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Black Templar Teaser and Rumors


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Just an update, I got confused, it's not a Castellan HQ (Was told that basically a LT), it's a Marshal HQ.


So it has more bling then the generic Lieutenants? Cool, maybe those old sketches ARE coming back!.


This sounds to me like what they did with Company Master Lazarus for the Dark Angels. One kit makes both a named character and a generic [albeit chapter specific] captain. I could see this being a dual kit with Helbrecht or something like that. 


I don't think this will be the case, because Helbrecht's armor is fairly distinctive. This is, of course, presuming that they've largely retained the details of the original design. I might be completely wrong. 

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Remember me? It's been like 7+ years or something since the BT codex got squatted and I quit the hobby.


Lurking to see what happens......


It appears the light shines upon all sorts of corners these days, welcome back sir, and yes where is firepower?!




Just an update, I got confused, it's not a Castellan HQ (Was told that basically a LT), it's a Marshal HQ.

WHAAAAAAAAA?!?!?! What are the chances these models designs are based on the sketches that have been floating around? Can you have a look and compare to what you have seen and answer that for us? If not totally understandable. 



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Honda went off with those giant RP speeches right? "Trust in the Emperor that rolling into the SM codex is a good thing!" right??


Firepower had an avatar of a Donald Sutherland character?


And I just complained for a week or two and left lol. I played my Orkz for a while, had troubles with my gf, my dad passed away, and I quit. I had already sold my Templars and left everything else at an old apartment when my life collapsed. Orkz, Nidz, misc, my table and scenery. My paint and hobby tools gone.


Three years ago I tracked down the guy I sold my Templars to and got them back mostly intact. Eternal!

Sorry for your loss man.  Nice to hear you were able to recover some of your old models.

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Just an update, I got confused, it's not a Castellan HQ (Was told that basically a LT), it's a Marshal HQ.

If its a captain then it will be a marshal. If its a LT then you have been correct before.



Hello brother,


Valrak said maybe anythinks for Black Templars this week.



Edited by Medjugorje
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Very torn, we're finally getting Templars and I don't want to give GW any money anymore after the ToS / "zero tolerance policy" debacle and the obviously intentional legal chilling effect.

It's like noticing an abusive partner's patterns slowly reemerging after a period of a "second honeymoon". I think I'll get out and not come back :(

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Very torn, we're finally getting Templars and I don't want to give GW any money anymore after the ToS / "zero tolerance policy" debacle and the obviously intentional legal chilling effect.


It's like noticing an abusive partner's patterns slowly reemerging after a period of a "second honeymoon". I think I'll get out and not come back :sad.:

Mate, I'm with you on this one. Considering my backlog, I will probably refrain from buying new stuff or - if it's really cool - get it second-hand off Allegro. However, knowing that there are others in the BT community who are willing to resist the abusive corporate practices will be very helpful in going through the tough times.


I really hate how a company affects my experience of the hobby. After all those years, I should be ecstatic about new models and releases. I'd really like to feel all hat positity and flow with it. At the same time, I wouldn't feel right with myself. A hobby shouldn't make one feel that way.


Having said that, I'm really curious how many new kits we're getting. On the one hand, I'd like the range to grow and us to get some proper treatment. On the other hand, if we just got an upgrade kit, named character and generic HQ (oh, and the Emperor's Champion), I'd have less things to think about and potentially buy :P

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Calling protecting your own IP an 'abusive corporate practice' is a bit strong IMO, and it's differences of opinion like that which are why I think we should avoid discussing it that issue, it's a whole different topic, not really relevant to the one we're discussing, and is likely to just cause arguments
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Calling protecting your own IP an 'abusive corporate practice' is a bit strong IMO, and it's differences of opinion like that which are why I think we should avoid discussing it that issue, it's a whole different topic, not really relevant to the one we're discussing, and is likely to just cause arguments


No, you are completely right about this, though. When referring to the "abusive corporate practices", I didn't mean the right to protect their IP. It was a mental shortcut; I was referring to the bigger picture - the DLC-like system of codexes, supplements and other rulebooks, the gradually increasing prices, the FOMO-based marketing and business model or the arguably poor support for their products (e.g. poor rules for certain models or entire factions). They definitely have the right to protect their IP. I may not agree with the direction their taking this (pushing towards a "zero tolerance" policy seems a bit harsh and damaging to the broader hobby/community), but I wouldn't call that abusive.


This is also my last OT post - I just felt I needed to clarify my earlier offhand claim.

Edited by Brother Cristopher
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I've had the same mindset, I don't want to support their attitude towards the community. They just posted highest ever earning and they still decide to send a negative message to their loyal supporters.


In the end, the templar release will sell regardless cause of the tournament scene. If it doesn't meet their numbers I can imagine them seeing templars as a mistake.

I would be kidding myself if I said I wasn't going to buy the new models. I will get my templars from my local game store instead of directly from GW.

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Calling protecting your own IP an 'abusive corporate practice' is a bit strong IMO, and it's differences of opinion like that which are why I think we should avoid discussing it that issue, it's a whole different topic, not really relevant to the one we're discussing, and is likely to just cause arguments

Agreed. And people need to understand that with the rise of 3D printing and digital redistribution, the IP is the only thing GW has that can secure it's survival. They are 100% in the right to protect it, and to do so more tightly.


