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Hive Fleet Nundu, the lost Tendril

Brother Nathan

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so had my first proper game of 9th and first game with new dex and i think i may have traumatised my opponent without doing some specialised build. ill not do a full batrep but shardgulet(iirc killed a dread shooting it ots and getting charged to smack it down, and smitted it to death. and took alot of wounds off bjorn and finished off some marines) was mean and did plenty of damage as did the tyranofex (one shotted a big dreadnaught and thn tok another down to 2 wounds)and exocrine(killed a predator and a ven dread followed by final tactical squad) which erased what they aimed at and took a unfortunate amount of firepower and still lived. the relic bonesword on a prime made it a real threat with mortal wounds on top of its own output. neurothrope i sacrificed as a distraction whilst trying to get it close enough to the middle to do psy action (failed to so couldnt achieve the vps) zoans did fantastically, did 9 mortal wounds to vanguard vets off the bat taking them out of the game added a bit to taking out dreads then finishing of a tactical marine squad as well. hormagaunts didnt see combat but got their objective(everything died before they got there so objective campers and destroyed an objectve as per mission secondary, potentially would have gotten a second destroyed too. termagaunts got killed to one which opponent failed to notice nor kill so held an objective the rest of the game. venom cannons on warriors/prime rid me o things left on 2 wounds as well as a runepriest. biovores didnt do much but weaken wounds off a few things that thought they were safe. didnt bother with action as at points figured better to finish something off than risk return fire.


to be fair it was a terribly bad match up for my opponent. who was a gent and for some reason ran straight into a gunline nid army expecting to be met in cc. and failing to focus limited fire. terrain helped me massively too and hindered him. to be fair going second with my synaptic thing from zoans and the mini transhuman from leviathan most of his important first turn shots failed. combined with reroll per squad shooting i was reliably doing what i needed against an army that did not understand its foe.  if this is how it plays ill have to look for weaker choices as after the first salvo it was no longer fun.


ond a few picys

20220423 181922

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Edited by Brother nathan
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You get bad match ups, and everyone needs to learn a new codex (all that before the dice gods have their say too :tongue.: ) - I'm sure your opponent will do better next time having learned some valuable lessons! What are your first overall thoughts of the codex now you have some practical to add to the theory?

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im off the opinion that most everything seems solid for its points. combining the dtrong defences that the zoanthropes imperative added saves us aot against the nids greatest weakness, first turn firepower. they aught to be an autotake. am considering a broodlord for his for second turn. theothers... i tried the primes and it did help make sure i killed a bit more than i would have but anything with a lot of shots was doing well anyway and those with few re unlikely to get extras/ need them much. ie tyranno fex vs exocrine. i didnt really bother with them after that nor much with the command rerolls  and did wste my warlord power so will rethink it. keeping my army close because of the synaptic links and shorter synapse range was fine as thats how i used to play nids anyway. i do think most of the  strats didnt feel to change much that the army wasnt already ahead in. id need to see them in a closer match. and also theres so many overlppng parts that i need tokens and such...

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I'll probably have enough general synapse as Warriors will feature with at least one squad for most lists I reckon, but I like the Parasite model quite a bit now I've built it so along with its speed I think you're right in that it makes for a good support choice for a wider net of synapse when you get more forward or isolated units/tactics. Plus its rules are decent so it should have good utility :smile.: That and I don't have a Flyrant yet :laugh.:

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plus it has an imperative, probably one of the weaker ones but pile ins for hormagaunts where getting as many of those little critters into choppy range could be a very important backup plan for certain army builds (personally not my sort of plan to do as by the time id use the ones i want this one seems blah but sure..)


to be fair against non marine types im hoping for it to tie up and infect 2 before it goes splat.... which it will. will deffo be trying to use its stratagem as often as possible

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  • 3 weeks later...

so update- no pics. last hobby day did not go to plan. lictor i cannot get to position without gluing myself to it for some reason and then poured the  bottle of superglue al over the place missing the cutting mat and covering the new table( i ded) if i get a block at painting tc this week il get the roodlor fin and try again to get the lctor assembled but i think ill need to pin him... no idea wher my pinvice even is but sure...

