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  1. Afternoon all. An intresting little story article has dropped on WarCom this afternoon with some new background for Warzone Chalnath. Story takes the form of a command meeting transcript discussing the redeployment of Tempestus units to engage the T'au. Could be evidence that the rumoured jump scion vs Vespid kill team box is real and we might not have to wait too long for a reveal? Chalnath Dispatches – At All Costs - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com) Let the hype and speculation begin!
  2. Hello Fraters! Having lurked and occasionally posted over the last few months I have decided to create a WIP log to document my re-entry to the hobby. This was going to be a Raven Guard-based log as I have a Strikeforce to build but I have already paused that plan, bought Kill Team Octarius and started some terrain painting. This is very much WIP as I test out washes and contrast paints and basically learn to paint. I only painted a few minis when I was at school, I think it must have been around 1989/1990. Edit: title updated to reflect that I have now bought two KT boxes and have been painting Genestealers to refresh my v.1 Space Hulk game.
  3. SESSION ZERO: Welcome to the Blog! This is basically intended as a collection of projects - which likely won't ever get finished, but I don't want to clog up the WIP/HOH with my inane and meandering nonsense. You can see my very small pile of shame here, which consists of half an Infiltrators kit (Technically a Phobos Kill Team with the upgrades - I can't even remember the name), a Bladeguard kit, and two Intercessors. They've been sitting around for a while, doing not much of anything since I partially built and painted a Mantis Warriors KT, inspired by a character I've been playing in a Deathwatch RPG game over in the RPG Nook (Murderers In Black). I had the concept of a Librarian, but he didn't fit the game, and another player had suggested the Howling Griffons. Being an old hand at the Badab War, and my treasured WD101/Compendium, which sparked my greater interest in the hobby and drew me further into 40k from the 'gateway' drug of Space Crusade, I took a second look at them, and discovered a lot of ideas for the character aligned. I'll likely build the character bio etc, and leave him here for use (so I don't mess up anything elsewhere). It got me thinking, though - the Howling Griffons have an absurd paint scheme, and for me (my eyes are going) I thought it would be too much to try and paint a force of them, but then I saw a wonderful White Scars KT diorama (I forgot by who - I'll add it later) which had a complement of models on a magnificent display board. I was flicking through some Youtube channels as well, boning up on Howling Griffon lore for the character, and it struck me that the boys in Forgeworld had a partial solution, and the serried ranks of Mk VI in the Compendium came to my rescue. The Howling Griffons have three colour schemes: The classic gold and scarlet, the almost 6-colour choc-chip Sigmar VI Insurgency Force, and the Night World Livery of sable with quartered pauldron vignettes. I reasoned I could paint at least maybe one Intercessor or Bladeguard in the red and yellow scheme, the latter representing their bold attitude to oaths and honour, as well as their renowned swordsmanship. The Griffons have a lot of Psykers and the Deathwatch RPG paints them as Duellists, so this would be an excellent choice. I plan to modify the Mk X down to Mk VIII where I can, with minimal cuts to the poleyns, avoiding sculpting and other modelling work which is both beyond me and outside the scope of my time available. I also think it looks a bit cleaner, and I have loads of spare smol-marine heads. The other, sneakier miniatures will be in either the desert style camouflage, or the Night World livery, and I plan to acquire a single Eliminator who I can doll up with both (black armour, Sigmar VI cape). I can't go mad, since my budget is very, very small. I would also like a Librarian to round off the set (I'm not looking at many models - budget, budget, budget!) and the Phobos Lib looks like a good bet - since I'm weird and actually like Phobos armour. I'm not planning to do any significant conversions, but I will do what I can to make the models a little more interesting to me. Spoiler Warning: I like pouches. So that's about it for this post, I appreciate you taking the time to read it, and I know this isn't an innovative idea, but I thought it would be something to try and get me doing something with the remaining plastic crack, since I don't play anymore, and haven't rolled tabletop D6 dice since 2018. Just a note on expectations - I expect this blog to be slow. Very slow. I'll also be dumping a few ideas in here that won't be model related, but are RPG character, setting or history related, sprinkled with pics or brain-fluffs from my other projects. Be good.
