survived the end of the war continuing to operate as a mercenary on the the fringes of frontier space of the Morqub sector for some ten years at least. Alexander Hales initially was thought to have perished at the Towers of Dawn but this proved to be wrong as he continued to be a active presence of the Partisan cause throughout the Heliopolis sector. from this Fb post: Dust and bone from this Fb post: Battle Brother Alü of the Marines Saturnine, 5th Sataba, and Battle Brother Ugallu of the Marines Saturnine, 7th Sataba. "The ship was drowning. It listed heavily to one side, exposing its bowels to the void, as the last vestiges of its oxygen supply screamed into the blackness of space, only to crystallize and die away. The crew too shared their ships demise, thousands floated on unseen currents and eddies; broken marionettes with their strings cut and set adrift. The Marines Saturnine's ambush had claimed another victim in the War. A smaller, inconsequential vessel in the grand scheme to be sure, but nonetheless vital to the continued efforts to hold Corinthas V, a Hive World in Sector Heliopolis of some repute. It had key ties with Cold Forge, and as such, it's subjugation would only help tip the War effort further to Partizan favours. The ship, now joining its kin in floating listlessly above the beleaguered planet had been coming to bring relief, both in supplies and support. Now it would do neither. The Glorious End, the Saturnine cruiser responsible for reaping such a deadly harvest activated thrusters, and began to cruise back into the cover of Corinthas Vs moon, resetting the ambush that had claimed no less than 5 Pentarchy vessels so far." Two more of my Marines Saturnine, previously unposted. I hope you like them! from this Fb post: "He speaks a word that is not a word, something he gleaned in the decades sat listening at the throat of a Black Hole. It tastes of ash, the bitter tang of irradiated rain, lingering on his palette. The screaming begins, a terrible ululating Post-human howl, a sound of demigods dying in agony. He knows what he's done, the Word twisting 10% of the Calcium in their bones to newborn Plutonium, an act of the foulest Atomic Alchymy. Ten Red Talons burn internally, their marrow and meat cooking as the newly birthed Plutonium squats where once their was bone." "The Wurm spake the Words, and the Words spake the Wurm. The Word and the Wurm are a loop, endlessly devouring its tail." -Extract from the Nekroatomica, a highly restricted work dating from M29.34, currently held within the Wormwood Vaults. The Blind Warden, He who hast Listened at the Throat of the Wurm, Speaker of the Wurm/Word, Thrice Kurst-Sonne, joins the War of the False Primarch. Called from his meditations at the Throat of the Black Wurm, he is a desolate and ill regarded figure, even amongst those of his own Chapter.... Dr_Ruminahui 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370819-some-things-are-best-left-forgotten/page/3/#findComment-5804691 Share on other sites More sharing options... Gamiel Posted March 15, 2022 Share Posted March 15, 2022 Dramatis Personae: Cassar Illiatauri (warofthefalseprimarch.blogspot.com) "Illiatauri is either a delusional buffoon, a sensationalist liar, or the most dangerous man left in Sector Pacificus. Whatever the case, I want him dead." [//High Lord Josef Strakh, Grand Provost Marshal+] ++ Chamber Borealis ++ ...as one might expect, none emerged from the Sorrowful Years unchanged for much would be transmuted within the crucible of their passing. Alliances alloyed and reforged. Others sundered or called into question. Operation Gauntlet: Kapihe Dionysius Maro One of the great mysteries surrounding the Silver Stars was their actions during the early part of the war. What were they pursuing when the Pentarchy arrived? Why were the Quadrargenta left to hold the line when an apparent Legion-strength force was held in abeyance? A trail to the answers begins here, with Dionysius Maro, one of Volnoscere's human(ish) lieutenants (by Greg B of the Fawcett Avenue Conscripts), and leading to the Paternoval Enovy, Casca Methuselahn, by Dan Joshua/@dark_isles Dramatis Personae: Lord Admiral Ludovico Martegiani For the glory of the Imperial Navy – Orthodox, of course... ++ Chamber Borealis ++ Rumours and portents herald the beginnings of Operation Gauntlet... The Ecclesiarch's Arrival 'Holy, holy, holy is the mystery of the Emperor's Death-in-life.' 'Infamy, indiginity and woe upon he that seeks to betray the Emperor's new life to His people. Who is this Abomination, that he would draw back a much-needed veil? Ignorance must be preserved. Bear me thence, and we shall smother this dangerous fireband.' 'Obedience is the child of Faith, which is borne of mother mystery. Blessed are the unquestioning.' [//Eccelsiarch Benedin II+] Warzone: Ushant Polios "As the Sorrowful Years drew to a close, the infamous Chaplain Constantine became the High Chaplain of the Flesh Eaters, replacing his slain predecessor. Notable for his work with Chapter Master Velghor and his infamous fall from grace, Constantine was a true hero of the Chapter and always earmarked for greatness - it is a shame that this came to pass under such tragic circumstances." [//extr. Mythos Angelica Mortis [redacted as apocryphal in later volumes]+ ] ++ Chamber Borealis ++ "Thou see me here, you gods, a poor auld man, As full of gryf as age and wretch'd in both." Willam Shakspere, Playwright, fl.M2 Valkia the Bloody 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370819-some-things-are-best-left-forgotten/page/3/#findComment-5804708 Share on other sites More sharing options... 4 weeks later... Captain_Krash Posted April 6, 2022 Share Posted April 6, 2022 Was the "False Primarch" model never revealed? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370819-some-things-are-best-left-forgotten/page/3/#findComment-5813032 Share on other sites More sharing options... Gamiel Posted April 7, 2022 Share Posted April 7, 2022 from this Fb post: Then... The children enter the cave in a long procession, led by the godes. The priests of Harrangeal are cowled, their faces hidden from the eyes of the children. On Harrangeal, the eyes matter. On Harrangeal, the eyes will decide your fate. The cave is vast. The snaking path between the stalagmites is formed by the flowstone, created by millenia of slowly dripping water from the surface of the world. It finds its way down through the soil and limestone, the caves beneath Harrangeal its last stop before disappearing forever into the unknown core of the planet. Esker is not afraid. Not until he sees Willemyr. Willemyr Ek Blothsam. Willemyr the Bleeder. He is standing by The Veil at the end of the hall, staff in hand, head hooded. Eyes gone. The Veil is larger than the skaldic songs would suggest. Esker had often heard it described as the greatest sail Man ever made, but now that he see it, he realizes that it wasn't made by men at all. Esker can see the shapes beyond it. Not men at all. Willemyr gestures and the children move forward. A slit has been opened in the cloth of The Veil, and they surge through it, ushered by the godes and the blows of their staffs. Esker pass Willemyr, but he still can't see his eyes. On the other side the shapes become clearer. There are four of them. If it hand't been for the strange light Esker would have taken them for staglamites in the dark. What are they? Statues? A strange hum emits from their hulking shapes. It makes Eskers teeth clatter, his gums itch, his throat dry out. He is at the front of the procession now., walking slowly towards the shapes. Cautious. Altert. As the children approach the statues, one of them moves. A blur and then it has Esker by the neck. It shines a strange, flameless torch at him. He sees the statue for what it is: a man. Or what used to be a man, now transformed into a mountain of sea-green steel. A Seidr. The Seidr puts him down and shoves him to the next