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Hive Fleet Nundu, the lost Tendril

Brother Nathan

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Aye ypu are right there will try to fix any of that next time i get round to working on it. Think will get more tenticales to hide bits snd smooth out some details. Im pretty excited to start painting this tbh.
Elsewise iv most of my nids proper organised and iv painted my hive guard (pic uploaded will link when on laptop.)just to base those and probably get bsck yo umifying more minis.

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Have also signed up to my friends campaign tourney thing so 7 players total. First game will be against cron. Going to need advice on that when we get dates sorted. Did get secomdary cards ro help with that. Need to learn primarys then get back onto learning strats

Edited by Brother nathan
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  • 3 weeks later...

so updates- finished guards bases(and somehow then lost one, glares at daughter...) poked a little at diama and broke it and reglued. decided the spare tyrant parts were annoying me so started to build another flyrant from the parts  too. really now i think i have all the nid things i need i just need to finish them even if i do keep trying to get bargain units off ebay,9ravagers and warriors primarily) also got bases for my remaining 10 gargoyles so trying to get them byuilt mostly based on the rumour that they are going to troops. which would allow me a full 30 if i do. had lots of fam issues so not really got much time to focus on hobby just a little bit of diversion inbetween. hopefuly get something done on nightshifts again. will need to push to try before i end up back in the office again 

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  • 2 weeks later...

only have them as they came in trades but dont mind having a range f model editions usually even for comparison. some older stuff i prefer and others i prefer the newer. gargoyles are definitely one i prefer the newer even if they take up a huge amount of space. but if the rumours are true points dependant i could end up using them alot. str5 18inch with their speed actually makes them viable though hopefully their cc ability has a bit more use combined with that. 

anyway sort of planning out my options. as i may not be able to afford the new parasite for a while iv pulled my old self converted one out. needs a few repairs but hopefully will do for a trial game when i get a codex.  am wondering if the doom is likely to make an appearance  as my iteration of that needs a lot of work compared. anyway pics to show off lol


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  • 3 weeks later...

so having a game come up towards end of month against spacewolves. building a list from each dex incase the new one is out. not sure on which fleet to go with so thoughts and such?


1500 nids


hive tyrant. lash whip and bonesword. heavy venom cannon relic shardgullet. adrenal gland+precog(to use points)(not sure on powers yet)





zoanthropes x3


zoanthropes x3




termagaunts x10


gargoyles x 10

gargoyles x 10



the parasite





tyranofex with rupture cannon


exocrine with varacious ammo



think thats 1500 on the button. i do think kronos may suit this but im also pulled to leviathan. 


list 2 for if i have to use the old dex...






neurothrope with voidcrown



2x 10 geanstealer

3x rippers

warriors x3 venomcannon bio weapon link adaptive dynamic camo



3 hive guard






tyrannofex rupture cannon





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true enough points. may well just have to go with it and see how it preforms. atleast i know my opponent has little practice with nids so i should be able to give him the run around. do want to try out the swarmlord speed runs in the current codex but then everythng else im looking forward to the new dex so shall have to see. hopefully we get a release date tomorrow so i can figure out tidying up minis. 

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so seems new dex preorders next week so all should work out for new dex. so will focus on having that new list sitting right/painted(damm i forgot gargoyles need attention) kinda craving getting a army shot of them together just to see what it currently looks like... may be a tomorrow job... 

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My chaos is paused. Tbf they are of a higher standard than my nids but further from finished and awaiting a new dex anyway. My nids scheme is old and simple compared.

But yeah i need to get some gargoyles up to standard. Even whites and reds and leave the highlighting. Not quite sure how modern wolves are that im prepping to fight but believe he plays dread heavy hence thinking the couple of troop squads minimised to throw off his shooting off my big things that autta demolish his dreads.

Mags are great on nids. The tyranno has some great options that are likepy worth trying this ed. Just hoping mine gets a good chance to use em.

Edited by Brother nathan
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weekly update time and this time as a sliht curveball its terrain. nid terrian isnt muh /enough of a thing so when i came accross some 3d printed colms i thouht to get em... 

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nice enough size and such to link in but very obviously 3d prints so i just went for a quick paint job. similar enough to my army but not full on matching

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pretty happy with the result. may get more when i get round to more terrain stuff. and a pic of them with my old self made pods from beofre we had official models. suppose i caan use these as extra nid terrain if i match em up... 

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exactly. even ruins that look lie anything but battered, acid marks and such but for now just doing a bit of scatter that helps with a tie in will do. shame as most of the other armys bits of terrain has been pretty sweet. in plastic nds havent had any terrain since... battle for maccarage starter set? used to be some forgeworld bt i think thats all gone.

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slightest of updates with no pictures. so revised my list as the wolves player im going up against seems to be fully mechanised so added more antitank and such general changes. anyway broodlord out warrior prime with venomcnnon in. and a few other changes so following this plan started converting up a prime using one of he old metal warriors. whilst it has ne of the other old big guns(i thik its actually a devourer) but will count as venomcannon. added on on old tyrant guards metal whip and a current plastic hive tyrant bonesword (as i currently have nothing bonesword like other than it) as its the old really goofy faced warriors i felt i had to update the face so promptly hacksawed off the old face and have a current warriors face on and an additional crest on the to of its bobble head. much more fitting needs some green stuff work to tie it all in  but i feel like itll do as  stand in til i figure out something else. am looking at my hive guard and considering converting them into warriors too... haven't really got the heavy slots to spare on them this edition.. poor things.. 

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