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  1. Hail Fraters! After a very, very long hiatus, I have decided to return to Warhammer 40k and have decided to give 9th edition a try. I have not played 40k since the early days of 8th edition, where I soured in the skewed Codices, stratagems everywhere, command point optimization and where it seemed that the way to go was to have as many overlapping auras as physically possible. Having talked with friends who also gave up on 8th, we have decided to give 9th a spin - specifically 9th Crusade rules. To that end, I have gone and bought the 9th Rulebook second-hand, and have also closed a deal for the current 9th Dark Angel Codex second hand. That leads to the first question: 1) Are there any other rule books I need? (Because GW has NEVER been nice enough to have all the rules in one place...) As for the starting armies - since I have no Codex, it is still a bit in the wind, as to what will constitute the initial Crusade force. As I have been collecing Dark Angels since 1992 - and then only seriously since 2001, I could field an army of painted Firstborn...but then what would be the purpose of this thread? Instead I have decided to try out the new toys on the block: the Primaris usurpers. Therefore I spent January 1st putting together all the Primaris that I got in the Dark Imperium starter box back in what, 2017? I only ever managed to finish one of them - a lieutenant, but almost finished the Gravis Captian, the Ancient and the Hellblasters. They are therefore probably the ones that will get done first. Below you can all see what I have to work with for the Crusade coming up: As for their background, it is still a work in progress...but I know that the Firstborn Termintor Chaplain is there to provide spiritual advice to the good, newbie Gravis Captian (and not at all to supervise, monitor and surveil him). My friends will be playing, respectively, Necrons, Sisters of Battle, Grey Knights and Black Templars. In other words - lots of power amour saves. I am really looking forward to painting some Dark Angels again, after not having painted any in years. Till the Sword is reforged! Faithfully, Master Ciaphas
  2. I was looking for ideas on which force I wanted to start next (New Year and all that) After hours of trawling through images of Space Marines I came across one of a Castellan, in Black Templars livery, they were just what I was looking for! I read some of the background and really liked the idea of the Crusade, I'd already bought some Death Korps of Krieg models so thought why not do both? So with that in mind I needed to find a suitable story to bring the 2 together, then I read about the Barbarossa Crusade, given that both Tempars and DKoK have Germanic influences I thought it would be a good fit. The original Barbarossa Crusade was too early in the time line for Primaris so the Second Barbarossa Crusade was born! To start with I'll be concentrating on DKoK and Primaris Black Templars but over time I'll probably dip in and out of other Imperial factions (gotta love the Imperium and it's wide range of interesting factions!) For the Templars I wanted to start at the top (I wanted a leader to start building the Crusade around) So here's Primaris Marshal De Molet Templar Marshal Templar Marshal Templar Marshal Templar Marshal Templar Marshal I used a lot of bitz to try and make him look the part, this is probably the scheme I'll be going for with all the Templars stuff. Now all I need is a symbol (Campaign badge) for the Crusade to tie everything in. I want something simple but effective so I can add it to the Guard elements too. Any ideas?
  3. "lost in the warp for 11 years" EDIT: Obviously i have made this my Black Templars WIP/PLOG... so enjoy /EDIT I already made a post in new members, but I feel I need to report directly to the fortress monastery! Hello y'all. I have played black Templar since 1999. Shut it down in about 2004 with the dissolution of my immediate circle of gamers. Getting back into it now. So I've been lurking for a while on this board. Y'all have given me a lot of inspiration. I will be rebuilding my crusade. With the acquisition of 2 tactical boxes, 2. BT upgrade boxes and a stern guard box folded into my existing forces I intend to build 4 crusader squads. For lack of better terms 2 shooty and 2 choppy. Fully 9 initiate and one sword brethren The shooty squads will have bolters, a heavy bolter, a special weapon and the sb will have a matching combi weapon and power sword all in a rhino. The choppy squads will have 5 neophytes with, 9 initiates and a sb, all with bp/cs except imbedded power fist special weapon and sb with power sword and matched combibolter. Both in their compulsory LRC. Leaving room for an HQ in the LRC. I will have 6 sword brethren built all with power swords and combi weapons. 2 plasma, 2 melta and 2 flamer. Also 6 special weapon initiates, 2 each of plasma, melta, and flamer. Seeing a pattern? Plan is to move in matched combo and special to the appropriate squad depending on my enemy. Throw in 2 HQ, i have several Marshalls chaplains techmarine and emperor's champion. Should be a fun fluffy army. Sadly almost everyone I saw at the local 40k night were playing marines which will get old, and require I declare any "loyalist" opponents excommunicate traitoris before the match... Lol Almost forgot, I have a predator, some land speeders, enough initiates for a devastator squad with 4 missile launchers, and a dreadnaught all for support... Guess I need anti air cus that is a thing now...
  4. Hi all, Some new bases arrived today and as such I have decided that I need to introduce you all to my crusade. As such I hereby Declare the beginning of the righteous Sanctus Crusade! The crusade was formed from the remains of numerous other completed crusades which had been denied the honor of fighting on armageddon due to their diminished numbers. Each finished crusade provides the expertise from their previous campaigns and adds new elements of warfare with which they are accustomed to, as such these elite warriors of mankind have come together under a new marshal to wage war upon the enemies of mankind. This marshals name: Mortus Helstrom, the aim of this campaign is a simple one: the recovering of sacred artifacts in the name of the emperor and smiting all that oppose him. So this model isn't finished converting yet or even glued to its base so is far from finished but gives a general gist as to what he should turn out as, without further ado I give you Marshal Helstrom! http://i1377.photobucket.com/albums/ah78/Btemp93/temporary_zps0fef7366.jpg?t=1419601794 http://i1377.photobucket.com/albums/ah78/Btemp93/temporary_zps7d441f68.jpg?t=1419601801http://i1377.photobucket.com/albums/ah78/Btemp93/temporary_zps7a8bdf8c.jpg?t=1419601800 Stay posted I have alot of things to post up! TEST IMAGE http://i1377.photobucket.com/albums/ah78/Btemp93/20170321_103634_zps3jda8ndz.jpg
  5. ++++ BREAKING NEWS ++++ SERPENTIS CRUSADE LAUNCHED ! Squad Horatius was despatched to the Serpentis system following rumours of unusual events and manifestations in the Serpentis system. Their latest report confirms that there are significant psychic manifestations in-system but the cause remains unexplained. The scale of events is system wide and a large force will be required to cleanse the xenos or witch-craft invasion. PHOTO: Squad Horatius in action on Serpentis II. High Marshal Helbrecht has assigned Marshal Orion to lead a new crusade, the SERPENTIS CRUSADE, to follow up the reconnaissance and cleanse the system without prejudice. NO PITY, NO REMORSE, NO FEAR ! +++++++++ Design of the Crusade banner and badge is in progress during the transit of the warp and will be published in the Eternal Crusade when returning to real space on the approach to the Sepentis system. +++++++++
  6. Greetings Brothers. So I've been working on my Crusade for a long time now and i thought it was about time i shared some of the results with my fellow crusading brothers. I've been lurking on this forum for ages now but have never had the confidence to post my work i haven't really came up with a back ground for them unfortunately but i hope you guys like what I've done so far this isn't all of my Crusade i have about 5000 points or more in different stages of being painted and about another 10000 or so not built. my army so far: about 4 Emperors Champions Chaplain Grimaldus High Marshall Helbrecht 3 Marshalls 3 Chaplains 4 Castilians/Lieutenants 1 tech marine 1 set of Command tanks 6 venerable dreadnoughts 3 ironclad dreadnoughts 2 sword brethren with jumpacks/vanguard veteran squads 4 contemptor dreadnoughts 12 Crusader squads 6 stabby 6 shooty (20 shooty neophytes) 2 assault squads 2 devastator squads sadly only 1 land raider crusader 1 las plas predator ( the forge world one but not actually ) 2 drop pods 2 rhinos probably several things I've forgotten and about a million other things that are WiP. i will aim to keep this up to date as regularly as i can with WiP photos and finished projects i hope you guys will help keep me motivated.
  7. Someone suggested elsewhere the idea of a Holy Crusade army - with a small core of SoB leading a regiment of Imperial Guard. This idea really appealed to me but I'm looking for some advice with regard to implementing it: Firstly, which SoB units to use as the leaders of the crusade. I was thinking St. Celestine and maybe some Priests, but are there any other units I should consider? Second, any suggestions regarding the IG part of the army? I'd like to use primarily infantry but I'm wondering how best to kit them out to represent their being led by SoB. Should I use Meltas and Flamers? Also, should the sergeants have melee weapons or such? Any specific IG units you think would work for this theme? Finally, any other advice or suggestions for this theme? (I've posted this on the SoB section as well, hopefully that's okay.)
  8. Someone suggested elsewhere the idea of a Holy Crusade army - with a small core of SoB leading a regiment of Imperial Guard. This idea really appealed to me but I'm looking for some advice with regard to implementing it: Firstly, which SoB units to use as the leaders of the crusade. I was thinking St. Celestine and maybe some Priests, but are there any other units I should consider? Second, any suggestions regarding the IG part of the army? I'd like to use primarily infantry but I'm wondering how best to kit them out to represent their being led by SoB. Should I use Meltas and Flamers? Also, should the sergeants have melee weapons or such? Any specific IG units you think would work for this theme? Finally, any other advice or suggestions for this theme? (I might post this on the IG section as well.)
  9. This is my Crusade Thread; basically a mix of kitbashes, painting logs, battle reports and short story pieces, chonologing the growth of my home-grown crusade. Hope you enjoy something amongst all the nonsense BIG EDIT: Photobucket broke all my pictures... they are back up again, but not sure if this is permanent. In the meantime, here is my library in case you really want to see anything particular: http://s1287.photobucket.com/user/matzeke/library/?sort=3&page=1 First, some background info on the crusade: (For WIP, scroll down to pictures) The brethren of what is now known as the Renascibilitas Crusade were thought lost by their fellow templars when their flotilla vanished into the warp while pursuing a particularly destructive pirate fleet of twisted Eldar sadists, after a long and bitter campaign to push the Xenos back. After many years had passed, the return of these missing brothers came as a surprise. More surprising was their reluctance to discuss exactly where they had been, or why their numbers had dwindled. This information was deemed only for the ears of the high marshal himself. Since their return, the fiery and stoic force have remained distinct from some of their younger and more excitable chapter-brothers. Nevertheless, they demonstrate an unswerving loyalty to the will of the Emperor, and hold strong to some clear truths: The Emperor is the single greatest triumph of mankind and loyalty to him and his design is their highest priority. The Emperor's wisdom is to be respected. He chose to employ certain sanctioned psychic individuals to further his great goals, yet he decreed that his loyal marines should be free from that great burden and temptation. Those battle-brothers who have forgotten this are derided and scorned publicly, and rarely trusted or tolerated on the battlefield. 'Friendly' warning shots have been fired, as have less-friendly ones. This suspicion extends to all pyskers to some degree, but while essential tools of the imperium (astropaths etc) are tolerated within strict boundaries, the reckless use of battle-psykers means that inquisitors and librarians are viewed as one step away from the Xenos and the Heretic. This hasn't stopped the pragmatic leadership of the crusade from working with various chapters, inquisitors and members of the ecclesiarchy, but more than one ally has found that the templars can be fickle in their support. The crusade brothers are closely bonded themselves, likely due to their unspoken experiences in their missing years. As an old brotherhood, they remember the old ways, and the emperors truth. They respect the greatest man to have walked the galaxy, ritualising and dramatising their faith in his mind and design. They crusade in the name of man, not of a god. Their faith and zeal burns bright, a cleansing flame in the dark.
