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Black Templar Teaser and Rumors


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There isn't really much announced that hasn't been released at the moment. Aside from the Aeronautica SM v Eldar box which was announced ages ago now. Everything 40k from Warhammer Fest is out, or in this week's pre-orders, bar the full orks release, which is soon I gather? The Grey Knights and TSons box has been fully revealed.


It has to be pretty soon?

I was under the impression we were next up after GK / Tsons, so if that presumption holds true, I'd assume we hear more about Templars next week, or week following if next week is dedicated to a release for another game system. 

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I was under the impression we were next up after GK / Tsons, so if that presumption holds true, I'd assume we hear more about Templars next week, or week following if next week is dedicated to a release for another game system. 


It really should be Aeronautica, those poor chaps have been waiting ages for anything at all, and to tease the SM kits that long ago with no release is bordering on cruel.


Besides, I think the Thunderhawk would make some great AT terrain. (On a landing pad, I'm not buying one to destroy it!)

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I sincerely doubt Imperial Guard will be this year, we havent heard anything about them and we are very close to the last quarter of the year with a lot of stuff yet to be released. I mean the Orks could easily take up a month, then AoS, then Kill Team or Aeronautica or 30k and suddenly its holiday season. Like I would love to see the Guard codex and get DKoK infantry box but there's just not very much of the year left. GW is very able to ramp up releases, they did it for AdMech and Sisters so who knows maybe the Orks will get sped up and they can throw another army this year. 

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I just hope there’s not a lot of limited edition goodies in the release. My funds can’t take much more pressure; I’ll probably be getting a lot of the new kits for Xmas or the new year.

Yeah one of my concerns is that they'll try some FOMO bs yet again. Just release the models, and if its a box set just produce it for a couple months and then retire it, like they did with Forgebane, instead of this "while supplies last" idiocy. 


Anyway, I hope they start unveiling the models soon, as it would give me a better idea of what direction I should go in with my Templar force. Should rumors prove correct, and we get a new Crusader squad kit, that will prove to be a significant factor in my army plans; new crusader squads mean I'll be making all of the Assault Intercessors I've built into crusaders instead; hopefully this won't necessitate pulling off a bunch of arms lol.

Edited by Mmmmm Napalm
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Valrak even said in his Stream that there is no upgrade set for Sword brethren like the death company intercessors or that morkai reivers. They will get complete new own models


Oh realls! IF so, I missed that part. Huge news for me. Sadly, I converted both grimaldıs and helbrecht and made my own versions. Wish I knew

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Valrak even said in his Stream that there is no upgrade set for Sword brethren like the death company intercessors or that morkai reivers. They will get complete new own models


Oh realls! IF so, I missed that part. Huge news for me. Sadly, I converted both grimaldıs and helbrecht and made my own versions. Wish I knew


Yeah apparently all of the model releases for BT are going to be new, unique sculpts, and the "upgrade sprue" is supposed to be for Primaris Vehicles. 


I'd assume we'd just be able to use our assault intercessors as standard crusaders, as the crusader squads will probably have the exact same basic stat line and weapon loadout, but will look fancier and have some special rules attached. 


Buy a box or 2 of the new crusaders and just mix in your assault intercessors to buff up squad numbers if black tide becomes a thing. 

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There was also the fact that supposedly, there's gonna be an article segment of a painted black templar army in Octobers white dwarf. It fits the schedule of teases next month, then releases in september/october. I really don't see it dragging on longer than that. 


WD article is always after release. Am i correct in here?

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Not necessarily, traditionally it was ahead of release, as WD would announce what was coming, but that was in the days before War Com announcements.


More recently they used to be offset by around two weeks, you'd get coverage of stuff released in the past two weeks, and stuff coming in the next fortnight.


Nowadays, WD isn't as connected to releases as it once was, no announcements about releases but articles are usually tied to what's coming out at around the same time.

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I'm hoping the vehicle upgrade sprue is available to all chapter if it creates a unique weapon configuration.


If it's just cosmetic then more power to the BT. I just don't want to miss out on unique weapon options or changes to transport capacity.


I'm imagining a Crusader style Repulsor with more Onslaught-Gatling cannons and extra transport capacity.

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I'm hoping the vehicle upgrade sprue is available to all chapter if it creates a unique weapon configuration.


If it's just cosmetic then more power to the BT. I just don't want to miss out on unique weapon options or changes to transport capacity.


I'm imagining a Crusader style Repulsor with more Onslaught-Gatling cannons and extra transport capacity.

As long as we are given SOME way to keep the damn thing alive, sure. 

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Honda went off with those giant RP speeches right? "Trust in the Emperor that rolling into the SM codex is a good thing!" right??


Firepower had an avatar of a Donald Sutherland character?


And I just complained for a week or two and left lol. I played my Orkz for a while, had troubles with my gf, my dad passed away, and I quit. I had already sold my Templars and left everything else at an old apartment when my life collapsed. Orkz, Nidz, misc, my table and scenery. My paint and hobby tools gone.


Three years ago I tracked down the guy I sold my Templars to and got them back mostly intact. Eternal!

Edited by d3m01iti0n
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Just an update, I got confused, it's not a Castellan HQ (Was told that basically a LT), it's a Marshal HQ.


So it has more bling then the generic Lieutenants? Cool, maybe those old sketches ARE coming back!.

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Just an update, I got confused, it's not a Castellan HQ (Was told that basically a LT), it's a Marshal HQ.

Interesting... This will force me to make some hard decisions regarding what HQ's to use lol. I was planning on using the Indomitus captain as my Marshal, and my Castellans would be the Indomitus Lt and what I thought would be a new Castellan model. Now that I know the latter will be a Marshal, I guess I'll alternate between it and the Indomitus one. Or I'll get two, and convert the other one into a Castellan by giving it the proper wargear. 

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Just an update, I got confused, it's not a Castellan HQ (Was told that basically a LT), it's a Marshal HQ.


So it has more bling then the generic Lieutenants? Cool, maybe those old sketches ARE coming back!.


This sounds to me like what they did with Company Master Lazarus for the Dark Angels. One kit makes both a named character and a generic [albeit chapter specific] captain. I could see this being a dual kit with Helbrecht or something like that. 

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