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Hive Fleet Nundu, the lost Tendril

Brother Nathan

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So after a long time spent lost in the warp and returning and attempting to learn very different set of rules til i last played ive decided to shake off nids as my primary learning army(with ba as my artistic practice army and iron warriors as a work on til new codex drops)

id a pretty good rep with my nids playing when i last played and there's been a few changes since. ive a rough temporary list which ill ink in another post. still very undecided which hive fleet and what direction to go with warlord traits and psychic powers etc. iirc when i last played no one unit mattered too much in play it was more about presenting too many options and trying to time everything to hit at once and panic my opponent...

 so when i do get it working right much would have been running cover and deep striking. not sure how well such will work with all these d weapons and multi wound models etc but sure is all about the learning curve for now. anyway piccys before i get a list in too
army shot(not all pictured was mostly aiming for my list atm

army progress

trygon prime


trygon prime

and rear



trygon rear





zoanthrope and my old doom model



zoanthrope and doom

converted biovore from tyrant guard




parasite of morthrax conversion








my old faithful flyrant



winged hive tyrant

a hybrid broodlord lictor model



broodlord conversion





++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Tyranids) [80 PL, 11CP, 1,478pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)

Detachment Command Cost

Hive Fleet: Behemoth (please suggest if theres a better fit)

+ Stratagems +

Bounty of the Hive Fleet [-1CP]: 1 Extra Bio-artefact

+ HQ +

Broodlord [7 PL, 125pts]: Power: Catalyst, Power: Smite, The Ymgarl Factor (is ymgarl worth it?)

Hive Tyrant [11 PL, 205pts]: (would i be better dropping for the physic zonethrope boss? whilst this seems good compared to what tyrants are im very aware of d weapons. may have to get a walking tyrant or swarmlord... )
Lash Whip and Monstrous Bonesword, Monstrous Scything Talons, Power: Catalyst, Power: Psychic Scream, Power: Smite, Warlord, Wings (

+ Troops +

Genestealers [8 PL, 130pts] (i have a lot more stealers if needed)
. 10x Genestealer: 10x Rending Claws

Hormagaunts [3 PL, 60pts] (would these be better as a 20?)
. 10x Hormagaunt: 10x Scything Talons

Hormagaunts [3 PL, 60pts]
. 10x Hormagaunt: 10x Scything Talons

Termagants [3 PL, 50pts] probably a wasted unit but might go hold a midfield objective
. 10x Termagant (Fleshborer): 10x Fleshborer

Tyranid Warriors [4 PL, 63pts] (this should have a venom cannon and possible death spitters. probably better with adaptive elsewhere? objective holder unit)
. Adaptive Physiology: Enhanced Resistance
. Tyranid Warrior: Devourer, Scything Talons
. Tyranid Warrior: Devourer, Scything Talons
. Tyranid Warrior: Devourer, Scything Talons

+ Elites +

Zoanthropes [7 PL, 150pts]: Power: Catalyst, Power: Smite
. 3x Zoanthrope: 3x Claws and Teeth

+ Fast Attack +

Gargoyles [3 PL, 70pts] (will likely remove but have a bagfull of these)
. 10x Gargoyle: 10x Blinding Venom, 10x Fleshborer

+ Heavy Support +

Carnifexes [12 PL, 215pts] (will have to redo as the shooty fex armament was changed )
. Carnifex: Heavy Venom Cannon, Monstrous Scything Talons
. Carnifex: Monstrous Crushing Claws, Monstrous Scything Talons

Trygon Prime [10 PL, 180pts]: Adrenal Glands, Biostatic Rattle(should i remove prime and inject the points elsewhere

Tyrannofex [9 PL, 170pts]: Fleshborer Hive (not sure on gun, cant find his big canon atm... should be able to change loadout at will.)

++ Total: [80 PL, 11CP, 1,478pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe


Edited by Brother Nathan
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not yet. a friend at work has invited me to their games night but so far its fallen on  my anniversary and on my night shift but hoping the next works in a few weeks. i was always an ass about trying to have my army fully legal  as best i could(accurate as possible loadouts and painted) so iv a wee bit of time to get close to that as possible. finishing off a broodlord that will hopefully be the standard i correct my force to(i originally struggle dto paint my nids to the colour scheme i wanted to do so paid a friend to paint some to a good standard. both one of the best and worst things i ever did as my warrior models which were my first ever painted minis aren't how i painted them... but i was able to use what he did as a reference to learn to improve my own standards. ive done some cheats in-between trying to speedily et a lot of gaunts done but i really need to refinish to a set standard(dry brushed highlights compared to actual extreme edge highlights sort of thing. some have it but not all, and not all done completely(ie the tyranno fex which was built to be interchangeable only got some parts highlighted of its black flesh. but will get the chichin to level feild and basing done to it looks like a table force then go back to that. (plus have a few ebay wins on way)

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Maybe take a look at contrast paints - your scheme would be super fast with them, as you have the white carapace. It would be:


  1. Spray grey seer
  2. Neatly paint black Templar all over the skin (1-2 coats?)
  3. Blood Angels red on weapons/claws
  4. Neaten up carapace with grey seer pot paint
  5. Apothecary white in recesses on armour plates
  6. Edge highlight carapace (optional)

I've started using thrm for my Tyranids, and it's super fast and looks good!