sea-green giant. This one is a true monster. The Seidr wears a cowl, underneath which is one glowing eye, yellow and baleful. All Esker can do is try not to scream. Not to cry out. The eye of the monstrous Seidr looks right through him. Esker feels his short life pass from his heart and into that yellow abyss. When the Seidr finally releases him, he stumbles along, past the third Seidr. This one is black as the night, glowing green holes marking his face, but he doesn't reach out for Esker. He just watches, leaning heavily on a large polearm, its head the shape of a falling star. As Esker approaches the last Seidr, a tall and gaunt creature with an elongated left arm ending in a crude simian claw, he knows that this is not an end. It is a beginning. And the eyes have decided his fate. from this Fb post: ++Pict captures of Kill Team 'Litany', Death Eagles I, exerted from Inquisitorial Archives 871.M33 Identified as led by Brother-Sergeant Lyrkan, 7th of the Name, 35th of the Canon, 'Litany' was deployed in a covert operations capacity in the Cambyses Subsector, notably engaging Red Fish kill teams on multiple occasions. The names of 'Litany' are recorded in the Chapter Archives of the Death Eagles I. The names of their many foes are unremembered, as the pale dawn rises++ Realised I never did actually post these in this group, though they did go up on my Instagram (cthonianreaver). Shameless plug? Yes. from this Fb post: Umathron Ur-Wodan Confederacy boarding party. + 6.537.827.33M + An Umathron void clan flotilla along side a supporting squadron of Death Eagle II astartes waylaid the merchant vessel Mercaede’s Venture while on route from Coldforge. The vessel had been believed to be smuggling supplies to partisan rebels on Rybal and Moreaumunda for some time. A moderate level of resistance had been put up, but with how out numbered the Mercaede’s party was they eventually surrendered. After two days of inspecting the cargo, and investigation, nothing confirming the suspicions of consorting with partisan elements could be satisfactory found. The commanding Dominar of the flotilla nevertheless ordered all but one of the macro containers be confiscated, and held at the Confederacies’s orbital city of Tezhotl. The Mecaede's Venture was then released to continue its route. from this Fb post: Umathron void clan prospector with C.A.T. unit surveying, and collecting samples. + 7.683.793.33M+ Bjorn Firewalker, Dr_Ruminahui, Machine God and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370819-some-things-are-best-left-forgotten/page/3/#findComment-5813125 Share on other sites More sharing options... Gamiel Posted April 7, 2022 Share Posted April 7, 2022 (edited) Index Astartes: Storm Tyrants (warofthefalseprimarch.blogspot.com) 'Obey only certainty. Follow only strength.' ++ Chamber Borealis ++ As the Sorrowful Years draw to a close, the Silver Stars and their allies begin preparations for a significant undertaking in Sector Heliopolis... Warzone: The Cardinal Worlds (warofthefalseprimarch.blogspot.com) 'May this curse be a blanket; may our deaths choke you; for we spit defiance at you and your insatiety. You will never own us, for we would murder the ground itself to deny it to you.' Dramatis Personae: Leistryg Diantos, Captain of the Charnel Guard (warofthefalseprimarch.blogspot.com) [//Captain Diantos of the Charnel Guard’s 7th Ostire+] Index Astartes: Iron Guard (warofthefalseprimarch.blogspot.com) 'What came of the actions on Gurro VII was a great moral victory for the humane and noble, but with it almost every reason to call the Imperium 'home' has disappeared. Now, brothers, we are but an iron ring made of wood.' [//First Castellan Vaszoly Soos 'The Ironclad', Equerry of the Huscarls and Master of War+] Dramatis Personae: Asklepios, Apothecari Praefectus (warofthefalseprimarch.blogspot.com) "You who have not seen with the eyes of Asklepios, First-of-that-Name, cannot comprehend. It is a complex procedure even for a sanctified member of the Brotherhood to commune with our Self-as-Forebear; and thus opaque to the likes of you. You must simply accept my witness as objective fact in this, Exquisitor.' [//Asklepios. Seventeenth-of-that-Name, Apothecari Praefectus+] Edited April 7, 2022 by Gamiel Tallarn Commander 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370819-some-things-are-best-left-forgotten/page/3/#findComment-5813163 Share on other sites More sharing options... apologist Posted April 9, 2022 Author Share Posted April 9, 2022 Was the "False Primarch" model never revealed? War’s still ongoing… keep an eye out! Xin Ceithan and Monstra Sumus 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370819-some-things-are-best-left-forgotten/page/3/#findComment-5813997 Share on other sites More sharing options... Gamiel Posted April 15, 2022 Share Posted April 15, 2022 +++ // A presentation off the Hu-Mung and Hu-An subsector, found in the remains of the inquisitorial ship His will be done III, that was to be used by inquisitor Humbolt Hu-Sin, of the Ordo Astartes, it’s most likely that the original comments are by him. It seems to be from before the last stages of the “conflict”.+] Kagmorg Night world Rock deserts, jagged blue mountains, shallow slime seas and fungi-oasis. High amount of rakghouls that live on the surface. The survey have found little on mineral or other value, and geographically uninteresting. + What made a force made up by representatives of the Silver Stars and Jade Talons chapter, and Imperial Knight house Helios-Selene go there? I want to know. DF-45-85-Tertius Dead world, previous Xeno world A dead world covered in the remains of xeno-ruins, exterminated a long time ago. Carved into the planet surface, large enough so you can see it from the moon is the winged sword of the Dark Angels Chapter. + Have found no information about what xeno-species existed on DF-45-85-Tertius or when the planet was exterminated. My requests for information to the Dark Angels have gone unanswered. + Maria had sent agents to DF-45-85-Tertius, they reported signs of recent combat and that astartes were part of it. Have to return to her to find out if her agents have found more. I want to know. ++ This Maria could be Inquisitor Maria Timbuktu, she supposedly was active in the same area at the same time if what we have found is correct / a. Yoshi Knosseta Knight world Homeworld of the Imperial knight house Daedalans. High mountains, fertile valleys, hilly lowlands, and deep seas. The planets cities and defences are all masterplaned by the members of the knight house, following not just practicality but also sacred geometry and esoteric mathematics. + Have turned into a notable warzone, with house Daedalans supported by partisan forces (including members of house Feng-Xhu, and squads from the Silver Stars), against the forces of the Pentarchy, most notable members of house Rustovitch, Lasambré, and LCL, and a demi-company of the Flesh Tearers. ++ Found reports that House Daedalans was at the end of the war completely destroyed and their homeworld being stripped of all their technology. But maybe there is something still there that can shade some light on things. What I have found about House LCL would they not enter a warzone where they did not have an interest, why were they on Knosseta? I want to know. / =][= Rémy-Remigius Hungt Frontier world (former Agri world) Former agri world, now a dustbowl. The decedents of the worker crews that were not transported away from Hungt together with the equipment eke out a living in the few patches of fertile soil they can find. Hung-An Feral world (tech-barbarian subtype) Constant tectonic upheaval creates ever-erupting volcanoes and at the edge of each lava field, dense rain forests loom hungrily, awaiting the inevitable cooling of the soil. The native tech-barbarians tribes fight each other with guns and swords. Their elites dressed in lizard cloaks and simpler power armour. Homeworld of the Hung-An