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=] The 12 Months of Hobby 2022 [=


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Alright... I was going to do another fire team of Purestrains for March...


But then I saw the Challenge + stuff today. And if I can finish a Fire Team of Threshers for March instead of Purestrains, I can actually field a mixed GSC Primogenitor Cult by combining them with my recently completed Purestrain Fire Team.


So this is a double pledge!


I, ThePenitentOne, pledge this Thresher Fire Team for the March Challenge of 12 Months of Hobby.


March Challenge

I, ThePenitentOne, further pledge that this Fire Team will combine with my Genestealer Purestrain Fire Team from February to complete a Genestealer Cult Primogenitor Kill Team for the Q1 "What if?" Challenge +. The rules for Primogenitor Kill Teams will be posted by the end of March as well.
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Well, for March, I would like to make progress on my vow for Anger and Arrogance. :p


So I, Valkia the Bloody, vow to finish painting a unit of 5 Night Lord Terminators and an Aspiring Champion.

Maybe I also manage to do Fabius Bile.


Pictures of the unpainted miniatures can be found on page 1 of this thread as well as in the Anger and Arrogance Chaos thread.

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In the middle of a house move so not going to be cocky with my vow for March. Two models. I can do this. (Also this is the third month with a different army's models as my vow. This is why I never finish a full force for anything.)


I, Doobles88, vow to complete in the month of March two Necron Canoptek Spyders.



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For my sort of, not really What If? Challenge, finally got the bits for the Black Sentinel Warders in. These will go with the other sixteen Black Sentinels in the to-be-painted pile on my desk, hopefully to be painted next month...



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I, Wolf Guard Einar , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of March pledge to complete 3 Flamestorm Aggressors by month's end.


If I get them done quick I will vow more.



20220303 145837

Vow Complete :)


20220303 144032

Full squad complete :)
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I, Majkhel of the Blood Angels, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of March pledge to complete 2 Invader ATVs for the glory of the Angel by month's end.


One needs paintjob and weapon upgrade, another is being built as we speak.

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I'll add on to my vow for this month- the three damaged Inceptors that I didn't finish in November, because I think I'll be taking them to a tournament... So that will be total for March- 4 Assault Intercessors, 3 Inceptors, 2 Victrix Honor Guard, 1 Impulsor transport, 1 Primaris Lieutenant, and 1 Phobos Captain. 



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That middle Grey Slayer... Isn't he a bit, well, Nurgley? For some reason, the feet all remind me of Death Guard, but the chest plate on the middle one tips it over the edge. Is it a conversion of some sort?


Like Doobles, I'm moving house this month (or out of a spare room back into a house, fingers crossed), so I'm keeping it simple with a lone sanctus (with dagger, because the potential for dropping 12 mortal wounds on someone in a single round of combat is too good to pass up).


IMG 20220302 WA0000


I, Rogue, pledge to complete a single Sanctus before the end of March.

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Yep they're all true scale based off the Death Guard Plague Marines. I know about the center one, just wanted to have one of those plates in the unit which will be of 20 eventually and find some good backstory on how he's the biggest mead drinker of the legion.


That middle Grey Slayer... Isn't he a bit, well, Nurgley? For some reason, the feet all remind me of Death Guard, but the chest plate on the middle one tips it over the edge. Is it a conversion of some sort?


Like Doobles, I'm moving house this month (or out of a spare room back into a house, fingers crossed), so I'm keeping it simple with a lone sanctus (with dagger, because the potential for dropping 12 mortal wounds on someone in a single round of combat is too good to pass up).




I, Rogue, pledge to complete a single Sanctus before the end of March.

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Fair enough - thanks for clearing that up. And I like the idea that he's just a big lad with a liking for mead and a friendly armourer who's prepared to accommodate him.
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