Cpt. Bannockburn Posted October 30, 2021 Author Share Posted October 30, 2021 Hero that I am, I played against a fully painted army but failed to take pictures, but here's one of the board My opponent played the following list: Coldstar Commander with Fusion Blades, Digital Weapons, Master-crafted Armor / Master of War plus an artifact which allows him to fall back, shoot and charge again. Breacher team with 5 Fire Warriors 3 XV8 Crisis Bodyguards (1 Iridium) with 6 Ion Blasters, 2 Fusion Blasters, 6 Gun Drones Hammerhead Gunship with High Capacitance Railgun (Elite Crew) Agendas: Assassins, Reaper, Breakthrough I brought exactly what I planned to bring, refer to last post. My agendas were: Dark Rumour, Know no Fear and Survivor (for my Captain) Both our deployment zones were full of woods, which would burn if shot at with Plasma, Melta, Flamer or Blast weaponry. My opponent deployed his Coldstar, Breachers and Hammerhead on the board, Breachers on his center deployment objective, Hammerhead on one of his Alpha objectives. My Veterans and Captain started hugging the choke point, being outside the woods and avoiding the -2 movement penalty, Interrogator Chaplain and Knights were kept in reserves, and the two Intercessor combat squads squatted near the building and on the center deployment objective. I rolled lower and got second turn. Tau turn 1: His Coldstar moved into the upper floor of the building, the Hammerhead left a drone behind on the objective and moved into firing position, shooting at my center objective intercessors, supported by the Modulated Weaponry strategem and 4 Markerlight counters, giving it twelve shots. One Intercessor died, another took a wound, protected by Transhuman Physiology and their 5+ FNP near objectives. Dark Angels turn 1: Supported by acts of faith available to us Imperial players as underdogs, I healed the wound on the intercessor and started moving up: Captain and veterans advanced towards the center of the board objective, taking it, and staying in cover respectively). This made my captain untargetable. Very little shooting happened, but my central intercessors managed to take out the Coldstar's two marker drones, gaining them a 3rd kill and an experience point at the end of the game. The other intercessor squad unearthed a knowledge object from a terrain feature which ... worsened both our invulnerable saves for the rest of the game by one. I should not have done that. Tau turn 2: His Coldstar stayed put, but the breachers moved a bit forward to inspect some terrain features. Surprisingly, he refrained from dropping his Crisis suits in this turn. The Hammerhead deployed its second drone to try and screen the backfield from deep striking units. In the shooting phase, the Hammerhead tried the same he did last turn, and killed another intercessor. At the end of his command phase, my opponent held two of his home objectives gaining him five points. Dark Angels turn 2: Captain Duma and his veterans moved in position to attack the breachers and the Interrogator chaplain and Deathwing Knights dropped near the insufficiently screened Hammerhead, and on one of the Alpha objectives. The chaplain shot down one of the deployed drones from the Hammerhead. Charging, both the captain and the vets reached the breachers, wiping them out in the subsequent combat phase, but the Interrogator and Deathwing knights both failed their charges, even supported by Canticle of Hate (via Commanding Oratory) and a command reroll for the DWKs. Four rolls, no nines rolled, very disappointing. At the end of my command phase I held two objectives in my deployment zone, as well as another in the board center, which gave me a total of ten VP (Hold two, hold more) and getting me an early lead. Tau turn 3: His commander declared Mont'ka and advanced across the board, between my two intercessor combat squads. The Hammerhead, boxed in between DWKs and captain + vets moved up towards the center of the board, and the surviving gun drone tried to maneuver into a better firing position, getting between the DWKs and the tank. At the end of the movement phase, the Crisis bodyguard unit and its drones dropped into my backfield, threatening my intercessors as well. The subsequent shooting of Hammerhead, Coldstar, drones and Crisis suits reduced one intercessor squad to two models and the other one to three. The Coldstar and the drones charged into the three intercessors (crisis suits tried and failed) and managed to just wipe them out. He still held two objectives in total, gaining him five more victory points for a total of ten. Dark Angels turn 3: Staying in Tactical doctrine, I began by resurrecting a dead intercessor, giving me three men again, and moving them into position to attack the Coldstar. Denied any possibiity of doing other useful things for the rest of the game, the DWKs and Interrogator chaplain spread out towards the lone drone, which I would use as movement amplifier. The captain and veterans moved back towards my own deployment zone (taking back the board center objective), hopeful but not particularly sure that they'd be able to do something. In my shooting phase I was very