  10. After what I learned in post like this one(https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/380780-tactical-squads-10-or-20-members/#comment-5994700), I continue making list for my SoH, adding more infantry and taking away tanks like Predators (Nice tanks but a bit fragile even in squadrons). This and of course, I'll be happy with any comments and advices: ++ Crusade Force Organisation Chart (LA - XVI: Sons of Horus) [2,999Pts] ++ + Expanded Army Lists + Expanded Army List Profiles:: Exemplary Units On, Legacy Units On + Allegiance: + Allegiance: Traitor XVI: Sons of Horus + Rite of War: + Rite of War: The Long March (SoH) + HQ: + Centurion [95Pts] . Master of Signals: Artificer Armour . . Bolt Pistol . . Chainsword: Chainsword . Master of Signals (HSS) Centurion [105Pts]: Librarian, Psychic Discipline: Biomancy . Librarian: Artificer Armour . . Bolt Pistol . . Force Weapon: Force Sword Praetor [344Pts]: Chosen by Dark Gods (Traitor only), Warlord . Command Squad . . Legion Chosen: Bolter . . . Bolt Pistol . . . Power Weapon: Carsoran Power Tabar . . Legion Chosen: Bolter . . . Bolt Pistol . . . Power Weapon: Carsoran Power Tabar . . Legion Chosen: Bolter, Pair of Lightning Claws . . Legion Chosen: Bolter, Pair of Lightning Claws . . Legion Chosen: Bolter, Pair of Lightning Claws . . Legion Standard Bearer: Bolt Pistol, Power Fist . Legion Praetor: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Paragon Blade + Elites: + Apothecarion Detachment [185Pts] . Apothecary: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol . . Power Weapon: Power Sword (Tactical) . Apothecary: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol . . Power Weapon: Power Sword(Tactical) . Apothecary: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol . . Chainsword: Chainsword (HSS) Contemptor Dreadnought Talon [570Pts] . Contemptor Dreadnought: Combi-Bolter, Gravis Melta Cannon, Gravis Power Fist with in-built ranged weapon . Contemptor Dreadnought: Combi-Bolter, Gravis Lascannon, Gravis Power Fist with in-built ranged weapon . Contemptor Dreadnought: Combi-Bolter, Gravis Lascannon, Gravis Power Fist with in-built ranged weapon + Troops: + Despoiler Squad [164Pts]: Inductii . Despoiler w/ Options: Bolt Pistol, Power Maul . Despoiler w/ Options: Bolt Pistol, Power Maul . Despoiler w/ Options: Bolt Pistol, Chainaxe, Legion Vexilla . 8x Despoilers (collective): 8x Bolt Pistol, 8x Chainaxe . Legion Despoiler Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Power Armour, Power Fist Tactical Squad [213Pts] . Legion Tactical Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Fist . 13x Legionaries (collective): 13x Bolt Pistol, 13x Bolter, 13x Chain Bayonet . Legionary w/ Options:: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chain Bayonet, Legion Vexilla Tactical Squad [213Pts] . Legion Tactical Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Fist . 13x Legionaries (collective): 13x Bolt Pistol, 13x Bolter, 13x Chain Bayonet . Legionary w/ Options:: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chain Bayonet, Legion Vexilla Terminator Cataphractii Squad [315Pts]: Legion Vexilla . Cataphractii: Chainfist, Combi-Bolter . Cataphractii: Chainfist, Combi-Bolter . Cataphractii: Combi-Bolter . . Power Weapon: Power Sword . Cataphractii: Combi-Bolter . . Power Weapon: Power Maul . Cataphractii: Combi-Bolter . . Power Weapon: Power Sword . Cataphractii Sergeant: Combi-Bolter, Grenade Harness, Thunder Hammer . Cataphractii w/Heavy Weapon (1 in 5): Plasma Blaster, Power Fist Terminator Tartaros Squad [250Pts]: Legion Vexilla . Tartaros Sergeant w/Lightning Claws: Grenade Harness, Pair of Lightning Claws . 5x Tartaros w/Lightning Claws: 5x Pair of Lightning Claws + Fast Attack: + Sky-Hunter Squadron [150Pts] . Legion Sky-Hunter: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Multi-Melta . Legion Sky-Hunter: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Multi-Melta . Legion Sky-Hunter Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Multi-Melta . . Chainsword: Chainsword Sky-Hunter Squadron [150Pts] . Legion Sky-Hunter: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Multi-Melta . Legion Sky-Hunter: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Multi-Melta . Legion Sky-Hunter Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Multi-Melta . . Chainsword: Chainsword + Heavy Support: + Heavy Support Squad [245Pts]: Lascannon . Legion Support Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Power Armour . 5x Legionaries (collective): 5x Bolt Pistol . Legionary w/ Options: Bolt Pistol, Legion Vexilla . Legionary w/ Options:Nuncio Vox, Bolt Pistol ++ Total: [2,999Pts] ++ Created with BattleScribe Thanks in advance.
  11. To start I am going to try and do this blog to track my hobby progress better for the duration of the narrative Crusade league I am participating in. This Crusade is being run by Slowfuse one of the owner operators of Monument Hobbies and Pro Acryl paints. It is as much a narrative campaign as it is anything else and he is GMing the league while each person is recording their crusade points and writing a story to coincide with the league. I want to post the blog here to stay motivated to complete this project. I have wanted to do a sisters of battle army for a long time as I had a idea for one but kept putting it off. The crusade league offered me the perfect chance to start and hopefully finish this project. To preface this is the most custom army I have ever done. Normally I pick a GW army because I already like the models so I do not convert much, I personally hate building stuff and much prefer to just paint it. I am also trying to really push my limits as a painter and do the best job I can with this project. Anyhow Ill post the story so far then set a separate post for my goals and a third post to have all the images of the models as I complete them. With a final post discussing the different league games I have played so far and how then went. Edit - looks like I typed Drusilla with some Dyslexia letter swapping. I think I got them all but if not let me know. I changed the color on the forum page so I hope that makes everything more readable on a smart phone. Also I should preface that all of the Transmissions are the GMs story to the players in the campaign. the writing and story that is mine is everything else. I wanted to include the transmissions from the GM so you could all know what I know and see the campaign map we are using. In the bottom most map I am the only sister of battle icon so you should be able to see where my HQ and Strike force is at on the map. Currently we are trying to discover just what is going on with this world and gathering supplies to buy clues and other things later in the campaign. Right now my force as some minerals and gas to spend later but we as players do not know how to spend it yet. After each game we move our forces on the map and roll to explore the world and also pick what actions we are taking. So far I have just been all out exploring. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Aboard the Inquisitorial Class Strike Cruiser Ure Sata Haereticus - Jailum lightly knocked at the door to Inquisitor Drusilla’s private chambers. “Lord Inquisitor a low priority message has just been received by our astropaths.” No noise came from inside the chambers in response to Jailums statement or knocks. After more then thirty minutes passed by He began to fidget with his uniform and had to wipe away the sweat that was building on his forehead. He, like any same person, feared the Lord inquisitor. Her sometimes bizarre orders that could change from one nano second to the next were sometimes followed by odd dry spells where the crew would not see her for days as she cloistered herself in her chambers. All that could be overlooked, It was no stranger then any of the other ship captains or admirals he had served under in his career for the imperial Navy. As a void born he was used to eccentricity when it came to those in command. No, what he feared was the palpable power that rolled off her. Alpha class psyker was just a word to him before he was requisitioned to Serve on this ship. Standing in her presence was like having someone look through you and see every sin you had ever committed. It didn't matter where in the room you were standing from her, that power surrounded you and went through you. It did not help that the Inquisitor was tasked with finding and routing out the Heretic. Every bad thing you ever did being on display all the time to one of the Emperors hunting hounds would drive any man to bouts of nerves. Let alone also being aboard a ship that carried a full complement of Adeptus Sororitas who were dispatched to work with the inquisitor. Everywhere you turned aboard this ship you were under someone's watchful gaze lest chaos wurm its way on board somehow. Now he was tasked with delivering a communication to the Lord Inquisitor. Jailum was expected to stand outside the door and knock every half hour until the Inquisitor answered. If more messages came while someone was waiting outside the door they were to memorize them all and wait until they could all be delivered in the order they came in. Jailum had personally waited outside the door for twelve hours once but had heard of someone that waited for three days. Wiping the sweat from his brows one more time he knocked again. “I hate to disturb your meditations Lord Inquisitor, but you said to bring you anything that seemed… unusual.” The door opened and Lord Inquisitor Drusilla stood before him. She was fully armored in her inquisitorial power armor that hummed slightly out of sync with the rest of the ship's noises. It was perfectly maintained and spotless shining in the dull red orange glow of the corridor lights. Although she cut an intimidating figure, what truly set the Lord apart was that she was always blindfolded and always knew where to “Look” when she was listening or addressing someone. She held out her hand and waited. Jailum jumped and handed over the recorded message. She thumbed the pad and it played the message for her. +++ Magos Notation - Sector Detection - 110.M42 +++ +++ Priority Low +++ Notable fluctuations in Warp Rift cataloged as Hadex Anomaly. Extension of rift into Galactic Northeastern section detected by listening apparatus Cognix Virtus 183.00100 3 months sidereal past. Visual confirmation logged. Extended space toward void area - no system presence. Augur detection of Anomaly retraction or immediately upon reaching area 14h 28.6m, 24.031° (J2000) hereby designated Hadex De Duobus. Reaction defined as flaring of anomaly extension. Systems offline for approximately 1.0295 seconds due to influx of warp interference. Reaction noted as “pain” by local Astropathic Choir. No discernable data to quantify. Anomaly confirmed as retracting to original spacial dimensions immediately after reaction. Long Range Auspex scan by Cognis Virtus 183.00100 2.5 months sidereal past denotes new Celestial Entity of planetary and/or star disposition in Hadex De Duobus not previously noted on any chart or Augur sweeps. Confirmation data inconclusive. Entity or Entities not confirmed on all subsequent sweeps. Both or sometimes one body seem(s) to read at random intervals, with Cognis Virus 183.00100 systems in question. No return to normal up to current time. [3:09 PM] Observation - Hadex Anomaly confirmed to have “grown” at noted time. Subsequent flaring of warp rift at location noted confirmed on all systems. Resulting area of space showing undefined activity since. Area is under heavy influence of Arch-Enemy forces as activity surrounding the current Ultima Segmentum conflict continues to increase. No known enemy disposition or translations in the affected area. Query - Does Anomaly intrusion and retraction from this noted area of space have probability of altering realspace bodies? Response: Anomaly known to disgorge previously engulfed system bodies, but never in new locations. Observation - Area designated Hadex De Duobus noted as void on all historic charts. No celestial bodies on record. Query - Could noted area harbor celestial bodies not previously discovered? Response: Area traveled previously with no detections. Existence of undefined system not probable. Theorem - Listening Station Cognis Virtus 183.00100 malfunctioning after flaring of Anomaly. Warp interference caused minor system fluctuations that have disturbed proper ongoing operations. Action - Investigate / replace systems in Cognis Virtus 183.00100 to restore proper operations. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ As the message finished playing the inquisitor tilted her head towards the bulkhead and hummed softly to herself. Jailum had to blink his eyes several times as the beads of sweat dripped down into his eyes while he stood and waited for her to dismiss him. “Tell the captain and navigators to make all due haste to the system, Hadex Du Duobus, We will investigate.” Without waiting to hear a yes sir the door closed and Jailum was alone in the corridor again trying to remember how to breathe. It took some time before he turned and ran down the corridors to deliver the Inquisitors Orders. He was never betting duty shifts with the other bridge crew ever again. +++ Magos Notation - Detection Amendment - 111.M42 +++ +++ Priority Low +++ Support flotilla dispatched to restore operability to Cognis Virtus 183.00100 approximately 35 days sidereal past. Listening apparatus found operating at peak efficiency. No confirmed damage or tests out of norm for device. Upon reaching area, flotilla astropaths note fluctuations in the warp that match the coordinates of Cognis Virtus 183.00100 readings of celestial body appearance. Flotilla augurs / auspex readings confirmed existence of noted bodies and verified composition of one star and one planet. Reading taken approximately 2 days after Flotilla on station. Both bodies ceased to exist 12m 32s post scan verification. According to Flotilla Command, “They just disappeared”. During phenomenon, “whispers” of unidentified origin and content reported by Astropaths across the flotilla. This interference ended abruptly upon dissolution of planetary bodies. After 5d 14h 51s on station, Flotilla Command reported scan confirmation of both star and planet again and were able to notate probable celestial attitudes / locations / orbital definition of both. Again, whispers reported. Both ceased to exist approximately 4h 32m 15s post verification. Flotilla dispatched to area of note in order to obtain further information regarding this unknown system and what is causing this temporal instability. Data transferal of complete system information and recordings of “whispers” en route Observation - No scanning equipment shows any verification of this phenomenon, other than those local to the area in question. Query - What is the quality of Hadex De Duobus, such that entire celestial bodies may be unregistered from even the strongest of probes? Response : No previous recorded information can be found to match this irregularity. Observation - Should this system be found to exist in our material space, but not be visible to scan, we should bring it to the Arch Magos’ attention, as this could mark the existence of technology of the highest order. Action - Await Flotilla confirmation / exploration of anomalous area and review of inbound data. +++ Magos Notification - Alert Priority Delta - Requisition Inbound +++ Amendment to prior Dispatch - Contact with Flotilla lost as of 2 days 14 hours sidereal past. This occurred within 3m 32s of Cognis Virtus 183.00100 again reporting scan confirmation of system in Hadex De Duobus. No further contact has been made. Whisper data received. Encrypted report and source included with this transmission. Identified as incoming broadcast signals, but after initial review, no point of origin is verifiable. Data carrier similar to Holy Machine Code, but slightly altered or out of phase. Further investigation of noted recordings required. Small force gathered local for departure to Hadex De Duobus. I shall be leading this journey, as I am best suited for any updates or alterations to Cognis Virtus 183.00100 recording subsystems necessary for better interpretation of incoming signals. I do this without command authority on the basis of what can only be stated as dire need. The existence of any possible Holy Machine outside the known boundaries of Mechanicus influence must not be taken lightly. Escalating priority to Delta and notifying Tigrus Majoris. Broadcasting on wider channels, as without further data, no priority dispatch of forces may be obtained without Arch-Magos approval. I can only hope that other Imperial forces may heed this call. Query - Presume communication disruption due to anomaly. Yet… listening station broadcasts have not ceased. Perplexing. Could local disturbance prevent one and not the other? Response: Data insufficient. Action - Requisition of forces to be sent to Hadex De Duobus for clarification / examination of anomaly and securing flotilla and further data in support of my current journey. May the Omnissiah guide our hands. Inquisitor Drusilla marched down the corridors that led to the Ure Sata Haereticus on board cathedral. The Servitors and crew rushing to make way for her as her boots thudded to announce her coming. Her ornate power armor made every foot fall hit the deck with a resounding almost musical drum. All of the Sisters of battle on board wore their power armor unless it was being maintained or they were observing some holy rite that necessitated it to not be worn. Although they had the same armor It was the silence from the ship's crew at her passing that made her footfalls echo through the corridors with such force. With her comings and goings on the ship so observed she was not surprised to find the Canoness Waiting for her in full battle regalia in the ships cathedral. Natalia Roar was the head of the ships compliment of battle sisters. A full strike force from the Order of the Venomous Heart. A offshoot of the Order of the Valorous heart formed after warpstorms cut a Hiveworld off from the imperium. They were only found again after the Universe split in twain after the Arch traitor destroyed the Cadia gate. The storms around their world cleared only to find that half the imperium was cut off. She was sent to observe the Order and to see if any signs of chaos taint had crept into the order after so many thousands of years had cut it off. What she found was a Order that outwardly Looked divergent but inwardly their faith could not be questioned. In the two thousand years their world was cut off from the Imperium their order was the only thing that kept their small system of hive worlds from falling to the ever present threat of Chaos. Natalia Wore a veil that covered her face with a headdress made of talismans and trophies from her battles. When Drusilla approached she made the sign of the Aquila. Drusilla could see the faith of this sister as a Tangible thing in her warp presence. Like a golden light emanating from her. In battle she knew it would shine and fill the other members of the Order with the power to fight well past the limits of a normal human. “Canoness Roar, We will be arriving in the Hadex system shortly. You and a select company of your cohort will accompany me to the planet's surface. I have read the tarot and I expect the landing to be a harsh one. I expect you will be able to plan accordingly.” “How much resistance do you expect to find Lord Inquisitor?” “The Magos that sent the transmission had no details on that. But from my own premonitions and from what the ships Navigators have told me of the warp turbulence I expect to find we will not be the only ones interested in this world. The secrets that are there may be nothing and I hope that's true. Still I do not feel as though it will turn out that way.” “Very well I shall gather my forces and will be prepared to make planet fall on your order. If you will excuse me Lord Inquisitor I shall see to that now.” Drusilla nodded and turned on her heal ignoring the Canoness as she made the Aquila again. Things were starting to move quickly and although she was no navigator even she could feel the warp turbulence around them. If Drusilla’s reading were correct this may be a one way trip. The Ure Sata Haereticus Came into system and rushed for the world known as Hadex de Duobus, Or at least that is what the Magos of the Adeptus Mechanicus called it. From his Transmissions Natalia Roar picked a landing zone for her initial strike force and the Lord Inquisitor to investigate from. It was made clear to her from the Navigators that Other ships were in system but they could not be identified or seen in real space. Something about the flickering warp in this area was keeping the ships from seeing each other in all but a echo in the warp. Natalia had prayed to the God Emperor and felt him pull her to the planets surface, much like the Inquisitors own readings. He wanted them to go to Hadex. With that in mind as soon as the ship reached an orbit that would allow their force to make a landing they rushed to the surface. Before her force left they were planing to land in what looked like a ruined hive city from her eyes. But it was hard to tell as the transmission was missing key data packets and could not make a clear image. All they had to go on was the crazed rambling transmissions from the lost Magos. That was not a lot of information to go on, especially when the lives of her sisters were on the line. However the Emperor and Inquisitor both needed her Order to be on this planet and she would go. It was no surprise to Natalia when the Plant blinked out of existence as their landing ship hit the upper atmosphere. With all the strangeness it was not a surprise but it was jarring as the landing craft rolled and shook. Warring claxons and red lights flashes as the pilots fought to right the ship before it slammed into the planets surface. Her power armour’s boots auto mag locked themselves to the ships floor as soon as the craft started the first roll. Saving her from slamming into the opposite bulkhead of the craft. She Looked left and right checking on the rest of the sisters in the craft. All of them were strapped in to their Harnesses, their powered armor also locking them down as the ship yawed to the left. Somewhere through the noise of the Claxons and engines whining she heard the Orders Dogmata start a Hymn, within second all the sisters were reciting it in time with her. As soon as Natalia Joined her voice to the choir the ship began to level itself off. The claxons were still firing but they were no longer rolling or pulling to one side or another. The pilot sent a vox message to her letting her know that they had to land the ship and that they were off course. They would not be able to land in the city as planned. The ship landed and although it was a crash it was not a bad one. At least in that there was no loss of life or equipment, Only the ship itself seemed to bear any scars of the perilous flight to the Surface of Hadex de Duobos. Natalia finished the Hymn with the rest of her force unlocked her boots mag lock and got up looking her sisters in the eye. “We are of course but our faith is strong. We will endure and push through this set back. Ready your holy weapons and set up our forward base here. Sister Jett, Lora, Cindy and Susan Ready your squads we will perform recon” ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Natalia was moving south east around the outskirts of the ruined city. Her company had spotted movement from the east as they left their impromptu base camp. From a distance it looked like a force of Adeptus Mechanicus was also in the area. She could not reach them and had no sign of any vox in the area. This world had already been playing some strange tricks on their gear so it was possible they were simply unable to receive or send a transmission from the section of ridgeline they were in. Still She had a bad feeling and ordered her force to approach with caution. As Lora Lead her Paragon Warsuits over the rise to finally get the Admech into clear view she was glad she was so cautious. As soon as the suits rose above the ridge line the lights and sounds of the Mechanicus guns sounded out. The Warsuits paid no head to the suppressing fire but moved behind a building while laying down covering fire so Natalia and Squad Alpha could move into position. Natalia ordered Cindy to lead her squad of Zephyrim and Susan's squad of Seraphim in a outflanking maneuver while the rest of her small force distracted the admech. It still unclear what forge world this force was from but they would know soon enough. After Cindy voxed in that her squad was in position and ready Natalia tried one last time to signal the Mecanicus force in the hopes that they would stand down. With no response she gave the order and performed a attack from both fronts as she and the warsuits charged the lines. Cindy dropped from the heavens Glowing power swords crackling and pistols firing. They hit the lines of enemies at almost the same time. What Natalia discovered when her blessed blade ran through the first enemies she found was nothing but a shadow given form by the warp.The shadowy figures assaulted her and the sisters with weapons that were real enough but when her blades and those of the Zephyrim passed through the phantasms they fell to nothing. The injuries these phantoms could inflict were real enough but they were no match for her and her sisters faith. Soon all of the warp