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Thank you!

  On 10/22/2021 at 5:41 PM, Spinsanity said:

Love that techmarine. I've long wondered how DW would look if their helmets, in addition to their one shoulderpad, remained in the original chapter colours and this one (even though my understanding is orange is your techmarine colour, not the chapter's) shows it might actually work. I think I'll give it a try with a KillTeam force before I actually try to collect a full 40k army. Your threads (here and in the DW sub) has been a real source of inspiration that's making me realize I might be able to pull it off. Thanks for sharing your work.

Yup, orange is the color assigned to the techmarines in my force; it has to do with the fealty they owe to forgeworld Ryza instead of Mars. This would allow me to ally my two Imperium armies should I ever want to :happy.:

That sounds like a great idea, not enough Deathwatch armies out there!


Got my pictures taken for my next character, my second Watch Captain, Memnon of the Metamarines!


He is from another one of those chapters with zero lore, but it matched the pre-molded shoulderpad symbol perfectly, and now I could theoretically assign him to any warlord trait I wanted to, allowing him to keep up with whatever META he is fielded against :rolleyes:


He comes equiped with a stormshield on his back and can swap out both his magnetized arms. For now he can swap his auto bolt rifle with a powersword.


I also like how he looks with double power swords!


Rest of his pics.

  • 2 weeks later...

Two more marines are complete since my last post in the Great Hall.

Sergeant Xenothymos of the Blood Angels, Heavy Intercessor.


Blood Angels squad sergeant heraldry:


I completed this spooky chaplain just in time for Halloween today!

High Executioner Dynamaxes of the Dread Saurians:


Dread Saurians heraldry. This chapter is the creation of Captain Kolbasi on reddit.


Here is the new chaplain, along with a few heroes of the Watch!


Got more pictures on pages 4 and 5 of my deathwatch painting and lore thread.

Again, excellent work. I'm surprised the Chaplain's thunder hammer is so plain; does this reflect the hammer wielder or maker's no-nonsense attitude, which views the decorations seen on most Astartes wargear, as "dead weight"?
  • 2 weeks later...
  On 11/1/2021 at 3:24 AM, Bjorn Firewalker said:

Again, excellent work. I'm surprised the Chaplain's thunder hammer is so plain; does this reflect the hammer wielder or maker's no-nonsense attitude, which views the decorations seen on most Astartes wargear, as "dead weight"?


The original hammer was very "sigmarized" and it was hard to make an inquisitorial "I" in the miliput I used to cover up the original detail. I also liked how the hammer looked when it was plain, gives him a real no-nonsense attitude.


My first Contemptor Dreadnought is complete: Revered Brother Jorodin of the Inheritors Chapter


“…I was there, brothers, when my masters swore oaths of fealty to the Abomination. Back then, I was but an initiate, a member of the reserve and a marine of low rank and low worth. For my uneasiness, my lack of devotion, I was punished and expelled from their ranks to serve a sentence on the Long Vigil. I then remember when the Pentarchy fell upon my former kin, and the carnage that followed on my homeworld. Though the heretics have ceased to exist, I remained to inherit my chapter’s shame.” – Dreadnought Jorodin of the Inheritors Chapter


The Inheritors Chapter are part of the Some Things Are Best Left Forgotten project, one of the chapters that went over to the side of the Partisans during the War of the False Primarch, and ultimately met their doom at the hands of the Pentarchy. Their Index Asartes article can be found here. Obviously I am a fan and have been enjoying reading the lore posts and looking at all the awesome pictures :biggrin.:

Banner and trophies sporting a recent kill during campaigns against Hive Fleet Leviathan:


Despite the plastic contemptor being a bit difficult to work with, I loved every stage of this project from sourcing bits, to assembly, to painting. Glad I took my time manetizing his arms so I can swap out many different weapon configurations should I wish too.


Banner is also magnetized and I can run the dreadnought without it, should I wish him to look more "tactical" :sweat:


Many more pictures of this guy are in my deathwatch thread.

Edited by Smoke Frog
  • 3 weeks later...

Heavy Intercessor squad complete!


Heraldry from left to right: Blood Angels (sergeant), Black Templars, Sons of Medusa, the Koi, and the Yellowjackets.