successful shooting at the tank (taking off 6 wounds with two krak grenades and the chaplain's storm bolter), and less so shooting at the Coldstar, causing only one wound, which was saved by a drone. However, I successfully charged the tank with Duma and the vets, destroying it in close combat. The DWKs successfully charged the gun drone and destroyed it, consolidating onto the center deployment zone objective. The three intercessors died heroically in combat without causing a single wound (despite +1 to hit and wound enemy characters), but I didn't roll a one, so they didn't take a battle scar. This turn I held an Alpha objective, and two more, gaining me the full fifteen VP (hold two, hold more, hold deployment alpha) for twentyfive total. Tau turn 4: He moved the coldstar and crisis suits towards my deployment center objective, but since my captain was protected by bodyguards, he could only shoot at them, causing a single wound. No victory points for him either. Dark Angels turn 4: This is where I got greedy, and I'd come to rue it at the end of the game. I moved up the captain and veterans towards the next cover container, and ended up in less than 12" away from the Coldstar. My knights spread out taking the center objective and the center deployment objective, while the chaplain took an alpha objective. My shooting was ineffectual, but I did manage an 11" charge to the Coldstar. Unfortunately, all my attacks were eaten by the drones, and one of the bodyguard suits, so it remained unharmed. His return attack caused four wounds, denying me the full survivor bonus. Again, I gained fifteen VP, for a total of forty at this point. Tau turn 5: His Coldstar and Crisis suit fell back towards the board edge to fulfill the Breakthrough agenda, and unleashing everything, he killed my captain. No victory points again. Dark Angels turn 5: I just kept sitting where I was and took another fifteen VP, totalling fiftyfive. At the end of the game, I earned another twentyfive, and we both got ten points for painted army. As the victor I gained a second Marked for Greatness! Final result: 90:20 for Dark Angels Both my chaplain and the knights reached their blooded experience level, and I gave them +1 Movement, Advance and Charge rolls. Had my captain not died (I would have won either way), he would now be heroic. A stupid mistake, but still a win. You might ask yourselves why he never fired Overwatch, when this is the specialty of the Tau, but the answer is easy: despite not doing a lot, the veterans stayed in cover and made my captain untargetable. Since I charged into melee first with him, that meant no Overwatch, except for the skirmish with the intercessors. This simple fact made the veterans for their measly fifty points an MVP unit again. nusphigor 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/371229-crusade-log-intervention-force-skytha-alpha/page/2/#findComment-5759253 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cpt. Bannockburn Posted November 11, 2021 Author Share Posted November 11, 2021 (edited) The next week's mission and pairings are decided. We're going to play 750 points and the mission Flood Tide on Fathom, from the Book of Rust, which scores very strangely, and we're going to be the attackers. Among other issues, turn one comes with -1" to charge, advance and movement. To score, I have to sabotage flooding pumps via actions, which will in turn, if the opponent performs less actions than me, lead to higher water and additional problems, such as reduced Strength, mortal wounds and other fun stuff. I will make note of these if they happen in the battle. The pairings are as follows: Monday: Night Lords vs. Tau 1 - Night Lords win Wednesday: Ultramarines vs. AdMech - Ultramarines win Thursday: Space Marines vs. ? - Player left the campaign, unfortunately Saturday: Dark Angels vs. Death Guard (rematch with a very nice opponent!) - Dark Angels win Saturday: Sororitas 1 vs. Necrons - Necrons win Monday: IG vs. GSC - GSC win Saturday: Space Wolves vs. Rebel Sororitas - Space Wolves win Saturday: Sororitas 2 vs. Blood Angels - Postponed I will probably face the following list: Lord of Contagion with Manreaper / Orb; Leechspore Casket; Rotten Constitution; +1 Toughness 10 Death Guard Cultists who can do actions and shoot 2 Chaos Spawns with Grandfatherly Influence Defiler with Scourges and TLC 5 Blightlord Terminators Helbrute with MM, Heavy Flamer & Repair Systems In light of the Death Guard's toughness, I will be bringing something a bit different this time: Captain Duma Ezekiel 10 Intercessors Redemptor Dreadnought Dreadnought with MM, Storm Bolter My main targets will, of course, be the Defiler and Helbrute, and from there on out I will have to see what we can do. Edited November 29, 2021 by Cpt. Bannockburn Galthan Ironsturm 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/371229-crusade-log-intervention-force-skytha-alpha/page/2/#findComment-5763322 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cpt. Bannockburn Posted November 20, 2021 Author Share Posted November 20, 2021 I faced something a bit different, which was surprising to me. Lord of Contagion 10 Death