  4. Afternoon all, I’ve moved house and found these in a box that I completely forgot about and wondering if any of these are still relevant or obsolete?
  5. Hi Folks, After weeks procrastinating about these platforms that needed to be finished, I final managed to convince myself that it could not stay uncompleted longer. So, I applied a kind of autodiscipline: spend 10 minutes every day applyong the wraithbone colour I selected as main tone for the platforms. It took me 2 weeks to finish, mainly because covering of splashed metallic tones requires more than onne coat and also because there is a lot of small gaps to be painted. I swear I will think it twice before I will buy more platforms. And if you plan to buy some, before selecting a paint scheme, think it carefully and stick to simple schemes. I decided to go into too much details, that in the end do not really matter. But once you started, you should do all your platforms the same way. Otherwise while mixing them it will looks odd... So, the kit is not offering a lot of variety, this is something damn sure, but I hope it will give depth and options to the rest of my AdMech and Manufactorum scenery. Here is a general overview of the final result: All access traps a removable. Piles are less detailled than previous terrain released by GW, And it does not really matter as it probably have the right amount of detail for a tabletop: My favorite remains the round platform for the Reactor/Furnace. Even if the level of details is lower than the one of previous octogonal platforms. Once again, not a big deal. As for the objectives, they were showcased some times ago already: So, what´s next? Well, I primed the landing pad of the Moroch set, so it is a good candidate now. And I still ahve the Necromunda market set to start. Even if this one will probably require more time: I ran out of paints and I had a stop at the FLGS that opened last year in town (note the use of past tense). It was in a remote area, did not do any publicity... In fact I went aware it existed only 2 months ago. So I stopped by this morning and... it appeared it ran out of business. So I will have to order online or try this new big hobbycraft store that opened in the mall nearby which, apparently, has all the Vallejo range available...
  6. Hi folks, Here reporting the first big milestone of my 2024 Plodding Along vow, with the completion of the KT Sector Fronteris environnement set. After setting up a paint scheme last month, Cleaning up the big chunks of sprues, here comes the complete result. Overviewing the complete set of walls set on the mat, it leaves little space available indeed. Said thata I was (secretly) maoning that not getting the Ryza Pattern ruins set included (as in Moon Base Kassius for example) was a missed opportunity! Should these have been included (with the broken door barricade and the hatch) I wonder how it would have possibly fit on the mat!. I choosed to use the sprues NOT to build a complete any intact building. Favouring 2 half collapsed instead. "Why?" would you ask? Because I also have the Nachmund box with its 2 complete buildings. So getting 3 untouched was not of my prime interest thinking that I will end up combining the 2 sets. Here bellow another shot which allows, let´s admit it, showing something better that the previous top view. And less blurry too. As doors are coming with one side plain and one side with 3 closing lockers, the orientation of the wall takes some relevance: it would be puzzeling that the setting of the door would allow someone to close you inside whereas the purpose of these hab-bunkers is to locked yourself inside and defend your ground. Or wait that the storm pass by. The structure shown bellow was assemblied in such a way that unfortunatly the door was in the "unproper" position. Not too shabby. But neither so critical as the ruined walls are molded in a very clever way, making the doors very easy to remove and reorientate. So here it comes: you just cut the 6 attaching plastic sections and you just reposition and glue in place. Tachan! The half opened door is set with a bobby trap made out of left appart Necromunda fusion bombs grape (not shown). Pics are a little bit blurry as I am on the urge, atm. Yet I expect I will release more latter, once the whole plodding vow will be complete. So, plodding alonng vow is going well; - KT Sector fronteris: Complete - Bheta decima: 6oo7 spures done - Ork Mekboy Workshop: 2oo4 sprues done - Nachmund: 2oo7 sprues done - Necromunda market: still in box. After 6 weeks of work it is not too bad. See you soon
