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Hive Fleet Nundu, the lost Tendril

Brother Nathan

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brains cured and now based the wee lad up. not looking so wee now. not sure weither to add more to the brains like the skin flaps and tubes like on zoans but i think ill stick for now. well its undercoated now but im likeing the update anyway. thoughts? may hammer some paint on it tomorrow as potentially having a game... be the first in several years 

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and a barry shot

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thanks .think it got the nice compromise of keeping the goofy character yet matching scale without damaging the core model like some of my ideas would have done. thanks kinda looking forward to it even if just to cement some rules in my head and get a few pot shots off. kinda hoping my opponent takes chaos instead of his mechanicius so ive an idea of what everything is but we shall see. soon finish work then get some sleep then attempt a bit of painting and probably trying to print off my army list and as many of the stratagems pages as i can to get them all together. 

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So just home from my first battle in 5++years. Sadly it was a loss but it was a good game. Made a few big mistake but was only 5 points in it. Played a 500 points combat patrol. Against adapts mechanics. I can see why they are top of tourney lists. I do not like our troops compared. He also wasn't expecting shoots nids. Synaptic links are nice. Don't think it's too powerful but gives a nice edge. Hive guard being able to shoot from hiding is great and kept them unscathed but I should have had them moving sooner to jump on an objective as they shot up the place. My stealers got obliterated as did my haunts though atleast the faults took a lot of dakka. Stealers died to a single volley so may reduce them and throw in rippers or such. Or more warriors...

So rough bat report... I'll attach pics later.
I had
12 termagaunts
3 warriors with venom cannon and synaptic link
3 hive guard.

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He had 2 units of different tracked robots 3 man
10 infantry with 3 shot weapons
2 characters.

IMG 20211112 WA0000

Played the mission with 4 objectives. 1 in each deployment zone and 2 12 inch either side of middle. He won first turn.my guard started his cover on my left with broodlord beside them. Terms beside then with warriors on objective and stealdrs to right. Turn 1 He killed a few gaunts and advanced. My turn gaunts ran forward hoping to distract and stealers jumped forward to the next building hoping for cover. Broodlord failed to catalyst them. Probably causing their demise. Warriors boosted hive guard and pinged a wound off central robots. Hiveguard killed a bot on their side.

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T2. He advanced again. And his infantry absolutely hosed the stealers with the help of the characters and exploding dice. He thought briefly it was over. Robots further minced the gaunts. He also got next to an objective. My turn haunts 3 by not get to objective. Hive guard double tap bots which Broadlord finish off between smite and charge. Warriors ping the other bots.

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Turn 3 strangely his infantry kill a warrior then his other bots shoot the Broadford causing some wounds before charging and killing last of gaunts. For some reason consolidates into broodlord who kills one. Should have moved my hive guard towards objective but didn't. Shot at infantry as did warriors felled a few. Broodlord super smiles and wipes unit. Consolidates to safety but stupidly not towards objective.

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Turn 4 they kill another warrior. Is now ahead on points and I can't get hive guard to objective because I didn't move. Try anyway warrior pings another infantry and hive guard do a few too. Broadford sneeky charges preventing overwatch. Kills some. Should have used attack again start but didn't. They ran turned and shot him through a strat. Broodlord died. Stupid me.

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Turn 5 Realising they could win by survival alone the cowards fled. Hive guard and warrior fired everything but failed to get them. .

IMG 20211112 WA0008

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Much win. Didn't play secondary but for reintroduction it was fun and close. Will be re evaluation choices. Shoot nids are fun. I never used my behemoth stuff and ymergal on my broodlord was useless. He's a beast. Definately need to better use strats. But it was fun and a great wee match for sure

Edited by Brother nathan
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After five years and up against one of the top codices (and what I think sounds like a better list from it?) a win was going to be unlikely, but from your point of view it's vital experience of your army and the game. Plus you learn more in defeat ;)


At 500pts the game is interesting as it's quite different at small scale - army strengths and weaknesses are to the fore so they're great for learning your army so I'm sure next time with your tweaks and better understanding things will go better :tu:

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Aye tbf he's a good player and was good at running through riles and stuff which I introduced a few too that he'd missed out. Ie he went yo overwatch beoodlord who charged from out of sight which I said about if he's out of sight then can you overwatch if following shooting rules and after a rules review he agreed and had t thought of it. Not knowing my stats well enough probably cost me alot deff need them printed in front of me. And secondary are going to be irritating remembering them all too. Was good taking shots each turn to remember objective control. Used command points a bit too easily for certain rerolls but need to practice that timing. Fairly happy with outcome tbh
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Learning the game is an important part of playing not just for the obvious reasons but it also helps the games flow better and be quicker so I can't recommend it enough. Knowledge is power after all :tongue.: Best way to cement this knowledge is getting more games in as reading can only go so far (it's a hobby, not an exam :laugh.: ).


That and 9th can be a bit book keepery especially with Secondaries so the more you know your army and rules the more grey matter you can apply to the unfolding of the game :thumbsup:

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Preview of zoan... http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_17180/med_gallery_41125_17180_904576.jpg

proper post now(have issues linking photos from my phone or even ipad)


so for now zoan is finished. pleanty of space on his base to ad trophies like broodlord. will possibly adjust in future. thinking to use it as a neurothrope... also kinda want to pick up another 3rd edition one and then ill consider the plastic ones after ive used them a bunch if worth while. may focus on hive guard for now as everyone rates them so highly. anyway proper shots and thoughts. 


