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Firstborn options gone?


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Hi all, just a quick query and apologies is this has been answered before; now we have all the Primaris options coming out does that automatically send the first born versions of our special characters to the Legends graveyard? And what about firstborn Crusader squads etc?


With the exception of the Firstborn Crusader Squad (which is in the new supplement so will remain "current" in the rules), yes. Helbrecht, Grimaldus and the Emperor's Champion have new Primaris rules and their old datasheets are gone, so you can assume they are Legends only now.

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Thanks guys, shame that all those models are basically dead in our collections now but this is the way of things.


Would have been great to be able to play a pre-rubicon version of Grimaldus etc. I enjoyed playing him and his command squad from Helsreach together - I guess Crusade might still work.

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Thanks guys, shame that all those models are basically dead in our collections now but this is the way of things.


Would have been great to be able to play a pre-rubicon version of Grimaldus etc. I enjoyed playing him and his command squad from Helsreach together - I guess Crusade might still work.

Literally NOTHING is stopping you from using your Firstborn models with the new rules. At most some might need rebasing.

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Wait, there's only a Primaris option for the Emperor's Champion now?


I would've assumed they'd do what they've done with all the other specialists and have the firstborn option alongside the Primaris. 

Edited by Noctus Cornix
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Wait, there's only a Primaris option for the Emperor's Champion now?


I wouldn't assumed they'd do what they've done with all the other specialists and have the firstborn option alongside the Primaris. 


That is correct.


Also, do not confuse models with datasheets, guys.


You can use your old models for the new datasheets.  They will look a bit...dainty...in comparison to the new stuff, but you can use them.  You can put your old Emp's Champ on a 40mm base.  Hell I think technically, it's legal to use your original baby Emp Champ on a 25mm base.  Same with Helbrecht, as the rule is "use the base the model came with".

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The issue is GW don't want to put in the codex models they don't sell, and they don't want to keep the old models in production (as a Blood Angels player, I love the old Mephiston, but I wouldn't want anyone to buy it now the new one is out...)

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Wait, there's only a Primaris option for the Emperor's Champion now?


I wouldn't assumed they'd do what they've done with all the other specialists and have the firstborn option alongside the Primaris. 


That is correct.


Also, do not confuse models with datasheets, guys.


You can use your old models for the new datasheets.  They will look a bit...dainty...in comparison to the new stuff, but you can use them.  You can put your old Emp's Champ on a 40mm base.  Hell I think technically, it's legal to use your original baby Emp Champ on a 25mm base.  Same with Helbrecht, as the rule is "use the base the model came with".



Not sure if the base rule is specifically even in the rulebook these days (haven't checked chapter approved etc either), I believe they dropped it at some point - but from what I've seen events generally require the current base that datasheet's model would come with, even in our small local events. Mind you - I don't like the 25mm bases anyway, 32mm is clearly an improvement even for oldmarines. 40mm, well, more room to do stuff. Heck, my tiny metal Sisters Hospitaller is on a 50mm now. Hehe. Though as my Templars have been slacking posts-Primaris, I've yet to rebase them. Hoping that the GSW roller to rectify that will arrive this week.


Anyway, I digress - bases aside I'll just use the old Helbrecht and Grimaldus until the new ones come out and I can actually afford them after the army set drains my bank account come Saturday... meaning probably January at the earliest.

Edited by tvih
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