shadows were banished and she could see to the wounds that were inflicted on her troops. She would have to report back to Lord Inquisitor Drusilla. With all haste, Things were even more troubling on Hadex then she thought. Perhaps these shadows were the lost Magos? Or some other long forgotten force stuck between this world and the warp. She would pray and try to find answers in her faith. +++ Incoming Tranmission - Priority Alpha - Secure Channel +++ Sir! Anomalous readings are off the charts! The ######anet seems to be ####appearing from spac### Communi##### spotty. Wait! Helm! Full aft thru#### +++ End Transmission - Cut from Source +++(edited) +++ Intercepted Transmission - Source not identified +++ Contact with the fleet is still impossible. We were set upon by damn Xenos in the night. Enemy force repelled, suffered light losses, including one of our transports being "swallowed" by a mountain that appeared out of nowhere! What is happening here? The men are getting anxious, and I'm not sure how long we can keep morale if these issues with equipment and the psychic oddities continue much longer. We have dug in and set up base camp, but the landscape seems unstable. We may need to move eventually, but right now the focus is on finding as much fuel and other resources as possible, as we have no idea when or if the fleet will be able to resupply. Multiple enemy forces picked up on Scout Auspex. Movement erratic. Recommend further investigation, as we have received data showing signs of technology in remote locations across the polar region. Including latest map returns here. Scans don't show it, but these must be the source of all this craziness. If you are receiving, please keep an open channel active at this frequency. The Emperor protects! +++ End Transmission +++ Natalia had spent a week so far on Hadex the world pulsed and shifted. One other time after that first day they fought shadows but nothing with the substance of that first fight. Still no transmissions were coming to them from the Ure Sata Haereticus. As far as they knew they were cut off. They were resigned to scavenging for resources and looking for ways to repair their landing craft. Natalia and her Sisters were no strangers to this coming from a Hive City her order recruited almost exclusively from the gangs of the underhives. Like herself most if not all of her sisters were former Gangers forced to scavenge and scrape to get by while the city pumped out the necessary materials to keep the Order and the City's guard in the wargear they needed to fight off the tides of mutants and chaos that assailed their homeworld before the storm broke. The Sisters of the Venomus Heart made regular Pilgrimages to the underhive to test those that were faithful enough to join their ranks. Natalia was no stranger to picking through the wastes and junk heaps looking for food or scrap to live one more day. Here it was different here they were fully trained and tested warriors of the faith. They worked as a trusted Order for the God Emperor and so every task no matter how small was in his name. They were able to gather Ore and Fuel in short order. It was on one of the many recon Missions that they came across the Xenos force of Necrons. It looked like they too were searching the planet for necessary resources. Natalia did not hesitate to give her force the order to engage.They were able to strike them in a low land marsh set about with ruined and crumbling buildings. As they moved in the planet shifted and blinked separating her forces and putting them out of position from one another. Quickly Natalia read the battlefield to assess the new landscape after the planet realigned to realspace. She gave her orders and moved out with a prayer on her lips. The Multimeltas From Loras Warsuits made the opening remarks. Felling several of the large tripodal monstrosities. Squad Alpha moved to a forward position to try and grab the resources that were scattered around the battlefield. The Necron’s must have sensed her intention because as soon as they arrived at the resources they were surrounded by a swarm of metal clicking scarabs and In a tide of shadow that ripped a hole through space and allowed the large multi armed Lord to moved from one side of the engagement zone to the other in a blink of an eye. Natalia knew she had to think fast. The remaining tripod creatures were still rushing at her and the Warsuits. She ordered squad alpha to stay strong and had Cindy’s Zephyrim Redeploy too aid Squad Alpha. Once again Cidy showed the power of her faith as in moments they were across the field covering the distance in seconds. Their swords struck out and the Xenos fell.The Zephyrim Swords were not the only ones to find the enemies of the emperor however as Lora Led her Paragon Warsuits into a charge that left no room to question the power and skill of her squad. Soon the Necrons were little more then scrap with all but a few still on the field. Just as Natalia was going to give the order to Finish this fight the Necrons phased out as if they were never there. Natalia Took stock of the field, making sure there were no remaining Xenos lurking around. She ordered the remaining resources gathered and headed back to the Temporary field base to report what they had found. This world seemed to have enemies around every corner and she wanted her fellow Sisters and the Lord Inquisitor to be informed. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  12. Hi all, I thought I'd post a writeup of the Crusade game I played yesterday. As noted in the title, it's a text-based batrep as we didn't think to take pictures, but I do have an army shot that I took after the fact (spoilered for mobile convenience). We played Combat Patrol, so fairly small armies. The Khansu Reawoken: Disgraced Prince Rakzan, with the Immortal Pride Warlord Trait and the Guantlet of the Conflagrator relic (model doesnt have a resorb or warscythe so no good relics, and ive always wanted an excuse to try the conflagrator) Coldhowl, a technomancer with no upgrades at all. will probably change that as time goes on and i figure out how crusade works more Coldhowl's Boys, my converted squad of skitarii warriors The Red Butchers, a squad of 5 flayer immortals armed with gauss blasters Serasona's Bouncers, a pair of cryptothralls Serasona's Swarm, a trio of scarabs that will be expanded later the Night Lords: chaos terminator lord with axe and combibolter, the night lords precognitive WL trait, and a net that gives -1 Attack, to a minimum of 1 warp talons with lightning claws raptors with...something. I shot them off the board before they were relevant, and I only remembered the WT's loadout because they were particularly scary a squad of 5 CSM with a missile launcher a squad of 5 CSM with a plasma gun and a power maul Mission: Assassinate Night Lords won the first roll-off, and chose to be the defender. This gave him a larger deployment zone, and the first deployment choice, as well as Combat Restoratives for a 6+ FNP and IWND. He deploys his lord in the center of his deployment zone as he is required to do, and then deploys his close-combat squads fairly aggressively. The CSM with the missile launcher hangs out in a forest at the back of the table, and the CSM with the plasma gun acts as a sort of bodyguard. I deploy my scarabs behind the bastion thats roughly in the center of the table, and deploy my infantry and characters fairly aggressively. As the attacker, I get to choose who goes first, and I have to wipe out those melee squads before they can touch me, or I'm dead, no ifs ands or buts. Lightning claws will shred everything I have. First Battle Round: I have chosen Reaper as my agenda, since I figure I might get lucky and get one unit with two unit kills, or spread the kills fairly evenly over my squads and thereby get to choose who gets it. I reveal my first command protocol. It's Vengeful Stars, and as much as people like to dunk on them, I think this one is honestly one of the most important ones you can choose, especially if you have first turn. I'm playing a Mephrit Dynasty vassal, rules-wise (lorewise we're a vassal of my Naculan, who have some different codes but I do like the Mephrit code and the Naculan have used it in the past). I annihilate both squads of jump troops. My immortals are shooting at -3 AP, or -4 if they're getting sixes, and gauss flayers are actually pretty decent marine killers at -2 AP as well. My cryptek steals my immortals' thunder by sniping the last raptor, so he gets himself a tidy ranged kill. My scarabs hide behind the bastion, whereupon my opponent forgets they're there. On his turn, he moves up and starts shooting. Bolter and missile fire kills the immortals, plus a little help from demon shell from the chaos lord. (I roll really poorly on my defensive rolls this game, I think I made like 4 total saves? And I don't think I passed a single reanimation roll), and overcharged plasma gun fire blows up my crytpothralls--which at least had the added benefit of attracting the bolter fire from my warriors, as he didnt declare split-fire beforehand. Melee is joined quickly. I overwatch with my warriors, killing a CSM, and his lord rolls a 6 on a 10-inch charge before rerolling it with his precognition trait and spiking boxcars to charge in like a freight train. I decide to pile in with my overlord for several reasons, one of which being him telling me that he has a strat to prevent me from falling back, so there is no chance of me pulling my warriors back and then blowing him to hell with a tachyon arrow. Melee knocks Rakzan down to a single wound, but his invul save holds on at the last second. Three warriors fall to the CSM. I swing back, and the bayonets down another CSM, while Rakzan drops the hammer glaive on the chaos lord, knocking away half his wounds with two swift swings. I actually fail a morale test for the first time in quite a long time, as Night Lords have some nasty modifiers, and the Immortal Pride WLT doesn't do exactly what I thought it did, but I only lost one model to it. Battle Round Two: My turn rolls around again. I'm now in the protocol of the hungry void--the melee protocol, for all the good it will do me. My scarabs dart over the bastion, and position themselves for a flanking charge. Coldhowl lobs a few shots from his 'staff of light' towards the CSM in the back forest, but I'm not ignoring cover anymore and they fail to wound. Raksan triggers his gauntlet, but fails to roll any mortal wounds. Now it's charging time! The scarabs dive in on top of my target. I spend a CP to try and detonate one of the bases, and roll a 4 on the D6 the strat requires me to roll. Ok, so they get to blow up. I roll a D3 to see how many mortal wounds I deal to him. I. Roll. A. 5. The chaos lord dies in a shower of shrapnel and sacrificial scarabs, as he is unable to pass any of his restoratives rolls. And that right there is game! Slay the Warlord is worth 40 VP, and I got 10 VP for wounding him the previous battle round. He got 10 VP for killing a unit with his WL (the immortals he gunned down with daemon shell), and we both get 10 apiece for having painted armies, but the way the mission is scored makes it almost impossible for the defender to win unless he keeps his WL alive. We play out the rest of the battle round but the only thing left on the table for him at the end is the missile squad, who tries to knock my cryptek down, but I spike a 6 on his armor save and barely keep him alive to save him from an Out of Action Check. Post-Game: There is much apologizing for wiping a third of his army off the table in one turn, and disbelief at a scarab's blowing up actually doing something useful instead of being marginally better than their melee attack. Rakzan is marked for greatness, which in combination with battle experience and agenda experience (he slew the remaining two CSM locked in combat with me) gives him a battle honor! I opt to give him the +1 Damage melee weapon trait, making his glaive 1D3+1 damage. The Immortals (name subject to change) receive the 'veteran warriors' Battle Honor from the mission reward, giving them native to-hit rerolls of one. All OOA checks are passed with aplomb on my end--the CSM bolter/plasma squad fails theirs, and he opts for a loss of XP, bringing them back down to 0. All in all, I had a lot of fun. My crusade roster also includes a blob of 20 warriors and a royal warden, but I prepped for an objective game rather than a 'kill everything' game and somehow lucked into an opponent with MSU, which allowed me to practice defeat-in-detail. My opponent remarked that he'd forgotten that the scarabs existed, and that I outmaneuvered him with them, so I'm rather pleased with that. Let this be the first of many victories in the Khansu's quest to regain their former glory!