Headtakers Astra Militarum regiment. + Have turned into a warzone with the natives siding with the Partisan and Pentarchy forces being shipped in. As for now 15 regiments of the Astra Militarum have been lost to Hung-An, most of them being volunteer regiments of fanatics, so no real loses there. There have seemingly been little in the way of support from the Partisans to Hung-An, but this don’t seem to effect the natives moral. There are unverified reports of space marines in the colours of the Jade Talons “successor” the Steedsworn fighting against our forces. Falu Mining world Surrounded by a mineral rich asteroid ring, mining ships shuttle between the belt and the surface to be processed and then shipped offworld. The people live in processing cities rules by councils made up by representatives of guilds and worker-unions, but all council members and decisions has to take in the layers of family loyalty, blood alliances and old family grudged that exist among all but the outcasts and outsiders. + Have sent request for help against ork-raiders. Zinovjevna Imperial World Rocky and mountainous world without trees but lots of grass and shrubbery. Society is based upon its system of government and inheritance, and the right to own property and govern must be obtained anew in every generation. Once children reach the age of maturity their rite of passage consists of being exiled from their parents’ homes. There is no system of inheritance and against the local law to help your offspring unpaid ones they have been thrown out. + Have sent request for help against unidentifed xeno-raiders. Brakare Mining world A gas-giant with 50 gas-mining-station-cities floating in it. Smaller ice mining operations on the five moons. + Have sent request for help against ork-raiders. Ljovikando Mining world A world rich with terbium, yttrium and copper. The mining have covered the surface with mining holes and slag mountains, and polluted air, earth and water. + Was under attack from orks that had “landed” on the surface with Ork roks. The native PDF was reinforced with three Astra Militarum regiments and a demi-company of the Halo Brethren chapter. The later was ordered to leave the conflict to partake in the Annulus Umbra. Request for reinforcement have been sent from the commander of the Astra Militarum forces. Gotland Hive world Subsector Hu-An captial. Five major hivecities, eight lesser hivecities. The outside is either corrosive rain or layers of smog-mist. + Swore itself to the Partisan cause early, with the coming of Master Enoch's forces, six of the hivecities rebelled against the planetary governor and swore themselves the Pentarchy. This turn to the righteous path was likely more fuelled by internal politics then true belief. Humplingut War world Former hive world conquered by orks during the War of the Beast, being retaken by Astra Militarum forces with supports from the natives. + At least one Deathwatch kill team is supposed to be active on Humplingut. We need to make certain that they do not find out about the False Primarch, or make it so that they cannot spread the knowledge along if we are too late. Lord’s rest Paradise world A beautiful world of shallow clear seas and uncountable islands. The land and the sea are filled with colourful animals, of which only a handful are any real danger to human life. + Have sent request for help against eldar-raiders. Arahadania Feudal world An arid world cut by near-dead rivers carrying water from the polar caps to the remaining grassland sea beds. At flood time, they throw clouds of explosively evaporating vapour into the sky, producing a short, intense global rain that keeps the world barely alive. The native lives either as settled highland and canyon dwellers, or in nomadic/seminomadic tribes traveling between the settlements or pasturages. There are also ruins of ancient cities dotting the planet but those are considered taboo by the natives. + Our agents among the Partisans have sent information that the Silver Stars are planning to send a force to Arahadania. Have sent forces, including a Vigilants kill-team, to Arahadania to intercept whatever forces the Partisans send. What on Arahadania could the Silver Stars be interested in? I want to know. Shiroy Imperial world A world of flat land and shallow seas, with nothing to hold it back the ranging storm winds that eternally circulate the planet. Only in the deep canyons have life been able to evolve without being whipped down or picked up by the wind. The canyons are connected by artificial tunnels and trenches that make it possible to travel between them without constant danger to life and limb from the wind. Many of the tunnels and trenches have trains going in them. Idarka-7b Feral world A large moon, tidally locked around the gas giant Idarka-7. Life have evolved in the eternal light of the moon’s dayside. The landscape is usually uneven and rocky, it lacks real forests but there are many tree groves. The natives live as nomads on the back of ill-tempered gigauana lizards and trade, raid and make war with each other. Beelzebub Agri world A planet whose native life forms are all, from the minutest to the most gigantic, insects based and flies are something that colonists finds everywhere. While protein paste is the main export do they also export the meat of some of the larger insects as delicacies, and many of the faunas biochemicals are have found uses (mostly in perfumes and poisons). Besheer Imperial world A hot world made up by mostly desert and semi-deserts. People have carved out great trenches which they have covered with glass to create massive greenhouses. Society is highly hierarchal with the population divided into five estates, each with defined roles that they may not move beyond. Port Solsatu Special : Navel station / Mining world / Industrial World A star system lacking any planets, instead surround by a humongous asteroid field. Countless mining operations, processing plants, factories, living facilities, and even gardens and farms exist among the asteroids, either on the asteroids or in their hollowed-out interior. There are also a large number of smaller spaceports, repair docks, and break-yards, and some shipbuilding facilities. Four navel ports exist at more or less each “corner” of the asteroid ring. The navy’s main port for the Hu-Mung and Hu-An subsectors. Olsshon Abhuman world A rocky word of half deserts, canyon systems and salty inland seas. Populated by abhuman of the beastmen (Homo sapiens variatus) variant. Homeworld of the Olsshon Abhuman Skirmisher Astra Militarum Regiment + One of the Extinction Armada’s ships is stationed in orbit, the regiments it’s supposed to shipping to fight the Partisan forces are wasting time and resources on a self-taken mission to exterminate the native abhumans. Xhung of Ordo Trask has informed me that Olsshon’s beastmen are, or at least were, loyal. And that she plans to prosecute every one of those fanatics that are wasting the Emperor’s resources. Gung-Huan Mining world Gas giant with hundreds of floating gas-mining-cities that filtrated precious gases from the atmospeare. The filtration system has to routinely be cleaned from air-plankton, the dead air-plankton is then used as fertileness for the many gardens and farms that dot the mining cities. + A three-way war have broken out on Gung-Huan, between the Partisan, the Pentarchy and orks. Leading to mining cities being constantly fought over in an everchanging conflict of conquest and reconquest. + We had to sacrifice time and resources in killing the Dark Paladins 5th company, who had arrived to help fight the orks and found out to much. To make certain this stay hidden the mining-city this happened on was sunk. Keep a lookout after information about this, some might have seen/heard to much, this most be kept hidden or the Dark Paladins will most likely turn against us. Some things are better left forgotten. // I want a writeup on all those planets, with any notable happenings in their history - all their history, from before the conflict in M33, to after it, and how they are today. You have free hands to send agents at ones if you find something that seems of interest. I want to know. / =][= Rémy-Remigius +] +++ Thought of the day: A little knowledge is a dangerous thing +++ apologist and Urauloth 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370819-some-things-are-best-left-forgotten/page/3/#findComment-5816123 Share on other sites More sharing options... Prev 1 2 3 Next Page 3 of 3 Create an account or sign in to comment You need to be a member in order to leave a comment Create an account Sign up for a new account in our community. It's easy! Register a new account Sign in Already have an account? Sign in here. 