Cyrox Posted July 11, 2021 Share Posted July 11, 2021 After watching the preview yesterday and seeing a lot of comments speculating that we could see Warcry style unit boxes for Kill Team, it got me thinking at what type of boxes we could see? That kid of release would be ideal for a squad of Adeptus Arbites or some of the classic themed guard regiments like Tallan Desert Raiders, Mordian Iron Guard etc. What would you like to see? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doghouse Posted July 11, 2021 Share Posted July 11, 2021 Catachans and Mordians for guard with Praetorian heads as alts for Mordians, I'd really like to see some of the seriously old Xenos kits updated via this as well such as Aeldari Guardians for one. Plastic Rangers would be awesome too. I think it would depend on the wording and rules, it feels like they snuck the Kreig in as Veterans rather than regular guard so maybe doing the same for Catachans via some sort of jungle stealth team? This feels like a way of getting around the number crunchers and marketing to me to justify releases of stuff that can be released without an army refresh. sitnam and Cyrox 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MARK0SIAN Posted July 11, 2021 Share Posted July 11, 2021 I would love to see a Gaunts Ghosts style release of an Inquisitor Ravenor warband. In a more general theme I think a naval security unit, Mordian Iron Guard, revamped Catachans, Kroot/Vespid, Cognitae and a minor Xenos faction or even something like Enslaver controlled models would all make interesting kill teams. Firedrake Cordova, Dark Shepherd and brother Vorn_GarDos 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Burni Posted July 11, 2021 Share Posted July 11, 2021 The glorious Grot revolution must arise! RolandTHTG, ranulf the revenant, N1SB and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AenarIT Posted July 11, 2021 Share Posted July 11, 2021 Kill teams like Underworld or Warcry warbands could be interesting to see. They could also use KT as an excuse to refresh some 40K units in dire need of it (Eldar Guardians, Aspect Warriors, ...). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
excelite Posted July 11, 2021 Share Posted July 11, 2021 I would love to see a Gaunts Ghosts style release of an Inquisitor Ravenor warband. In a more general theme I think a naval security unit, Mordian Iron Guard, revamped Catachans, Kroot/Vespid, Cognitae and a minor Xenos faction or even something like Enslaver controlled models would all make interesting kill teams. Wasn‘t there a rumor a while ago that there would be an inquisitorial kill team? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Joe Posted July 11, 2021 Share Posted July 11, 2021 Some winder stuff for Guard would be phenomenal, but there's so much else you can do if you're thinking about using it to update other ranges at the same time. Tyrannic War Veterans Kroot Vespid Genestealers Hepheston (the Heavy Skitarii mentioned on the old concept art) Kasrkin Frateris Militia Heck, with the impending Heresy revival you could spin off and do a few KTs themed around that as well if you really wanted to. Magos Takatus, Felix Antipodes, Doghouse and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MARK0SIAN Posted July 11, 2021 Share Posted July 11, 2021 I would love to see a Gaunts Ghosts style release of an Inquisitor Ravenor warband. In a more general theme I think a naval security unit, Mordian Iron Guard, revamped Catachans, Kroot/Vespid, Cognitae and a minor Xenos faction or even something like Enslaver controlled models would all make interesting kill teams. Wasn‘t there a rumor a while ago that there would be an inquisitorial kill team? I’m not sure about a rumour (I don’t really follow kill team stuff to be honest) but I do remember being in a seminar that Stu Black ran where he said they saw kill team as a more natural home for models like inquisitors as opposed to giving them armies in main 40k. However this was prior to them giving things like inquisitors the ‘Agents of the imperium’ category so as to allow them to be more easily fielded in armies without breaking detachment bonuses. That, coupled with the change to 9th having missions/games specifically designed for lower points, could mean they changed their mind about where best to put inquisitors etc. Either way I think an inquisition warband seems to fit the spirit of kill team better than main 40k so I hope they do go for it. Commisar Necros 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doctor Perils Posted July 11, 2021 Share Posted July 11, 2021 Could love some Alpha Legion opperatives and Word Bearer ritual cultists, even if they aren't my favourite Legions. Deathwatch, Inquisitors and Striking Scorpions + Eldar Rangers, Kroots + other T'au auxiliaries kill teams would also be awesome examples. Slightly more out there stuff like Explorator teams, Sisters of Silence