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Hive Fleet Nundu, the lost Tendril

Brother Nathan

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On 8/30/2023 at 6:50 PM, Nexus17 said:

Looks great; I really like the blue/green. Is that temple guard blue?

It is. I used to use hawk tourquise. For most parts i then wash with akhelian green.

Thanks for the comments. Helps to know on right path. Most of it is done so started on the base. Gaming group voted a thousand son as the meal so have scoured bits box. May be out of sand til i can take kids to a playground...


Think i need another wash over with the green ... maby some pva...




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so as you will see by the below score card i was a close win for the nids. there were several pivotal points i could have scored more but could have lost more.  certain units really unperformed and others did amazingly but still paid a price.  rather than by turn as the images will give an idea ill go by unit


hivetyrant. in output.. poor. i did have a barbed strangler on it as opposed to venomcannon but i dont think it would have changed anything. useless at range now. power wise allowing my zoans to gain assault did get them in range t1 and popped a few custodians. its melee did take a few down  but crucially its first turn in combat my opponent only put a few attacks its way so it took a few wounds changing its fnp to a 4+ the following combats it tanked full custodian charge and combat staying there to hold that main custodian form going after other targets. literally between inv and 4+fnp it took no wounds one phase of combat. i kind of regret not sticking the guards with it as they didnt get to do anything all game. should have had it run away to make opponent choose between objective and killing it for score. poor output but amazing suitability. 


hormagaunts. sneaked up the side took an objective . got 2 full unit charges. did zero damage.  did distract away from the tyrant enough attacks in one phase to also keep tyrant alive(opponent had to or id have had oc to take objective). 


termagaunts. got distraction smeared t2. shooting did nothing. 

gargoyles - got smeared but took center objective early. misused speed. need to use for getting around board.


stealers,/broodlord.- killed a unit. with 5+fnp they took a large number of attacks to down. the broodlord on half wounds attempted to do more damage and kill a single  model failled attacks and promptly got shot down for it(6 shot d2 weapons? ) i actually was impressed enough with their output was just overshadowed by how durable custodians were. 


neurotyrant/ guard id nothing but won me the game... held an objective fired  f few flarers out but that modified shadow battleshocked 3 units, 2 holding objectives 10 points  off my opponent right there.  never mind blocking them form stratagems. deff taking tyrand again but guard... may go elsewhere. 


trygon- was probably used wrong. should have deepstriked 3 inched and took/contested an objective as failed charge. did score deploy teleport homer. could have killed enemy unit first then done it to have objective score for an extra turn. killed flamer unit on own. didnt manage any other output. 


tryannofex. wrong gun for custodian but it did manage to weaken units killing an average custodian per turn. killed last shield maiden? on an objective last turn and took objective in combat...  flamer would have been more useful. 


exocrine. started game with a squad wipe and took out more with its shooting til it was singled out by the tougher custodian terminator equivilents with monster hunting abilitys who teleported in behind with ingress and then took them 2 combat phases to kill. they then held said objective for the last turn. this did cost me my home objective when i had 2 secondarys both for holding my home objective. i should have thrown them away but forgot


zoans . peppered shots twice and did several wounds. crits on these guys with the higher str shots is class. they got focused out t2, probably the smart thing by my opponent though allowed other units to get by for longer. 


hausperax... again tanked a few turns of cc with custodians who got a t1 charge and it only took a few wounds due to fnp strat.  was dishing out a lot of damage in return and with the help of hormagaunts and death leaper  it went down with the custodian squad with character. 


deathleaper. somewhat disappointing. did a few rounds alongside the hausperax but only did a few wounds onto their character and got down to 1 wound. went to support other units. ultimately died charging a sheild maiden unit killing 4 out of 5 and died by teh last punching him back. made it possible for tyrannofex to finish them though. 


parasite- did nothing. tried but whiffed its attacks and got smacked out by opponent fearing becoming  rippers... sigh. woot distraction... didn't see it doing much against custodians anyway. 


so yeah was a fun game and that gives highlights. was a central bloodbath 

in the end i had my neurotyrant and guard on an objective my trygon rushing from their home objective to the tyrannofex  compared to their hq  and squad and t models on my objective. a close and bloody game and highlighted lots of 10th and areas i need to learn. i like out strats and base fleet combo crits . the same battle would likely go very different played again



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On 9/9/2023 at 8:41 PM, Brother nathan said:

So today i got my first game of 10th vs custodians... it was a vicious bloodbath...i will do a bat rep when i get time  but at one point my hivetyrant tanked around 200 damage worth of attacks....



Keen to hear about that, mine has only folded like wet tissue paper! I assume he had FNP on him?

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next round ive drawn the reigning champion, playing  necrons... ive not played necrons since 3rd and am a bit unsure on wither to bring the same or change anything. i may drop the parasite for more gaunts... i think i also need to figure out some reserve shenanigans... and read up on crons as they changed drastically since then...

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Iv a few ideas... thinking swarmlord should be more useful in hitting them than tyrant... thjnk ill either focus on objectives or killing unit... depends on what is put out by his 3d printer...sigh


Back to it. Been sitting too long and iv another sitting so gonna focus on this again til i finish basing the phycophage. 



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I had my next league game tonight against their running champ who was running necrons. And to said it went bad is an understatement. Easily my worst game in a dozen matches. I killed 2 units of scarabs.... and got wiped in return.  He ran what seemed to be a meta army. A big warrior block with attached characters reving...lots of overwatch. Monolith and such blasting everywhere. And all damage i inflicted healed. So despite taking his main units down to half i got nowhere and didnt have enough to go around. Nightbringer soloed my malceptor and swarmlord and guard went downto one wound in the process then healed too. 

I regret the changes i made to my army. 

Final score was like 81 to 26. 

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so next match is decided. vs admech. i now wanna  do some fairly significant changes to models and army in general for this one. has been much tighter games in the past so will hopefully be much tighter. hoping to start upgrading  termagants this week... 


adding the pictures im going to use as inspiration for my termagaunts gun upgrades. hopefully i can make something simple enough that meets the marks out of my bits box....






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