Edited by Xenith
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Agreed, these colours go great together but you usually see them on non-organic armies so it makes for a bold scheme that really draws the eye here :)


If you do look at Contrast paints Black Templar is excellent, I use it on talons and claws - a couple of coats of that will give you a solid black that's more matt than Abaddon Black which can be a bit shiny. I'm sure you can find other tweaks and adjustments; each one is valuable as it makes painting the scheme easier and faster. I've painted a fair few nids now and it was only in the last few months that I perfected the scheme methods :)


Keep us updated on your progress :tu:

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thanks though tbf i dont think the pictures capture the black very well will see if i can get a better pic of what im aiming for, the black im aiming for shiny and the highlights give it a near comick book look which is compleately different to the white which is white streaky and more organic... and descriptively it dosent work but i likes it. nearly finished a modern broodlord that showed it off quite well .

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should make it a bit easier to see what i mean. not tidy work but i like what it does in inorganic models, highlighting certain shaped on the model without overly colouring. tbf i probably should dirty wash the exposed tourquise slits in the flesh(i really need to reread nid body terms and my dex has been delayed)


not a hard thing to do for a different result thats compleately unnoticeable in the horde. if i can find my greys ill do the new warrior at some point this week. also got a second hand biovore and some more sporemines today and watching several other things on ebay so may have more to add in the not to distant future...

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cheerrs! i know its not the best photography or panting skill thing but i like it.  few updates including playing with army list

20211010 145045

20211010 163715

new biovore and paint job is started. i definitely prefer my conversion one but think its more fitting to have mixed models of such. do eed one of the newer ones to mix in too(dont like the first ed ones skinny arms one) dont mind the spore mines but need to match in their bases but i think iv an issue getting whole army bases to same quality anyway and may redo them all. 


old tyrant guard for conversion to hive guard

playing around with my army list and i want/need hive guard after a rejigging of my list and looking at models decided ima convert these old tyrant guard to have bio weapons and be hive guard. my nids bits box is very low so will have a play around and figure possibly end up green stuffing something...  need one more as dont want my lictor counting as one. 


20211010 162629

updated army list to be closer to what im planning to field, adding updated list in a few seconds. also using the old zoanthrope as a nuro... need to greenstuff the back of his head to be more brainey... have also won an old 1st editon one that iv always wanted. is missing an arm but if i can sort that(my stealers should be nervous) it my find a way in... 
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++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Tyranids) [78 PL, 11CP, 1,499pts] ++


+ Configuration +


Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)


Detachment Command Cost


Hive Fleet: Behemoth


+ Stratagems +


Bounty of the Hive Fleet [-1CP]: 1 Extra Bio-artefact


+ HQ +


Broodlord [7 PL, 125pts]: Power: Catalyst, Power: Smite, The Ymgarl Factor


Hive Tyrant [11 PL, 210pts]: Adrenal Glands, Lash Whip and Monstrous Bonesword, Monstrous Scything Talons, Power: Catalyst, Power: Psychic Scream, Power: Smite, Warlord, Wings


Neurothrope [5 PL, 95pts]: Power: Psychic Scream, Power: Smite


+ Troops +


Genestealers [8 PL, 130pts]: 2x Acid Maw

. 10x Genestealer: 10x Rending Claws


Hormagaunts [3 PL, 60pts]

. 10x Hormagaunt: 10x Scything Talons


Termagants [6 PL, 95pts]

. 19x Termagant (Fleshborer): 19x Fleshborer


Tyranid Warriors [4 PL, 74pts]

. Adaptive Physiology: Enhanced Resistance

. Tyranid Warrior: Devourer, Scything Talons

. Tyranid Warrior: Devourer, Scything Talons

. Tyranid Warrior (Bio-cannon): Scything Talons, Venom Cannon


+ Elites +


Hive Guard [6 PL, 135pts]

. 3x Hive Guard (Impaler): 3x Impaler Cannon


Zoanthropes [7 PL, 150pts]: Power: Catalyst, Power: Smite

. 3x Zoanthrope: 3x Claws and Teeth


+ Heavy Support +


Biovores [4 PL, 100pts]: Show Spore Mine Rules

. 2x Biovore: 2x Spore Mine Launcher


Trygon [8 PL, 155pts]: Adrenal Glands, Biostatic Rattle


Tyrannofex [9 PL, 170pts]: Fleshborer Hive


++ Total: [78 PL, 11CP, 1,499pts] ++


Created with BattleScribe

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also a question for nids players, any place you recommend for buying Impaler canon or recommended conversions to make one? 3 of the old style guard im intending to convert and much of my bits box was decimated when i last played... also need a pile of gaunt weapons. ebay seems over priced. any recommends greatly welcomed 

Edited by Brother nathan
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actually have progress today...