Guard cultists 5 Plague Marines Defiler Helbrute with MM / heavy flamer Helbrute with Lascannon Quite a bit more potent in shooting, but not as punchy as the terminators I expected to face. My opponent couldn't find one of his dreadnoughts, so the killa can is a standin for the multimelta Helbrute During deployment, an artifact was used on me that forced me to split my army into three equal parts (as in units), one of which would start on the table, the other would come in as from reserves from my own table side in turns 1 and 2. That presented a conundrum since I had to bank on both my dreadnoughts and the captain to be on the table for safe destruction of the priority vehicles. For that reason, I split the intercessors into combat squads (as I would have done anyways) and put them and the boxnaught on the table. The second part would be the redemptor and captain, while Ezekiel and the second combat squad would make up the third part. My agendas were: Survivor (Duma) Know no Fear Priority Targets As attacker, I had the top of turn 1. Turn 1 Dark Angels: The mission had cumulative flood levels and started at 1 - Every unit had -1 to movement, as well as charge and advance rolls. This clearly favored the Death Guard who could, apart from the cultists and defiler, ignore any modifiers. After receiving Wisdom of the Ancients, my dreadnought moved forward towards the defiler, while my intercessors staying still. At the end of the phase captain Duma and the Redemptor came in with Duma advancing 2" for a total of 6" of movement. However, all were in range of the auras, and the shooting targets were in range. The intercessors performed the flood pump action, gaining me 4 VP at the end of the round. My shooting killed a total of 4 cultists from small arms fire (storm bolters of both dreadnoughts), but more importantly deleted the defiler from existence with the help of Weapons from the Dark Age and overcharged macro plasma, even through a Smoke Screen. After my opponent did the same to me in the last game with my Redemptor, this felt very vindicating. Unfortunately, the cultists passed their morale check. Turn 1 Death Guard: He moved his Lord towards the center, accompanied by the Lascannon Helbrute, while the cultists tried to move into scant cover (the picture shows the situation after the movement phase, with the defiler back on the field just to show the whole army). The plague marines performed the same action for 4 VP for him, and keeping the flood level at level 1. Both helbrutes targeted my Redemptor, and took off a combined 4 wounds, even with Fire Frenzy on the lascannon one. At the end of the turn, my opponent found some knowledge artifact that gave both sides +2 to morale, making it even less relevant than it usually is, but also making Trephination inferior to Smite Turn 2 DA: I applied Wisdom of the Ancients to the Redemptor and used Brilliant Strategist to keep it in Devastator Doctrine. Both dreadnoughts moved towards the center in a diagonal holding back a bit behind the pipes, accompanied by the captain. Since he kindly moved his lord into line of my sight of my Headhunters Intercessors, I thought why not use them and moved them to the right to get a bead on him. You probably already spot the problem with that, but I only realized later. Ezekiel advanced in for a total of 9" near the intercessors, while the other combat squad entered the battlefield coming in towards objective 2, only advancing 6". Ezekiel cast Aversion at the lascannon dreadnought and smited (smote?) a mortal wound off the lord of contagion. Yes, I had to look it up, but apparently you can advance and still cast psi powers! Only falling back disables that ability. The center intercessors pumped again, since they were able to perform actions as well as shooting, for another 4 VP for me. Now I realized I couldn't target the lord because the dreadnought was in 3" range around him, so I plinked away at that one instead, causing no wounds. Shooting at the multimelta dreadnought was more successful, and I successfully destroyed it. The cultists weren't in as much cover as they thought and more got killed, leaving 2 on the table. Again, they passed their morale check. Turn 2 DG: His lord moved into the center followed by the lascannon dreadnought, which now sought a bit of cover. The plague marines moved out of their cover to target my intercessors, and they as well were able to shoot and perform actions. This enabled him to perform the flood pump action two times, giving him 8 VP this turn and putting him in the lead. He used Fire Frenzy on the remaining helbrute again, and the rerolls allowed two hits despite Aversion active, but only one wounded, causing 4 more wounds on the Redemptor. The plague marines got plague weapons via a stratagem, and added 6" to their range, but their shooting only caused 1 wound in total on my intercessors. Turn 3 DA: Wisdom of the Ancients, once more on the Redemptor, because it's just so damn good. Movement squarely placed the second combat squad on objective marker 2, and both dreadnoughts and Ezekiel in charge range of the lord, Ezekiel also being in range of the helbrute. Ezekiel