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New templars' armylist options

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so, we have heard it all. "we are no melee anymore" "5++ is OP" "crusaders rule" "sword brethren suck" "this and that combo are wild" and all these things.


i think these are all overreactions.


in this thread, i would like to present some options for a consistent, good armylist. not "use this or that unit", but ideas of what a cohesive whole could look like for the new codex.



I will start with some examples: (all include a bike chaplain with tannhauzers, at this point he is autotake)




-one 20-man crusader squad


-10 assault terminators/sword brethren

-several redemptors and multimelta bikes

in this example, you have one 20-man squad as lookout sir ablative wounds for helbrecht, who is a BEAST. you also have one big close combat unit, who receives 2 x devout push moves during turn one(in your turn and your opponent's), moving 11" plus advance. in turn two, they charge, having crossed the following distance: 10" normal move, 6" devout push, 1d6 w/reroll advance, 2d6 w/reroll charge. in total, 16+3d6", averaging 26" before even the rerolls. nasty turn 2. this is supported by a powerful gunline of redemptors and MM bikes, all with 5++.




-3 x redemptors

-3 x storm speeders

-2 x gladiator reapers

shooty shooty with 5++ , granting scoring ability to the redemptors. totals 1440 pts, so there are points for bike chappy, marshal and 3 cheap troops. in this setup, unkillable bike chappy gets rites of war.


other ideas?

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Well, what about the Invictor? Is T6 with 13W worth it to give the 5++? The average roll for 3d6 is 10 or 11 so lets say 4 shots with an antitank weapon that does d6 damage. So, it deploys forward with Concealed Positions, easily within charge range, especially after it moves. You cannot destroy it with 2 shots from a antitank weapon that does d6 damage. It is a stretch with 3 shots, and statistically that 5++ will save every third wound. I never pass a 5+ save of any kind so... But, so now it takes 4 shots (assuming no misses) to wreck or cripple the Invictor, because the average of 4d6 is 14. Unless that 5++ works, then you leave it with 2 wounds. 4 shot is an entire Devastator squad with Lascannons or Missile Launchers, it is 2 Multimeltas firing at it (1 Gladiator Valiant or 2 Invader ATVs).


Charging in vs S4 (Marines) or S5 (Tau) it is 6 to hit and 5+ to wound, but charging Guard or Cultists shooting at S3, it is 6 to hit and 6 to wound. So it could charge in first, and hopefully tie up a unit, then you can charge in without being overwatched when your Crusaders catch up. Would I try that with Ork or Tyranids, no, but Tau or Guard or Cultists, yes.


So, either a unit to charge right in after firing off all its guns, or as a fire magnet to draw antitank fire from other vehicles. I mean can an 13W Invictor draw enough antitank fire to keep your 12W Gladiator or your 16W Repulsor from being reduced to smoldering scrap?


Also, why does a Warsuit have one more wound than a Tank?!

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I actually think Grimaldus might be good enough to compete with the biker Chappy - phenomenal though he is. A 6+++ aura is really, really good news in a BT force. You can buy an apothecary of course, but Apothecaries don't give their buff to your Redemptors. Grimaldus does.


Of course there's a pretty good argument for just taking both Chaplains. Grimaldus can do BT stuff and the biker guy can do things out of the core book, maybe. There's less need to bring a Lieutenant if you've got lots of dreadnoughts, as they can replicate his aura.


I do like Invictors too. They feel a bit like a Storm Speeder that can punch things. I've had some success with my Crimson Fist ones because they can actually find things on T1 to use their D3 (for that turn only) autocannons on. Bear in mind that they aren't Core, and that anyway they'll tend to be operating quite a long way from anyone who could buff them.

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I think my first game will see me run something like:


Battalion + Vanguard#


- Helbrecht

- Bike Chaplain MoS (Shroud)

- 2* Foot Chaplains


- 2*10 Crusaders Squads (each buffed by Chaplain)

- 1*5 Infiltrators (for Backfield)


- 1*3 Bladeguard (+1WS/A/W jobbie on Sgt)

- Primaris Chief Apothecary (Selfless Healer)

- Bladeguard Ancient

- 2*Redemptor with Plasma

- Invictor with Incendiary Cannon


-1*3 Outriders (to run with Bike Chaplain)

- 2*ATV with Melta (to run infront of Impulsor to provide threat saturation)


- Impuslor with MultiMelta (Helbrecht, Bladeguard, Apothecary & Ancient ride here)


If points require it, I would drop the two Chaplains on foot and run it as a single Battalion.

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So here is my rough plan



Primaris Marshal: Plasma Pistol and Power Sword, Sword of Judgement


Primaris Chaplain:Tannhausers Bones


Emperor's Champion: Warlord and Heir: Frontline Commander and Paragon of Fury



6x Primaris Crusader Squads:1x Sword Brother, 4x Neophytes with Carbines, 3x Initiates with Auto Bolt Rifle, 2x Initiates with Power Fists



Primaris Apothecary: Chief Apothecary

2x Redemptor Dreadnoughts: Plasma, Onslaught, Storm Bolters


I will move two squads up one side of the board with a dread and Chaplain. Another two with Emperor's Champion and Apothecary. Another two with the other dread and the Marshal.


Alternatively I will drop one crusader squad to switch the Chaplain and Captain out with Grimaldus and Helbrecht.

Edited by General Strike
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So here is my rough plan



Primaris Marshal: Plasma Pistol and Power Sword, Sword of Judgement


Primaris Chaplain:Tannhausers Bones


Emperor's Champion: Warlord and Heir: Frontline Commander and Paragon of Fury



6x Primaris Crusader Squads:1x Sword Brother, 4x Neophytes with Carbines, 3x Initiates with Auto Bolt Rifle, 2x Initiates with Power Fists



Primaris Apothecary: Chief Apothecary

2x Redemptor Dreadnoughts: Plasma, Onslaught, Storm Bolters


I will move two squads up one side of the board with a dread and Chaplain. Another two with Emperor's Champion and Apothecary. Another two with the other dread and the Marshal.


Alternatively I will drop one crusader squad to switch the Chaplain and Captain out with Grimaldus and Helbrecht.

I like it! I wish you were local to playtest that. I have Raven Guard SM, Drukhari, and Admech. What a fun day that would be...

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So here is my rough plan



Primaris Marshal: Plasma Pistol and Power Sword, Sword of Judgement


Primaris Chaplain:Tannhausers Bones


Emperor's Champion: Warlord and Heir: Frontline Commander and Paragon of Fury



6x Primaris Crusader Squads:1x Sword Brother, 4x Neophytes with Carbines, 3x Initiates with Auto Bolt Rifle, 2x Initiates with Power Fists



Primaris Apothecary: Chief Apothecary

2x Redemptor Dreadnoughts: Plasma, Onslaught, Storm Bolters


I will move two squads up one side of the board with a dread and Chaplain. Another two with Emperor's Champion and Apothecary. Another two with the other dread and the Marshal.


Alternatively I will drop one crusader squad to switch the Chaplain and Captain out with Grimaldus and Helbrecht.

I like it! I wish you were local to playtest that. I have Raven Guard SM, Drukhari, and Admech. What a fun day that would be...

Same! That would be some awesome match ups.

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