  7. What's the problem? Have you ever thought that relying too much on rule books and summaries makes it slow and cumbersome when playing Warhammer 40k Kill Team? Above all when you're starting with a new Kill Team, it's hard to keep track of the different operatives' stats, all their ploys, equipment... And if you're sharing the same book with other people in the same game it makes all the experience really slow. You spend more time turning pages around than actually enjoying the game. While there's some great aids around for printing data cards, if you have a very diverse squad you will end up with a lot of them, and if you change your weapon choices depending on the game you play, you'll need plenty of those. Furthermore, those are amazing for operatives, but they don't include any specific Kill Team ability or the Glossary with all the different weapon rules you will be using, needing to have specific documents laying around. What's our solution? The solution we came in is to create a summarized QRC that will fit in between 4 - 6 pages, so it can be printed or browsed directly as a PDF in a tablet or phone. They show the Faction Archetypes, all the available options for each operative, as well as their main Stats and any special rule (Flying, Psychic...). They also include the Faction TacOps, as well as the special abilities, psychic powers and both Strategic and Tactical Ploys. At the end of the documents you can find a whole Glossary with ALL the abilities and Special Rules that appear in the whole summary, so you can rely on those as your go-to reference during your games for that specific Faction. How do I use them? They're filed in PDF format and you can either print them and staple them (or any other choice) or browse them directly from your digital devices. Where can I find them? You can find the available ones in my page for free (or the prize you'd like to contribute with!) If you'd like QRCs for some team, drop us a line and we'll work on it!
  8. What's the problem? Have you ever thought that relying too much on rule books and summaries makes it slow and cumbersome when playing Warhammer 40k Kill Team? We used to see that reviewing Ploys every turn in your books (when sometimes you may also be sharing the same book) made it all slower. Furthermore, when you're starting to play with a new Kill Team, the learning curve and cognitive can be quite high. If that team also has special abilities like Guardsmen Orders or Acts of Faith, you're likely going to experiment slow and hard times. There's also a chance when you are not 100% on what Tactical Ploys you have already played during that Turning Point if there's a lot of activations and, or forget which specific ploys or abilities you have played for the turn (yes! There's also this kind of players around. We know some of them!). What's our solution? We've come up with a nice solution inspired also in the new materials shared in the boxes for the KillTeams like Blades of Khaine's: using playable cards. We've designed some nice cards for the ploys and extra stuff (like Novitiates' Acts of Faith or Ancilliary Support and Guardsmen Orders for Veterans) that can be printed in 300g A4 (double sided) sheets so you get a handy card with a nice backing. How do I use them? On your select Strategic Ploys phase, you'll just browse them in your hand and play them on the table after spending Command Points. Same for every time you're playing a Tactical Ploy or a Special skill you need to keep track of. And when the Turning Points end, you grab them back to your deck so you can play them again in the next one! Where can I find them? You can find the available ones in my page for free (or the prize you'd like to contribute with!) If you'd like cards for some team, drop us a line and we'll work on it!