smote 2 mortal wounds off the lord, and cast Mind Worm on the helbrute, just in case. At this point, I was pretty sure I could destroy the helbrute in shooting or the following close combat via Traitor's Bane, but why not play it safe? My intercessors on the right side of the board fired 10 shots at the plague marines, with zero results. This time, the redemptor fired its gatling cannon at the plague marines and all the rest at the helbrute, and 3 wounds were caused on them, melting the helbrute in concert with the dreadnought. The remaining 2 cultists, unfortunately, remained out of line of sight. This made the lord targetable, and I used Rapid Fire on the intercessors, who, surprisingly killed him in a single volley. Turn 3 DG: At this point my opponent graciously conceded the game, after causing a total of 9 wounds only. He had 4 plague marines and 2 cultists left, while I had not lost a single model of my army. I earned full points on Priority Target and Survivor, but unfortunately Know no Fear was never triggered on the intercessors. However, it was enough to level up the Redemptor to Battle-hardened rank, and I chose the master-crafted upgrade for the macro plasma incinerator, for more sorely needed anti-tank capabilities. Duma also levelled up to Heroic rank, and I replaced the Brutal master-crafted power sword he had gotten from an earlier win with a Paragon Blade. nusphigor and Interrogator Stobz 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/371229-crusade-log-intervention-force-skytha-alpha/page/2/#findComment-5765953 Share on other sites More sharing options...
nusphigor Posted November 21, 2021 Share Posted November 21, 2021 These are always so fun to read. Keep it up! Cpt. Bannockburn 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/371229-crusade-log-intervention-force-skytha-alpha/page/2/#findComment-5766022 Share on other sites More sharing options...
nusphigor Posted December 13, 2021 Share Posted December 13, 2021 Hey mate!What happened with the campaign? did you kept on playing or did it stop because of the holidays? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/371229-crusade-log-intervention-force-skytha-alpha/page/2/#findComment-5772217 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cpt. Bannockburn Posted December 13, 2021 Author Share Posted December 13, 2021 Currently on hold while the next (and probably last) battle is being planned. Some new mechanic couldn't be implemented, so it's being cut shorter by one battle, and we have about a week of delay. nusphigor 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/371229-crusade-log-intervention-force-skytha-alpha/page/2/#findComment-5772370 Share on other sites More sharing options...
nusphigor Posted December 15, 2021 Share Posted December 15, 2021 aww i seethese are my morning read with a cup of coffee man! Cpt. Bannockburn 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/371229-crusade-log-intervention-force-skytha-alpha/page/2/#findComment-5773101 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cpt. Bannockburn Posted December 15, 2021 Author Share Posted December 15, 2021 (edited) Glad you enjoy my writeups! :) Don't worry, it'll come back soon™ At least another battle and the planning is already underway. One thing I can already say, though: The Imperial players need to secure 6 wins out of 7 games this round for an overall win. The current score is 27:23 for the rebels. Edited December 15, 2021 by Cpt. Bannockburn nusphigor and Interrogator Stobz 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/371229-crusade-log-intervention-force-skytha-alpha/page/2/#findComment-5773110 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cpt. Bannockburn Posted December 20, 2021 Author Share Posted December 20, 2021 (edited) With the final battle looming, there are several things that will be strange this time: Apparently, some factions of both sides decided to embark on peace talks instead of just saying "Exterminatus" over and over. The cowards. I was not among them (mostly because I was still at work). The factions who engaged in the talks are playing a different mission than the ones who didn't. And they will be allies in a battle against an unspecified third party. We others are playing, apparently, in a possible 1v1v1 at 1000pts each. The details are still unclear, but it appears we may either shoot at each other or ally against the unrevealed enemy. The mission for the fools is Rout on Okharium from the Book of Rust, while myself and the others who weren't present at the negotiations are playing Fighting Retreat from Beyond the Veil. The play dates are: Dec. 28th: Space Wolves and Dark Angels vs ?? - Imperial win Dec. 29th: Tau and "loyal" Night Lords vs ?? - Imperial win Jan. 5th: Loyal Sororitas 1 vs Blood Angels vs ?? - Cooperative win Jan. 6th: Ultramarines and Imperial Guard vs ?? Jan. 8th: GSC and loyal Sororitas 2 vs ?? Jan. 8th: Necrons and traitor Sororitas vs ?? Two of our rebel players have failed to report for duty, so that may end up in two autowins for the Imperial side. But who knows? I am in contact with my opponent / ally of the Order of the Bloody Rose