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Gamiel Posted March 14, 2022 Share Posted March 14, 2022 from this Fb post: +++Data Inload+++ +++Record Continues+++ "We seek not to burn your homes nor drown you in blood. We come with the renewed dream of Imperium - the bright future of humanity corrupted by the slave lords of Terra. Those who would fight for the future, march with us!" Spoken by Gaius, Equerry of the Primarch Gaius, of the Argent Heralds, seems to be one of a number of individuals each referred to as Equerry of the Primarch. These equerries act as diplomats and propagandists, swelling the numbers of the partisan armies and spreading their heresies through the populations of the worlds they control. In the attached pic cap Equerry Gaius is accompanied by a guard squad from the Argent Heralds 3rd Company, led by Tiberius, Champion of the 3rd Company. +++Transmission Ends+++ from this Fb post: Captain Tishala Vaand of the 78th Iskandariyah Grenadiers; the renowned “Panthers of Mbefe”. At the outset of the War, Iskandariyah was a wealthy liege-world of the Delphurnean League whose history of comparative political stability had allowed the populace, by and large, to flourish. Thusly, Iskandariyani Guard regiments were well equipped, well disciplined and effective in combat. On an enviable roll of regimental honour, the 78th Grenadiers shone outstanding, boasting centuries of loyal service and bearing upon their colours the names of such vaunted theatres as Lacryma, Guelph and Armageddon to name but a few. Contemporaneously with the Invasion of Ishim, Iskandariyah was subject to priority subjugation under the auspices of the combined Flesh Eaters and Charnel Guard, with the direct objective of removing its considerably experienced Astra Militarum from the armies of the Abomination. Imperial observerator catalogi calculated that Iskandariyah recorded an 85 per cent population reduction in 480 ca. hours of Pentarchy deployment. So effective was the action that, against the backdrop of the wider War, Iskandariyah became something of a footnote, contributing no significant troops or materiel to the War. Save, that is, for the 78th Grenadiers. Mbefe was a territory of moderate size occupying an equatorial area of Iskandariyah, and of antiquity had been a pious place. From its steaming jungles rose monolithic statuary and the spires of countless cathedra dedicated to distant Him on Terra. Compliance records from before the Age of Darkness cite Mbefe as nurturing a resourceful and cunning people ideally conditioned to Auxilia indoctrination; such competence endured alongside profound faith in the teachings of the Imperial Creed, and millennia later Mbefe was hereditary home to dozens of famed Iskandariyah regiments. Like almost all Iskandariyah regiments, the Panthers had been recalled to the home front in the face of Orthodoxy advance, but the razing of their civilisation had occurred while the 78th were still in Empyreal transit. Aboard their troop conveyer, they arrived in orbit above a world not one soldier recognised. In the wake of such turmoil, an envoy of Volnoscere arrived in-system to capitalise upon the situation and take renewed oaths of fealty to the Primarch Returned from the Panthers. Years later, a Munitorum salvage flotilla would secure a derelict Silver Stars cutter and find the desiccated remains of the envoy – having been flayed and crucified – fusion welded to the bridge deckplates. It Seems the 78th perceived the destruction of their home as just reward for defying the will of Terra, and developed a fanatical dedication to the Orthodoxy cause thereafter. A young subaltern at the time of Iskandariyah’s death, Tishala Vaand swiftly rose to captain by dint of tactical flexibility. Ofttimes she would orchestrate company level operations while directly engaging the enemy at squad level, showing a righteous thirst for the blood of turncoats, and counting herself one of the vanishingly few unaltered humans to have slain an Adeptus Astartes warrior in hand-to-hand combat. The 78th Panthers were destroyed utterly in the third Sorrowful Year while conducting sentry operations in the Abbraxes Subsector. Of Tishala Vaand’s death, no details were recorded. from this FB post: Asklepios, Apothecari Praefectus of the Death Eagles chapter. As the war prolonged, the importance of the apothecarium grew. The need to secure the chapters geneseed made the members ruthless. Rumours tell of raids led by militant apothecaries not only to reclain lost geneseed but also to capture it from hostile astartes. That such raids should have been carried out agains traitor legions even after the end of the war of the false primarch can only be explained as myth. From this Fb post: ++IDENTTAG++ -Adeptus Astartes- -Angels of Ruin chapter- -Eighth Company Captain Skelos- +DATACOMPILED//VARIOUSSOURCES//+ "The Sons of Siklon skulk in the Void, claiming mastery over it like it's their birthplace. I will show these hounds backed into corner what it means to bite the hand of the master. Brothers! Prep for boarding actions! Glory to He on Earth, and vengeance for Mallum!" -Captain Skelos, upon the Eighth company's first contact action of the war.- During the conclusion of The Sorrowful Years the Angels of Ruin would suffer the loss of half the fighting strength of their fourth company, along with its captain and memeber of the Noctis Triumvirate, Därke. Chapter command residing back on their homeworld of Amalthea would not be able to sanction the remaining battle brothers to join the War of the False Primarch due to other Inquisitorial obligations, xenos raids, or simply being understrength themselves. The only fighting ready force that could be reasonably transfered to the theater was the Eighth Company. Preparations were made to resupply the forces already deployed, and instea of relying on lighting raids and kill-team operations alone, the Angels of Ruin would enter as fully open combatants. The Eighth weren't chosen simply because of convenience alone, they were near experts in the chapters form of mixed shock assault and zone-mortalis attrition warfare but with an entirely unique skill set. The Eighth Company also adhered to the Great Crusade Era "destroyer warfare" and included in their ranks a massive amount of radiological, chemical, and incendiary ammunition along with heavy armour and the largest amount of Mk3 power armour within the chapter. Skelos himself was of calculating demeanor, and when he filled in the vacancy of the Triumvirate his cold disregard for certain pleasantries or rituals in command meetings unsettled forces seconded to the Angels of Ruin. His tactics were effective, but brutal and horrifying. Not one for bloody slaughter and effigies to shake fear into the enemy, Skelos and his forces utilized the long forgotten weapons and munitions of the Dark Age of Technology to quell rebels or annihilate more organized Partisan forces. First contact with the Eighth Company proved disastrous for a strike cruiser of Void Barons and auxiliary militarum regiments loyal to the False Primarch as the attack ships under Skelos' command appeared without warning