  13. Today, I had my first game in our crusade group. We are 18 players with the following factions: Imperium: Space Marines (Bellatores Aerea - Ultramarines Successor) Space Marines (Pit Hounds - Ultramariens Successor) Space Wolves Imperial Guard Night Lords (Apparently the player has an explanation for that, but I haven't heard it yet) 2 x Adepta Sororitas Dark Angels (myself) And one still undecided since he didn't have time to jump in at the beginning - I will be a jumper next week Rebels: Adeptus Mechanicus (Torchbearer, with Custodes mixed in) Adepta Sororitas Blood Angels (actually War Hounds, pre-Heresy World Eaters lost in the warp) Death Guard Genestealer Cults (Bladed Cog) 2 x Necrons 2 x Tau My crusade list: 1 RP - Relic: The Armour Indomitus 1 RP - Relic: Mace of Redemption 1 RP - Warlord Trait: Inexorable 1 RP - Specialist Reinforcements: Paragon of the Chapter - Brilliant Strategist 1 RP - Warlord Trait: Imperium's Sword HQ: Captain Duma, Primaris Captain with master-crafted auto bolt rifle, master-crafted power sword, Rites of Initiation, The Armour Indomitus, Paragon of the Chapter: Inexorable, Brilliant Strategist (115 pts, built for toughness) Interrogator-Chaplain in Terminator Armour Artemius Grohm, with storm bolter, Mace of Redemption, Imperium's Sword, Canticle of Hate (100 pts, melee support and oomph) Elite: Redemptor Dreadnought Nestor with 2 storm bolters, Onslaught gatling cannon, Icarus rocket pod, macro plasma incinerator (185 pts , fire support and lieutenant role via CP) 5 Deathwing Knights, squad Anafiel (235 pts, deep striking with chaplain to end overbearing threats quickly) Standard: 10 Intercessors with bolt rifles (200 pts, I decided to play a single squad because they will earn exp as if one even if combat squadded, and are more difficult to completely wipe out, i.e. more resistant to battle scars)Heavy Support: 5 Hellblasters with assault plasma incinerators, squad Larathiel (165 pts, for MEQ hunting, and overcharged WftDA backup vehicle popping) A second warlord trait is possible due to Specialist Reinforcements being interpreted as allowing the Paragon of the Chapter and similar stratagems, the organizers ruled that codices have precedence over the base rules. Last week I had a practice game against a Space Marine player from my own faction, since we were both severely out of practice, him having played last in 5th edition and myself only having played one or two games in 8th, last time was 2 years ago or so. It was a blast, and we learned a lot, and I ended up tabling him in turn 3. This week's pairings were as follows: Space Wolves vs Tau 1 - Space Wolves win Space Marines vs Rebel Adepta Sororitas - Adepts Sororitas win Space Marines vs Tau 2 - Tau win Dark Angels vs Blood Angels - This was my game. Read the results below List for game 1: Captain Duma 10 men Intercessor squad Redemptor Dreadnought Nestor 500 pts Opponent - Warhounds: 1 Smash Captain with Teeth of Terra, Speed of the Primarch and Imperium's Sword 4 Sanguinary Guard 5 Assault Intercessors with PF sergeant Contemptor Dreadnought with Multimelta 493 pts As you can see, I played against the Warhounds, represented by Blood Angels rules, which I find pretty fluffy, and he was a pleasant opponent. Like myself, he hasn't played a lot of 9th edition yet and was only marginally experienced in 8th. Again, we learned a lot together. We played the Tech Relic mission from Plague Purge, with additional hidden mission markers - You can investigate a terrain piece as an action until you find a piece of tech or similar. After setting up the four mission markers, my opponent first set up his Contemptor in a corner and I decided to completely deny him that flank and set up my Redemptor in the opposite corner. He proceeded to set up the rest of his army in the middle of his zone and I huddled up in my corner to make full use of my captain's aura. My intercessor squad was set up in two combat squads, one in cover and in range of one of the mission markers. I won the roll-off and took first turn. My agendas were Angels of Death (+3 exp for all units on the field if the enemy is tabled) and Know no Fear (+2 exp for each tally mark on successful morale tests) Turn 1 DA: In the command phase I activated Wisdom of the Ancients on the Redemptor to give captain & lieutenant rerolls to the whole huddled army. I moved one combat squad and the Redemptor up out of cover to give him a juicy target. The other combat squad searched the mission marker and uncovered the tech relic on a five, giving me the idiot ball. My intercessors took pot shots at his assault intercessors, causing a single wound. The Redemptor had line of sight to the sanguinary guard and completely deleted it thanks to devastator doctrine and good rolls on my part. Turn 1 BA: He moved up his captain into a LOS blocking ruin in the center board, and his assault intercessors towards my bait squad. His Contemptor trundled up from his awkward position and searched one of the terrain pieces on the way. His shooting consisted of five heavy bolt pistols, causing one wound on my intercessors. He then charged my captain with his, and reached my bait squad after losing one model to Overwatch fire. He decided to start combat off with his captain and I activated the Armour Indomitus so he bounced off after causing a single wound. I spent two CP to interrupt him at this point, and killed two of his assault intercessors, leaving him with only one to attack me, who managed to cause a single wound (after I saved a PF attack on a six) and losing me the wounded model. My captain's counterattack unfortunately failed to wound completely. His assault intercessors failed the morale test and he was left with only the sergeant. My morale test was automatically passed, giving me a tally mark for later. Turn 2 DA: Weee! Tactical doctrine. All my models were in engagement range, except the Redemptor. In the command phase I activated Wisdom of the Ancients again and put the Redemptor back into devastator doctrine with Brilliant Strategist. The Redemptor moved into position to attack his captain. Shooting in close combat with Fire Discipline wounded the assault intercessor sergeant once and failed to wound his captain, whom I subsequently charged with the Redemptor and crumped out of existence with five wounds and only two saves on his part. His sergeant managed to wound with the power fist, but I saved again on a six and killed him with the rest of the attacks, leaving only the Contemptor on the table. Turn 2 BA: He moved up his Contemptor, shot and killed one of my intercessors and successfully charged them from 11" range. They were killed unceremoniously but this left him wide open for my coming counterattack. Turn 3 DA: Still in tactical doctrine, and I again put the Redemptor into Devastator doctrine + Wisdom of the Ancients. My surviving combat squad of intercessors moved with the tech relic into firing position, and managed to take off 3 wounds off the Contemptor with their bolt rifles. The Redemptor only managed to cause two more wounds with an overcharged macro plasma incinerator. However, that was quickly rectified after I charged into close combat and ripped him apart, tabling my opponent after 1h20min. I used my remaining turns to search terrain pieces until I also had one of the rewards. Final tally: 100 VP for me The reward I found is an orb that gives an additional one exp per game to the unit I give it to. I decided on Nestor. 1 + 3 (Angels of Death) + 3 (Marked for Greatness) = 7 Exp for Duma - level up, he is now Keeper of the Unseen Ritual (1 Battle Tactic stratagem per game costs 0 CP) 1 + 3 (Angels of Death) + 2 (Know no Fear) = 6 Exp for the Intercessors - level up, they are now Impassive Sentinels (5+ FNP in range of mission markers) 1 + 3 (Angels of Death) + 1 (3 destroyed units) + 1 (artefact) = 6 Exp for Nestor - level up, he gains Enhanced Engines (+2 Move, +1 charge and advance rolls) Furthermore, as victor bonus, I get to choose a single weapon enhancement, with which I decided to upgrade my captain's master-crafted power sword to give +1 Strength (making it a Heavenfall Blade light) Next time, I'll probably remember to take pictures, but this time I was too excited for my first game of 9th I don't know yet what I will do with my next RP, since we will remain on 1000 points max games, but I will give it some thoughts. I might just raise my supply limit to have a bit more flexibility in the lists. Next week's pairings are as follows: Imperial Guard vs Death Guard - Death Guard win Night Lords vs Necrons - Postponed Adepta Sororitas 1 vs Adeptus Mechanicus - AdMech win Adepta Sororitas 2 vs Necrons - Necrons win Dark Angels vs Genestealer Cults - Dark Angels win I will be playing as a jumper, i.e. out of competition, earning no experience and not utilizing the exp and battle honors I already gained this week. There are some special rules in play that I will explain if they become relevant.
  14. Hello, After setting up a couple of narrative based campaigns for my hobby group prior to 9th edition, I was very excited to utilize the new Crusade rules. Now that the upcoming Octarius Warzone have my ork players interested in gaming again, I thought it would be fun to host a narrative campaign with the group. I will be using this thread to blog my progress with the campaign as well as my own crusade force. Planning and House Rules Those of us who have played a few crusade games before would no doubt be aware that the starting a crusade army is quite restricting, and that you the player need to get more than a few small scale games under your belt first before building up to a larger army. While this is a perfectly good narrative tool, a good chunk of my players don't enjoy smaller games, and I personally felt that using small armies ruins the grandeur somewhat of a large scale conflict the warzone campaigns represent. With this in mind I've decided to implement a house rule which I feel should satisfy all parties: Buildup Reconnaissance So the first part of my great plan is to use the White Dwarf missions as something of a springboard. Starting from today, my group can create their crusade rosters, and play the previous months White Dwarf Flashpoint with said rosters until either the warzone book releases or we run out of articles (whichever comes last). As the White Dwarf articles describe fringe conflicts to the wider warzone, the battles are small scale and act as "side quests" for a player to achieve in preparation to the full warzone book. Send in the Strikeforce The second part of this plan is something of a safety net should players either not have the time or interest in taking part in the buildup reconnaissance (no judgements, as half of us are currently enjoying an AoS path to glory campaign), and that is simply giving players the choice at the start of the campaign to either use their roster made during the buildup reconnaissance, or to make a new roster with a power limit of 100, rather than 50 (but with the same 5 requisition points limit) which should give players enough to play with to make a large scale force that they're happy to play with. I have opted to make a buildup reconnaissance force, with the intention to play one or two of the special white dwarf games a month, which I will go into detail in my next post.
