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Hive Fleet Nundu, the lost Tendril

Brother Nathan

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  • 2 weeks later...

cheers, love my old school and this fill a nice upgrade. will get a pic of it with the old one when i get more progress. 


meanwhile i got my 3rd game of our tourney in and went much better against admech. still lost but was much less one sided and i didnt et wiped. if i run my nids again i need to go much heavier on damage/ numbers.  my fun stuff keeps bouncing off.


ictor and death leapers were dead points. tbf the lictor did its deep strike thing... (not deep strike but board edge) ad opponent followed and did the same beside it and took it out but was such a position that it took that unit out of the game.(jump pack shootey boys) the big robot boys were my nemisis as they absorbed everything and kept punching.


my geanstealer block spent the game with one unit and failed to kill any. not to complain cause they did keep them out of the game. my zoans whiffed pretty much every shot too which didnt help so i may use pints from lictor to buff up with more of them.

exocrine was blasting down the bulk of the mech army. tyrannofex... whiffed and got splatted.


neurotyrant got a few shots off with its flamer but generally disappointed yet again... 


tyrant rolled lots of 6s with its vennom cannon near single handedly wiping a squad with shooting. gaunts, the new strangle webs did amazingly and suprisingly did more damage than my zoans did... 

malceptor also managed a round of combat and cleared a breacher squad











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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Finally got a small ammount of painting time. Trying to find time to paint has resulter in now trying at kids bedtime... worked tonight so hopefully this works for us. Anyway tonights pic. Not much but barbgaunts now looking fleet like and zoans getting some progress. Considering rebasing the walker to be more... upright... shall see


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Thanks both. Is a class sculpt and literally so useable... its a little sad its not playable as some form of the doom too... would have been a class reveal if gw had secretly released it to be such and never mentioned it til the codex came out... 


Anyway have got a few pokes of the brush at the barbgaunts since. Also got another phsycophage. Was prebuilt but i ripped it appart anyway and am reposing it as a fun mini project. Will updatw when i can get it to a suitable pose

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So its dry and undercoated now and holding foam removed. been playing a little more with this magic foam as you can see in the middle and seems to be a great tool for how i do my nid bits. on its own its starts soft and easily movable but within a day it will go hard but still light. but also it is absorbent, and works with superglue to go rock hard... and seems to love super glue more than skin does so a wee tough in joins has helped speed up joining unusual joins. now where ive rejoined the 2 half's of the body is a tinfoil core covered with foam and covered with superglue when i was happy.  now its still fairly rough and i am considering greenstuff over as i was quick and rough but im also considering to see how well i could form more putty and glue to form the top plate... have a little bit of joint tidy up work to do and clean up the back vents  but elsewise im very happy. 

Edited by Brother Nathan
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