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Recently I bought a bunch of new primaris models to build a Deathwatch force, really looking forward to building up an army of these guys from chapters all over the Imperium. I have gotten a lot of inspiration from members of this forum, thank you! My WIPs and army blog is here.

Here is first space marine I have painted since Battle for Maccrage was still in stock!

Lieutenant Scipio of the Iron Snakes



All magnetized pieces:


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Happy Fourth of July battle brothers, a special deathwatch marine to present today!

Brother Tex of the Stars of Dorn


Inspiration for this marine's home chapter HERE!



Very nice start, I especially like the Iron Snake.


Thank you so much!


BTW your work is a big reason why I entered and am still in the hobby... I remember seeing your truescale Night Lords back when I was just starting out in the hobby a decade ago. Big source of inspiration, thanks!

Sergeant Burchard of the Marines Malevolent


Complete with magnetized arm


Please note the ratio of dead-humans-to-dead-aliens on his base is 3:1, that is the Marines Malevolent for you :happy.:


Rest of pictures/lore here

Happy Fourth of July battle brothers, a special deathwatch marine to present today!

Brother Tex of the Stars of Dorn


Awesome! Nice to see the Stars appear again. Lucifer216 has been very busy since 2009 – the Stars are about three or four companies strong (no half measures on Amorica!); but it’s a treat to see them elsewhere too Edited by apologist


Happy Fourth of July battle brothers, a special deathwatch marine to present today!

Brother Tex of the Stars of Dorn



Awesome! Nice to see the Stars appear again. Lucifer216 has been very busy since 2009 – the Stars are about three or four companies strong (no half measures on Amorica!); but it’s a treat to see them elsewhere too



Thank you, and thanks so much for the link to his work! Love that chapter and was happy to include them.


Still got more on the painting table, but next month I am hoping to finally purchase a Contemptor; thinking of turning him into a Deathwatch marine formerly of the Inheritors chapter.

Brother Loch of the Dark Krakens


Chapter symbol was painted up in yellow instead of 'canon' white because I thought it looked cooler:


Painting blog post here.

First six Deathwatch marines of Sentinel IX are complete!


Excellent work on the Dark Kraken. As for the color, I'm sure you can justify the different Chapter symbol color by claiming, "The right to wear the Golden Kraken is an honor the Dark Krakens Chapter grants members who perform a great feat of valor, comparable to that which will earn an Astra Militarum guardsman the Star of Terra," or something like that.

Thanks! While I was assuming it could just be a chapter company differentiation, the idea of a heraldic honorific has some merit as well.


After a long battle with edge highlighting, my Deathwatch Stalker Anti-Aircraft tank is now complete:


The tank's stormbolter is manned by Brother Jerref of the Yellowjackets:


The tank also can convert to its anti-air missile version, the Hunter:


And due to the fealty my watch fortress has to the forgeworld of Ryza, all battle tanks and vehicles used by my Deathwatch marines originate from Ryza and display its colors:


Blog post here.

Great looking.  I really like your use of Necron weapons, adds a great feel.  I question going with chapter colors on a Deathwatch vehicle, crew yes, but the actual vehicle, I think it should have stayed straight Deathwatch.

Thanks all!


Great looking.  I really like your use of Necron weapons, adds a great feel.  I question going with chapter colors on a Deathwatch vehicle, crew yes, but the actual vehicle, I think it should have stayed straight Deathwatch.


I see your point. As much as most Deathwatch vehicles do look good in standard red-and-black (Duke Danse Macabre has some good ones) I had adopted a green-and-black theme for my own watch fortress. Same reason why all the weapon casings are painted green.


Mostly because I like the color green better than red :sweat:


New kill team member is complete: Brother Xbal of the Brotherhood of the Midnight Sun


Mayan-inspired chapter inspired originates from here.

His right arm is magnetized so I can swap out the rifle for a mace.


The stormshield would not have in-game benefits in 40K, but gives me extra options for kill team.


My best attempt at the chapter symbol. Only the center of the transfer actually worked:


Four more marines complete, rounding out my first kill team.

Kill Team Burchard, 2nd Company of Watch Fortress Sentinel IX:


Rest of the individual photos:

Brother Ek Chak of the Blood Drinkers


More pictures of all these guys are in my lore and paint blog, as well as the inspiration for the Blood Drinkers chapter symbol. Its has some Aztec-marine and Rogue Trader inspiration.


Brother Diodorus of the Minotaurs



Brother Rau'ganth of the Salamanders (3rd Company)


Chapter symbol is a bit derpy... will probably have to fix it later but its good enough for now.


Brother Giles of the Red Templars


His transfer is from the old Bretonnian transfer set.


  • 2 weeks later...

My Vanguard Suppressors are now complete!

Sergeant Osagaya Cole of the Desert Crows:


Link to the lore for this homebrew chapter here.


Brother Yabutai of the White Scars:



...and Brother Lycald, Knights of Gryphonne



Squad photo, more photos and lore in the blog.


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