Sergeant Xenothymos of the Blood Angels leading his squad:


Brother Nestor of the Sons of Medusa sporting a heavy bolt rifle and underslung flamer, along with Brother Anslem of the Black Templars with his grenade launcher:


Brother Katsuyori of the Koi armed with a necron dual gauss-cannon, and Brother Duroch of the Yellowjackets with heavy bolter:


  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Got a few reivers done the past two days!


Sergeant Oktor of the Rapters chapter:


Raptors chapter heraldry:


Brother Grigoriu of the Angels Encarmine:


Angels Encarmine heraldry:


Brother Hanzo of the Koi, here with his grapnel launcher:


Koi chapter heraldry, Bekko clan:


Last for today and my favorite so far, Brother Baldric of the Space Wolves (who does not yet have a picture with his squadmates):


Space Wolves heraldry for the Blackmanes Great Company:


Like most of the rest of the squad, Brother Baldric is magnetized to swap in a bolt carbine. Some of the others have grapnel launcher options too.


Rest of pictures and lore here.

Thanks Bjorn, I got the whole squad finished now with my last two reivers:

Brother Shibata of the Emperor's Shadows:


Emperor's Shadows heraldry:


Brother Ratanui of the Space Sharks/Carcharadons:


Space Sharks heraldry:


Had fun painting up his tattoos and maori-inspired markings on his armor:


Really happy with adding the magnetization options for this squad too, looking forward to running an all-reiver kill team at some point!

Bolt pistol and combat knife:


Bolt Carbines:


Grapnel launchers:


Parting pictures of the whole squad:


Heraldry left to right: Raptors Chapter, Space Wolves, Angels Encarmine, Koi Chapter, Space Sharks, Emperor's Shadows:


Rest of the pics here, Happy New Year!

  • 2 weeks later...

Finished my new power fist options for a few of my fortress leaders!


Captain of the Metamarines:


Squad Leaders:


Best part of the project was re-making my favorite firstborn Chaplain model:


First project of the New Year is complete.

Phobos and Reiver LTs are both complete:


Lieutenant Tepochli of the Blood Jaguars:


Blood Jaguars are a Blood Angels/Flesh Tearers successor with an Aztec flavor.


The Phobos LT I finished a little while ago, Lieutenant Yasuke of the Mantis Warriors:


Inspired by the fantastic work done by Krakendoomcool and his ongoing Mantis Warriors project.


Thanks all! 


  On 1/14/2022 at 5:28 PM, Bjorn Firewalker said:

Again, excellent work. Does the Blood Jaguar have an augmetic left arm?


He does, instead of just a bionic arm he got what is essentially combat knives for fingers!


The bit is leftover from the Lizardmen carnosaur box set, as I never used it for my saurus oldblood rider when I assembled it. Works really well on the space marine/primaris frame, even though it is a bit large. 

  • 1 month later...

The Commander of Watch Fortress Sentinel IX: Watch Master Chorazin Scapulial of the Angels of Vengeance.


Directly inspired by one of my favorite 40K miniatures, the Angels of Vengeance Chapter Master created by Chris Borer back in 2007. To this day that is still my favorite chapter master model, and I had a great deal of fun converting and painting my own reimagined version for my deathwatch force.


Lots more pictures in my Deathwatch thread, hope you like the many xenos he has defeated on his multiple bases!

Dark Eldar, painted in the Il Kaithe color scheme like my fledgling Aeldari force:


Tau fire warrior:







High praise, especially from the mighty Inquisitor Eisenhorn himself!


Got two eliminators finished as templates for the rest of the ones I assembled. Now they can play in kill team too!


Sergeant Tournuvial of the Disciples of Caliban:


Brother Zumaridi of the Sons of Medusa:



  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you!

Here is my latest apothecary, Brother Abatur of the Vultures:


Inspired by the glorious diorama painted by the mighty Kurgan, long may he lurk.


Here he is with my previous apothecary! I really like how the white turned out despite the chunkiness of my painting style. I will consider painting my helix-adepts for my spectrus kill teams in this style as well to have them stand out from the rest of the squad.


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