hunter cadres, Eldar Corsairs or Exodites, traitor guard and dark mech (expanding on the BSF stuff) would also be very welcome Inquisitor Eisenhorn and Scribe 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andrés Pacheco Posted July 11, 2021 Share Posted July 11, 2021 Hrud infiltration team Xenos mercenaries cartel Eldar corsairs/Exodites (struggling not to have a little breakdown just typing that one) Demiurg Kroot Have a feeling astartes might be super powerful in this game, so maybe have very limited model count (more like a movie marines vibe) Wonder if the rumour engine of the clawed GSC detonator hand is from their first kill team? N1SB, Doctor Perils and Beaky Brigade 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThePenitentOne Posted July 11, 2021 Share Posted July 11, 2021 If we got DE Mandrakes as a KT, it would take some of the sting out of having Lelith as our only update on the radar this edition; so far, this has been my only disappointment with 9th, so fixing it would make the edition damn close to perfect (from my perspective). Inquisition as well. Andrés Pacheco 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jorin Helm-splitter Posted July 11, 2021 Share Posted July 11, 2021 (edited) From looking at their website, it looks like the squads in the starter will have a lot more roles than the base troops (both units have separate entries). So I think we might see a lot of base troop updates through kill team. For example an Eldar pathfinders kill team that builds rangers with a lot of bits that add flavor in 40k but have rules support in kill team. That said... Hrud infiltration teamXenos mercenaries cartelEldar corsairs/Exodites (struggling not to have a little breakdown just typing that one)DemiurgKrootHave a feeling astartes might be super powerful in this game, so maybe have very limited model count (more like a movie marines vibe)Wonder if the rumour engine of the clawed GSC detonator hand is from their first kill team? Exodites would be amazing. Edited July 11, 2021 by Jorin Helm-splitter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Halandaar Posted July 12, 2021 Share Posted July 12, 2021 It's such a genuinely great opportunity to bring stuff in to the wider model range without necessarily having to worry about it releasing alongside a full 40k army range or Codex, the possibilities are quite exciting. For the tamer ones it would be a great vehicle for new kits for Kroot, Vespid, Eldar Rangers, CSM Chosen, SM Scouts, Drukhari Court of the Archon, which could all be used in their associated main armies But then we could have genuine standalone stuff like Demiurg, Hrud, Exodites or Corsairs, Ynnari, Arbites, or retinues from novels like those of Ravenor or Eisenhorn. cretacianborn, Andrés Pacheco, stretch_135 and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darkwrath121 Posted July 12, 2021 Share Posted July 12, 2021 (edited) Honestly? Give us an Eye of the Emperor. Would be such a unique model that can't really be shoehorned in anywhere else short of perhaps Necromunda (where they'd be so overkill they'd be a plot device) due to how/where they tend to operate. Edited July 12, 2021 by Darkwrath121 N1SB and Sete 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StraightSilver Posted July 12, 2021 Share Posted July 12, 2021 I noticed that the website has Astra Militarum and Astra Militarum Veterans as 2 separate entries.The DKoK are veterans rather than standard guardsmen.We have never had a kit for Catachans or Cadians that could make vets (unless you count the recent Cadian upgrade sprue). So I'm wondering if we will get a plastic vets box for both, that can also build standard guardsmen? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Halandaar Posted July 12, 2021 Share Posted July 12, 2021 I noticed that the website has Astra Militarum and Astra Militarum Veterans as 2 separate entries. The DKoK are veterans rather than standard guardsmen. We have never had a kit for Catachans or Cadians that could make vets (unless you count the recent Cadian upgrade sprue). So I'm wondering if we will get a plastic vets box for both, that can also build standard guardsmen? The webstore always has an individual link for each datasheet you can use a kit as. For example, under Adepta Sororitas you have separate pages for Mortifiers and for Penitent Engines, but they come from the same box. Ditto with Seraphim and Zephyrim, Battle Sisters and Celestians. There are probably hundreds of other examples, not least the Ork fliers which have four webstore pages that all get you the same box. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magos Takatus Posted July 12, 2021 Share Posted July 12, 2021 I'd love to see a Vespid kill team (perhaps with different castes with varying body types?). I imagine Kroot would be a lot more popular but seeing these bugs invading other races picnic baskets important objectives would be kinda cool. If they looked more like their original concept art and they scaled their cone heads down a little I'd probably get some for fun. I am impressed with the creative ideas people are already coming up with for kill teams. I probably wouldn't have even thought of Vespid unless they hadn't already been suggested. N1SB and brother Vorn_GarDos 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scribe Posted July 12, 2021 Share Posted July 12, 2021 Could love some Alpha Legion opperatives and Word Bearer ritual cultists, even if they aren't my favourite Legions. Deathwatch, Inquisitors and Striking Scorpions + Eldar Rangers, Kroots + other T'au auxiliaries kill teams would also be awesome examples. Slightly more out there stuff like Explorator teams, Sisters of Silence hunter cadres, Eldar Corsairs or Exodites, traitor guard and dark mech (expanding on the BSF stuff) would also be very welcome Oh man, all of this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hfran Morkai Posted July 12, 2021 Share Posted July 12, 2021 (edited) Kroot and Kasrkin would be my two top picks. I really doubt Kasrkin would happen given we've got Scion but I also didn't expect Krieg to come out in plastic, even if it's just the one box (which it may not be). But I'd lose it if we got plastic Kasrkin with enough bits and options to make a decent sized force not look weirdly identical (for example the Scion Plasma Gunner, wouldn't be so bad if it was just in a firing pose). Edited July 12, 2021 by Hfran Morkai Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cyrox Posted July 12, 2021 Author Share Posted July 12, 2021 Some cracking suggestions so far! I’d love to see: Adeptus Arbites Noise Marines Eldar Rangers Kroot Mercenaries Khorne Beserkers Tallarn/Mordian/Catachan/Valhallan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kastor Krieg Posted July 12, 2021 Share Posted July 12, 2021 Oh, man, Tyrannic War Vets with the same treatment Crowe got. Yes, please. Cyrox 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sitnam Posted July 13, 2021 Share Posted July 13, 2021 It's been said by several others, but this just seems like a great vehicle to add in more Tau Auxiliaries. The fact they kept Kroot mercs for the new one edition gets me pretty hopeful for a an expansion of minor xenos. I hope this edition includes rules for jump pack troops, atleast in certain missions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThePenitentOne Posted July 13, 2021 Share Posted July 13, 2021 In 8th ed, Kill Team gave us Elucia Vhane and the Starstriders, Gellerpox; it introduced Severina Raine, the Manipulus and the Kellermorph. I think that's all we got out of it for novelty- everything else was just 40k boxes. BUT we also had Blackstone Fortress feeding our obscure interests. It was always a great disappointment how little we got from Kill Team's 5 year run. I sincerely hope that KT 2.0 really does follow the Underworld/ Warcry model and lives up to the expectations we have for it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Posted July 13, 2021 Share Posted July 13, 2021 I’d really like to see a Necron kill team with some inventive poses, even if they are monopose. A mixed team with immortals, deathmarks, and maybe a Lychguard superior officer/NCO would be amazing. Or maybe just an immortal sergeant or something, who has been enhanced for tactical command. (Also I’d really love to see melee immortals for close in work since we have melee ‘warriors’ in flayed ones, or maybe just melee flayed Immortals.) Doctor Perils 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evil Eye Posted July 13, 2021 Share Posted July 13, 2021 I'd like to see some Gaunt specialist variants. Reach into the old card game for names and make everything from bioplasma-toting critters to beasts specially evolved to chew through cables and pipes for sabotage purposes. I feel like, considering their original concept as some of the most mutable of Tyranid organisms, they've become a bit restricted to a few basic configurations in ways that, say, Warriors have avoided, and I feel like Kill Team would be an ideal way of getting that adaptability back. A few ideas off the top of my head:Terrorgaunts- Gaunts armed with rending claws and with evolved graspy legs to allow them to negotiate confined spaces and vertical terrain. Basically cheaper, dumber Genestealers. Hellgaunts- Gaunts armed with bio-plasma weaponry as "special weapons units", in much the same way as a plasma gunner. Less lethal than an actual plasma gun, but without the risk of exploding. Pyrogaunts- Scuttling suicide bombs, effectively Hormagaunts with a spore mine grafted to their carapace. Nightgaunts- Basically Gargoyles that trade their venom and fleshborers for improved melee capacity and, uh, legs! Doctor Perils 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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