20211013 082413

20211014 140453


3rd tyrand guard model arrived and started painting. gun in progress and like where its going. currently curing in a greenstuff mould which if i get a few minutes ill get finished tonight so i cant start casting tomorrow night. think these will make excellent hive guard.


20211014 133339

20211014 133331

green stuffed and started painting my old zoan/ neuro to have brains as it was the only thing this model was lacking imho. course i have an even older zoan comming that is missing an arm which could be fun.. (ive had to get more bases asam well short and have a pile of ruippers on top of other models lacking if anoyone wonders whats going on with a few.. )

20211014 140516

and nearly finished biovore too. need more tourq to will be paused here for a bit but hes visually recognizable as my hive fleet. have burned most of the grass off (seems the best way to remove)


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so this arrived. im short an arm for it though as expected  so will have to replace that. its far smaller than i expected... and i shouldnt i know but im tempted to make it bigger... should i? would be a shame to ruin a classic model and yet... what would i use it as if i didnt... and if i did... 

old zoanthrope comparison


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iv a few ideas. will definitely do raised base when i change it to a round one(thinking of upgrading bases at some point anyway as most of my newer models have a fair chunk of industrialization on their bases. primarily im thinking to cut a few joins a bit and repose and maby insert a neck so i can get a better angle with the head and perhaps add more brains... i did take a few more pics and basically edit one to show what im thinking.


old zoanthrope side

old zoanthrope rear

old zoanthrope side left

and the edited one


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so this weeks progress- hive guard using the old tyrant guard model as i just prefer it

hive guard conversion

hive guard conversion

as i managed to find some flesh hooks should i chop them up and replace the spear head/add them around the spear head or just leave as is?

anyway i did manage to then make more guns for the other 2. had to make the barrel using a greenstufff mold. definitely need more parts. think the melee arms wont match on purpose but havent finalised them all yet


3 converted hive guard



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thanks is what im aiming for and prefer the warrior matching aesthetic so its a win win. wont do anymore eof them til i see how such do on the table top though ive heard great things. if i can win any of the nid collection im bidding on and can get the limbs and such i need ill get them properly finished but currently struggling with the remainder of my bits box and not looking to ruin parts so not quite sure how much more to do to them armament wise so may just give them the rest of paint job for table top looks and leave it there til then. 

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thanks. im not highly sure i think i may do a mix, i quite like how the one with the lash whip turned out as a combo with the gun but i dont have enough of them so im thinking a mix of limbs as in no example is definitely best. probably use a geanstealer hand or gun feeding limb mixed in as dont want anyone thinking rending claws. if i end up with some spares i may use a cut down scything talon... am awaiting an ebay win on spare weapons as im very very short... iv a squad of both gaunts types with no weaponry...  have won some stealers so may help with talons. 

side dote won another biovore who for some reason has the right arm of the old zoanthrope... win win. may end up  building him stock yet... biovore will need some conversions... which i dont mind at all. will update when they arrive 

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20211026 173020

20211026 173024

update on zoans brains as did some lighlightsing. comming upo quite well. cannot remember for the life of me how i did the others brains.. may mess with inks but otherwise im pretty happy with it as iv not proper greenstuffed in a long time. definately ties it in a bit better. should be able to use this as neurothrope or zoanthrope easily enough 


also decided to do a bit of a better oh sh pic. may play around with mor eof this sorta pure block of nid pics as i think it nearly works perfect... 

20211026 173129


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got a butt load of ebay reinforcements and a few more to come. 

20211101 223240

20211101 223301

so a bunch of stealers(think iv way too many now) several gaunts 10 more gargoyles hive guard tyrant guard zoanthroope and lots of parts. parts being the think i was primarily after so i can fix and finish  other models and now i has lots o i can get on top of them all. so i made a start. armys ripped off the biovore and one set aside with the zoanthrope so that can be a compleate model...

20211101 223251

new arms fittited to this biovore, side by side with the other, weird how someone went to the effort to swap the head with one off a tyrant guard but i like it so it can stay

20211102 163435

meanwhile fixing guants and stealers and fitting limbs like there's no tomorrow. hopefully have a fairly flexable army for doing mc or swarm heavy . need to get into painting swing but birthdays over next week so i think ill be running all over the place and not get to touch much. 



edit to add rather than add another post thought id do a better side by side. as iv another hive guard should i also convert that? shuld i count them as pyrovore if i do or more biovores?

20211103 171630


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Goy some hobby time and got biovores several steps on. Then as paint was drying a thought occurred about the old zoan. A few test fits then greenstuff and yes it worked. Simple one. The head is designed to attach very low. A big blow which will get a brain texture in another greenstuff coat when dry. That and having it standing on a raised sonic base auta do it.


20211104 190021


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