  15. Well my Ravenwing is back to its old shenanigans. Now with Crusade rules. Talonmaster Tornado Squadron 1 - 3 AC, 2 HB, 1 MM Tornado Squadron 2 - 3 AC, 2 HB, 1 MM Typhoon Squadron - 3 TML, 3 HB 50 power. I haven't picked up the new points book yet, so I don't know the current points. First game was against Tau. He said it was a Farsight faction. Coldstar Commander + Drone 1 Breacher Team - 10 + Big Drone 1 Pathfinder Team - 10 w/ 3 Rail Rifles 3 Broadsides Hammerhead Tidewall - Shieldline & Defense Platform It was nice to see the shield wall in action, I think it is such a cool feature of the Tau to have a relatively large amount of terrain for a non-imperial army. And their terrain actually moves and is useful to the army. It was also nice to see at Tau army that wasn't 3 Commanders, an F-Ton of Drones, and the minimum amount of Fire Warriors to make the army legal. His Coldstar was in kept in Reserves, everything else deployed, the Pathfinders in the Defense Platform. I deployed everything. I went first. Wiped his Broadsides out, had enough shots left over to damage the Hammerhead. His turn, the hammer head kills a speeder from the first Tornado squadron. Second Turn, the Hammerhead and Breacher team are destroyed. His turn, the Coldstar comes in, he does some damage with both units but not enough to kill a speeder. Third Turn, Coldstar dies, and destroyed the Shieldline, the unit with the damaged speeder flew off to work on the objective. His turn, the speeder unit he damaged in the previous turn is now out of range, so the little damage he is able to do is to full health speeders, and not enough to see one off. Fourth turn, the Defense Platform and the Pathfinder Team are killed. Fifth Turn, the damaged speeder unit completes the mission and I win on VP. THOUGHTS - I think he should have put both infantry units in the Tidewall, since they are treated as embarked on an open-topped transport, they can shoot me, but I can't shoot them until I destroy the Tidewall. The mission was I had to leave his side of the table and he had to leave mine. Units that fly and vehicles require 2 turns to complete the action, everything else can do it in one. So both of his infantry units could do it in 1 turn, but his commander and everything I had required 2 turns. His commander was the only unit that got close, but he also parked his commander next to my Typhoon Squadron. I think if he booked it up the board with his Tidewall and used everything else to run defense. He could have made it difficult for me to deal with everything pushing forward together. Also with the Tidewall advancing every turn, 2 units of Breachers would have made more sense than the pathfinders, because with assault weapons he could still be shooting. The only rule I remembered to use was JINK. I completely forgot to use any of my other rules, including doctrines turn 1. So I went home and made a cheat sheet, for Game 2.
  16. Our gaming group has begun a crusade and have gotten the first couple of odd kinks out in the first two weeks, so now I'm comfortable starting to share the results and narrative were(I'm) attaching to it. We started at 500pts, but those are really too small for what we like so shifted to 1000pts. In august were going to 1500pt games, then September 2000pt games. We have a few players who cant make every week so we will also keep running smaller games too when we can. So here is the set up. Going to play another pair of game tomorrow so should be fun. The ork codex dropping will update things, but we figure it'll be grandfathered in whatever points they were for the total list and adjusted for the games. if other stuff comes up so be it, its a game well figure it out. So we have between 4 and 9 players for our crusade and I'm looking forward to playing and updating you all on it. Ill take some pictures of either glorious victory or valiant defeat for a proper battle report tomorrow. We may also do a big 2v2 game as well have 2 ork players and the 2 chaos players, and if we do Ill sit on the sidelines and do the battle report for that one.
  17. In October, I decided to get back into 40k, after being gone since early 4th edition in my late teenage years. I dug out what was left of my old collection, stripped the paint off most of it, and have been repainting and expanding it. This will be my hobby log. First up, I'm going to post a bunch of the stuff I've done so far. Going forward, I plan like to start posting projects and games as they happen. I used to be a member of B&C waaaay back when, but I don't even know what my screen name was back then. If any of you remember "The Death of Brother Naeron", howdy! Most of the surviving remnants of the Fourth Crusade. One of the longest-running crusades in the Chapter, its service record traces continuously back nearly to the Heresy itself, with battle honors beyond number. In 999.M41, while they fought on the Chaos-infested planet of Griven, the Cicatrix Maledictum erupted and crippled the battle barge Terrible Swift Sword, stranding these Templars in my parents' attic hostile territory for over a hundred years. With their distress calls finally answered, they are eager to once again take the fight to the enemies of Man. As though guided by a malign intelligence, the same tendril of Warp lightning which destroyed the Terrible Swift Sword's plasma reactors also arced through its apothecarium. Deprived of gene-seed stores and the equipment with which to implant them, the Fourth Crusade's neophytes were left stunted, trapped indefinitely halfway between human and Astartes. With more battle experience than some chapters' veterans, these Neophytes have more than earned their initiation, but it remains to be seen whether the apothecaries can continue the implantation process after it was halted for over a century. On Griven, the Vindicator tank Dorn's Hammer was mothballed after mere months due to shortages of ammunition and fuel. Its machine spirit seems eager to make up for lost time, blasting traitors to ruin with even greater fury than before. As the flagship lost atmosphere, most of the Crusade's ancients were tragically lost to the void, and Chaplain Reimund was mortally wounded. He could spare no time to be dead while the Crusade sorely needed his spiritual guidance, so when the few remaining Thunderhawks salvaged an empty dreadnought chassis, he once again took up the crozius and his sacred duty.
  18. Unfortunately I have not yet thought of a cool name for my crusade. Black Templars were the army I chose when I first entered the hobby in the summer of 2016. At its height my army's size was pretty moderate, amounting to around 2000 points in total. I was far enough along, however, to be discouraged by the release of Primaris marines the following summer, and my painting progress ground to a halt. I have not played since 7th edition, and I only ever played around five, maybe six games to begin with. It took me a while to accept Primaris. Not that I ever hated them (well, not the Tacticus guys at least), but the timing simply discouraged me. The lack of melee didn't help either. I put the Templars on the backburner. "Oh, I'll start an AdMech army too!" "Oh, I'll paint any Primaris I buy as Deathwatch, and keep my Templar force oldmarines-only." "Oh, the Emperor's Spears are getting a transfer sheet, that will be my Primaris chapter!" Then, the KT starter set released in August 2018, and I decided I would abandon the main game. I jumped from one KT idea to the next. AdMech, then Deathwatch, then Alpha Legion, then Iron Hands. I finally came to my senses a round a year ago, realizing I should've gone with Templars from the beginning as they were my first, and one true love in 40k... Then I was indecisive regarding the paint scheme. "How should I paint the Aquilas, the weapon casings? How should I base them?" The procrastination and indecisiveness continued* After 9th edition and Indomitus were announced I decided that I would jump back into the main game, as the new minis were perfect for Templars, and at this point I have a sizeable primaris army. This is my current (built) inventory**: HQs: Marshal Degwin - Terminator Marshal w/ Combi-Melta & Power Fist Marshal Alcuin - Indom. cpt w/ relic shield & MC Power Sword Chaplain Merovech? Mozgus? - Indom. Chaplain Castellan Segwall - Indom. Lt. w/ neo-volkite Primaris Castellan w/ Power Sword Troops: 3x Auto Bolt Rifle Intercessor squads (5 men each; Sgts have chainswords) 2x Bolt Rifle Intercessor squads (5 men each; Sgts have PF) 5x Assault Intercessors (Plasma pistol sgt) 5x Assault Intercessors Elites: Primaris Ancient Bladeguard Ancient Judiciar 1x Bladeguard Vet squad Primaris Apothecary Terminator squad (5 Terminators. They're from SM Heroes Series 2, so unfortunately I can't use both my Cyclone Missile guy and my Assault Cannon guy at the same time) Ven. Dreadnought w/ Lascannon & Heavy Flamer Ven. Dreadnought (unbuilt; I'm thinking Assault Cannon & Storm Bolter) Ironclad Dreadnought (unbuilt; Hurricane Bolter & Chainfist w/ H. Flamer or Melta? Should I give him Assault Launchers and/or Hunter Killer missiles?) Redemptor Dreadnought w/ Gatling Cannon and Stormbolters (haven't decided on secondary weapon) Heavy Support: 3x Hellblaster squads (5 men each); 2 have normal Plasmaguns, 1 has the Assault variant 1x Eradicator squad Land Raider Crusader (this will ferry my Terminators about the battlefield whenever I field them) Fast Attack: 1x Outrider squadDedicated Transport: Impulsor w/ shield domeKits I want to get in the future: Primaris Chaplain on Bike Primaris techmarine Gravis Cpt. w/ MC Heavy BR Multipart Assault Intercessors (1x-2x) Heavy Intercessors (I don't see myself getting more than 2 squads) Multipart bladeguard vets (2x) Gladiator repulsor tank (Will prob. build as long range Las variant) Storm Speeder (will prob. build as Melta variant) Firestrike turret? idk Multipart Outriders, whenever those come out *Sept. 2020 update: ... have continued ** Updated with recent additions and wishlist