deep near subsector Moreau. When question about his reckless combat deployment by agents of Master Enoch, the captain stated that "(his) first strike would be unleashed against those who had bled his chapter first", and refusing any contact or hails save for those of certain Inquisitors, or other Astartes elements. Dr_Ruminahui, Xin Ceithan and Alby the Slayer 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370819-some-things-are-best-left-forgotten/page/3/#findComment-5804420 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gamiel Posted March 14, 2022 Share Posted March 14, 2022 (edited) from this Fb post: “Now, when it was agreed that Benedin II was holding the throne of Terra amid general hatred, at the behest of all in attendance, but against his own will, [Morgetheon] was hailed Ecclesiarch by the Heliopolean clergy; this took place at Sanctram on the first Ides of that year. He was presented with the full regalia of the Ecclesiarch (which by miraculous purpose and proof of the God-Emperor’s favour had appeared here from its location on Terra) by Diadumenianus, pontifex minor in Morqub.” A Recorde off the Lyfe and Tymes of Morgetheon I, Ecclesiarch and Cardinal Supreme Here's my entry for the False Primarch Gauntlet. He's appeared in a couple of previous articles, but here is Morgetheon in all his glory atop the Pulpit Ambulans as the Ecclesiarch of the breakaway pro-Volnoscere church. from this Fb post: ***11th hour astrotelepathic communion…. It….it’s the Sorrow of Karpathia….surely….the thing that should not be….Velghor….the Lost….Primarch save us…. ….communion cuts out*** from this FB post: It occurred to me that I've been sitting on a lot of my finished models without posting them here for a frankly inconsiderate amount of time. I'll definitely rectify that over the next few days! Here is Captain Nirgali the Thrice Dead, Master of the Keep of the Marines Saturnine, 2nd Sataba. Seen here armoured in MKIII Power Armour, with an additional composite tabard of Lamellar scale and chain. He is armed with a Phosphor Serpenta pistol, and a Black Maul. Captain Nirgali of the Marines Saturnine is part of the esoteric Cult of the Lamassu, the tenets of which are shrouded in as much mystery as their namesake. What is clear however, is that the cult values barbarism in its highest form. Unnaturally violent, even for Astartes, those who bear the symbol of the Lamassu tend towards overwhelming displays of violence that harken back to a time before the great crusade. Edited March 14, 2022 by Gamiel Dr_Ruminahui, Metzombie and jaxom 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370819-some-things-are-best-left-forgotten/page/3/#findComment-5804549 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gamiel Posted March 15, 2022 Share Posted March 15, 2022 Dramatis Personae: Perkûn of the Red Talons, Master of the Forge Perkûn; the Keeper of Keys; the Equerry Do not seek a person’s worth in the circumstances of their betrayal, but in the fact that they fell at all. Betrayal is not born of a noble soul, nor is it nourished by an honourable heart. [//Attributed to Lion El’Jonson, Primarch of the 1st Legion Astartes+] Dramatis Personae: Morgetheon the Antiecclesiarch 'I journeyed to Sanctram with the authority and commission of the Ecclesiarchy. At midday, I saw a light from heaven, brighter than a sun, that shone around me and those who journeyed with me. And when we had all fallen to the ground, I heard a voice saying to me ‘Morgetheon, why are you persecuting me? I am the last true son of the God-Emperor of Man. Rise, for I have appeared to appoint you as a servant and witness…' [//The Address to Morqub, Ecclesiarchical Coronation+] ++ Chamber Borealis ++ When we were children and up to no good, my mother would tell my brothers and I that if we didn't cease our misbehaviour, the Inquisitiores... Dramatis Personae: Gaius of the Argent Heralds 'We seek not to burn your homes nor drown you in blood. We come with the renewed dream of Imperium - the bright future of humanity corrupted by the slave lords of Terra. Those who would fight for the future, march with us.' [//Gaius, Equerry of the Primarch+] Mohrson's Testimony My Lord, what follows is a transcript of the classicist Theodor Morhson’s interrogation, pertaining to the assaults on Croesus and Morgant. If it is your Inquisitorial will for me to pursue these allegations, you need but ask. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370819-some-things-are-best-left-forgotten/page/3/#findComment-5804658 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gamiel Posted March 15, 2022 Share Posted March 15, 2022 from this Fb post: Pict capture of senior leadership of fortress theta, better known as the Towers of Dawn, as orthodoxy forces sieged the planet of Agreum V. Left to right- Oran Eubrules, senior engineer. Danae Kapray, Syntagma of the Agreum 5th Phallanx. Veteran sergeant Zino Sedon, master ordenator of the Storm Tyrants 4th battalion. Ethun Alluens, lieutenant of the Jiam 7th rifles. Alexander Hale, partisan philosopher, and agitator. The battle of the towers of dawn became one of the most fabled engagements to partisan sympathizers from the siege of the Myrean league shield worlds. While not the largest or most critical of battles it was bloody, and doggedly fought by those partisan forces defending the complex. An exemplary of calculated grit, the antithesis of the catastrophic chaos that was to follow at Myrea Prime. The primary reason for the success that was the ultimately doomed defense has been largely placed on the leadership and skill of those pictured above. That the fortress held as long as it did, and then many of its defenders would be able to escape its inevitable capture can attributed to Danae Kapray above them all. Kapray was noted as being a fierce calculating mind, and tenacious fighter who refused giving ground without a price. The battle demonstrated her ability to perceive The flow of battle over the miles wide complex. The true judge of her character may be when Orthodoxy forces surrounded the central defensive ring of the citadel and an offer of surrender as made. Her signal word response was “Karpoitz!”, a Myrean slang word of defiance. That the defenders were then able to escape in a break out maneuver with such numbers against them showed the capabilities of the 5th phallanx and its leader. Deployed along side the Storm Tyrants 4th battalion throughout the siege of the shield worlds, the 5th Phallanx up held its reputation of soilders hard in body, and soul. The Myrean league’s Phallanx formations were elite divisions of grenadiers, heavy infantry, and sappers. Of those pictured above Eubrules, and Sedon were killed when the western wall fell. It is believed that this was an intentional demolition as Orthodoxy forces overwhelmed it, and the resulting collapse buried a significant amount of siege armour. Ethun Alluens survived, and is known to have been employed by Inquisitors loyal to the Partisan cause. Danae Kapray evacuated Agreum V to Myrea Prime, and ultimately was able to escape the chaos of the fall of Myera possibly with the aid of rogue traders aligned to Kurganian rebels. It is believed she was never a true follower of the abomination but continued to serve the partisan cause till the end of the war. It is known that she also survived the end of the war continuing to operate as a mercenary on the the fringes of frontier space of the Morqub sector for some ten years at least. Alexander Hales initially was thought to have perished at the Towers of Dawn but this proved to be wrong as he continued to be a active presence of the Partisan cause throughout the Heliopolis sector. from this Fb post: Dust and bone from this Fb post: Battle Brother Alü of the Marines Saturnine, 5th Sataba, and Battle Brother Ugallu of the Marines Saturnine, 7th Sataba. "The ship was drowning. It listed heavily to one side, exposing its bowels to the void, as