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thanks to anyone who has given feedback throughout. ive updated my colour scheme using a few of the recommended colours and am glad i didnt cut this model up and still managed to get the desired finish

Edited by Brother nathan
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oh and next project as managed to snag a tyrant well parts of one but won all the other parts in other lots i now have a full tyrant kit essentially. primarily set up as a swarmlord but am magnitising with as many options as i recon ill likely need. any reccommendations on other loadout reccomendations? thinkjng the small arms options. if i can find a set of large rending claws too as i think they are generally better than most weaponry atm...

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course im going to finish my hive guard first, awaiting on glue drying on their extra arms then to paint.

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I generally go for a combination role of shooting and combat, the benefits from going all close combat are minor and it's a shame to waste the combat potential by going all dakka (though I can see the merits, as nids are short on good shooting options). If you're going magnets you can try out the options and see what works best for you, I think the higher strength benefits more though as AT is always a question.

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is my general thoughts too. a hive tyrant baing a rare unit at being capable in all 3 phases... phsy shoot and cc. if i want a more useful tyrant i think it needs to be a threat in all three. my flyrant lacks shooting to make the model look sweet. so this capable walkrant should be able to do what i need. realistically ill likely run it as swarmlord for a few trial runs then try it with a biocanon. i was quite pleased by how much my broodlord could dish outthat its more the support ill use it for than the warlord gw want me to use tbh.

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definitely. think though i may use my metal broodlord as easier to hide it and slightly closer to stealers design. hivetyrant though is such a threat im sure it will get focus fired out of the game pretty quick but sure. so long as that inv save means it takes more fire than it should im good with that. broodlord is also a good target for the arifact that allows the owner to use another power per turn, being one fo the few nids with more powers than uses may try it on him next time as ymergal did nothing. 

also had a thought about my bases and the missing thing  and it slapped me, alien plants... aquarium plants in vibrant colours and that aquarium terrain is relatively cheap i may see about a themed nid set of terrain if i can find what i like and match it all in... now scouring the inter webs for ideas ....

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adding in my tyrannofex tervigon option 

ill put it in my blog too so as not to take over your blog. excuse the half finished paint job


20211122 111633

kit options iv magnitised

20211122 111707

tyranno fex options fitted. for the main thing not done is the chest spikes are not fitted. this does leave dimples that i do need to fill with greenstuff but seems relatively minor to give the option

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if you can make it out i rotate the belly up and on to get it on. its not as flush as if it were glued on and any basing in there needs to be low profile to allow fit in. failing that it should be possible to magnetise the two sides of the sack together for a better fit. am getting another tyranno fex kit to convert so should have another belly spare to try that with 

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hopefullly that helps and gives an option for assembly that helps


whilst im at it this weeks progress ive began painting my swarmlord/walkrant  and poking at my hiveguard. also built more rippers. and got the exocrine... plan to set aside the hausperax parts for another conversion but may magnetise anyway...

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another small update have built the exocrine up to the point of specific unit parts so if i get a chance tonight its building and magnetising... calculating how to probaby going to have to insert sprue parts to have something to glue the magnets to even though im not planning to ever use it as the hausperax.. 

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So much progress since I last looked in! Really nice work on that Neurothrope, and nice game - you almost got the win. I think your tactcs were better, nd you realised your mistakes. 9th ed is all about the objectives, killing your opponent and then staying alive are secondary considerations to this. 

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Cheers. yupand reading up as much as possible to improve for the next game. now planning to run that old zoanthrope as a neurothrope with a void crown or fun snipes and physic objective which will either force my opponents hand to changing it to a higher priority and ignoring more dangerous threats or relatively safely give me points... and super super smites sound fun... zoans bosting it on top should be fun... still have to read more on objectives and main mission types but i think ive a general handle on nids again

Edited by Brother nathan
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got a few more fick of neuro

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as for actual progress did built the rest of the hausperaux kit was even able to not glue the top head part on so if i do get round to usng it in a dima conversion i dont have to cut that off as it can clip in and out so for now i still have all options. magnetised too. as for rating the kit theres a few places where the line up was not 100% most nticable where the head sits ut also along both sides of the carpace. nice kit but not designed for conversions. need to undercoat when we get  dry spell. 

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head and gun done still arms to go but thats much more straight forward. wasnt much to attach magnets to so had to add some sprue chopping's to have something to glue it to. pics should explain but any qs do ask 


I did this also recently - you can actually get away with just the magnet at the top, as the haruspex head actually clips onto the body at the bottom - I was hesitant over making the model until I read that they were basically exactly the same other than the head. Really smart kit, considering how different the two models look once made. 

Edited by Xenith
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deffo. only thing that couldn't that i just ended up gluing on was the tail scythe thing but its so small i doubt it matters. mind you i do think i prefer the tyrannofex and tha i think it has more options to it for builds. at some point in the future i do intend o get another to chop up and hopefully make a diama and will likely completely cannibalise this head to do the chest mouth, hopefully cleaner than the other conversion attempts of it i see

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