  19. I'm co-running a crusade campaign with my new gaming group, and we're doing an escalation campaign. 1 PL is about 20 pts and so 1 RP = 100pts so you potentially could have a 3k OoB by the end if you didn't spend your RP on anything else. The metagame is pretty diverse, roughly thus: 2x Necrons 4x Loyalist Space Marines incl. Blood Angels (mix of Primaris?) Death Guard 2xOrks Custodes Sisters Knights/Mechanicus Thousand Sons Tau Astra Militarum We're doing 1000pt Orders of Battle to start, with the following missions and escalation tiers: 3 Combat Patrol missions at 500pts 3 Incursions at 750pts the other 3 Incursions at 1k 3 Strike Force missions at 1500 the final 3 Strike Force at 2k The core of the list is shooty with some objective holding elements; I may take a page from Lukoi's book and trying to orient play along the long end of the boards, and I'm also taking after Riddlesworth's Bolter Fusillades obsession given that my Captain(s) are hanging out with non-bolter units. I'm not running many snipers (one) and I think with the incoming RG CT nerf hitting rapid fire weapons particularly hard (can't fire two shots at 15" and stay outside 18" range for Dense Cover), the RG CT and super doctrine doesn't do me as much good as Stealthy plus another one. I'm tempted to take Rapid Assault but the Hellblasters are the only guys with assault weapons right now. The core of the list is this 495pt patrol. I'm using the Captain (and optionally Infiltrators) to block deep strike and charge shenanigans and to prevent the Hellblasters offing themselves. I can use Concealed Positions to put him slightly forward of my DZ and then the Infiltrators stratagem to move the Hellblasters up to join him before turn 1. I did some math and I think 2 shots at 24" with the ability to shoot and advance is better than wounding t4 on a 2+ when overcharged; there's not much Primaris in the meta. I could be convinced otherwise, though - I'm modelling them as Rapid Fire and I doubt anyone will care if I opt for either one as long as I don't change it without paying RP. The stupid little square boxes on top look awful. Captain in Phobos Armour w/ Ex Tenebris (-1 RP) 3x Eradicators (or 5x Infiltrators) 5x Veteran Intercessors w/ Power Fist (-1 RP) 5x Hellblasters w/ Assault Plasma Incinerators At 750 points, I'm adding Outriders to give me some more anti-infantry and mobility. At this point we'll be getting 6 CP to start with, and none have to be spend on pre-game upgrades, so I'm thinking of using Stranglehold and keeping the rest around for See, but Remain Unseen for performing actions, Deadly Prize, Transhuman Physiology, Skilled Riders, False Flight, etc. something like that. 3x Outriders 5x Infiltrators (or 3x Eradicators if not added before) 1k brings in an Invictor to join the Outriders in supporting a forward Infiltrator squad as well as a Judiciar with Master of Ambush to deploy the Veteran Intercessors to a forward objective and protect them from charges. Mathhammer says him plus the PF sergeant and the rest of the boys, on top of shooting, should be able to pulp 5 Sanguinary Guard before they get to attack back, even on the charge. Judiciar with Master of Ambush (-1 RP) and maybe Storm of Fire Invictor Tactical Warsuit At 1500pts I want to max out the Hellblasters and Intercessors, and add a couple more squads. I think it's important to do this now while I can still buy Fresh Recruits with RP, as I'll lose that ability once they get 16 Experience Points and become Battle-Hardened. With 1 point for every game (9), 1 for every third unit killed and 3 if Marked for Greatness, I think that's a serious risk. A big squad of Veteran Intercessors also lets me make the best use of Rapid Fire, Steady Advance, Gene-wrought Might, False Flight and Honour the Chapter now that we'll be getting 9 CP to start. Honestly I don't love Suppressors but I think I have a bit of an autocannon hole in my list, and they should be more effective at higher points levels with their 48" range than they've been so far in smaller games. +5 Veteran Intercessors +5 Hellblasters 3x Suppressors 5x Infiltrators Then finally at 2000pts, a long way off, but I'm thinking I'll expand to a second Patrol - there's no need right now, I could just run a Battalion, but at this point we'll be three months into the campaign and I expect the new Space Marine codex to be out, limiting us to 1 Captain per detachment. We should also have the new Smash Chaplain hopefully with his bonus attacks on the charge. I'm planning to bring the Centurions and CM along with SftS as a counterpunch, though they could easily start on the board if people get wise to zoning out their side of the table. I based the points cost for the Chaplain on the Legends Bike version so as it stands now, I have room to add an Apothecary to help protect the Centurions, but might not depending. Outrider Chaplain w/ Master of Sanctity, Wise Orator & Swift & Deadly, Exhortation of Rage & Mantra of Strength, and Benediction of Fury Primaris Captain w/ Chapter Master, Power Sword, Bellicos Bolt Rifle 3x Centurion Devastators w/ Grav-Cannons and Centurion Missile Launchers Primaris Apothecary w/ Chief Apothecary, Father of the Future Generally the overall plan is to largely abandon my deployment zone and try to form a few castles on mid-board objectives, with overlapping fields of fire so they can support each other. I have almost 50 multi-wound models on the table by 2k and I hope they'll be resilient enough with Stealthy and have enough damage output to earn primaries and deny my opponent. I'd love alternate ideas for Chapter Tactics, feedback on the efficacy of Invictors, Suppressors and Outriders, and any ideas on units I maybe haven't considered yet. I've looked at Terminators but so far rejected them in favour of stronger characters coming in at the end. Thanks for reading if you got this far!
  20. Decided that the best place to start updating my army would be to work out a name, and a theme I could play into, which of course means some (rough) bit of lore writing: The Order of Our Weeping Lady Founded as a minor order as the Order of The Standing Vigil on the world of Pilgrim's Hope in the Eastern Fringe from the survivors of a small convent of merely thirty souls from the Order of Our Martyred Lady who were nearly overrun by a civilian uprising sparked by a group of nobles who convinced the populace that the only true source of hope for the world would be to throw off the shackles of the Imperium. The convent was besieged for several days as the order fought to maintain their foothold against the rebellion as a band of Sisters secretly left the convent to despose of the traitorous leaders of the rebellion. During this siege the entrance to the convent was destroyed by a band of Ogryn workers who were pumped full of a cocktail of powerful drugs allowing them to press through the disciplined fire of the Sisters and crash through the entrance, providing access to the inner sanctum. Sister Superior Junestra Heliro strode forward to seal that gap with an inferno pistol in one hand and a power sword in the other, fighting off the increasingly aggitated mob who attacked with everything from autoguns, to rocks, to construction tools but Junestra stood firm for over twelve hours despite suffering countless wounds. It was only as the rebellion's leaders where struck down and their heads put on display that Junestra was able to stop fighting, her body still standing as she finally permitted herself to die from her wounds. Due to her sacrifice the order was renamed to The Standing Vigil and each Canoness has taken her name as a symbol of office serving as a living reminder of the example the martyred saint made as well as proof of her own willingness to die in the name of the Emperor. Upon the opening of the Citradix Maledictum however the Order was shocked by the statue of Junestra crying tears of blood starting the moment Cadia fell to the hands of the Despoiler. Now cut off from the light of the Astrominicon the Order has renamed themselves the Order of Our Weeping Lady as they fight to protect not only the world of Pilgrim's Hope, but the wider Eastern Fringe from the enemies of the Imperium. To this end they bear the remains of Saint Junestra Heliro into battle to inspire not only the Order itself, but to cast judgement on those who would fall from the Emperor's light and attempt to break from the Imperium as a whole. As such the Order is accompanied by a large number of penitents, and has taken to punishing even the smallest lapse in faith even among their own order. In the darkness of the Imperium Nihlus each member of the Order of Our Weeping Lady seeks to emulate Saint Junestra in both life and death, and those are found wanting are left seeking redemption among the penitent instead. The color scheme is still a bit in the works, but the armour color is Gal Vorbak red as I wanted a deep red that would pop nicely on the table, though I haven't decided on the color for the robes. My plan is to not include any Repentia or Mortifiers at the start of the Crusade but to keep track of the number of models I lose to morale/attrition and then add Repentia to represent those losses in later. If I lose Repentia to morale/attrition then I'll then in turn add Mortifiers to represent those who fled from the penitent duties. Saint Junestra herself will be represented by the Triumph of Saint Katherine, while Canonness Junestra will be my warlord, though I haven't fully settled on much else at this time.
  21. Zeron Androcles didn’t turn from his work bench as his first Lieutenant stepped through the door. Otho was in full armour with his crested mark VII helm held in the crook of his arm. The amber and black heraldry had been freshly painted, repairing the damage of the previous campaign. The chalice icon, a new addition carved from plasma sealed lapis lazuli on his chest had been shined to perfection. Otho stood quietly while his Captain finished. Androcles raised the votive blade to eye level to inspect the edge. Satisfied with his work the captain tested the blade on a scrap piece of parchment. The blade glided effortlessly through the sheet. “Otho. I want you to submit a petition for armoury support, for a company level deployment.” “What manner of foe do we face Captain?” asked the Lieutenant. He had to raise his head slightly as Androcles stood. The Captain was still not used to towering over his old friend in this new Primaris body. “Necrons. Primarily the Sautekh dynasty if the intelligence from Macragge is to be believed.” “Then the rumours are true? Damnos is besieged once more?” “It is.” Androcles crossed his chambers to the armour stand and reattached the now sheathed votive blade to his stored equipment belt. “Lord Calgar does not have the numbers to spare to engage the foe alone. Our Chapter, alongside the Brazen Consuls and the Iron Hounds, have pledged support.” Androcles laid a hand on the chest plate of his armour. Like his body it was new, stronger than its previous incarnation. And it was untested in battle. Androcles turned to his Lieutenant, his face split by a rare smile. “We will make a worthy offering of these Xenos to the Primarch. It’s just a shame they don’t bleed.” Greetings all. When the new codex dropped I became obsessed with the colour scheme of the Libators for some reason. Fast forward a few months and after finishing a couple of models, its a project I want to pursue. So this is the tale of my new Crusade force, themed around the 8th Company as deployed during the 3rd war for Damnos. As well as liking the colour scheme, I felt there was room for me to flex my creative muscles with the chapter since there is little written about them. So far I've got two models finished: Captain Zeron Androcles and one of his Lieutenants, Otho Gracchus. I'm quite proud of them, Otho especially as he was picked to feature on one of Warhammer TV's Hobby Roundup shows last month. http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_16936/gallery_55046_16936_124753.jpg] http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_16936/gallery_55046_16936_20495.jpg] The current plan is to have the 50PL starting force fully painted by the 17th May, which is when my best mate and I will be able to meet indoors to play games here in Scotland (assuming no Nurgle related problems). We're going to play through the Pariah Nexus Crusade book as a campaign. Next on the painting table are a Primaris Chaplain, a Reiver Lieutenant and three Inceptors. With three squads of Assault Intercessors to follow when the order shows up.
