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Black Templar Teaser and Rumors


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The guy who posted them initially had them removed. They also covered some 2022 stuff, I guess the source was not happy about it… but that’s my take, this wasn’t mentioned specifically…

Which is why I don't leak. People get all excited and drop things they aren't supposed to. Hell, I saw something on Facebook today calling out a source and themselves saying they would leak stuff once they got their hands on the codex because they were a contracted painting service to someone who gets preview codices. That's ridiculous. Don't be that guy/gal.

I think it depends on the type of leak. Something like that bragging stuff is stupid, but on the other hand I’d appreciate it if someone in the know would drop a line if there are primaris kits that would be restricted from use in the supplement ;)

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A Redemptor, eh? Well, I'm not against it, especially if there's some visual upgrades in a sprue for it... but that seems wishful thinking since it's not been specified. I have on Redemptor, but it's for my Crimson Fists like everything else Primaris that I've painted. It came out very nice, and if I were to make a BT one, it'd be a tough benchmark to beat with my limited skills.


Generally a small box it seems, but at least I might be able to afford it then :P What perhaps worries me the most is only 6+4 models on the Crusader box. It means any bigger force would have soooo many duplicates. Then again I guess that's the BT upgrade sprue all over again, heh. I do wonder if they're going to at least have a new upgrade sprue for the shoulder pads and such, though? Although beyond this box if I'm making Primaris BT, currently I only really have assault intercessors with fixed shoulder pads. But I suppose Primaris should stay as more of a spice than main course for my BT anyway, since CF is already mostly Primaris.

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Typed out everything nearly word-for-word, just removed irrelevant non-BT stuff. Not posting screenshots because I don't want to be disrespectful to Dosjetka, but the text is floating around the internet now, so there's not much that can be done.



BT army box in September, containing:

  • Codex
  • Cards
  • Crusader Squad (6 Initiates and 4 Neophytes)
  • Emperor's Champion
  • Seneschal
  • Redemptor

October and November 2021:
Complete BT release with

  • Ancient
  • Helbrecht
  • Grimaldus
  • Emperor's Champion
  • Seneschal
  • Initiates (6 Marines with Intercessor CC equipment or auto bolt rifles),
  • 4 Neophytes (boltguns or chainswords)

The Crusader kit will have options for a Sword Brother unit leader with cape, and there's a 15" AP-1 flamer.
The Sword Brother kit will have plenty of CC options and the option to make a Marshal (like with the Custodes Warden kit that gives you the option of making a Captain).
There will be two Crusader Squads: the old one that everyone knows and a new one made up exclusively of Primaris. The latter will be 5-11 Primaris Initiates, 4-8 Primaris Neophytes, and 1 Primaris Sword Brother. Neophytes will have 2W and 2A like other Primaris.
There'll also be a conversion/bitz/upgrade sprue that will have Templar relics on it (so-and-so's helmet, the sword of such-and-such, etc.), shotguns for Neophytes, and more customisation options like extra arms (Neophyte holding a helmet), or backpack-mounted candles. There will also be a multi-melta which will become a BT vehicle option. It'll replace the stubber on Primaris vehicles.

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" 4-8 Primaris Neophytes" sounds weird, which locked the minimium squad at 10. Isn't it "0-8"?


Definitely 4-8 on the post (if it was 0, the minimum size would be 6). In practice, if accurate, this means that Primaris Crusader squads will be minimum 10 man, maximum 20, both options including a SB. Makes sense to me that they'd put the new Neophytes as mandatory if they're coming in the same box

Edited by Marshal Loss
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" 4-8 Primaris Neophytes" sounds weird, which locked the minimium squad at 10. Isn't it "0-8"?

Definitely 4-8 on the post (if it was 0, the minimum size would be 6). In practice, if accurate, this means that Primaris Crusader squads will be minimum 10 man, maximum 20, both options including a SB.


Makes sense, and I'm super excited to see if these rumors are true. 20 Man primaris units full of 2 W models sounds wicked good (and probably 300+ points per 20 man lol)

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" 4-8 Primaris Neophytes" sounds weird, which locked the minimium squad at 10. Isn't it "0-8"?

Definitely 4-8 on the post (if it was 0, the minimum size would be 6). In practice, if accurate, this means that Primaris Crusader squads will be minimum 10 man, maximum 20, both options including a SB.

Makes sense, and I'm super excited to see if these rumors are true. 20 Man primaris units full of 2 W models sounds wicked good (and probably 300+ points per 20 man lol)

Seems the WAAC cheesemonkey tournament players will be avoiding this subfaction then, since minimum 10-man squads mean Blast weapons are gonna have a field day here :lol:

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now we were back as one of the big 6 ( UM + BA + SW + DA + DW + BT )


you mean Big 11. UM, BA, DA, SW, WS, RG, IH, Sallies, IF, BT, DW


All of them have supplements


I am aware of the old supplements. But BA, SW, DW and DA are all Marines who had their own Codex in 8th edition. So all Supplements in 9th used to be for the "bigger" ones. Especially with this treatment we are again not a sidenote in the codex SM, we are one of the bigger chapters in this codex.

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This release is shaping up to be huge from the looks of things.


At first I was just happy to see my black armoured brethren get some attention and hopefully some nice bits to use for conversion fodder but I'll be damned if I can't feel a crusade brewing. The Templars were my first ever army back in 3rd Ed and the nostalgia is hitting hard right now...


Templar Redemptor kit?


Pass me the chainsword brothers, I'm in.

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We've heard zero rumblings of a BT specific Redemptor previously, but there was the rumor of a BT vehicle upgrade sprue. Maybe there's a vanilla redemptor and said upgrade sprue in the box?


Ahh my mistake, I misread that post!

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We've heard zero rumblings of a BT specific Redemptor previously, but there was the rumor of a BT vehicle upgrade sprue. Maybe there's a vanilla redemptor and said upgrade sprue in the box?

Watch for Salt if it's the Easy to Build one again.


Dunno if it will be easy to build, I bought my son the Beast Snagga box and all the models in it are multi-part. 

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Think it's the redemptor they are refering to.

OHHH I see what you mean, I accidently almost bought the easy to build one when I purchased my Redemptor lmao. 

Edited by Trignama
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But with a dedicated SB, Crusader Squad kit we can lay to rest the rumour of GW not doing chapter specific units.


Now just want to have a look at our kits and costumization options.

Edited by Sete
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