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Its not all doom and gloom?

Dark Shepherd

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Crusade- particularly bespoke content for DE and SoB exceeding expectations- GW knocked this out of the park.


Ongoing development of SoB. Sisters of Battle comic.


Rumoured generic HQ for SoS (no model, but at least  datacard).


Crusade content for Rogue Traders! (Haven't seen it yet, so can't rave, but the fact it exists at all is massive).


Kill Team 2021- particularly WD support for it!


Hammer and Bolter is excellent.


McFarlane Genestealer Purestrain.




Like everyone else, looking forward to Chaos and CWE in 2022.

Edited by ThePenitentOne
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I'm also liking Warhammer TV.  Angels of Death is pretty cool, so is Loremasters and their painting tutorials.  I haven't watched their battle reports yet, but I've heard good things about them as well.


Crusade is a lot of fun.  Not every unit has to be hyper-optimized like competitive play, and are encouraged not to me.  For example, my Guard squads with special and heavy weapons are actually doing something (lasguns, sadly, not so much).   Tanks have dozer blades, track guards, HK missiles and Augur Arrays (which is used on HK missiles 90% of the time...) is really fun.


Funny thing is, meta armies in Crusade really doesn't get better.  Most have limited options, but weaker units (like Firstborn) usually have more options that cost points, but not PL.  So a command squad, which you won't take in a competitive game, can take 4 plasma guns and still be 2 PL.  Grey Hunters can take wolf totems, special weapons, etc, and still be 6PL.  So deck those units out like it's Christmas morning and go to town!



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Space Wolves successors - even if I'm not totally onboard with how they've handled them.

Yeah bittersweet for me that the successors are the Wolves to take competitively


It's more the way they've been handled in lore. I'm perfectly fine with the general idea. I know this isn't a complaining thread, but here goes. 


From the beginning of Primaris lore, we were told that all the 1st Founding Chapters have Ultima Founding successors. Successors, by their very nature, are going to be different from their parent chapter. Yet, GW seems reluctant to commit to this in full for the Space Wolves, as most successors of the 6th are virtually carbon copies. I cite two pieces of evidence to support this:


1. The constant back-and-forth on whether or not Primaris can become Wulfen. As of this writing, according to the 8th Codex, they can. This is a hurdle every Ultima Founding successor would have to overcome or mitigate. Yet, chapters like the Wolfspear - the only one we've gotten real elaboration on - range far from Fenris.


2. The Kin-Pack Declaration. For those of you not in the know, this is essentially an oath that most of the successor leadership swore to recognize Fenrisian traditions of organization et al. This limits how crazy you can get with organization when it comes to a Wolves successor. Unless they, for some reason, chose to not go along with it fully. 


My problem is that the Ultima Founding Wolves Successors seem to be on a trajectory to be carbon-copies of the parent chapter. It's weird, and in my opinion, wrongheaded. 

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Crusade is a lot of fun.  Not every unit has to be hyper-optimized like competitive play, and are encouraged not to me.  For example, my Guard squads with special and heavy weapons are actually doing something (lasguns, sadly, not so much).   Tanks have dozer blades, track guards, HK missiles and Augur Arrays (which is used on HK missiles 90% of the time...) is really fun.


Funny thing is, meta armies in Crusade really doesn't get better.  Most have limited options, but weaker units (like Firstborn) usually have more options that cost points, but not PL.  So a command squad, which you won't take in a competitive game, can take 4 plasma guns and still be 2 PL.  Grey Hunters can take wolf totems, special weapons, etc, and still be 6PL.  So deck those units out like it's Christmas morning and go to town!


Playing 40k outside of the "competitive" game mode really is a lot of fun.

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  • 1 month later...

I just came to collect Squats and chew bubble gum... And I'm all out of gum.


Enjoy the hobby, don't fret over small stuff, live long and prosper.


2022 is right on the corner and I'm 20 years in this hobby and still enjoying it albeit in a slightly different way.

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jealous of you guys getting games in, at this point I cant remember my last one!


I did base some models for the first time in a while today, so thats a positive, maybe 2022 will be the year i manage to get myself back into hobby mode properly?!

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New Chaos Space Marines and Eldar are a great thing, loving that we've got those coming.

As mentioned, new HH stuff coming has me very excited as well, looking forward to the stuff coming next year. If we're lucky, MK II will make it to plastic, that'd be so cool.

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  • 4 months later...

Everybody i know who plays tempest has nothing but good things to say about it.

If you mean the cards, clearly the guy that designed that on the side and got it released is doing a fine job, if their description of how that happened was correct.
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The plastic Spartan has interchangeable hull weapons, being twin heavy flamers or twin lascannons. This is HUGE. Why you might ask?


As far as I know, the resin Spartan did not have options for alternative hull weapons (despite IA: Compendium having option for twin heavy flamers).


Now, my favourite tank from Forge World is the Malcador Heavy Tank. Now, assuming it is remade in plastic we could see a single kit make:

  • Malcador Heavy Tank (battle cannon)
  • Malcador Annihilator (twin lascannon turret, demolisher hull)
  • Malcador Defender (alternate turret with 5 heavy bolters, demolisher hull)

Why stop there? Why not add in some new turret options? The Malcador will finally cease being the laughing stock when I field 2-3 of them...I can feel it.

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