the last vestiges of its oxygen supply screamed into the blackness of space, only to crystallize and die away. The crew too shared their ships demise, thousands floated on unseen currents and eddies; broken marionettes with their strings cut and set adrift. The Marines Saturnine's ambush had claimed another victim in the War. A smaller, inconsequential vessel in the grand scheme to be sure, but nonetheless vital to the continued efforts to hold Corinthas V, a Hive World in Sector Heliopolis of some repute. It had key ties with Cold Forge, and as such, it's subjugation would only help tip the War effort further to Partizan favours. The ship, now joining its kin in floating listlessly above the beleaguered planet had been coming to bring relief, both in supplies and support. Now it would do neither. The Glorious End, the Saturnine cruiser responsible for reaping such a deadly harvest activated thrusters, and began to cruise back into the cover of Corinthas Vs moon, resetting the ambush that had claimed no less than 5 Pentarchy vessels so far." Two more of my Marines Saturnine, previously unposted. I hope you like them! from this Fb post: "He speaks a word that is not a word, something he gleaned in the decades sat listening at the throat of a Black Hole. It tastes of ash, the bitter tang of irradiated rain, lingering on his palette. The screaming begins, a terrible ululating Post-human howl, a sound of demigods dying in agony. He knows what he's done, the Word twisting 10% of the Calcium in their bones to newborn Plutonium, an act of the foulest Atomic Alchymy. Ten Red Talons burn internally, their marrow and meat cooking as the newly birthed Plutonium squats where once their was bone." "The Wurm spake the Words, and the Words spake the Wurm. The Word and the Wurm are a loop, endlessly devouring its tail." -Extract from the Nekroatomica, a highly restricted work dating from M29.34, currently held within the Wormwood Vaults. The Blind Warden, He who hast Listened at the Throat of the Wurm, Speaker of the Wurm/Word, Thrice Kurst-Sonne, joins the War of the False Primarch. Called from his meditations at the Throat of the Black Wurm, he is a desolate and ill regarded figure, even amongst those of his own Chapter.... Dr_Ruminahui 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370819-some-things-are-best-left-forgotten/page/3/#findComment-5804691 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gamiel Posted March 15, 2022 Share Posted March 15, 2022 Dramatis Personae: Cassar Illiatauri (warofthefalseprimarch.blogspot.com) "Illiatauri is either a delusional buffoon, a sensationalist liar, or the most dangerous man left in Sector Pacificus. Whatever the case, I want him dead." [//High Lord Josef Strakh, Grand Provost Marshal+] ++ Chamber Borealis ++ ...as one might expect, none emerged from the Sorrowful Years unchanged for much would be transmuted within the crucible of their passing. Alliances alloyed and reforged. Others sundered or called into question. Operation Gauntlet: Kapihe Dionysius Maro One of the great mysteries surrounding the Silver Stars was their actions during the early part of the war. What were they pursuing when the Pentarchy arrived? Why were the Quadrargenta left to hold the line when an apparent Legion-strength force was held in abeyance? A trail to the answers begins here, with Dionysius Maro, one of Volnoscere's human(ish) lieutenants (by Greg B of the Fawcett Avenue Conscripts), and leading to the Paternoval Enovy, Casca Methuselahn, by Dan Joshua/@dark_isles Dramatis Personae: Lord Admiral Ludovico Martegiani For the glory of the Imperial Navy – Orthodox, of course... ++ Chamber Borealis ++ Rumours and portents herald the beginnings of Operation Gauntlet... The Ecclesiarch's Arrival 'Holy, holy, holy is the mystery of the Emperor's Death-in-life.' 'Infamy, indiginity and woe upon he that seeks to betray the Emperor's new life to His people. Who is this Abomination, that he would draw back a much-needed veil? Ignorance must be preserved. Bear me thence, and we shall smother this dangerous fireband.' 'Obedience is the child of Faith, which is borne of mother mystery. Blessed are the unquestioning.' [//Eccelsiarch Benedin II+] Warzone: Ushant Polios "As the Sorrowful Years drew to a close, the infamous Chaplain Constantine became the High Chaplain of the Flesh Eaters, replacing his slain predecessor. Notable for his work with Chapter Master Velghor and his infamous fall from grace, Constantine was a true hero of the Chapter and always earmarked for greatness - it is a shame that this came to pass under such tragic circumstances." [//extr. Mythos Angelica Mortis [redacted as apocryphal in later volumes]+ ] ++ Chamber Borealis ++ "Thou see me here, you gods, a poor auld man, As full of gryf as age and wretch'd in both." Willam Shakspere, Playwright, fl.M2 Valkia the Bloody 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370819-some-things-are-best-left-forgotten/page/3/#findComment-5804708 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain_Krash Posted April 6, 2022 Share Posted April 6, 2022 Was the "False Primarch" model never revealed? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370819-some-things-are-best-left-forgotten/page/3/#findComment-5813032 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gamiel Posted April 7, 2022 Share Posted April 7, 2022 from this Fb post: Then... The children enter the cave in a long procession, led by the godes. The priests of Harrangeal are cowled, their faces hidden from the eyes of the children. On Harrangeal, the eyes matter. On Harrangeal, the eyes will decide your fate. The cave is vast. The snaking path between the stalagmites is formed by the flowstone, created by millenia of slowly dripping water from the surface of the world. It finds its way down through the soil and limestone, the caves beneath Harrangeal its last stop before disappearing forever into the unknown core of the planet. Esker is not afraid. Not until he sees Willemyr. Willemyr Ek Blothsam. Willemyr the Bleeder. He is standing by The Veil at the end of the hall, staff in hand, head hooded. Eyes gone. The Veil is larger than the skaldic songs would suggest. Esker had often heard it described as the greatest sail Man ever made, but now that he see it, he realizes that it wasn't made by men at all. Esker can see the shapes beyond it. Not men at all. Willemyr gestures and the children move forward. A slit has been opened in the cloth of The Veil, and they surge through it, ushered by the godes and the blows of their staffs. Esker pass Willemyr, but he still can't see his eyes. On the other side the shapes become clearer. There are four of them. If it hand't been for the strange light Esker would have taken them for staglamites in the dark. What are they? Statues? A strange hum emits from their hulking shapes. It makes Eskers teeth clatter, his gums itch, his throat dry out. He is at the front of the procession now., walking slowly towards the shapes. Cautious. Altert. As the children approach the statues, one of them moves. A blur and then it has Esker by the neck. It shines a strange, flameless torch at him. He sees the statue for what it is: a man. Or what used to be a man, now transformed into a mountain of sea-green steel. A Seidr. The Seidr puts him down and shoves him to the next sea-green giant. This one is a true monster. The Seidr wears a cowl, underneath which is one glowing eye, yellow and baleful. All Esker can do is try not to scream. Not to cry out. The eye of the monstrous Seidr looks right through him. Esker feels his short life pass from his heart and into that yellow abyss. When the Seidr finally releases him, he stumbles along, past the third Seidr. This one is black as the night, glowing green holes marking his face, but he doesn't reach out for Esker. He just watches, leaning heavily on a large polearm, its head the shape of a falling star. As Esker approaches the last