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Definately some times you need to walk away and get it done the next time. Finally got it together without pinning. Also got started on more terrain. Looking like ill struggle for more hobby time though this week. Will attempt to finish broodlord. Also managed to get some tyrant guard weapons cheap that will do my warriors... will figure out who gets what soon...
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  • 4 weeks later...

So new conversion time. Wanted a deathleaper that looked more modern than the current ones. Not fully sold on the talons but ill keep an eye out for better. More to be added to it and the base but thimk you can see the aim. Also updated the old prime amd one of my hive guards into a warrior loadout in progress





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so i had a game lastnight using the new rules and obectves etc. against a very good admech player. my head ws melted with my armys stuff but admech need a notebook with all teir canticles and buffs and such.. way too much book keeping for my liking.  not doing a full bat rep as i made some major mistakes. took the wrong secondary which cost me being able to score it at all. got off with 6 ut of synaptic insight and 10 off assassinate whch wasnt to shabby but destroyed my opponents primary plans. 


went for a different list -patrol. 3 cp left

free slots




hivetyrant with fnp  and shardgullet




termagaunts x 10

warriors x 3 vennomcannon


5 geanstealers



parisite- obsec


exocrine-vocarious ammo- forgot to use the ammo

tyranofex-rupture cannon


so highlights. small stuff got vaporised straight away. hormas taking a charge and flamers and he aircrafts shooting before doing so. broodlord held his own eventually winning out and getting to kill off an enemy hq. the parasite whiffed something shocking. failed his cp strat but was able to safely charge as opponent was out of cp and managed to infect a squad on an objective and therefore steal it as he is obj with the warlord trait. did spawn 2 rippers which was handy for holding the objective and planned tie ups .lictor took enemy warlord off his home objective denying cp regeneration and then defeated another character and squad. . that was essentially the left wing. 

my centre back my trannofex took most of my opponents firepower from walkers and such. going down to 8 wounds. his shooting was poor and failed to kill anything. got killed in turn 3. neurothrope and zoans- zoans tanked damage  on their inv and got regened by neuro who smited and neuro parisited all around. zoand held obj from turn 2 on and smited to help thin squads. neuro held out to charge from winged boys and smitted in the face to whittle down. gaunts vanished. tyrant melted the flyer and the walker boys and held home objective

right wing my warriors were pretty whiffy . eventually got charged and killed which allowed opponent to consolidate into exo. exo made up for the tyranofex taking out other tracked boys and thinning out the large infantry squads in opponents side. survived the combat. last turn i threw alot of cp into it to try to wipe squad through rerolls and extra attacks. was one attack off doing it. 

final points 68-36 to nids. was a good dificult match against a skilled opponent. ultimately lack of hsy was a major disadvantage and then their big gun went down he had no answer to the big bugs. reat game and looking forward to the next... blood angels

some pics

robots kill off hormas before consolidating into broodlord


final model of my opponents army holding out



hive tyrant and neurothrope holding their own. neurothrope suprisingly well... 3++ ftw


robots flamering hormas... killing one so having to charge





flyer atempts bombing on my zoans and then shooting up hormagaunts killing half


opponent advancing




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  • 2 weeks later...

few wee updates

firstly got another warrior hich will take me to enough to do a full squad. likely wont but options. 




progress on deathleaper. think i need to shorted the flesh hooks and reundercoat and then pledge him..


undershot of my parasite conversion. do feel like adding more glands and pipes or something...


zoans group shot


broodlords group shot. 


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Weekly update. Got no painting on my pledge. Been playing with the death leaper base experamenting witb superglue and water trying for plant like growths... mixed results. 

I also won more bits... notably a biovore body and tyrant guard. Considering making the biovore to replace my larger biovore made from a tyrant guard and using the guard models as pyrovores. Waa about to start when i reasised i couldnt find the legs id pkanned to use... sigh... 


Oh i did paint most of one thing(just picked up missing paintz id ran out of so painting yo recommrnse). Magnitised the acid gun for my ttrannofex as i have games against bloodangels and thousand sons comming up and think itll serve better than the rupture cannon. 

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