  22. Inquisitors Dracos of the Ordos Astartes reporting on the Warhawks most recent activity. As you requested, the strike cruiser Void Raven has taken Indomitus Lieutenant Khalen Kol and the 3rd Company to the Argovon System. As his core, he takes with him Indomitus Veterans extensively trained in gravis armor. Besides a strong presense of members of the Shadow Council, the strike cruiser carries units of if lesser experienced, no less adept Inceptors and Eradicators. Accompanying him is Phobos Librarian Orlos Shaevac and multiple teams of phobos armor specialist. Unlike standard Astartes Chapters, the Warhawks deploy very little armor, even in the largest of planetary assaults. For this reason, and a source as yet unknown, cruisers like the Void Raven have been reconfigured to carry a strong contigent of Xiphon Interceptors and Whispercutters. Raven Guard Aggressors are just so good for the points in small games. I really looked hard at Bladeguard and likely will add a six man squad later. I’ve never played Crusade so likely making mistakes. Looking at the Beyond the Veil book, Investigation Points seemed very important for campaign growth and psychic actions were heavily tied into collecting those points so while the Phobos Librarian isn’t something I’d take in competitive match play, here he’s begging coach to get on the field.
  23. I got back into the hobby at the start of this year - my mental health was deteriorating, so I figured some sort of art project would be good to focus the mind and block out the stress of work. As as kid, I'd collected Dark Angels, and still being drawn to the more knightly chapters, but wanting a change, I started collecting Black Templars. I've posted some earlier WIP photos, but with reaching the goal I've had for the force, I wanted to give the fighting company a name. Hence, this thread, and so, without any further ado... Photos Marshal's Household Marshal Friedrich was one of the first characters I painted; Chaplain Luther was one of the most recent. At some point I'll have to strip and repaint Friedrich up to the same standard as Luther. Friedrich, as with all my Gravis-armoured troops, has a Grey Knights Paladin helm. Luther is converted from a spare Captain body I had from the Apocalypse bundle, with a Crozius made from two of the Black Templars upgrade sprue axes. Note the Reiver helmet tucked away on his belt - a Chaplain has to have a skull helm, after all. R to L, top to bottom - Sword Brother Thorias, the Emperor's Champion; Sword Brother Richard, Ancient; Apothecary Garrus; Castellan Cador; Castellan Angard; Castellan Ludolphus. I was loathe to pay the full price for a Primaris Apothecary. Garrus is one of my leftover Hellblaster bodies, with Grey Knight Paladin parts. He does, of course, have two pistols holstered on his hips, representing his absolver bolt pistol and reductor pistol. Thorias, my Primaris-scale Emperor's Champion, has arms from the old Black Templars upgrade sprue. His body is, again, a leftover Hellblaster. Battle Line Intercessor Squad One, led by Sword Brother Vanrich, the first of four squads with basic bolt rifles and two auxiliary grenade launchers. It took a whole lot of cutting, but the old upgrade sprue tabards have been spliced onto some of the initiates. There's also an assortment of Grey Knight parts dotted through, and pouches/seals/relics from the old upgrade sprue - this is repeated on the other Intercessor squads. I got into 40k as a kid, when back banners were very much a thing - I had to give all my Intercessor sergeants banners. Models from Dark Imperium are also divided across the first four squads. Intercessor Squad Two, led by Sword Brother Heinrich. Intercessor Squad Three, led by Sword Brother Jost. Intercessor Squad Four, led by Sword Brother Halrik. Intercessor Squad Five, led by Sword Brother Geraint. Squad five is the first of two with auto bolt rifles, and plenty of close combat knives, blood spatter etc. Geraint carrys a power sword. Intercessor Squad Six, led by Sword Brother Halrik, who has a power fist and hand flamer. Close Support Reiver Squad One, led by Sword Brother Gorthis. To me, only Chaplains should have skull helms - instead, MkIII Iron Armour helmets and studded shoulder pads (of course with plenty of blood spatter too) seemed suitably menacing to warrant their "Terror Troops" special rules. Inceptor Squad One, led by Sword Brother Jarold. those flying stands. Ranged Support Hellblaster Squad One, led by Sword Brother Gert (top) and Hellblaster Squad Two, led by Sword Brother Siegfried (bottom). Good as they are, any more than ten Hellblasters didn't seem very Templar-y. Aggressor Squad One, led by Sword Brother Werner. These guys currently act as Marshall Friedrich's bodyguard, and travel along with Castellan Cador in a Repulsor. Armoury Repulsor "Light of Sigismund" Invictor "Dorn's Fury" Redemptor One, piloted by Sword Brother Ulrich. There's a big metal pin in the one leg contacting the ground. Redemptor Two, piloted by Sword Brother Erias.
  24. Brothers and Sisters of Dorn, the time has come for me to finally share my crusade. After many years of purging xenos, witches and heretics my boys in black need to see the world wide web. ++ Background on me ++ I've been playing 40k since 2003 and I started by playing chaos and then white scars briefly as I wanted glorious melee units but I wanted them to be loyalists. I bought my first Black Templar box circa 2008 and found quickly that i lacked the discipline to paint a whole army. For years my models lay sidelined and I occassionally came back to the hobby to add new lumps of gray plastic. Now I've returned with many evenings where I'm enjoying winding down by painting or reading new rules and fluff. ++ Background on my force ++ Motivated initially by a dislike of painting white shoulder pads, I wanted to have a force of entirely Veteran Black Templars, painted as per the 5th edition codex. I speculated on having a small crusade made up of only the Marshall's best. Whatever fluff based reason, the main force of my army is painted as veterans, with the exception of some vehicle pilots. My army also includes a small number of marines and other units who specialise in shooting, and to justify this I've painted their right hands crimson to signify respect for the devastating way CF use the holy bolter as many members of the crusade spent time deployed to support a nearby crippled company of Crimson Fists and have been inspired to adopt their fighting style, bringing depth and character to the way my crusade does battle. Currently my force consists of the following. - 30 Marines with Close combat equipment, 3 meltas, 3 powerfists and 5 with bolters. - 5 magnetised Castellan/Marshall/Sgt equivalents, who can be armed and equipped in any way. - 1 fixed bolter Castellan. - 1 Jumppack Chaplain - 1 Rhino - 1 LRC - 1 StormTalon - 1 Techmarine - 1 Ironclad Dreadnought - 1 Drop Pod. Currently about 40% of the force is totally painted and the rest remains at various stages of completion. Here's an image directory of my painted forces, with a focus on 4 recently completed models. Old army shot (I used 3D printed 32mm base extenders and added a lot more to the basing since this shot) https://gdurl.com/rByAH Techmarine & dred https://gdurl.com/8YHb https://gdurl.com/wCl5 Chaplain https://gdurl.com/16ud https://gdurl.com/ECg7 Bolter Marshall https://gdurl.com/DR6j https://gdurl.com/4XMd Slash Marshall https://gdurl.com/mJjEc https://gdurl.com/Doj2 New army photos https://gdurl.com/gia43 https://gdurl.com/CpUL https://gdurl.com/wLge Sword brother from aobr https://gdurl.com/xnA0 Stormtalon https://gdurl.com/2Hss https://gdurl.com//NiLZ I'm going to try and use image links to keep loading times and bandwidth low, but I can embed if it's neccesary. I will come back to this main thread and add some additional image links to ensure people are able to preview all my various models as they are painted and completed. I also want your feedback, so please tell me if you'd like to see any of the following. - Detail on how I paint my models - Full background and fluff on my Crusade - Battlereps Thanks all, hope you like my models!
  25. Hey folks, I got back into the hobby at the start of this year - my mental health was deteriorating, so I figured some sort of art project would be good to focus the mind and block out the stress of work. As as kid, I'd collected Dark Angels, and still being drawn to the more knightly chapters, but wanting a change, I started collecting Black Templars. Seeing the introduction of primaris, and thus having the truescale marines I'd always wanted (I seriously considered doing that as a project in itself once), I decided I wanted to go down a fully-primaris route. Given the mismatch between the primaris lineup, and how the Black Templars fight, a bit of theorycrafting was required for how and why a primaris fighting company would work. --- The Black Templars, along with the overwhelming majority of other space marine chapters, accepted primaris reinforcement at the beginning of M42. Initially, primaris marines within the chapter would have solely been veterans of the Indomitus Crusade, though within a couple of hundred years, there would be chapter-manufactured marines also. Thus, we would eventually come to see a mix of Unnumbered Sons of Dorn's genetic lineage fighting alongside marines from Templar recruiting worlds. These may, in some cases, act as small detachments alongside older marines, though in other cases may deploy as full crusading companies. The Codex Astartes has historically not been closely followed by the Black Templars. However, with some of the dilution of chapter traditions by the induction of primaris marines, and the increased flexibility in the Codex since Guilliman's return, an all-primaris crusading company might show more similarities to a Codex-compliant company than an older Black Templars company. Thus, rather than a totally ad-hoc company of crusade squads with highly flexible armaments, we might see squad role designations, albeit with strong chapter traditions being maintained. Command echelons would be much as expected from the Codex, albeit with the captain being designated "Marshal" and his lieutenants "Castellans". The company would have no librarian attached, the Templar's librarius being defunct, and the chapter still following the Edict of Nikea. Additionally, an Emperor's Champion (a brother having received a vision of the Emperor, and now carrying relics of the chapter) would accompany the marshal's household. Veterans would not be promoted out of the company, and instead would remain as the marshal's sword brethren. The battle line would be made up of six ten-man intercessor squads, each led by a sword brother. Arms for close-quarters engagements would be favoured, thus squads would tend to be equipped with unmodified or auto bolt rifles, rather than stalker-pattern ones. Sword brothers would frequently carry power swords, power fists, and hand flamers. Vanguard formations of infiltrators or incursors would generally not be deployed. Given the Black Templars' penchant for melee combat, the company's twenty close support marines would be much as one would expect from the Codex Astartes, with combat knife-armed reivers and assault bolter-armed inceptors being routinely deployed. However, rather than being deployed as terror troops, reivers would be used more aggressively, deploying where the fighting is thickest. The modularity of Mk X battle plate would allow them to be up-armoured compared to other chapters' phobos-clad troops, yet still lighter than those in tacticus armour. Whilst favouring close combat, it is not possible to totally avoid longer-ranged engagements. Small, rapidly deployable squads of hellblasters would be fielded, though aggressors (both flamestorm and boltstorm-equipped) would be the favoured mode of deployment of the crusade's ranged support marines. Eliminators and suppressors generally would not be fielded. The crusade's armoury would provide both transport for the rapid redeployment of squads, and also make up for shortfalls in infantry anti-armour firepower. Repulsors (standard and executioner-pattern) and redemptors would fill their conventional roles, but invictors would take on a role unique to the Templars, harking back to the knights errant of old Terran myth. Used as a steed by a particularly independent brother, they would rove the battlefield to smite the chapter's enemies with their power fist, or bathe them in the flames of their incendium cannon. --- Proper DSLR photos will follow once the sets en route to me right now arrive and are painted, but in the meantime, here's a quick taster of what I've done so far.
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