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Batreps to be. What did you think I was referring to?:wink:

I notice some batreps try to go like LotR on us, with epic lengths of like 3+ hours. Yeah, i may watch the army lists then skip to the end.

Some are like 30 minuites, which is kinda short but can be worth watching.

If a batrep involves armies i want to see going at it, i may watch a 60-90 minute one completely. past that i may start skippng ahead a bit.

It’s more about pace for me. Some 60 minute batreps cram loads of stuff in because they’re able to move along quite briskly which is great. However some 90 minute ones are only 90 minutes because they spend ages on bits they should be able to get done a lot quicker.


Basically, I don’t mind the length so long as it feels like it’s moving along at a good pace.

For Batreps, I would like to see written lists at the start. I have a hard time following someone's "Um... yeah, and this guy.... oh, I forgot to mention the Captain's taking a relic, and..."


Also, I really like the professional approach GW has taken on Warhammer+ batreps.


Look at what can be done in D&D, with the production values and quality of productions like Critical Role. There is a big gap in the market for professional Warhammer BatReps.


There is no excuse any more for shoddy camera angles, poor lighting, uneven audio, mumbling presenters.

Edited by byrd9999

Depends on what I'm looking to get out of it.


I usually don't watch batreps from start to finish, I learn what the lists are and skip to the end to see the result. I'll skip back to turns to figure out how they got there. Occasionally, I go back to the start and just let it play.


So time isn't the deciding factor, the list design and game outcome matter more. A fluffy list isn't as interesting as a competitive list, a blow out isn't as interesting as a pitched battle. I can sit through 60 minutes of any batrep while doing something else. But I will pay attention to each roll of the dice when it's a highly tactical game with high-risk maneuvers that affect the outcome.


What really matters is the skill level of the player. Players don't need to articulate their decisions, I can judge most actions in a game for myself. I just don't have time for a video of two people learning 40k, making sub-optimal choices, don't know their armies, and completely lack in personality. I want to come away from a batrep feeling like I learned something and enjoyed getting to know the presenters. I don't want a mechanical presentation of dice rolls permeated by shouts and gibberish. Some of the more popular channels struggle with signal to noise ratio.

No more than two hours is fine. Also I hate live batreps as they are the most lazy approach to filming them.

Live is pretty boring. "Semi-live" is cool though. As in, they cut out some of the movement and dice rolling to speed things up but otherwise leave it as-is.

One of the things I really get bored of is watching dice rolls that don’t matter. I don’t mean they don’t matter to the outcome of the game but rather the unit is shooting something like 60 shots but they’ve buffed it with hit/wound modifiers and rerolls to the point that the outcome is pretty mathematically certain. There’s no point watching that as there’s no suspense or gravity to the dice roll.


I tend to prefer watching 30k battle reports for this reason, for a start there’s less dice anyway but the outcome of the roll is generally the outcome and it’s generally much less predictable.

Yeah I know. Reading a play out loud for example, would take twice as long as reading in your head. All I’m saying is I’m gonna look a right hypocrite criticising my kids for their excessive YouTube / Twitch viewing of “other people playing video games” unless I can sneak much shorter videos of “other people playing Warhammer”

Yeah I know. Reading a play out loud for example, would take twice as long as reading in your head. All I’m saying is I’m gonna look a right hypocrite criticising my kids for their excessive YouTube / Twitch viewing of “other people playing video games” unless I can sneak much shorter videos of “other people playing Warhammer”




40k in 40min

Yeah, I've watched several those and they're done pretty well. Not crazy about the cutaways to the 40k professional coach guy, but they're entertaining.

No more than 90mins, preferably. Sweet spot for me is about 60mins. These fit painting sessions nicely.


For the love of the Chaos gods, have a script prepared when introducing or explaining your armies. I don't just mean have your roster on hand; I mean you should know exactly what you are about to say when you go over your force. I usually skip army lists because I just find them so boring the way they are explained.

I prefer short battle reports anything from 15 to 30 minuets is good. I don't have too much interest in any more material than is necessary to watch them. Not much interested in all the granular information in the army lists or every single dice roll. I don't care about the personalities on the channels or their inside jokes or how they are trying to compete with the algorithm.  Just the battle reports. Short and to the point is all I want. 

Personally, I like them to be right around an hour. I tend to like the ones with well painted armies, so I don't mind when they go over their armies in depth. I don't want to see every roll though.


I get where Warhead01 is coming from, but I'd rather read one in that style. If the people aren't entertaining, I'm not going to waste my time with it. I will admit I like the written ones more than most of the youtube ones.

40k in 40min

 I think these guy's have hit the sweet spot.  40K in 40mins delivers sweet production, post production, and in that time the important parts are covered with enough time to see the set up and the resolution.   


They also do Kill Team, have done Apocalypse games, and some interactive campaigns  with other channels.  Definitely worth the time to watch a Bat Rep or two and decide for yourself.

I dont really bother as most people seem to meta chase and just use the new cool stuff, or some presenters really wind me up (looking at you Dave from MWG), not looked at any official ones yet as I doubt GW could do any better.

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