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Commissar's Personal Challenge/German themed Guard

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Group shot is looking good. :tu: Great job done there. 

I assume the Halftracks are printed to a larger scale than the Bolt Action ones? I was looking at mine the other day wondering how anybody fits into it, looks like its scaled for Halflings. :lol

Cant wait to see your Tiger/Russ tanks, I do love a good tank. :) 

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I forgot to share a pic of the flagbearer. I had her painted up like a month ago, but was stumped on how I wanted the flag to look, since I had planned on using a paper flag I would design it kinda left me with too many options.

I'm horrible at flag design but finally settled on the one shown, a bit of bright color to contrast with the darker colors of the force.




If your wondering as to how I made the flag, it's a 1.5mm brass rod for the pole. The flag is made out of just normal printer paper with a patch of tin-foil inside the two halves. the foil helps keep the flags shape along with the thinned down PVA glue that was brushed onto it after I got it into a position I liked.


It's a method I learned from my civil war and Napoleonic army projects.


As for things that I have gotten done over the last few days, I finally put paint to model for my first vehicle of this force. I'm trying a lot of new things with this, such as using chipping fluid and (a big one for me) I'm not planning on dry brushing or doing an all over wash on these. The plan is to get all the base colors on and then do some post shading with some Shaders by ammo (you can spot them in the background of the pics above). After the shades are on I'll do some pin washing and streaking grim with enamels. I'm hoping this will work, it's a lot of new methods for me that I've never done before, but the beauty of using 3D printed vehicles is they only cost about 12 USD in resin so I'm more willing to try new things out.

In the sprit of that, I painted up one of the turrets of my halftrack APC's. this is just a rusty prime coat with chipping fluid on top and my base color over that. The chipping is a bit rough, I think my brush was a bit too wet when I did this, overall though I think it's a good start. Now I just need to seal it and put another coat of chipping fluid over it and paint on the Camo.






Let me know what you think!

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Small update


I'm making progress on my first transport. This is more of a proof of concept for the method I'm using, so I'm trying everything out for the first time on a print that I can do without if I ruin it.


I'm glad I've done that as I found a bit of a problem that I need to work out before I can really start firing on all cylinders. The method I'm using for this involves a lot of layers with chipping fluid. by doing this I can making not only a chipped base color, I can also make the camo paint chipped. The issue I'm running into is that I need to varnish over every chipped layer, meaning that by the end of this I need about 4-5 layers of varnish (not all together, but 1 over each chipped layer and another over the shaders and weathering layers). The problem is that the Vallejo Polyurethane Varnish I use takes about 24 hours to really set, if you don't wait then chipping fluid can seep down under the varnish and cause issues. So now I'm trying to find a better varnish for this job, the current idea is to give the VMS HD top coats a try. Even if they take a while to dry I've heard that they are a lot tougher then the Vallejo Poly only an hour after being applied.


If any of you have any ideas or products that you use, please share, I really need to find something that wont take 24 hours to be useful and can be applied with an airbrush.


Current Progress on this test transport.






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And there we go, the first vehicle is now done for this force. I think I need to try working with my mud and pigments more, and to get some darker ones as the ones I'm currently using seem to be a bit to close to the Dunkelgelb base coat.


one down, seven more to go.


so, what do you think of the newly registered 021?










This is the first time I've used Ammo's Shaders and AK Panelliners/streaking grime on a project and I have to say I really like the result. Other then the stowage there was no wash or drybrush applied to this model, which is a first for me. I also think I've found a varnish I can use that will work with my quicker working pace, i'll know more when i start the next one.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Alrighty, that took a bit longer than I had planned but I've now finished up my transports for this force. Now I just have to finish printing off my tanks and then I can get started on those. 


Since I set a goal of finishing this army in one year I only have until the start of July to get 4 tanks and a flayer printed off and painted. If I can keep to my current pace and don't get side tracked to badly then I think I should be able to manage that without too much of a problem.



and here are the finished transports. after taking these pics I can see that cutting out the pigments I applied onto my first test (021) may have not been the best idea, I might to back and put them onto the other two at some point.