  9. Howdy Guys and Girls! Edit - Summer 2018: This is my all-around thread for my work. Fun mix of everything, from 30k to Specialist Games! Currently focusing mostly on Necromunda, Kill Team and Adeptus Titanicus! Edit: Added an Index for the finished content: NECROMUNDA: House Escher: The Raven Queens House Cawdor: Sons of Heylel House Helmawr: Palanite Enforcers Genestealer Cult: New-Trysst Mine Freedomfighters Cults of Chaos: Gellerpox Infected Bounty Hunters: Belladonna, Noble Bounty Huntress THE 13th BLACK CRUSADE: Black Legion: Abaddon the Despoiler Chaos Terminators Chaos Havocs Chaos Obliterators THE HORUS HERESY: Adeptus Titanicus: The Legio Titanica - the God-Engines of the Imperium of Mankind Legio Gryphonicus; the War Griffons: Iron Regent, Warlord Battle Titan, Mars-Alpha pattern Reaver Battle Titan, Mars pattern Reaver Battle Titan, Mars pattern Warhound Scout Titan, Mars pattern Warhound Scout Titan, Mars pattern Legio Solaria; the Imperial Hunters: Reaver Battle Titan, Mars pattern Warhound Scout Titan, Mars pattern Warhound Scout Titan, Mars pattern Legio Mortis; the Death's Heads: Warlord Battle Titan, Mars-Alpha pattern Warlord Battle Titan, Mars-Alpha pattern Warlord Battle Titan, Lucius-Alpha pattern Reaver Battle Titan, Mars pattern Warhound Scout Titan, Mars pattern Warhound Scout Titan, Mars pattern The Knightly Houses - Banners of proud Scions House Vyronii; Scions of Damaetus III/II: Cerastus Banner 'Demeter' House Coldshroud; Scions of the Gryphone Octad: Support Banner 'Teabeanie': Questoris Knight Gallant Questoris Knight Errant Questoris Knight Paladin Scenery: Civitas District Warzone Gamma Civitas District Warzone Ultima Age of Darkness: Death Guard: Nurgle: Mortarion, Daemonprimarch of Nurgle Typhus Lord of Contagion Plaguecaster Plague Surgeon Biologus Putrifier Noxious Blightbringer Tallyman Twisted Lord, Gellerpox Infected Leader Plague Marines Foetid Bloat-Drone Foul Blightspawn Vox-Shamblers Sludge Grubs Eyestinger Swarms Cursemites Glitchlings Dreadnought with twin linked heavy bolter Plague Thallax Cohort Pre-Heresy: Mortarion the Reaper Calas Typhon Moritat Prime Tariq Vralgor Siegemaster Durak Rask Deathshroud Terminators Legion Terminator squad Grave Warden Terminators Destroyer squad Contemptor Dreadnought Castraferrum Dreadnought Medusa Siege Tank Vindicator Siege Tank Hunter Alpha AA Tank Land Raider Achilles Alpha Land Raider Phobos Fellblade Super Heavy Tank Primaris Lightning Strike Fighter Salamanders: 1st Captain Artellus Numeon Firedrake Terminators Pyroclasts Contemptor Dreadnought Deredeo Dreadnought Alpha Legion: Hekatos Delphat, Chief Librarian Sons of Horus: Arkathas Ythedon, Consul-Delegatus of the 1st Company, Commander of the Ikon Raven Guard: Shade Lord Arkhas Fal, former Legion Master Word Bearers: Lorgar Kor Phaeron Erebus Kurtha Sedd Zardu Layak Tactical Squad Tactical Support Squad Breacher Siege Squad Ashen Circle Gal Vorbak Anakatis Kul Blade-Slaves Contemptor Dreadnought Mhara Gal Dreadnought, former Contemptor Anaziel, Mahra Gal Dreadnought, former Castra-Ferrum Ushknub, Davinite Lodge Priest Traitor Militia Grenadiers World Eaters: Angron, the Red Angel Thousand Sons: Consul-Praevian Ardashir Agents of the Imperium: Navigator Clad Eversor Nihilator Daemons of Chaos: Khorne: Valkia the Bloody, Daemonprincess of Khorne An'ggrath the Unbound, Guardian of the Skullthrone, Greater Bloodthirster of the first rank U'zhul, the Skulltaker The Bloodreaver, Herald of Khorne Bloodletters Bloodcrushers Skullcannon Greater Brass Scorpion Slaanesh: Zarakynel, Daemonqueen of Slaanesh Nurgle: Epidemius, Herald of Nurgle Plaguebearers Tzeentch The Changeling The Loyal Mechanicum: The Legio Astorum: Liktor Rex, Lucius pattern Warhound Scout-Titan The Dark Mechanicum: The Archmandriture: Archmagos Draykavac The Legio Fureans: Princeps Thorash Ganesa The Knight House Makabius: Dame Vespasia, Knight Paladin The Macrotechnia: Legio Titanicus Tech-priest Enginseer Majoris c&c are welcome =) xoxo Atia
  10. Question. For those who own the kill team annual 2023. What lore is included in the book? Or is it strickly just kill team stats?