Seidr, a tall and gaunt creature with an elongated left arm ending in a crude simian claw, he knows that this is not an end. It is a beginning. And the eyes have decided his fate. from this Fb post: ++Pict captures of Kill Team 'Litany', Death Eagles I, exerted from Inquisitorial Archives 871.M33 Identified as led by Brother-Sergeant Lyrkan, 7th of the Name, 35th of the Canon, 'Litany' was deployed in a covert operations capacity in the Cambyses Subsector, notably engaging Red Fish kill teams on multiple occasions. The names of 'Litany' are recorded in the Chapter Archives of the Death Eagles I. The names of their many foes are unremembered, as the pale dawn rises++ Realised I never did actually post these in this group, though they did go up on my Instagram (cthonianreaver). Shameless plug? Yes. from this Fb post: Umathron Ur-Wodan Confederacy boarding party. + 6.537.827.33M + An Umathron void clan flotilla along side a supporting squadron of Death Eagle II astartes waylaid the merchant vessel Mercaede’s Venture while on route from Coldforge. The vessel had been believed to be smuggling supplies to partisan rebels on Rybal and Moreaumunda for some time. A moderate level of resistance had been put up, but with how out numbered the Mercaede’s party was they eventually surrendered. After two days of inspecting the cargo, and investigation, nothing confirming the suspicions of consorting with partisan elements could be satisfactory found. The commanding Dominar of the flotilla nevertheless ordered all but one of the macro containers be confiscated, and held at the Confederacies’s orbital city of Tezhotl. The Mecaede's Venture was then released to continue its route. from this Fb post: Umathron void clan prospector with C.A.T. unit surveying, and collecting samples. + 7.683.793.33M+ Bjorn Firewalker, Dr_Ruminahui, Machine God and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370819-some-things-are-best-left-forgotten/page/3/#findComment-5813125 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gamiel Posted April 7, 2022 Share Posted April 7, 2022 (edited) Index Astartes: Storm Tyrants (warofthefalseprimarch.blogspot.com) 'Obey only certainty. Follow only strength.' ++ Chamber Borealis ++ As the Sorrowful Years draw to a close, the Silver Stars and their allies begin preparations for a significant undertaking in Sector Heliopolis... Warzone: The Cardinal Worlds (warofthefalseprimarch.blogspot.com) 'May this curse be a blanket; may our deaths choke you; for we spit defiance at you and your insatiety. You will never own us, for we would murder the ground itself to deny it to you.' Dramatis Personae: Leistryg Diantos, Captain of the Charnel Guard (warofthefalseprimarch.blogspot.com) [//Captain Diantos of the Charnel Guard’s 7th Ostire+] Index Astartes: Iron Guard (warofthefalseprimarch.blogspot.com) 'What came of the actions on Gurro VII was a great moral victory for the humane and noble, but with it almost every reason to call the Imperium 'home' has disappeared. Now, brothers, we are but an iron ring made of wood.' [//First Castellan Vaszoly Soos 'The Ironclad', Equerry of the Huscarls and Master of War+] Dramatis Personae: Asklepios, Apothecari Praefectus (warofthefalseprimarch.blogspot.com) "You who have not seen with the eyes of Asklepios, First-of-that-Name, cannot comprehend. It is a complex procedure even for a sanctified member of the Brotherhood to commune with our Self-as-Forebear; and thus opaque to the likes of you. You must simply accept my witness as objective fact in this, Exquisitor.' [//Asklepios. Seventeenth-of-that-Name, Apothecari Praefectus+] Edited April 7, 2022 by Gamiel Tallarn Commander 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370819-some-things-are-best-left-forgotten/page/3/#findComment-5813163 Share on other sites More sharing options...
apologist Posted April 9, 2022 Author Share Posted April 9, 2022 Was the "False Primarch" model never revealed? War’s still ongoing… keep an eye out! Xin Ceithan and Monstra Sumus 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370819-some-things-are-best-left-forgotten/page/3/#findComment-5813997 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gamiel Posted April 15, 2022 Share Posted April 15, 2022 +++ // A presentation off the Hu-Mung and Hu-An subsector, found in the remains of the inquisitorial ship His will be done III, that was to be used by inquisitor Humbolt Hu-Sin, of the Ordo Astartes, it’s most likely that the original comments are by him. It seems to be from before the last stages of the “conflict”.+] Kagmorg Night world Rock deserts, jagged blue mountains, shallow slime seas and fungi-oasis. High amount of rakghouls that live on the surface. The survey have found little on mineral or other value, and geographically uninteresting. + What made a force made up by representatives of the Silver Stars and Jade Talons chapter, and Imperial Knight house Helios-Selene go there? I want to know. DF-45-85-Tertius Dead world, previous Xeno world A dead world covered in the remains of xeno-ruins, exterminated a long time ago. Carved into the planet surface, large enough so you can see it from the moon is the winged sword of the Dark Angels Chapter. + Have found no information about what xeno-species existed on DF-45-85-Tertius or when the planet was exterminated. My requests for information to the Dark Angels have gone unanswered. + Maria had sent agents to DF-45-85-Tertius, they reported signs of recent combat and that astartes were part of it. Have to return to her to find out if her agents have found more. I want to know. ++ This Maria could be Inquisitor Maria Timbuktu, she supposedly was active in the same area at the same time if what we have found is correct / a. Yoshi Knosseta Knight world Homeworld of the Imperial knight house Daedalans. High mountains, fertile valleys, hilly lowlands, and deep seas. The planets cities and defences are all masterplaned by the members of the knight house, following not just practicality but also sacred geometry and esoteric mathematics. + Have turned into a notable warzone, with house Daedalans supported by partisan forces (including members of house Feng-Xhu, and squads from the Silver Stars), against the forces of the Pentarchy, most notable members of house Rustovitch, Lasambré, and LCL, and a demi-company of the Flesh Tearers. ++ Found reports that House Daedalans was at the end of the war completely destroyed and their homeworld being stripped of all their technology. But maybe there is something still there that can shade some light on things. What I have found about House LCL would they not enter a warzone where they did not have an interest, why were they on Knosseta? I want to know. / =][= Rémy-Remigius Hungt Frontier world (former Agri world) Former agri world, now a dustbowl. The decedents of the worker crews that were not transported away from Hungt together with the equipment eke out a living in the few patches of fertile soil they can find. Hung-An Feral world (tech-barbarian subtype) Constant tectonic upheaval creates ever-erupting volcanoes and at the edge of each lava field, dense rain forests loom hungrily, awaiting the inevitable cooling of the soil. The native tech-barbarians tribes fight each other with guns and swords. Their elites dressed in lizard cloaks and simpler power armour. Homeworld of the Hung-An Headtakers Astra Militarum regiment. + Have turned into a warzone with the natives siding with the Partisan and Pentarchy forces being shipped in. As for now 15 regiments of the Astra Militarum have been lost to Hung-An, most of them being volunteer regiments of fanatics, so no real loses there. There have seemingly been little in the way of support from the Partisans to Hung-An, but this don’t seem to effect the natives moral. There are unverified reports of space marines in the colours of the Jade Talons “successor” the Steedsworn fighting against our forces. Falu Mining world Surrounded by