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Excellent work on the half-tracks.

Great paint job! The multi laser turret fits nicely on the transports


What about the heavy bolter/ flamer?

As I see no effort to mount the Chimera's lasgun array onto the half-tracks, it may be easier to claim the half-track is a different vehicle, with its own stats and Special Rules.
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Great paint job! The multi laser turret fits nicely on the transports


What about the heavy bolter/ flamer?

The hull mounted heavy bolter is on the front right fender/hood with these models.



Excellent work on the half-tracks.

Great paint job! The multi laser turret fits nicely on the transports


What about the heavy bolter/ flamer?

As I see no effort to mount the Chimera's lasgun array onto the half-tracks, it may be easier to claim the half-track is a different vehicle, with its own stats and Special Rules.


I never really liked the lasguns on the side of the chimera so i just didn't use them for this kit. other than that it's WYSIWYG and the correct size to proxy a chimera.

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  • 2 weeks later...

it's been a bit and I don't have much to show for it. It has been a very busy time at work this last few weeks so I actually haven't had much time to work on the IG project. Though I did get a bit of time to test out a scheme for a new space marine army i'm planning on working on once this project has been finished up.

for those curious








But enough of that, lets get to some updates on the true hero's of this setting! The Imperial Guard!


I've had a few issues over the last week with some misprints but i think i have finally got everything worked out and am not in full production mode. The plan is to have 4 Russ's in this army along with a flyer, this means i need to get all 5 of these done in about 2 months. I'm not sure if i can do that, but i'm going to try.

currently i have 3 of the Tiger Russ proxies mostly ready for sanding and fitting, the other one will be the tank commander and i plan on doing a few more things for it so it'll be the last bit of the army i get done.

I took a shot of what i currently have ready to go, the just need the sponsons and they will all be there.


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  • 3 weeks later...

The tanks are starting to come along, I've not had the most time lately to work on them but i do have some progress to share.


I got the first of the 4 tanks that will make up the force finished last night.






I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, the soot stains around the muzzle break i think give it alot of character. Now i just have 3 more to finish up and the flyer and this force will be done.

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Could you get a shot of some infantry next to a Chimera please? Im curious to see how large they are next to normal humans. 




here are a few models to compare too (a IG proxy officer that is of similar size to GW IG models, a Anvil Industries Commissar, and a GW primaris lieutenant)






hope that helps.

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Thats perfect thanks. They look great next to the infantry btw. I was just curious because I am trying something similar with a 1:35 scale halftrack with some 3d printed turrets, the turrets have not showed up yet and the average Guardsman didnt look right next to the vehicle so I needed to see what the finished thing would look like. I think Im on the right track. 

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These look fantastic!


Is that the Mars Alpha pattern turret on the tank?

Looking at some pictures I guess it's somewhat based on the mars pattern, but it's actually just the standard turret that comes with the STL file. These are all printed STL's from a maker called GrimPrints, they make all kinds of historically inspired grim-dark tanks.

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 These are all printed STL's from a maker called GrimPrints, they make all kinds of historically inspired grim-dark tanks.


Have you got a link for their stuff? Im curious and Ill have a bit of cash to waste soon. 

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 These are all printed STL's from a maker called GrimPrints, they make all kinds of historically inspired grim-dark tanks.


Have you got a link for their stuff? Im curious and Ill have a bit of cash to waste soon. 


Sure, I think they also do printer services but I've never tried them.



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 These are all printed STL's from a maker called GrimPrints, they make all kinds of historically inspired grim-dark tanks.


Have you got a link for their stuff? Im curious and Ill have a bit of cash to waste soon. 


Sure, I think they also do printer services but I've never tried them.




Nice one. :tu: 


Im gonna be so broke now. 

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