  11. Greetings all. I thought I would share my progress on my Necromunda box set - so far I've only done anything with House Goliath, I'll be working on the Escher when they're finished, and then try my hand at sorting some terrain out. The gang so far. I'd say these guys are about 90% done at the moment, I keep finding new details to pick out. Some close ups; I'll be building the last set of Goliath's soon, hopefully today but we will see how things go. C&C welcome
  12. The Journey So Far. So, following a six year hiatus from the hobby I've finally been drawn back in. After convincing my girlfriend to read the Gaunt's Ghosts and Horus Heresy series, she eventually convinced me, to show her the physical side of the 41st Millennium, which is to say, collecting, painting and gaming. We decided, first, to tackle Shadow War:Armageddon, its simple rules, small units, and relative cheap nature (only needing one box of miniatures) being the perfect introduction for her, and refresher for myself. After some back and forth she decided on a Dark Eldar Wych cult, where as I went for the indefatigable Skitarii Rangers. In this thread, I'd like to show, discuss, and get C&C on our miniatures. Any advice on Shadow War, or indeed collecting Skitarii and Dark Eldar armies (our next goal), would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance all, I hope you enjoy. The Theta-23 Ranger-Expatriarii. Skitarii Alpha: Primus Expatriarii Calix-Δ-88 Skitarii Specialist: Expatriarii Vasily-N-43 Skitarii Specialist: Expatriarii Remus-Ω-50 Skitarii Ranger: Expatriarii Chobham-Γ-03 Skitarii Ranger: Expatriarii Crarrv-Σ-45 Skitarii Fresh-forged: Expatriarii Bordon-Γ-67 Skitarii Fresh-forged: Expatriarii Tomaz-Φ-94 Skitarii Alpha. http://i.imgur.com/CE3nWnD.jpg http://i.imgur.com/sixAT5e.jpg Skitarii Fresh-forged. http://i.imgur.com/3dgEBvy.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ONTdT7e.jpg Skitarii Rangers. http://i.imgur.com/j1tHKqR.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Ym7QNQt.jpg
  13. So I suppose its time to get this thread sorted as I am about to start work on my World Eaters force after pretty much completing, painting and converting my friends Death Guard force. Over the next few days the last pieces I need/want to actually begin will be arriving. I have quite a few plans for the models, as well as a fair amount of background fluff which I have been working on for a few years. So I suppose its time to start. First off we have my Centurion. Borrox (The sketch is really rough) If you care for a bit of fluff, take a read: its poorly written and pretty bloody. Onto the model. Just to get a view of what I intend to do, my plan is to do a fair bit of work with the Gabriel Seth model probably removing the cape and modelling a new one from green stuff or playing around with the already added cape. I will more than likely remove the Evicerator blade completely for my Flesh Eaters force and replace it with a MKIII Evicerator from the forgeworld weapon upgrade kit keeping the pose as is, or replace the weapon entirely and chuck in a reaver chainaxe and give him a plasma pistol. Will have some updates over the next couple of days.