a mineral rich asteroid ring, mining ships shuttle between the belt and the surface to be processed and then shipped offworld. The people live in processing cities rules by councils made up by representatives of guilds and worker-unions, but all council members and decisions has to take in the layers of family loyalty, blood alliances and old family grudged that exist among all but the outcasts and outsiders. + Have sent request for help against ork-raiders. Zinovjevna Imperial World Rocky and mountainous world without trees but lots of grass and shrubbery. Society is based upon its system of government and inheritance, and the right to own property and govern must be obtained anew in every generation. Once children reach the age of maturity their rite of passage consists of being exiled from their parents’ homes. There is no system of inheritance and against the local law to help your offspring unpaid ones they have been thrown out. + Have sent request for help against unidentifed xeno-raiders. Brakare Mining world A gas-giant with 50 gas-mining-station-cities floating in it. Smaller ice mining operations on the five moons. + Have sent request for help against ork-raiders. Ljovikando Mining world A world rich with terbium, yttrium and copper. The mining have covered the surface with mining holes and slag mountains, and polluted air, earth and water. + Was under attack from orks that had “landed” on the surface with Ork roks. The native PDF was reinforced with three Astra Militarum regiments and a demi-company of the Halo Brethren chapter. The later was ordered to leave the conflict to partake in the Annulus Umbra. Request for reinforcement have been sent from the commander of the Astra Militarum forces. Gotland Hive world Subsector Hu-An captial. Five major hivecities, eight lesser hivecities. The outside is either corrosive rain or layers of smog-mist. + Swore itself to the Partisan cause early, with the coming of Master Enoch's forces, six of the hivecities rebelled against the planetary governor and swore themselves the Pentarchy. This turn to the righteous path was likely more fuelled by internal politics then true belief. Humplingut War world Former hive world conquered by orks during the War of the Beast, being retaken by Astra Militarum forces with supports from the natives. + At least one Deathwatch kill team is supposed to be active on Humplingut. We need to make certain that they do not find out about the False Primarch, or make it so that they cannot spread the knowledge along if we are too late. Lord’s rest Paradise world A beautiful world of shallow clear seas and uncountable islands. The land and the sea are filled with colourful animals, of which only a handful are any real danger to human life. + Have sent request for help against eldar-raiders. Arahadania Feudal world An arid world cut by near-dead rivers carrying water from the polar caps to the remaining grassland sea beds. At flood time, they throw clouds of explosively evaporating vapour into the sky, producing a short, intense global rain that keeps the world barely alive. The native lives either as settled highland and canyon dwellers, or in nomadic/seminomadic tribes traveling between the settlements or pasturages. There are also ruins of ancient cities dotting the planet but those are considered taboo by the natives. + Our agents among the Partisans have sent information that the Silver Stars are planning to send a force to Arahadania. Have sent forces, including a Vigilants kill-team, to Arahadania to intercept whatever forces the Partisans send. What on Arahadania could the Silver Stars be interested in? I want to know. Shiroy Imperial world A world of flat land and shallow seas, with nothing to hold it back the ranging storm winds that eternally circulate the planet. Only in the deep canyons have life been able to evolve without being whipped down or picked up by the wind. The canyons are connected by artificial tunnels and trenches that make it possible to travel between them without constant danger to life and limb from the wind. Many of the tunnels and trenches have trains going in them. Idarka-7b Feral world A large moon, tidally locked around the gas giant Idarka-7. Life have evolved in the eternal light of the moon’s dayside. The landscape is usually uneven and rocky, it lacks real forests but there are many tree groves. The natives live as nomads on the back of ill-tempered gigauana lizards and trade, raid and make war with each other. Beelzebub Agri world A planet whose native life forms are all, from the minutest to the most gigantic, insects based and flies are something that colonists finds everywhere. While protein paste is the main export do they also export the meat of some of the larger insects as delicacies, and many of the faunas biochemicals are have found uses (mostly in perfumes and poisons). Besheer Imperial world A hot world made up by mostly desert and semi-deserts. People have carved out great trenches which they have covered with glass to create massive greenhouses. Society is highly hierarchal with the population divided into five estates, each with defined roles that they may not move beyond. Port Solsatu Special : Navel station / Mining world / Industrial World A star system lacking any planets, instead surround by a humongous asteroid field. Countless mining operations, processing plants, factories, living facilities, and even gardens and farms exist among the asteroids, either on the asteroids or in their hollowed-out interior. There are also a large number of smaller spaceports, repair docks, and break-yards, and some shipbuilding facilities. Four navel ports exist at more or less each “corner” of the asteroid ring. The navy’s main port for the Hu-Mung and Hu-An subsectors. Olsshon Abhuman world A rocky word of half deserts, canyon systems and salty inland seas. Populated by abhuman of the beastmen (Homo sapiens variatus) variant. Homeworld of the Olsshon Abhuman Skirmisher Astra Militarum Regiment + One of the Extinction Armada’s ships is stationed in orbit, the regiments it’s supposed to shipping to fight the Partisan forces are wasting time and resources on a self-taken mission to exterminate the native abhumans. Xhung of Ordo Trask has informed me that Olsshon’s beastmen are, or at least were, loyal. And that she plans to prosecute every one of those fanatics that are wasting the Emperor’s resources. Gung-Huan Mining world Gas giant with hundreds of floating gas-mining-cities that filtrated precious gases from the atmospeare. The filtration system has to routinely be cleaned from air-plankton, the dead air-plankton is then used as fertileness for the many gardens and farms that dot the mining cities. + A three-way war have broken out on Gung-Huan, between the Partisan, the Pentarchy and orks. Leading to mining cities being constantly fought over in an everchanging conflict of conquest and reconquest. + We had to sacrifice time and resources in killing the Dark Paladins 5th company, who had arrived to help fight the orks and found out to much. To make certain this stay hidden the mining-city this happened on was sunk. Keep a lookout after information about this, some might have seen/heard to much, this most be kept hidden or the Dark Paladins will most likely turn against us. Some things are better left forgotten. // I want a writeup on all those planets, with any notable happenings in their history - all their history, from before the conflict in M33, to after it, and how they are today. You have free hands to send agents at ones if you find something that seems of interest. I want to know. / =][= Rémy-Remigius +] +++ Thought of the day: A little knowledge is a dangerous thing +++ apologist and Urauloth 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370819-some-things-are-best-left-forgotten/page/3/#findComment-5816123 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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