and we've decided to bury our hatchets against each other for a hot minute and blast away whatever awaits us together. I fully expect an epic anime betrayal and am prepared to open fire at the smallest provocation. The canoness Valeria Prime is armed with a Condemnor boltgun, a brutal blessed blade and a Rod of Office, armored with the Iron Surplice of St. Istaela (say that three times fast), has the blessing Word of the Emperor, and the warlord trait Righteous Rage. Furthermore, she is apparently somewhat of a living saint and gets a free stratagem with Serene Heroism as well as being ObSec. Other than her, I am not quite sure what to expect on the table. The rest of the list contains: - Palatine - Hospitaller - 2 x 5 Battle Sister squads with heavy bolter (so probably at most a patrol detachment, since these are the only troops) - 7 Celestian Sacresants - 2 Crusaders - Dogmata with Sigil Ecclesiastus, Refrain of Blazing Piety, Psalm of Righteous Smiting and Inspiring Orator - 5 Dominions with 4 artificer storm bolters - 2 x 5 Seraphim with 2 inferno pistols each - 2 Castigators with repair systems, 2+ saves, and one of them has +1 damage on the battle cannon. - Rhino I fully expect to see the Canoness, Dogmata and both Castigators, as these are the units with the most experience points. This is a tough army to beat if I have to shoot it dead, and I haven't even begun to formulate a plan on more than the basic points. I will have to read a small novel to understand how all the special rules for AdSor work. However, there are some things that make planning for that outcome difficult. We have decided on an armistice to beat our opponent first. This may or may not take the whole game. The scoring of the mission is wonky and requires one to hold certain mission objectives in a specific turn to score. No idea how this is going to be scored if we ally. We might both try and pull a sneaky there. We may have read wrong and also play at 500pts each. This would severely change the army setups. I currently intend to bring my initial 1000pts block so the Hellblasters may see the light of day again. Also, since I had two requisition points saved up for flexibility, I have decided to give the heroic sergeant Lemuel the Bolt of Judgements relic via the Specialist Reinforcements requisition, as well as mastercrafting Anafiel's Flail of the Unforgiven, for a D3 weapon that carries over. Edited January 7, 2022 by Cpt. Bannockburn nusphigor 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/371229-crusade-log-intervention-force-skytha-alpha/page/2/#findComment-5774225 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Ciaphas Posted December 21, 2021 Share Posted December 21, 2021 Hail! Lovely battle reports! And fantastic read about an active Crusade campaign. It has actually given me the desire to restart my Dark Angels and try 9th ed Warhammer, since I entirely gave up on 8th edition after about 10 decidely boring games. Keep them batreps coming! /Master Ciaphas Cpt. Bannockburn 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/371229-crusade-log-intervention-force-skytha-alpha/page/2/#findComment-5774587 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cpt. Bannockburn Posted January 1, 2022 Author Share Posted January 1, 2022 (edited) Surprise! I changed slots with our Sororitas player and was able to play a game together with the Space Wolves. We were only a little bit grudgy about it, and cooperated against a terrible foe. To explain: Apparently, some ages old tech awakened on our planetary battlefield, and the planet doesn't like us battling on it. So the immune system kicked in and tries to kill us all.What does this mean? There is an army represented by IG models, with four different unit types. All these unit types basically have extremely pumped up stats (which I forgot to note, but I'll try to remember them and write them up as well as I can), but they are not played by a 3rd player. Instead, they all have 6 basic behaviours which are rolled up individually at the beginning of their turns to see how they act during that turn. Unit types: Tanks - BS 3, 2+ Saves, T 8, 13 W, evil main gun with 4 shots, S12, D6+3 damage. Behaviours range from move and fire, to double shoot, move and smoke screen (-2 to hit) and similar combinations Psykers - 3++ Save, 5 W, a full psi discipline from C:SM. They will always support (i.e. move with) the nearest unit, with a randomly rolled psychic power from the Librarius discipline Shooters - BS 3, T 4, 2 W, 3+ Saves, S6, AP -3, D1 Assault 3, 30" range "plasma" guns, also able to overcharge. They will generally move and shoot, or overcharge. Melee troops - WS 3, T5, 3 W, A 2, 2+ Saves, S7 power swords, AP -3. They usually run, or move and charge, or port and charge (i.e. teleport to the unit with the lowest Toughness and highest number of models) As an additional rule, while within 6" range of other units, they'd reroll 1s in everything, including charges and psychic tests. They could not use stratagems, as they didn't have CP available. Since they were the attackers, and we played Fighting Retreat (see below), they would move in and shoot in turn 