  14. Hi. As my hobby endeavours get progressively more random, and my available hobby time is on a compounding downhill trajectory, I've decided to consolidate everything into a single thread. Not that I've posted much the last couple month, or anything. I don't think I've even been to the B&C much. Just quietly chipping away at . With perhaps some new energy to share, everything shall go here. Unsorted and raw. I've managed to complete a fair share of my Oldhammer rescue backlog. Most importantly, I finished the Rhino. Couple pictures follow, most of completed models, but I intend to log further raw progress here. Also struggled through seven identical plastic plague marines from back then. Fantastically boring: Project Space Crusade was a real challenge. I made a couple bases for them. Basically plasticard and a couple old aquilas. Getting the dreadnought on an actual 40k base was significantly difficult. That thing's feet are one with its original square base. Lots of cutting, gluing, and swearing involved. In the meantime I've got the loyalist boarding party stripped, cleaned, magnetised, and have a first couple coarse base coats from my very cheap airbrush down. My wife thought they look like 'Space Police', which is an idea that I approve of heaps, hence the blue colour. Not sure if I want them to be Ultramarines or something else. Any feedback or -forward is appreciated. While the loyalists haven't been touched in a long time, team Chaos has seen completion. I honestly struggled through these. There's something about painting the exact same model a couple times, to some standard, that makes it hard. These weren't just as bad as the seven exactly identical plague marines above, but nevertheless numbing to paint. Didn't really enjoy. I'm taking a break from Oldhammering for a while. These are up next in the pipeline: stripped, cleaned, and awaiting basing, with the exception of the random trash I picked up the other month. Couple more plague bearers aren't shown, as is my Rogue Trader-era Chaos dreadnought.
  15. So, Kill Team is out, the game is great, and all is right with the world. Of course, I jumped into it with my usual marines, as I AM a Dark Angels player, but I do look forward to assembling the teams that came with the Start Set. Specially the Skitarii. Since I am not and have never been even close to an Ad Mech player, I would love to hear your considerations on my planned list. Here goes: Hidden Content Kill Team - Skitarii - 100pts Leader Vanguard Alpha (Leader), with Phosphor Blast Pistol and Power Sword Specialists Ranger Alpha (Zealot), with Phosphor Blast Pistol and Power Sword Ranger Gunner (Sniper), with a Transuranic Arquebus Vanguard Gunner (Scout), with a Plastma Caliver First Fire Team Ranger with Omnispex and Galvanic Rifle Ranger with Galvanic Rifle Ranger Gunner with Arc Rifle Second Fire Team Vanguard with Radium Carbine and Enhanced Data-Tether Vanguard with Radium Carbine The idea behind the team as listed is as follows: Hidden Content First, the Sniper Ranger with the Transuranic Arquebus is joined by the Omnispex Ranger from the First Fire Team, who acts as a spotter. This gives him a 4+ (3+ with Tactics) weapon, rerolling 1s, and ignoring obscured. They hang back and pick shots at prime targets. Second, you place the Vanguard Alpha with a Ranger and a Vanguard, and the Ranger Alpha with another Ranger and another Vanguard. This gives you 2 teams of 3 that have one melee focused warrior, one mid-range focused warrior, and one long range support warrior. The even split of teams (one taking the Enhanced Data-Tether, the other taking the Arc Rifle) means that they present equivalent threat to the enemy, dividing his focus. And, should a team get focus-fired upon, and taken out, the whole teams effectiveness is less dramatic than if I lost all my rangers or all my vanguards at once. Each team can push the mid field, press the offensive, and engage in some melee once things get tough, and hopefully handle themselves. Thirdly, you have the final Specialist. The Scout. I see this guy as a lone operative type of warrior, darting out of LOS across the field with its advance rerolls, to go and breach the enemy lines to take out heavies and snipers with his Caliver, or even hunt down more elite units and lone heroes. Although he is on his own, the Ehanced Data-Tether should give him a hand in resisting the nerve checks, for when he gets hurt along the way. I would welcome any criticism and suggestions on how to improve the list. Thank you!
  16. We, the Iron Hands Legion, have played the long game. To the shadows we have clung for millennia planning, rebuilding, and enduring. The final pieces are now set for the beginning of the end. Now we are returned! -Iron Father Yurig Gorgon What is the hand of flesh compared to that of cold iron? Nothing! -Line-Sergeant Fahn Warlock of the Flayed Hands
  17. From the album: Frozen Stars

    My Leader for my Frozen Stars Kill Team
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