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Black Templar Invictors


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As I have poured through the new BT Supplement (and also the Space Marine Codex, since they get access to almost all if too), one thing that jumped out to me was Invictor Tactical Warsuits --



They are already a solid option in other armies, particularly UM because of their redeploy Strat, since they offer versatile shooting and melee, all combined into a package that can infiltrate up to 9" away from the opponent's DZ pre-game.



With the new Codex Supplement, Black Templar offer them some really solid advantages:


1 - Vows -- 5++ and ignore 1-2 to Wound (at T6, this is more relevant than most vehicles, since there is a decent amount of S12 attacks in the game), thanks to Templar Vows really buffs their durability to another level.


2 - Chapter Tactics -- While not amazing compared to a lot of Chapter Tactics, the BT re-roll to charge and 5+++ vs MWs is great on Invictors, making them even more reliable at getting into combat and helps them absorb any enemy Witchfires or other random source of MWs until the rest of the army catches up.


3 - Stratagems -- "Tenacious Assault" allows any BT unit to, on a 4+, lock an enemy unit into combat; since Invictors can start so far up field, they are ideally suited to do this early game, potentially neutralizing a key enemy shooting unit while the rest of the BT army gets across the battlefield. "Abhor the Witch" gives a free 4+ to make a Psychic power not work, but requires at least one BT unit to be within 24" of the Psyker attempting to manifest the power; since Invictors can start within 9" of the enemy DZ, they are an ideal model for making use of this Stratagem.


4 - Buying Time -- Perhaps more than anything else, a couple of Invictors can put early pressure on your opponent (which he ignores at his own peril, since they are dangerous in melee) and buys time for the rest of the army to get onto Objectives, conduct Actions, and/or set up turn 2 charges.



For just over 300 points you can add a pair of Invictors into your army, so not breaking the bank by any means and, if they enable the rest of the force to "Crusade" into the enemy ranks better, I would say they are more than worth their cost! ;)

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They are not core. So no rerolls from captain and no 6+FNP from Grimaldus. In a mech list, I would never consider adding it before: 3rd Redemptor, attack bikes, one or two contemptors(depend on how GW nerf volkite in winter faq), melta impulsor with BGV…the name list is long.


Also, the reason they going into meta list from shelves, is for hunting Drukari raiders. But the new hot meta toys, ork buggies and Admech planes, both have -1d, and are hard counter to Invictor's weapon sets.

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Invictors are not good enough with Chapters who can play them with redeployment. A 5++ dont makes them better then a ultramarines one. If you have first round then I can give you congrats for throwing a better dice then your opponent. I think its a mess. And its not a fun game when everything depends on which player have first turn. And if you dont deploy them that aggressive then most time I dont think he is good enough.


Although I love that unit and would like to play them.

Edited by Medjugorje
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