1 as the attackers. The description of the mission was a bit wrong, so my ally and I both brought 1000pts, but in reality we would play 500pts each. Space Wolves: Wolf Lord on bear (thunder wolf) with Thunder Hammer 5 Assault Intercessors Gladiator Reaper 2 Cyber wolves (I think) Dark Angels: Captain Duma Squad Lemuel (10 Intercessors) Redemptor Dreadnought Nestor I deployed my Intercessors in combat squads on objective 3 since we'd score 20 VP in each of the corresponding turns. The other combat squad took advantage of a forest, poised to take objective 2 in turn 2. Duma and the Redemptor positioned amongst them in cover, to give full advantage of bubbles. The wolf lord and the assault intercessors were deployed in a ruin to dart out and take care of whatever the enemy threw at us, with the gladiator more or less in cover. The two wolves were positioned on objectives 4 and 5 (the latter of which would net us 40 VP at the end of the game)Turn 1We rolled where the enemy units would arrive, and they neatly deployed in each of our unoccupied table quarters, with one lone tank arriving on our flank.Shooting turned out to be brutal, putting our tank down to 4 wounds left, and removing 3 intercessors from my squad in the woods, and 4 assault intercessors from the ruin. The above picture was taken after my movement phase. I put Wisdom of the Ancients and Weapons from the Dark Age on the tank in front of me and deleted it from existence with 3 AP -5, D5 hits from my master-crafted plasma. The rest of our shooting (we decided to activate all of our units each phase instead of going to 3 player turns) was concentrated on the shooter units, which we managed to whittle down a bit. I failed to make my dreadnought charge, but both the wolf lord and the living assault intercessor sergeant managed to charge the tank on our flank and sawed it down to 1 wound left. Morale phase saw another of the troopers flee, which I count as an absolute win with 9th edition's largely irrelevant morale rules. Turn 2 We rolled "move and smoke screen" for both remaining tanks, so the one locked in close combat fell back. Not a lot of shooting happened, because most of the troopers were out of their 30" range now, but they managed to kill another one of my intercessors and take a wound off my dreadnought. Psykers failed their psychic rolls so nothing happened there. One of the close combat squads moved up, while the other teleported to my full strength intercessor combat squad, but failed to make the charge. In turn, my remaining intercessor fell back to objective 3, while the other squad moved towards #2, to secure our VPs. I failed to do a meaningful amount of damage with the dreadnought and intercessors, but my captain killed one of the close combat troopers in shooting, and managed to countercharge them. Space wolves shooting reaped a good amount from the scary shooty troopers. My dreadnought charged the tank, but didn't do much, while wolf lord and assault intercessor finished off the flanking tank, and moved into the woods to support me in the center. Duma reduced his enemies to 4, and they didn't manage to wound him or get through his 4++. Still going tough, this captain. VPs: 20 Turn 3 The surviving tank thankfully fell back and smoked. Psykers successfully supported with 5++ auras. We kept getting shot at, albeit with a vastly reduced amount now. Both squad remains overcharged, and managed to take down Nestor to 7 wounds left. Nestor got charged by the second close combat squad, and managed to kill 3 of them with a very successful overwatch turn. They failed to wound him. In return, Duma killed 3 more dudes from the first squad, and Nestor killed a few from the second one. Our turn was very successful. Shooting removed one of the psykers and the remains of the shooty troopers, leaving a tank, a psyker and some close combat remnants on the table, which were then removed in the fight phase. Sitting on objective 3, I scored us another 20 VPs. VPs: 40 Turn 4 Guess what the tank did? Yes. He moved and smoked. The remaining psyker supported him with a 5++ aura again. It was time to mop up and the Space Wolves tank destroyed the last psyker. Despite Nestor not managing to do anything meaningful in shooting, he and the wolf lord charged the tank and killed it easily, winning us the game. Wolves scored 20 VPs in turn 4, and 40 more in turn 5, giving us a perfect score at the end of the game. Unfortunately, the enemies will grow stronger in the following games, one of which was already won by other Imperials (loosely, since one of the armies was Night Lords). The tanks, e.g. will gain indirect fire, and the close combat squads invulnerable saves, and later probably FNP rolls. We will see how we fare. The current score as of January 7th is: Rebels 28 - Imperials 28 It's still open which side will win the campaign in overall score. Edited January 7, 2022 by Cpt. Bannockburn WrathOfTheLion 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/371229-crusade-log-intervention-force-skytha-alpha/page/2/#findComment-5778438 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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