The IP is the most valuable asset.

Edited by Ishagu
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Very torn, we're finally getting Templars and I don't want to give GW any money anymore after the ToS / "zero tolerance policy" debacle and the obviously intentional legal chilling effect.


It's like noticing an abusive partner's patterns slowly reemerging after a period of a "second honeymoon". I think I'll get out and not come back :sad.:


I have similar thoughts.


I know I will buy that BT stuff anyway but I think it could hurt everything GW build up last few years.

Especially we as BT community waiting so long for that. Even other GW fans cannot understand what we going threw ( stupid "BT are space marines, you have been supported well all the years" BS). And then when our rules are great Covid destroyed the major time we had to shine in tournaments and show the community that our rules are not that bad. And now when other books are more powerful then ours we will get our supplement just to see the community broken apart because of the way GW acting towoards their fans.




Calling protecting your own IP an 'abusive corporate practice' is a bit strong IMO, and it's differences of opinion like that which are why I think we should avoid discussing it that issue, it's a whole different topic, not really relevant to the one we're discussing, and is likely to just cause arguments

Agreed. And people need to understand that with the rise of 3D printing and digital redistribution, the IP is the only thing GW has that can secure it's survival. They are 100% in the right to protect it, and to do so more tightly.


The IP is the most valuable asset.


the main problem is not to proteck it, its more how to protect it.

They should give licenses. Maybe for free at the start. And they should communicate it. 

We live in a digitalised world where everyone gets their informations from eiter good or bad sources.

Each GW-hater will use this situation to spread bad informations into our community. 

GW must be in control in which direction the discussion will going on.


Calling protecting your own IP an 'abusive corporate practice' is a bit strong IMO, and it's differences of opinion like that which are why I think we should avoid discussing it that issue, it's a whole different topic, not really relevant to the one we're discussing, and is likely to just cause arguments

Agreed. And people need to understand that with the rise of 3D printing and digital redistribution, the IP is the only thing GW has that can secure it's survival. They are 100% in the right to protect it, and to do so more tightly.


The IP is the most valuable asset.



Edited by Medjugorje
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Medjugorje, you are probably right concerning our initial and current rules and a lack of opportunity to take the spotlight before 'proper' codexes were released. But I don't think that things will be half as bad as you said - the community as a whole has shown time and time again that it likes the direction things are going. Sure, there are opposing vices (mine included), some reasonable, some quite radical, but people quickly forget and adapt, for better or for worse.


I mean, personally, I'd like to see more backlash - not specifically for the IP-related stuff, but to shake things up just a little bit and show the company behind this that not everything's so great, in case they miss that thanks to their great sales and growth. I firmly believe that it would serve us all well, including GW.


Now it's just a matter of how good the BT supplement is. Personally, I'd just want a flavourful set of rules that are competitive. I also believe that'd be the best for the BT community. If the rules are OP, then there's going to be a lot of angry voices AND on top of that GW is more likely to meddle with the initial rules (as Brother Adelard aptly pointed out) which may not make the faction as attractive as it could be. If the rules are bad or 'meh', then there's not going to be enough incentive to new players to join.


Let me reiterate what I already posted - I just hope that Firstborn builds will remain viable. I don't expect anything fancy for them (though new scout/neophyte models would be great), I just don't want them to be completely eclipsed by the new stuff.

Edited by Brother Cristopher
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It's not just the inevitable release and FAQ I was referring to. It's more things like Sisters now they have models have had two codexes in short succession, then one of the orders got special rules in a Warzone book.


It was pretty bad for us in 8th when we essentially 'had' to buy two codexes, Vigilus 1, Faith and Fury and then that all got replaced in 9th by a new codex and thankfully, a free PDF.

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Medjugorje, you are probably right concerning our initial and current rules and a lack of opportunity to take the spotlight before 'proper' codexes were released. But I don't think that things will be half as bad as you said - the community as a whole has shown time and time again that it likes the direction things are going. Sure, there are opposing vices (mine included), some reasonable, some quite radical, but people quickly forget and adapt, for better or for worse.


I mean, personally, I'd like to see more backlash - not specifically for the IP-related stuff, but to shake things up just a little bit and show the company behind this that not everything's so great, in case they miss that thanks to their great sales and growth. I firmly believe that it would serve us all well, including GW.


Now it's just a matter of how good the BT supplement is. Personally, I'd just want a flavourful set of rules that are competitive. I also believe that'd be the best for the BT community. If the rules are OP, then there's going to be a lot of angry voices AND on top of that GW is more likely to meddle with the initial rules (as Brother Adelard aptly pointed out) which may not make the faction as attractive as it could be. If the rules are bad or 'meh', then there's not going to be enough incentive to new players to join.


Let me reiterate what I already posted - I just hope that Firstborn builds will remain viable. I don't expect anything fancy for them (though new scout/neophyte models would be great), I just don't want them to be completely eclipsed by the new stuff.


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